[Coworking] New Oakland (CA) space: BizDevHouse; open house tomorrow, opens Sep. 2

2008-08-20 Thread Raines Cohen, Coworking Coach

Did the Mayor declare this coworking week in Oakland or something
while I was outta town? East Bay spaces in general and Oakland spaces
in particular seem to be proliferating all of a sudden.

There's not just Derby Creek Coworking Cooperative on Telegraph Ave.
in North Oakland at the Berkeley border fresh on the scene (where this
past Monday's orientation meeting featuring a Concord coworking space
creator, a Berkeley Coworking founder, and my long-lost college
housing coop roommate is a topic for another post). It's not just a
loft space in West Oakland looking to ride on coworking's coattails
with a third space community center. It's much more than the meeting
last night at a co-creative incubator-esque social-venture shared
space that's been together since 2003 just two blocks from my home,
NextNow Collaborator. What popped up today on my radar is another new
coworking space in Oaktown.

BizDevHouse is in the lower Oakland hills/Glenview area, in what looks
like a house (a la Cambridge's BetaHouse) a block off of the
neighborhood's community-oriented commercial strip (Park Street),
close to the Montclair neighborhood and MacArthur bus corridor (with
frequent 24-hour transbay service) and 580/13 freeways, one exit up
from Grand/Lakeshore business district and Lake Merritt/downtown, near
Piedmont and the Parkway Speakeasy Picture-Pub-Pizza theatre with
sofas, and also close to the Dimond District and upper Fruitvale
neighborhoods. A couple of miles from the BART subway, with a little
hill-climbing involved; a similar trek from Berkeley or the downtown
Oakland/Oaksterdam, Piedmont, or Rockridge neighborhoods.


(in case of link breakage, try this:
http://tinyurl.com/BizDevHouseMap )

I first learned of BizDevHouse via a MeetUp alert this morning. It
officially opens September 2 (please remove all playa dust before
bringing in your laptop), and seems to feature iPhone app developers
and seeks Mac developers and creative tech folks in general. Another
listing adds Marketing people to the list, promising a great place
for people who can work virtually but understand the value of creative

BizDevHouse WP blog featuring just the obligatory Hello, World post
so far:

BizDevHouse MeetUp group:

Open House upcoming.org event listing:
This Thurs, 4-8 PM

Craig's List ad, including photos:

BizDevHouse 360-degree video badly in need of a musical soundtrack,
not to mention a 2.0 version with the camera pointed outwards:

Here's some free tips from your Coworking Coach (yep, that's me),
worth what you paid for 'em:

1. You're doing the right things in terms of visibility, but if you
don't cross-link 'em, they don't help build your outreach network.
This message should suffice for the 'post here' checklist item.

I added you to Google Maps generally and the coworking map in
particular while creating the map link above; coworking wiki and main
coworking blog posts are also quite helpful and relevant.

2. In Real Estate it's Location, Location, Location. In coworking
it's Location. Community. Opportunity.

Include more about the people and the vision - names, links, photos,
bios, videos, stories, their visions for the space. Don't expect
potential coworkers to be able to visualize the full potential from
your photos of the empty space (as your C-L post seems to
acknowledge). Or to necessarily have the same shared vision (or
visions with sufficient overlap), leading to potential conflict down
the road.

Include something about prices, management structure, hours, etc. If
you don't know yet, that's fine, just say so; err on the side of full
disclosure (but ask the Citizen Space founders Tara and Chris about
where to draw the line) and people will better be able to calibrate
their responses and engage most effectively.

3. Give more than 36 hours advance notice for an open house,
especially for a just-created MeetUp and not-yet-heavily linked blog,
for an event starting during business hours in a location that's more
than a walk away for most.

4. Lose the dash: co-working is so 2007! ;-)

I'm looking forward to seeing the space and meeting the people behind
it. Based on certain clues embedded in the sites linked above, I think
I already know some of 'em.

Raines Cohen, Coworking Coach


Planning for Sustainable Communities (Berkeley, CA)
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[Coworking] Re: Introducing myself: ATL-based, trying to create coworking space

2008-08-20 Thread Blake Perdue

Thanks Alex. Well, a guy in Atlanta has organized a meetup for those
interested in coworking. It's Aug 26th and the details can be found



On Aug 18, 10:30 pm, Alex Hillman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There are a LOT of people talking about coworking in the Atlanta area. From
 where I'm standing (which is admittedly about 800 miles away), there needs
 to be some sort of coworking meetup that's broadcast to the community to get
 everyone on the same page!

 Once the whole scene is in one place, I think it will be clearer what
 specific communities exist and what their needs are, and how coworking can
 help with that scene.

 In the mean time...get to action! There are a few others from Atlanta in
 this list, and I'm in touch with a number of others who have been inquiring.

 If we can do anything to help facilitate getting the scene together in ATL,
 you've certainly come to the right place!

 -Alex, IndyHall

 Alex Hillman
 im always developing something

 On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 9:55 PM, Blake Perdue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  My name is Blake Perdue (http://blakeperdue.com), I'm a graduate
  student at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. I work part-time at a startup
  incubator (http://atdc.org). We're trying to learn as much as we can
  about coworking, the challenges of creating a space, pitfalls to
  avoid, etc as we look to create a coworking space in our office.

  I hope to learn much from you all and thank you for your attention.

  p: 404-385-2181
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[Coworking] Re: Press results

2008-08-20 Thread felicity at cubes

CubesCrayons gets quite a bit of press just because it is different.
In terms of butts in the seat (BITS as we call them), the small local
press has yielded about 15% of our BITS.  We get the best out of
word of mouth.

Like Tara said, the larger press and TV has mostly yielded inquiries
from investors, people who want to franchise the model, or potential
partners.  The press seems to be a bit more of a time sync than
an actual way to get butts in the seat.

Having said that, several of our straight coworkers (not with kids)
have found out about us from local press.  And I do think for
newer spaces it generates excitement in the local community
and some validation.  We mostly use our press as we go after
corporations to provide better flexible work options for their
employees AND to pay for it.

All the best,

SPACE: www.cubesandcrayons.com
BLOG: cubes.typepad.com/blog
PERSONAL BLOG: cubes.typepad.com/cake

On Aug 19, 10:56 pm, Derek Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Re: generations:

 At least in this town, there isn't much of a generational thing going on.
 Our primary core tends to be GenX, but our first signed member was a
 second/third career consultant in her fifties. Our biggest challenge with
 most of the GenY we've dealt with is that the ones that come through the
 door tend to be aspirational about working independently. They don't
 necessarily have their core businesses in a mature enough state where they
 can sustain the 'rent' of a space. Individuals that have been working from
 home/coffee shops for at least a year are the ones that have had staying
 power. Those that are just starting out, tend to last a month or two before
 fading away.

 However - back to the press question - the articles in the MSM have brought
 us a much older group than the word of mouth referrals.

 Derek Young

 On 8/19/08 9:24 PM, axon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So far we have five new members.  We've done no promotion whatsoever,
  and we won't even be open for another month or so.

  I've got an interview with the local daily tomorrow, and the
  entertainment weekly is planning to do some sort of feature.  But I'm
  not holding my breath.  We're going to do a big honkin grand opening
  (and I hope @missrogue can attend), but even though we'll promote it
  as a networking event (and we have some cred in this area), my inside
  midnight guess is that it will be a bunch of backslapping
  grip'n'grinners who won't convert.

  The key thing I've teased out of my analyses is that this is a
  millennial generation thing.  Not that older folks would be excluded
  or anything, but the core segment for this is the genYers.  They live
  on 2.0, and couldn't be bothered to wipe their noses on the MSM.
  We'll certainly show the flag, at least as long as it's free, but I
  feel confident our community will find itself through word of net.


  On Aug 19, 1:49 pm, Derek Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here are a couple things:

  About 10% of our committed monthly users (which works out to 2) came via
  press articles in the local business weekly and the big local paper. The
  rest came from word of mouth, pre-existing friends, and friends of friends.
  Our holiday party filled half our current seats.

  Ink has given us a lot of traffic that doesn¹t convert. Each time we end up
  in print, we find ourselves giving a lot of tours. These have resulted in a
  butt-in-the-seat less than 5% of the time. When someone walks in our doors
  via a word of mouth referral, we¹re able to get them to commit greater than
  50% of the time.

  Where it gets murky is that some of our word-of-mouth referrals came from
  people that both knew us and were reminded of us by the newspaper/magazine

  Derek Young

  On 8/19/08 9:40 AM, Tara Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Has anyone tracked how getting ink/television appearances/etc. has helped

  I still find that almost all of our inquiries that turn out to become
  or desk owners are word of mouth. We haven't had a single committer via 
  press. Of course, there are loads of inquiries that I get at Citizen Space
  partnerships, pitches and general interest in the idea of coworking from 
  press articles...

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[Coworking] Re: Events and Membership?

2008-08-20 Thread Alex Hillman
Maybe you don't have a membership level that is attractive to them?

Why not talk to the people coming to events and find out on what level
they'd be interested in becoming members? Our basic membership, for
instance, is cheap enough ($25/month) for people to join simply to support
our interest in hosting events. Think of it like an association fee. On top
of that, we're releasing a new internal/external event policy for another
stream of revenue for us.


Alex Hillman
im always developing something
visual: www.dangerouslyawesome.com
local: www.indyhall.org

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:40 AM, felicity at cubes 

 This is a question mostly to space owners but also
 to all of those who use coworking spaces.  Do you
 find that events generate more members?  If you
 are a member of a coworking space, do you go to
 the events on a regular basis?

 We are finding we get decent attendance at our
 events but they do not lead to getting more
 members and I am debating the benefit of them.
 Any thoughts are appreciated.

 CubesCrayons Coworking

 SPACE: www.cubesandcrayons.com
 BLOG: cubes.typepad.com/blog
 PERSONAL BLOG: cubes.typepad.com/cake


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[Coworking] Introduction - ideabrian - BizDevHouse - Coworking Oakland, CA

2008-08-20 Thread ideabrian

Hi all,

Finally getting around to joining this list and introducing myself.
I'm Brian Ball. My wife Cheryl and I have been throwing around the
idea of joining the co-working community.

We're taking a craftsman-style home we have in Oakland and are opening
it up. While this is all new, scary, and experimental, we know the
value of meeting people and collaboration - so that's what we're
focusing on.

Raines, the coworking coach - gave us lots of good input and he's in
our backyard - so we may have to figure out how to engage his

There's an open-house this thursday (August, 21st where we'll be
hanging out and just talking about the value of co-working over some
beers, cookies, and the sound of a couple little people jumping

If you're in Oakland and want to see what we're up to, I've posted the
link on Upcoming:


I look forward to being part of a great community.


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[Coworking] My Intro - Trying to Set up a Cowo Space in North Jersey

2008-08-20 Thread imaca_007

Hi all,

My name is Igor Alves and I am interested in founding a coworking
space in North Jersey.  I have introduced myself privately to a few of
the coworking guys in NYC and Philly but I feel I should drop a note
to everyone on this amazing Google Group.

I have been following along for the last 2-3 months as I decided if I
was into this project for real and seeing the passion, spirit of
collaboration and creativity of the people on here (the coworking
pioneers!) has really pushed me ahead further than I would have
otherwise... for that I am already indebted to you all.

I am looking at Newark, Jersey City or Montclair as my target
locations... I am currently searching for the ideal space within my
ideal budget...  and I have recruited some excellent people to help
with different facets of the venture I would love to hear from anyone
interested in being a coworker if a space would open up at these
locations or from anyone that may have a lead or interest on real
estate properties for lease / rent / sale that would be great for

I have started a blog that has a bit more info about me and the idea:
http://coworkingnj.com for anyone interested.

I thank the community in advance for all the support and I hope I can
also be of help some time in the near future...



P.S. Soon I hope to post up some semi-academic thoughts about what I
think coworking represents and maybe you will be interested in
responding to that...

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[Coworking] Re: Events and Membership?

2008-08-20 Thread Tony Bacigalupo
Hi Felicity,

What kinds of events are they? Do they foster good relationships between the

I'm wondering what kinds of events work better than others... Alex? Have you
gotten any vibe from the wide variety of events you guys have run?

Tony Bacigalupo
New Work City / CooperBricolage / Jelly

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:40 AM, felicity at cubes 

 This is a question mostly to space owners but also
 to all of those who use coworking spaces.  Do you
 find that events generate more members?  If you
 are a member of a coworking space, do you go to
 the events on a regular basis?

 We are finding we get decent attendance at our
 events but they do not lead to getting more
 members and I am debating the benefit of them.
 Any thoughts are appreciated.

 CubesCrayons Coworking

 SPACE: www.cubesandcrayons.com
 BLOG: cubes.typepad.com/blog
 PERSONAL BLOG: cubes.typepad.com/cake


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[Coworking] Re: Events and Membership?

2008-08-20 Thread felicity at cubes

Interesting...for us we get a lot of people at the events who aren't
going to become coworkers and/or wouldn't use the flexible childcare
in our
space.  We have some member only events that do garner socializing and
are usually a fairly big hit.  We are looking at hitting the events
that will
bring the teleworker/commuter in.  For us, if they don't have kids, it
costs $20/half day of work, so the price of admissions is low.  I
think that is the barrier.

Would love to hear what kinds of events other people have found to
increase membership.  It's great to have a variety of events but we
like to use our events as a marketing tool, and to do that we want to
make sure the events appeal to the coworking audience, and that might
be where we miss the sweet spot.  Thoughts?


On Aug 20, 9:19 am, Tony Bacigalupo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Felicity,

 What kinds of events are they? Do they foster good relationships between the

 I'm wondering what kinds of events work better than others... Alex? Have you
 gotten any vibe from the wide variety of events you guys have run?

 Tony Bacigalupo
 New Work City / CooperBricolage / Jelly

 On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:40 AM, felicity at cubes 


  This is a question mostly to space owners but also
  to all of those who use coworking spaces.  Do you
  find that events generate more members?  If you
  are a member of a coworking space, do you go to
  the events on a regular basis?

  We are finding we get decent attendance at our
  events but they do not lead to getting more
  members and I am debating the benefit of them.
  Any thoughts are appreciated.

  CubesCrayons Coworking

  BLOG: cubes.typepad.com/blog
  PERSONAL BLOG: cubes.typepad.com/cake
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[Coworking] Re: Carrboro Coworking in NC has a lease

2008-08-20 Thread Alex Hillman
Congrats! Tons of new spaces signing/opening soon! Can't wait to watch the
map grow and have more places to come visit :).

-Alex, IndyHall

Alex Hillman
im always developing something
visual: www.dangerouslyawesome.com
local: www.indyhall.org

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 8:55 PM, BrianR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Carrboro Creative Coworking now has a lease for office space at 205
 Lloyd Street, Suite 101 in downtown Carrboro, NC! It's 3,049 square
 feet and has nine small offices, two conference rooms, a kitchen, and
 public work space. The TARGET opening date for CCC is Wednesday,
 October 1, 2008. Stay tuned for exact dates and grand opening party
 info. :)


 p.s. all the new news as it happens at www.carrborocoworking.com


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[Coworking] Re: Carrboro Coworking in NC has a lease

2008-08-20 Thread Tara Hunt
OMG Brian! Congratulations x 1 million! I know you have worked hard for this
day. Looking forward to the grand opening!

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 6:58 PM, Alex Hillman

 Congrats! Tons of new spaces signing/opening soon! Can't wait to watch the
 map grow and have more places to come visit :).

 -Alex, IndyHall

 Alex Hillman
 im always developing something
 visual: www.dangerouslyawesome.com
 local: www.indyhall.org

 On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 8:55 PM, BrianR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Carrboro Creative Coworking now has a lease for office space at 205
 Lloyd Street, Suite 101 in downtown Carrboro, NC! It's 3,049 square
 feet and has nine small offices, two conference rooms, a kitchen, and
 public work space. The TARGET opening date for CCC is Wednesday,
 October 1, 2008. Stay tuned for exact dates and grand opening party
 info. :)


 p.s. all the new news as it happens at www.carrborocoworking.com


tara 'missrogue' hunt
Citizen Agency (www.citizenagency.com)
blog: www.horsepigcow.com
phone: 415-694-1951
fax: 415-727-5335

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[Coworking] Re: Carrboro Coworking in NC has a lease

2008-08-20 Thread BrianR

Thanks Tara and Alex. You two have been very inspiring! :)

On Aug 20, 10:00 pm, Tara Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OMG Brian! Congratulations x 1 million! I know you have worked hard for this
 day. Looking forward to the grand opening!

 On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 6:58 PM, Alex Hillman

  Congrats! Tons of new spaces signing/opening soon! Can't wait to watch the
  map grow and have more places to come visit :).

  -Alex, IndyHall

  Alex Hillman
  im always developing something
  digital: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 8:55 PM, BrianR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Carrboro Creative Coworking now has a lease for office space at 205
  Lloyd Street, Suite 101 in downtown Carrboro, NC! It's 3,049 square
  feet and has nine small offices, two conference rooms, a kitchen, and
  public work space. The TARGET opening date for CCC is Wednesday,
  October 1, 2008. Stay tuned for exact dates and grand opening party
  info. :)


  p.s. all the new news as it happens atwww.carrborocoworking.com

 tara 'missrogue' hunt
 Citizen Agency (www.citizenagency.com)
 phone: 415-694-1951
 fax: 415-727-5335
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