> *How did you market to begin growing your community?*

Your best "marketing" will be direct invitations, in two forms.

1 - you reaching out to specific people and inviting them to come, and
2 - you encouraging your existing members to do the same!

Also, don't feel like everything needs to be run by you. Are there other
things that are going on that your community could attend/participate in

*How did you keep the community engaged? *

Engagement is a lousy metric IMO. It tends to lead to all kinds of stuff
designed to distract and demand attention, and inevitably burn people out
(including yourself).

Instead, the one main metric I focus on is that people feel connected.
- What "onramps" to interacting with other members do you have? Are they
tied directly to things that your members already do, or want to do?
- Are your "onramps" accessible? To who? Who are you leaving out,
intentionally or accidentally? (Not saying you have to include EVERYBODY at
once - but I've learned to recognize my blind spots for people who'd love
to participate but, for instance, don't like going to bars.)
- Is it easy for new members to connect with existing members, even in
small group and 1-1 settings?
- Is there some regular rhythm of support and encouragement for these kinds
of interactions? i.e. if people miss one opportunity, is there another one
coming up again soon?

Any advice on events I should host in order to keep momentum?


> Is it too early to look for a space?

Are your members ready to put their money where their mouth is? How many?
Would they write a check for 1-3 months of membership today?

If so, then maybe...but don't forget to do it WITH them.

If not, then yeah it's too early.

> Funding? Sponsors?

For what?

> What did you do for social media outreach?

Talk to people like a person. :)


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