Are you kidding, of course that is normal, omg....!!!

Best of luck.. and believe me your members will eventually help out and it
gets easier with each event. And, it gets really cool to see how people want
to join in and participate. So get some rest now and push later and then

Hope to come visit sometime soon.

WHERE: Work Lounge for Creatives
1519 Griffith Park Blvd, LA/ CA USA
Facebook, Twitter @wheremmm

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Matt Titsworth <>wrote:

> We're exactly one week away from the Company|Dallas launch. May 20th
> will be the big day, and I invite everybody on the user group
> (especially those in the DFW area) to come by. We've got a stocked
> fridge, Desks, chairs, tables, internet, and a Semantic web Workshop
> for the kick off. We've been getting the word out and moving our butts
> to let as many people as possible know, and I think we're almost
> ready.
> Still, I have this wierd butterfly feeling in my gut, Is that normal?
> Matthew TItsworth
> Company|Dallas
> twitter: @companydallas
> >

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