Re: CMSP 17. Better formalization of license field

2009-10-10 Thread David E. Wheeler

On Oct 10, 2009, at 6:32 PM, David Golden wrote:

17.01) Enumerate a list of license strings explicitly in the spec,
rather than by reference to Module::Build::API.  Currently, the list


17.02) Make the license field an arrayref rather than a scalar.
Change the definition to have the field be a list of all license which
might apply to the distribution, either as alternatives or for
different subcomponents.

+1 as long as it could also be a scalar, for backcompat and for cases  
where there's just one.

17.03) Make the license field optional (defaulting to 'unknown')

-1 I hate when I need to figure out the license for something and  
can't find it.

17.04) Instead of license being a list of valid strings, define it as
a Software::License subclass name (which implies an API standad that
can be used to get information about the license like display name and

-1 Map the strings to subclass names.

17.05) Make the "$meta->{resources}->{license}" field an optional
hashref with name/URL pairs for providing short names and URLs for use
by indexers.  (These might get populated by Software::License, of
course.)  N.B. This option is probably redundant if 17.02 and 17.04
are adopted.

+1 I like being able to add an explicit URL; that's not covered by  
17.02 or 17.04.



Re: CMSP 17. Better formalization of license field

2009-10-10 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 7:50 AM, David Golden  wrote:
> 17. Better formalization of license field
> Proposal:
> Replace the list of strings for the "license" field with something
> extensible and unambiguous. (RicardoSignes)

This discussion is going in circles, I think.  I'd like to break it
down to a number of specific sub-proposals and get people's reactions
to them individually.  These sub-proposals are not all mutually
exclusive, so if you want to react to them as clusters, that's fine,

17.01) Enumerate a list of license strings explicitly in the spec,
rather than by reference to Module::Build::API.  Currently, the list


Additional strings (e.g. 'mixed' or additional licenses) could be
added if deemed necessary.

17.02) Make the license field an arrayref rather than a scalar.
Change the definition to have the field be a list of all license which
might apply to the distribution, either as alternatives or for
different subcomponents.

17.03) Make the license field optional (defaulting to 'unknown')

17.04) Instead of license being a list of valid strings, define it as
a Software::License subclass name (which implies an API standad that
can be used to get information about the license like display name and

17.05) Make the "$meta->{resources}->{license}" field an optional
hashref with name/URL pairs for providing short names and URLs for use
by indexers.  (These might get populated by Software::License, of
course.)  N.B. This option is probably redundant if 17.02 and 17.04
are adopted.

-- David

Re: CMSP 17. Better formalization of license field

2009-10-10 Thread David E. Wheeler

On Oct 10, 2009, at 5:21 PM, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:


 The distribution is licensed under the terms of the GNU  
General Public

 License (

What version?

There are numerous other ambiguous cases.

Likewise, (the same as) "perl" isn't unambiguous enough for the
truly/duly paranoid.  They want to know what brand of morning cereal
Larry was eating when he wrote a particular Perl.

license: Lucky Charms


Re: CMSP 17. Better formalization of license field

2009-10-10 Thread Jarkko Hietaniemi
Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * Zefram  [2009-10-10T19:05:20]
>> David Golden wrote:
>>> Replace the list of strings for the "license" field with something
>>> extensible and unambiguous. (RicardoSignes)
>> The existing strings *are* unambiguous, and extensible to new
>> widely-used licenses.
> Example:
>   gpl
>   The distribution is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
>   License (
> What version?
> There are numerous other ambiguous cases.

Likewise, (the same as) "perl" isn't unambiguous enough for the
truly/duly paranoid.  They want to know what brand of morning cereal
Larry was eating when he wrote a particular Perl.

Re: CMSP 17. Better formalization of license field

2009-10-10 Thread Ricardo Signes
* Zefram  [2009-10-10T19:05:20]
> David Golden wrote:
> >Replace the list of strings for the "license" field with something
> >extensible and unambiguous. (RicardoSignes)
> The existing strings *are* unambiguous, and extensible to new
> widely-used licenses.



  The distribution is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
  License (

What version?

There are numerous other ambiguous cases.


Re: CMSP 17. Better formalization of license field

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
>Replace the list of strings for the "license" field with something
>extensible and unambiguous. (RicardoSignes)

The existing strings *are* unambiguous, and extensible to new
widely-used licenses.  It seems convenient for this information to be
fully machine-understandable, in those cases that are adequately described
by a widely-used license.  In the unusual cases where no defined keyword
suffices, machine readability (beyond recognising that this is the case)
is a lot less important.


Re: CMSP 14. Prerequisites should be mutually exclusive

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
>Modules should only be listed once across all prerequisite categories.

Strongly opposed.  It's possible for a single module to be required in
more than one phase, possibly for independent reasons and possibly with
different minimum versions.  If the module must be listed only once then
the dependencies that an install tool must gather for one of the phases
would have to implicitly include all the dependencies listed for the
other phase.  It would grossly compromise the separation of phases.


Re: CMSP 13. Add a post_depends set

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
>  especially handy for case of circular dependencies, where the A requires
>  B at runtime, but B requires A at build time. (kentnl)

Isn't this just the difference between build_requires and (runtime_)requires?
I'm not seeing a difference between the latter and post_requires.


Re: CMSP 12. Allow Sequences (Arrays) for Prereqs

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
>Right now, to the best of my knowledge, the only benefit of a the magic
>"Bundle::" namespace is that its prerequisites can be declared in optimal
>installation order.

This is a very dubious feature.  If it is desirable at all, the
mutually-dependent module is the wrong place for this information.


Re: CMSP 11. OS/arch/platform-specific requirements

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
> os_requires:
>   Linux:
> Linux::Hax: 0

Eww.  I'm not totally opposed to having OS-specific prerequisites, but
this mechanism is way too specific.  This area should be tackled, if at
all, by a fully generalised facility for combining prerequisites in ways
other than the fixed AND that is currently implicit.  I'd quite like to
be able to say "must have either Math::BigInt or Math::GMP", for example,
if that's what I actually need, rather than having to pick one and require
it absolutely.  That sort of simple case, with ordinary CPAN modules,
seems more useful than anything using the OS type as a prerequisite.


Re: CMSP 09. Clarify intent of 'recommends' and add 'suggests'

2009-10-10 Thread David Golden
On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Zefram  wrote:
> David Golden wrote:
>>The 'recommends' flag is not equivalent to Debian recommends.  The intent
>>should be made clear for authors and the toolchain.  If the Debian
>>definitions are adopted to better match usage by packagers, a 'suggests'
>>field should be added as well. (Adam Kennedy)
> There's too little that we can meaningfully do with optional dependencies,
> so introducing another flavour of them wouldn't help.  The only
> consistently meaningful way to handle recommendations of non-prerequisite
> modules is to describe them, and the intended interaction, in the current
> module's documentation.  The META file is completely the wrong place
> for this sort of information.

That's not necessarily true. It would be a relatively trivial change
to have CPAN/PLUS attempt to install recommends (or suggests/prefers,
whatever) -- with or without a prompt -- but not treat their
unavailability or test failures as a failure for installing the main

So this proposal is trying to distinguish (or at least better define)
what kind of optional we mean so we know what CPAN/PLUS should do that
they don't do today.

-- David

Re: CMSP 10. Add a free-text prerequisite field

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
>Add free-text entries that *describe* prerequisites that cannot be
>described right now,

No thanks.  Let's work on ways to machine-readably describe more kinds
of prerequisite.  C library dependencies are currently a pain to deal
with, but their names are reasonably invariant, so we could sensibly list
them in META in a formal manner.  CPAN installation tools should learn to
track this sort of dependency and plug into the OS's packaging mechanism.


Re: CMSP 09. Clarify intent of 'recommends' and add 'suggests'

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
>The 'recommends' flag is not equivalent to Debian recommends.  The intent
>should be made clear for authors and the toolchain.  If the Debian
>definitions are adopted to better match usage by packagers, a 'suggests'
>field should be added as well. (Adam Kennedy)

There's too little that we can meaningfully do with optional dependencies,
so introducing another flavour of them wouldn't help.  The only
consistently meaningful way to handle recommendations of non-prerequisite
modules is to describe them, and the intended interaction, in the current
module's documentation.  The META file is completely the wrong place
for this sort of information.


CMSP -- summary of discussion so far

2009-10-10 Thread David Golden
Thank you to everyone who has commented so far.  I'm very pleased that
within 24 hours, we seem to have an emerging consensus (agreeing or
opposing) on most proposals.

For each proposal listed below, I'm summarizing my take on responses on the
mailing list.  It's a bit subjective since some responses are "+1 if ...".
I've added a bit of commentary as well to help me keep track of the flow
of the discussions.


Formatting and Schema

01. Update the YAML version declaration

Consensus opposed (in favor of 02 instead)

02. Formally switch to "YAML Tiny"

Consensus agrees, but with general assent to deprecate YAML for JSON,
but specify YAML::Tiny as the legacy format anyway

03. Deprecate YAML Tiny dialect for JSON

Consensus agrees.

04. Formalize allowed version number formats

Consensus agrees.  I note that alpha semantics need to be decided.

05. Schema

Consensus is this is "nice to have", but more interest in a validation
module over formal schema in the spec.

06. Data structures, not YAML

Consensus agrees, though clarifying that only the *spec* should be
in Perl data structures.  Actual serialization should be described



07. Enhance granularity of prerequisites

Consensus agrees.

08. Extensibly Group Prereqs

Consensus agrees.

09. Clarify intent of 'recommends' and add 'suggests'

No consensus as proposed; discussion of alternative terms

10. Add a free-text prerequisite field

No consensus; opposition has stronger voices

11. OS/arch/platform-specific requirements

Consensus opposes

12. Allow Sequences (Arrays) for Prereqs

No consensus; approval has stronger voices; unresolved details over
*usage* of prereqs specified as arrays versus hashes

13. Add a post_depends set

No consensus

14. Prerequisites should be mutually exclusive

Consensus opposes

15. Add development_requires

No strong feeling one way or the other; seen as linked to 08

16. Binary Package Dependencies

Consensus is opposed, largely on challenge of doing it "right"


Change or clarify existing fields

17. Better formalization of license field

No consensus; some discussion of implementation alternatives

18. Make dynamic_config mandatory

Consensus is for mandatory dynamic_config OR optional "static_config" with
no clear consensus for one or the other

19. Make repository resource a hash

Consensus agrees, with debate over keys of repository data structure

20. Make bugtracker resource a hash

Consensus agrees

21. Formalize optional_features

Consensus agrees that 'optional_features' needs work, with debate over
formalizing along the lines of 08 or removal

22. Clarify author field

Consensus agrees that clarification is needed; no consensus over what should
be done

Add new fields

23. Have a "development version" flag

Consensus agrees, but issue may be redundant with 24

24. Add a "release_status" field

Only a few response and only mild support

25. Controlling test suite runs

No consensus; stronger voices opposed

26. Specify a DLSIP resource

Consensus opposed, though noting that DSLIP could be generated largely
from other META fields

27. Long description

Consensus agrees.

28. Short description

Consensus opposed.

29. Language

Consensus agrees, but with objections raised to 'perl5' as default value

30. Trove-Like Categories

Consensus largely opposes as proposed.  Some interest in providing free-form
keywords instead.

31. Version changes

Consensus opposed


Other proposals

32. Steal from other package meta specs

Consensus opposed (on the grounds that it's not really a proposal)

33. Install Meta files and make them queryable

Consensus agrees, with concerns raised over overlap with packfiles

34. Formally reserve keys for private 'in-house' use

Consensus agrees, with preference for [xX]- prefix used consistently
throughout (and removing case for private keys for resources)

Re: CMSP 07. Enhance granularity of prerequisites

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
>* Should we go all the way towards making prerequisites phase-specific and
>  have "configure_requires", "build_requires", "test_requires", and
>  "runtime_requires"

Yes please.  Currently I put things required for testing into
build_requires, but I feel bad about doing it, because testing really is
a distinct job from building.  Consumers of META information should be
expected to merge phase-specific requirements in whatever way is suitable
for their workflow; we can't reliably predict what that workflow will be.


Re: CMSP 06. Data structures, not YAML

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
>I really don't think we should have Perl data structures in files
>(that means Perl code, right?), because that indicates doing an eval,

Not necessarily.  Working in *a defined subset of* Perl syntax would mean
that readers have both options.  Evaling would probably be acceptable
in situations where you're installing the module described by the META
file, so this could be a convenient option in some small installations.
Stats gatherers, who don't want to run code from the module, can use a
safe parser as they do now.

It so happens that I have a suitable subset of Perl syntax already
defined.  I needed to implement it a while ago for work purposes, and now
it's on CPAN, as Data::Pond.  It's similar in spirit to JSON, which of
course gives the same kind of parsing choice for the JavaScript language.


Re: CMSP 19. Make repository resource a hash

2009-10-10 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Friday 09 Oct 2009 15:14:55 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * David Golden  [2009-10-09T07:51:06]
> > 19. Make repository resource a hash
> >
> > [Note, a separate "Make repository more machine readable" proposal
> > has been merged into this one.]
> Agreed.

Doesn't sound too bad. +1.


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
Original Riddles -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.

Re: CMSP 26. Specify a DLSIP resource

2009-10-10 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Saturday 10 Oct 2009 00:14:35 David E. Wheeler wrote:
> On Oct 9, 2009, at 8:34 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:
> > I think DLSIP codes (which you can blame me for, along with much else
> > besides :) should be deprecated in favor of individual metadata
> > elements.
> >
> > It should be possible to generate a DLSIP-like code from the metadata.
> +1 to this suggestion.

+1 too, as I noted earlier.


Shlomi Fish

> David

Shlomi Fish

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.

Re: CMSP 30. Trove-Like Categories

2009-10-10 Thread Ricardo Signes
* Shlomi Fish  [2009-10-10T06:57:11]
> With all due respect to tags, categories still have their advantage, and
> should be considered despite their lack of popularity among the latest fads
> on the web. One of the reason tags are popular may be due to an easier 

They've been considered.  That's what these emails have been.


Re: CMSP 19. Make repository resource a hash

2009-10-10 Thread Ricardo Signes
* David Golden  [2009-10-10T07:00:52]
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Ricardo Signes
>  wrote:
> > * David Golden  [2009-10-09T07:51:06]
> >> 19. Make repository resource a hash
> >
> > Branch available:
> >
> Seems to me that url and type should be mandatory and web should be optional.

This won't work in cases where the underlying VCS is private but a browser
exists.  (Imagine if pre-git we had a p4 history browser for perl.)


Re: CMSP 30. Trove-Like Categories

2009-10-10 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Friday 09 Oct 2009 13:55:12 David Golden wrote:
> 30. Trove-Like Categories
> Proposal:
> Add or SourceForge-like trove categories with topics
> programming languages, etc.  As opposed to keywords/labels/tags they are a
> nested tree, and will also be limited to a given list. This will help in
> being able to better browse CPAN instead of the old and heavily
> under-maintained long modules list. For example "Programming Language ::
> Lisp", "Intended Audience :: Emacs Users", "Operating System :: GNU",
> "Topic :: Editors".
> Shlomi Fish] wrote, a functional spec for the
> proposal of enhancing the CPAN classification] which may be read for
> further enlightenment.
> Comments:
> * Freshmeat no longer has Trove categories, they were replaced by tags.
>   --Chorny 15:40, 27 September 2009 (BST)

I should note that now that I think about it, we can build categories above 
the author keywords by doing something like:

* cat/os/posix
* cat/os/win
* cat/license/modbsd
* cat/license/mit
* cat/topic/ui-toolkit
* cat/topic/template-sys
* cat/audience/end-users


The CPANHQ/etc. classifier can pick only the valid m{^cat/} tags, and only the 
first ones that match it and use them to classify the module in a SourceForge-
like trove categorisation. So it won't need any additions to the SPEC.

Shlomi Fish
Shlomi Fish
What does "Zionism" mean? -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.

Re: CMSP 30. Trove-Like Categories

2009-10-10 Thread Hans Dieter Pearcey
Excerpts from Shlomi Fish's message of Sat Oct 10 07:05:29 -0400 2009:
> if we will allow people to browse the CPAN by 
> category (like ), it will be a huge usability improvement. 

Does anyone actually use dmoz anymore?  The last time I stumbled across it was
2003 and it wasn't very helpful then.  I don't think it's worth emulating.


Re: CMSP 26. Specify a DLSIP resource

2009-10-10 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Friday 09 Oct 2009 17:07:40 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * David Golden  [2009-10-09T07:53:50]
> > 26. Specify a DLSIP resource
> >
> > Proposal:
> >
> > DLSIP codes should be specified in META.* as a resource.
> Alternte proposal:
> DLSIP codes should be deleted from the internet and never discussed again
>  in polite company.
> Opposed.

I agree. Opposed. We may have different values for the DLSIP codes (like 
license , resources, an array/hash/set for used languages, a field or keywods 
for the interface style, etc.). But the dlsip field - - is a very bad idea.


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
Parody on "The Fountainhead" -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.

Re: CMSP 30. Trove-Like Categories

2009-10-10 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Friday 09 Oct 2009 16:53:47 Steffen Mueller wrote:
> David Golden wrote:
> > 30. Trove-Like Categories
> Opposed. Keywords-set-by-authors don't work very well. We already have
> the underused user-tagging of modules.

There are already keywords-set-by-authors. They are under-used but with some 
infrastructure changes - like support in CPAN interfaces, and checking for 
them in CPANTS, etc. we can make them more popular. As for the user-tagging of 
modules - that was only implemented in cpanforum, out of the direct awareness 
of people on ("Out of sight - out of mind."), and it 
has since then broke there, with the maintainer of cpanforum lacking some 
resources or other to fix it. 

I think we should have them directly on the CPAN interface instead of each 
page on s.cpan.o / kobesearch directing to many different resources. That was 
one of the aims of , which is currently under work by 
bricas and other people (including me). Currently the site just shows a 
"Coming soon" page, because they are looking for someone to redesign the web-
interface (which is fine, IMO), and don't want to put it there in its current 
state. I think one bird in the hand is better than two in the bush, but I have 
yet to convince them.


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
The Case for File Swapping -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.

Re: CMSP 30. Trove-Like Categories

2009-10-10 Thread David Golden
On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Shlomi Fish  wrote:
> One of the reason tags are popular may be due to an easier
> implementation and maintenance.


-- David

Re: CMSP 03. Deprecate YAML Tiny dialect for JSON

2009-10-10 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Ricardo Signes
> * David Golden  [2009-10-09T07:42:35]
>> 03. Deprecate YAML Tiny dialect for JSON
> Branch available:


(I guess I just needed to keep reading my email)

Re: CMSP 30. Trove-Like Categories

2009-10-10 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Friday 09 Oct 2009 23:06:25 David Golden wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 7:55 AM, David Golden  wrote:
> > 30. Trove-Like Categories
> >
> > Proposal:
> >
> > Add or SourceForge-like trove categories with topics
> > programming languages, etc.  As opposed to keywords/labels/tags they are
> > a nested tree, and will also be limited to a given list. This will help
> > in being able to better browse CPAN instead of the old and heavily
> > under-maintained long modules list. For example "Programming Language ::
> > Lisp", "Intended Audience :: Emacs Users", "Operating System :: GNU",
> > "Topic :: Editors".
> >
> > Shlomi Fish] wrote, a functional spec for the
> > proposal of enhancing the CPAN classification] which may be read for
> > further enlightenment.
> >
> > Comments:
> >
> > * Freshmeat no longer has Trove categories, they were replaced by tags.
> >  --Chorny 15:40, 27 September 2009 (BST)
> -1 for structured categories
> +1 for freeform author keywords

Just a note - I did not intend the categories to replace the author keywords, 
but rather to complement them. At the moment the categories at:

are a joke and give a very distorted view of CPAN (I could not get any of my 
original modules to enter the long modules list, while other people have for 
more recent submissions), and if we will allow people to browse the CPAN by 
category (like ), it will be a huge usability improvement. 

This is instead of giving only a huge tag cloud which would be hard to find 
stuff in, and will be more disorganised.


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
Funny Anti-Terrorism Story -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.

Re: CMSP 02. Formally switch to "YAML Tiny"

2009-10-10 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 10:34 PM, Ricardo Signes
> * David Golden  [2009-10-09T07:42:06]
>> 02. Formally switch to "YAML Tiny"
> Branch available:

If we only make this change and not JSON, that's fine.

I think a longer section will eventually be necessary to explain
serialization options (if there are any) and what clients are expected
to do wrt to deserialization and validation.


Re: CMSP 19. Make repository resource a hash

2009-10-10 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Ricardo Signes
> * David Golden  [2009-10-09T07:51:06]
>> 19. Make repository resource a hash
> Branch available:

Seems to me that url and type should be mandatory and web should be optional.

-- David

Re: CMSP 29. Language

2009-10-10 Thread David Golden
On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Ricardo Signes
> * David Golden  [2009-10-09T07:54:51]
>> 29. Language
> Branch available:

Good start.  I'd like to see a list of "known" names, even if just
"perl5" and "perl6"and some explanation as to why the field exists
(i.e. people uploading perl6 modules to CPAN)


Re: CMSP 30. Trove-Like Categories

2009-10-10 Thread Shlomi Fish
Hi all!

On Friday 09 Oct 2009 16:34:27 Graham Barr wrote:
> On Oct 9, 2009, at 6:55 AM, David Golden wrote:
> > 30. Trove-Like Categories
> >
> > Proposal:
> >
> > Add or SourceForge-like trove categories with topics
> > programming languages, etc.  As opposed to keywords/labels/tags they
> > are a
> > nested tree, and will also be limited to a given list. This will
> > help in
> > being able to better browse CPAN instead of the old and heavily
> > under-maintained long modules list. For example "Programming
> > Language ::
> > Lisp", "Intended Audience :: Emacs Users", "Operating System :: GNU",
> > "Topic :: Editors".
> Many things on the web are moving more towards the use of free form
> tagging than
> lists of specific categories.
> -1

You did not explain why they are bad.

While this may be true, I still think categories have their advantages. For 
example, they prevent typos in tags, or a proliferation of similar, but non-
identical tags. And they also allow for a unique URL to a category as opposed 
to a hello+goodbye+farewell / hello+farewell+goodbye / goodbye+farewell+hello 

For example, one of the reasons I switched away from Google Reader back to 
KDE's Akregator was the fact it used tags for classificiation. So every feed 
was placed in several places in the tree-like display, and applying it to 
several tags caused it to be placed in two or more different places there. I 
could nest a tree conclusively. So I left it with disgust, and frankly KDE's 
akregator is much better.

With all due respect to tags, categories still have their advantage, and 
should be considered despite their lack of popularity among the latest fads on 
the web. One of the reason tags are popular may be due to an easier 
implementation and maintenance.

In any case, Wikipedia for example, still has user-maintained categories:





Shlomi Fish

> Graham.

Shlomi Fish
Interview with Ben Collins-Sussman -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.