No Subject

2001-03-11 Thread dumitru oprescu

Hi I really need to learn I will give up on all my 
sleep just teach me I'm from SYDNEY Australia can anyone around here help 

No Subject

2001-03-11 Thread dumitru oprescu

Hi I really need to learn I will give up on all my 
sleep just teach me I'm from SYDNEY Australia can anyone around here help 

Teach me

2001-03-11 Thread dumitru oprescu

If you know of anyone in the SYDNEY area pls help 
me learn how to hack
PLS rite me at 

CD-customerservice 8111

2001-03-11 Thread MichelleS .

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Title: Online Marketing Strategies



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Re: CDR: Re: Shooting down 'Bandit Satellites'

2001-03-11 Thread Bill Stewart

At 06:16 PM 03/01/2001 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
Technology wise, I'm real keen on the Hydrogen Peroxide Catalyst engines,
especially Platinum catalyst. Platinum is problematic, rare  expensive.
Say 1 out of 1,000 potential hobbyist can afford it. Hydrogen Peroxide
can at least theoretically be done in a garage lab, so we'll leave this
1-1 for now.

Platinum costs vary, but I've never seen it above $500/oz,
and I think it's more often about $300, e.g. about the price of
good marijuana, which far more than 1 in 1000 hobbyists can afford :-)
How much of it do you need for a can-sat engine's catalyst?

That's separate from questions of whether it's easy to work with,
or whether you can get the catalyst into the form you need,
e.g. wire mesh or particles spread on fiberglass or whatever.

Re: CDR: The Register - Has the NSA broken EU encryption?

2001-03-11 Thread Bill Stewart

At 05:15 PM 03/09/2001 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:

I'm puzzled by this whole thing.  Somebody's alleging that the
EU's Really Important Secrets are protected by an EU algorithm,
and that some EU employee ratted them out to the NSA,
and the NSA and EU are both denying it.

What secrets does "the EU" have?
Shouldn't they be operating mostly in public?
Why would they use a cryptosystem that was easily broken,
(other than GSM mobile phones, of course),
rather than a decently strong cryptosystem where the
main problem is theft of keys from the relevant users?

It all sounds pretty bogus.

Re: DoJ and Cypherpunks...

2001-03-11 Thread Bill Stewart

At 05:49 PM 03/09/2001 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
I sent a message to the cypherpunks list that quoted from DOJ
regulations. Robb, apparently a cypherpunk subscriber, replied
to that message but removed the Subject: line.

(And I'd attribute the lack of Subject: line to incompetence with
mail user agents rather than to malice.)

I wonder if John Young is a journalist, and needs to have his
subponea approved by John Ashcroft too...

JYA is very definitely a Journalist, but in a newer
internet-related form that Fed procedures may not have caught up with.
Declan, on the other hand, works for one or more traditional press
companies, so he fits in the Journalist bureaucratic pigeonhole,
even though some of his press companies are mainly online.
While I mostly agree with Tim's views that the First Amendment
doesn't carve out special civil rights for journalists,
governments do generally distinguish between categories like
"works for a big enough press company that we might get flamed
in front of a large audience if we harass him, and they've got lawyers",
unlike journalists who work for small rantzines (no slack for them),
or freelancers like JYA.

Still, it might be fun to harass the Feds for not following their
own procedures in subpoenaing JYA, though that's pretty irrelevant
to the case itself since they're mostly Bureau CYA rather than due process.

Re: DoJ and Cypherpunks...

2001-03-11 Thread John Young

A consequence of issuing subpoenas to news folks
is to inhibit their reporting on the trial, for witnesses are
excluded from the proceedings, at least before their
testimony -- I'm not sure about exclusion after testimony.

No doubt a rich publisher will assign a second reporter
to cover the trial. Which is what superrich Cryptome will 
do, as well as get daily transcripts, hopefully in digital form
for immediate publication -- even to be laptopped by those
excluded from the trial. Unless this public announcement
precludes this 1A plot. If so, then we'll go to backups 1, 2, 3
and so on.

Anybody know who the second subpoenaed reporter is?

Jeff answered the inquiry about my GJ transcript: "don't
get your hopes up. I've never heard of that happening,
instead only portions of GJ testimony are available if
introduced at the trial." That's not what Robb told me
before testifying, but then he's a mouther rather than
a shooter like Jeff.

Anybody who thinks questions posed during testimony 
will be limited to what was assured beforehand has got 
to be from Pluto. Same credulity for "off the record."

The feds will tell you anything to get your cooperation.
And leave to your imagination and planted news stories
what will happen if you don't. Jim Bell is a poster boy
for that, and I continue to believe that's his role, probably
with his help, coerced or willing.

This is not to say that journalists, any seducer, are so 
different. That's the problem with privilege and
pulling rank -- they're a corrupting, contemptous 
divide of us-winners/you-losers. And do seducers
scream when their scams are exposed.

Robb wants the attention poster boy Declan can give 
his vendetta, the gov's intention to show who runs
cyber-space and -spacers.

Re: CDR: Re: Shooting down 'Bandit Satellites'

2001-03-11 Thread Jim Choate

On Sat, 10 Mar 2001, Bill Stewart wrote:

 Platinum costs vary, but I've never seen it above $500/oz,
 and I think it's more often about $300, e.g. about the price of
 good marijuana, which far more than 1 in 1000 hobbyists can afford :-)
 How much of it do you need for a can-sat engine's catalyst?

Um, as far as I know I don't need any Marijuana in any of my rockets.

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.


   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Slashdot | Is Crypto Solely for Criminals?

2001-03-11 Thread Jim Choate

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.


   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-


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je suis bien majeur pour vos photos et videos

2001-03-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Voila vous propose une boite aux lettres gratuite sur Voila Mail:

Slashdot | 15 Minutes

2001-03-11 Thread Jim Choate


  Legislators and Judges are the pimps of modern American society.
  Police, lawyers, and reporters are their whores.
  Democracy is dead.

   Copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Physical reason

2001-03-11 Thread Alexander Trofimenko

Dear Sirs
I would like to offer the paperPhysical reason of Oklahoma-City 
Many facts tell us about catastrophes in cities, which are similar to 
Oklahoma-City tragedy. But their reason are natural forces not human deeds. The 
knowledge of the true reason of the Oklahoma-City catastrophe is important for 
prevention such tragedies in the future. The proof of physical reason of 
Oklahoma-City catastrophe will free Timothy J. McVeigh from an accusation. This 
version has little chances. But it is last chance for rescue Timothy J. McVeigh. 
American storch should not answer for actions of natural forces. Probably, this 
version has one chance from one million. But the life of the man costs to check 
up the most improbable version.
I want to send this note to Timothy J. McVeigh, his attorneys and Benton K. 
Partin. What E-mail Timothy J. McVeigh, his attorneys and Benton K. Partin?
Thank You for attention to my letter.
Yours sincerely
Alexander P. Trofimenko 
WWW Site: 
in Minsk: (8-10375172) 210-20-40Dr. Alexander P. TrofimenkoP.O. Box 7, 
Minsk-12, 220012, Belarus
Physical reason of Oklahoma-City catastrophe 
Alexander P. Trofimenko
Timothy J. McVeigh is scheduled to die by lethal injection May 16, 2001, in 
the first execution by the federal government in 37 years. The Gulf War veteran 
was convicted of murder 168 people, making it the deadliest act of terrorism on 
American soil. 
Whether becomes this event the triumph of fairness and legality? Or this 
event becomes the apogee of tragical error? The American justice is known to be 
the most perfect in the world. All was provided for the fair justice. But the 
jurisprudence, unfortunately, does not take into account recent scientific 
Many facts tell us about catastrophes in cities, which are similar to 
Oklahoma-City tragedy. But their reason are natural forces not human deeds. The 
knowledge of the true reason of the Oklahoma-City catastrophe is important for 
prevention such tragedies in the future.
In the morning of April 19, 1995 the terrible explosion has shaken an office 
building in the tranquil Oklahoma-City. The 9-storeyed building collapsed. As a 
result of the catastrophe a three-meter depth and six meters width crater has 
been formed. One thousand kg of an explosive are necessary for such powerful 
explosion. 168 persons perished under debrises. 
29-year's farmer Timothy J. McVeigh was arrested by policemen in 75 minutes 
after the explosion. He was detained for speeding in 130 kilometers from 
Oklahoma - City. He was the participant of the operation Desert 
Storm. Subsequently he became the main accused on criminal cases about 
the terrorist act.
The FBI agents have found a small detail of the automobile among tens tons of 
fragments, which were on a place of explosion. According to the formal version, 
the part found was that of the car, where ton of explosive was put in. The 
inspectors establish, that the found detail belongs to the automobile, which was 
rented by McVeigh. The small part has led the police to creator of the 
infernal machine.
Nobody witnessed how McVeigh had exploded 9-storeyed building. Only some 
indirect proofs have appeared at the disposal of accusation. The former 
colleague and friend of McVeigh became the main witness of accusation. He 
informed that McVeigh was going to raise a general revolt (?!) in America. The 
terror act in Oklahoma-City should become an impulse to rebellion in the richest 
and safe country. 
The accusation was able to convince the jury. The exemplary soldier and the 
hero of victorious war was hating its government. This has induced McVeigh to 
effect the explosion of an office building in Oklahoma - City. Four day was 
required to the members of jury to ascertain McVeighs guilt in this 
The reason of the Oklahoma-City tragedy: human deeds or natural forces? The 
unexpected catastrophes in different cities of planet can be more powerful, than 
the dramatic collapse of the building in Oklahoma-City.
At the night of April 12, 1991 the enormous explosion has occurred in townlet 
Sasovo of the Ryazan Region(Russia). The power of explosion was estimated to be 
about 25 tons of trotyl. A huge crater (28 meters in a diameter and 4 meters by 
depth) has remained on a place of event. The crater was surprisingly round with 
a large (3 meters in a diameter) knoll in the middle.
To provide such a powerful blast dozens of autotruck with explosive would be 
necessary. The same is valid with the blast in Oklahoma-City. The version about 
the explosion of vacuum bomb appeared firstly at once affirmed by the statement 
that the bomb was thrown accidentally from the warplane. But it has not been 
acknowledged. The riddle of event in Sasovo has excited scientific circles, but 
it was impossible to find a traditional scientific explanation.
A dozen cases of strange explosions of buildings occur annually 

Re: corporate espionage

2001-03-11 Thread Ray Dillinger

On Sat, 10 Mar 2001, Becky wrote:

I was doing an internet search on cor esp.  your article was on my hit list.
At this point I cannot recall the page.  Are you the right person for the

One or more of the several thousand people you are addressing may be 
the right person for the subject.  However, since there are several 
thousand people here, and none of us knows what all the others have 
written, you really have to be a lot more specific in requests for 
information.  Further, the one who wrote the article you read may or 
may not be listening at this time.


Jim Choate wrote:

 Hi Becky,

 Which if the several hundred subscribers to the 8+ CDR nodes and
 potentialy thousands of associated webpages might you be refering to?

 You seem to have a fuzzy understanding of the concept 'mailing list'.

 On Sat, 10 Mar 2001, Becky wrote:

  Read your article.  Most of the examples involve pharm companies.  I am
  interested in examples that involve a prime companies that have an
  outsourcing relationship.  Any thoughts?


 Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.


The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
-~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Teach me

2001-03-11 Thread Ray Dillinger

Okay, if you want to learn how to hack, I recommend the 
following books: (these are available on Amazon). 

Introduction to Algorithms, from MIT press. 

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, 
same source. 

The Art of Computer Programming, (get all 4 volumes) 
by Knuth.

If you want to learn how to hack crypto, I recommend
these: (Amazon is your friend again) 

The Code Breakers, by David Kahn. 

Applied Cryptography, by Bruce Schneier. 

If you're smart enough to hack, that ought to keep you busy for 
a couple of years and you shouldn't pester us again until you're 
ready for more.  If you're not smart enough to hack, you'll never 
get through these and understand what's in them, and you should 
never pester us again.

Good luck, 


On Sun, 11 Mar 2001, dumitru oprescu wrote:

If you know of anyone in the SYDNEY area pls help me learn how to hack

transparent DeCSS: digital circuit better than perl?

2001-03-11 Thread Blank Frank

At 01:51 PM 3/10/01 -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
DVD CSS decoding in 7 lines of perl is a cute hack,
but it doesn't accomplish one of the main goals of DVDCSS,
which is to explain the structure of the lame crypto algorithm.
Even if you unwrap this to put the white space back,
it's dense unreadable line noise.

Touretsky recently added a Verilog description of DeCSS to his Gallery,
This is human-readable, machine-interpretable, and could be synthesized
to a real physical

Re: CDR: Re: Shooting down 'Bandit Satellites'

2001-03-11 Thread David Honig

At 12:33 PM 3/10/01 -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
At 06:16 PM 03/01/2001 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
Technology wise, I'm real keen on the Hydrogen Peroxide Catalyst engines,
especially Platinum catalyst. Platinum is problematic, rare  expensive.
Say 1 out of 1,000 potential hobbyist can afford it. Hydrogen Peroxide
can at least theoretically be done in a garage lab, so we'll leave this
1-1 for now.

Platinum costs vary, but I've never seen it above $500/oz,

Yeah, the problem is the fire marshall/BATF when they learn you're storing
70% H202 in your garage :-)  And the neighbors when they ask why their cat
is a bleached
blonde now..




Jim C's rocket supplies

2001-03-11 Thread Blank Frank

At 07:46 AM 3/11/01 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:

On Sat, 10 Mar 2001, Bill Stewart wrote:

 Platinum costs vary, but I've never seen it above $500/oz,
 and I think it's more often about $300, e.g. about the price of
 good marijuana, which far more than 1 in 1000 hobbyists can afford
 How much of it do you need for a can-sat engine's catalyst?

Um, as far as I know I don't need any Marijuana in any of my rockets.

Not unless you're sending humans up there...

Re: CDR: Re: Teach me

2001-03-11 Thread Jim Choate

You can send them to the various reading lists on SSZ. I think all the
books you mentioned are there and then some. I'm adding on a regular basis
as well.

Look for "Suggested Reading"...

  Legislators and Judges are the pimps of modern American society.
  Police, lawyers, and reporters are their whores.
  Democracy is dead.

   Copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001, Ray Dillinger wrote:

 Okay, if you want to learn how to hack, I recommend the 
 following books: (these are available on Amazon). 
   Introduction to Algorithms, from MIT press. 
   Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, 
   same source. 
   The Art of Computer Programming, (get all 4 volumes) 
   by Knuth.
 If you want to learn how to hack crypto, I recommend
 these: (Amazon is your friend again) 
   The Code Breakers, by David Kahn. 
   Applied Cryptography, by Bruce Schneier. 
 If you're smart enough to hack, that ought to keep you busy for 
 a couple of years and you shouldn't pester us again until you're 
 ready for more.  If you're not smart enough to hack, you'll never 
 get through these and understand what's in them, and you should 
 never pester us again.
   Good luck, 
 On Sun, 11 Mar 2001, dumitru oprescu wrote:
 If you know of anyone in the SYDNEY area pls help me learn how to hack

Slashdot | Neal Stephenson on Zeta Functions

2001-03-11 Thread Jim Choate

  Legislators and Judges are the pimps of modern American society.
  Police, lawyers, and reporters are their whores.
  Democracy is dead.

   Copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Slashdot | Disposable Credit Card Numbers

2001-03-11 Thread Jim Choate

  Legislators and Judges are the pimps of modern American society.
  Police, lawyers, and reporters are their whores.
  Democracy is dead.

   Copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

LENDERS COMPETE!! Lowest Rates in 8 YEARS!! -bexhnee

2001-03-11 Thread geroeg745
Title: Lender's Network

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Re: Re: Shooting down 'Bandit Satellites'

2001-03-11 Thread Jim Windle

According to Friday's Wall Street Journal spot platinum last closed at $588 per ounce 
and is up from $473 per ounce one year ago. 

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001 17:25:17   Brent Mattis wrote:

nah bill, platinum is 600 dollars an ounce, its price has shot up over the 
past five years.


From: Bill Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: CDR: Re: Shooting down 'Bandit Satellites'
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 12:33:25 -0800

At 06:16 PM 03/01/2001 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
Technology wise, I'm real keen on the Hydrogen Peroxide Catalyst engines,
especially Platinum catalyst. Platinum is problematic, rare  expensive.
Say 1 out of 1,000 potential hobbyist can afford it. Hydrogen Peroxide
can at least theoretically be done in a garage lab, so we'll leave this
1-1 for now.

Platinum costs vary, but I've never seen it above $500/oz,
and I think it's more often about $300, e.g. about the price of
good marijuana, which far more than 1 in 1000 hobbyists can afford :-)
How much of it do you need for a can-sat engine's catalyst?

That's separate from questions of whether it's easy to work with,
or whether you can get the catalyst into the form you need,
e.g. wire mesh or particles spread on fiberglass or whatever.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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Another archive question

2001-03-11 Thread Jim Choate

Since an archive is intended for long-term consumption whereas a standard
mailing list is more akin to a conversation (however public one might hold
it to be) wouldn't an archivist run a higher risk of legal involvement
with respect to 3rd party usage and illegal activity?

Consider the levels of responsibility under current law for:

Author  List Member (May be 'Actor')

  Legislators and Judges are the pimps of modern American society.
  Police, lawyers, and reporters are their whores.
  Democracy is dead.

   Copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Fwd: [Macsec] Mac GPG (fwd)

2001-03-11 Thread Jim Choate


  Legislators and Judges are the pimps of modern American society.
  Police, lawyers, and reporters are their whores.
  Democracy is dead.

   Copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 19:32:06 -0500
From: "R. A. Hettinga" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: [Macsec] Mac GPG

--- begin forwarded text

Subject: Fwd: [Macsec] Mac GPG
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 15:41:31 -0800
From: Mark Talbot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Begin Forwarded Message 
Date:02/25/01 8:10 PM
Received:02/25/01 8:18 PM
From:Gordon Worley, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I hope that this message will be appropriate for the list.  If it's
not, just let me know and I won't post anything like this again.

I've started a project on Sourceforge to create a Mac OS X front end,
inter application services, and an easy install method for GnuPG.
After a bit of work, I managed to get GPG running on my machine, but
it was too hard for someone whose casually interested in security
(much less doesn't know why ve should care, as the majority of
compuer users do).  I don't mean that it required a lot of security
knowledge, but it did require some Unix knowledge that the average
Mac user just doesn't have and probably wouldn't pick up just to get
GPG installed.  Anyway, once GPG is easy to install, then the project
will move on to inter application services, so that from any program
on Mac OS X text can be encrypted.  This is my main interest in the
project, but I figured I'd scratch some other people's itches while
I'm at it.  Finally, the project will work on a front end for Mac OS
X so that J. Random User won't have to get down and dirty with the
command line.

Now, you may ask yourself, why am I posting all of this here.  Well,
Mac GPG is free software (or, less accurately but more familar, open
source).  Thus, I'm looking to the list for developers.  The Web site
for the project is and the project
page is  If anyone out
there would like to help, check out those links, sign up with
Sourceforge if you haven't already, and send me a message letting me
know what you'd like to work on and be sure to include your
Sourceforge user name so I can add you to the project.  There are
some jobs posted on the project page, and if you meet those
descriptions I'd *really* like to have you on the project.

Okay, that's pretty much it.  With a little luck and hard work, in a
few weeks we should have something to make Mac OS X much nicer to
live in.  Maybe we'll even time it right and come out just after the
official release of OS X.  That would be great.

Gordon Worley
Public Key:  C462 FA84 B811 3501 9010  20D2 6EF3 77F7 BBD3 B003

Macsec mailing list

- End Forwarded Message -

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

looking for a great deal. Look no more

2001-03-11 Thread

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store is called 
we specialize in

* Pipes  Smoking Access  * Posters 
* Incense  * Tye Dyed Tapestry 
* Celebrity Clock * Posters 
* Party Lights   * B  W Tapestry 
* Black Lights  * Lighters 
* Glow Sticks 

We add new things about twice a month and we love to hear from people as to their 
opinion. If you see something you like just email us if you are interested. Keep 
us in mind for Birthdays, Party's and other special occasions. 


Payment Methods: ( master Card, Visa, Money Orders, Checks  Paypal )
Blue Moon Novelties
P.O. box 5965 
Lakeland FL. 33807

looking for a great deal. Look no more

2001-03-11 Thread

Please take some time to check out our Novelty store at the above website. The 
store is called 
we specialize in

* Pipes  Smoking Access  * Posters 
* Incense  * Tye Dyed Tapestry 
* Celebrity Clock * Posters 
* Party Lights   * B  W Tapestry 
* Black Lights  * Lighters 
* Glow Sticks 

We add new things about twice a month and we love to hear from people as to their 
opinion. If you see something you like just email us if you are interested. Keep 
us in mind for Birthdays, Party's and other special occasions. 


Payment Methods: ( master Card, Visa, Money Orders, Checks  Paypal )
Blue Moon Novelties
P.O. box 5965 
Lakeland FL. 33807

We can teach you...

2001-03-11 Thread angel17093

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Re: CDR: Re: Shooting down 'Bandit Satellites'

2001-03-11 Thread Ray Dillinger

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001, David Honig wrote:

Yeah, the problem is the fire marshall/BATF when they learn you're storing
70% H202 in your garage :-)  And the neighbors when they ask why their cat
is a bleached
blonde now..

Um, there's a problem with 70%.  Actually a couple problems. 

First, if there are impurities, they can eat your catalyst.  
Specifically, if you have that much water, you'll run into 
problems with the platinum oxidizing/eroding at high 

Second, impurities add weight and don't add to your "bounce 
per ounce" of fuel.  With a thousand kilos of fuel at takeoff 
(and actual orbital rockets are lots bigger than that) your 
casually-included 30% water winds up being 300 kilos of dead 
weight holding you back at liftoff.  That's the place where it 
hurts most in terms of reaching high velocities.

And as to bleached cats...  Well, if some rocket-fuel grade 
peroxide spills on a cat, bleaching fur will be the least of 
its worries.
