Re: apt bugs considered cheap

2001-06-28 Thread Eugene Leitl

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, John Doe #N wrote:

 Given that computer-ready cameras are essentially free (e.g., at Fry's,
 with rebates) it makes a lot of sense to run a frame-differencer
 and log the events offsite.

Of course I'm going to do that (logging added up interframe deltas,
sending me an SMS when gone overthreshold, etc.).

But I'm interested in low-tech solutions for fall-back, too. What is
practical, i.e. can be setup within few 10 sec, before you leave your

(I'm just trying to not reinvent the wheel).

-- Eugen* Leitl a href=;leitl/a
ICBMTO  : N48 10'07'' E011 33'53''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

No Subject

2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

Re: Phoning Home

2001-06-28 Thread mmotyka

 The Ztrace software is probably much the same as the Computrace 
 software from Absolute Software located in Vancouver BC.  The 
 Computrace software was discussed on this list a number of years 
 ago, before the call home thru the Net feature was added.
I think when writing a Master Boot Record ( it's been 10 years since I
wrote tools that did this ) you can leave as much space as you want
completely uncomitted anywhere on the drive. This space should still be
accessible by logical block address on the device. What could get fairly
interesting is that drives typically reserve some sectors on each track
for replacement use should one of the logical sectors on the track go
bad. Western Digital offers utilities that manage
their drives, apparently even the recent models. What I wonder is are
the proprietary APIs published or would the tools have to be reverse
engineered? This would allow access to substantial storage that would
not show up using that standard ATA calls. 

In the end though, that storage must be accessed from code in the BIOS
or the booted OS so wiping those will probably do the job. 

Seems like whether you're talking about asset recovery or Napster and
copyright the only solutions are men with briefcases and guns or
proprietary Si. SW is too easily manipulated.



 There is 20 to 40 KB of unused space in the system area of any AT 
 type formated hard drive, same area, or nearby, to where your 
 partition information is written on the hard drive.  This area is 
 normally not over-written when you use Fdisk to partition a hard 
 drive or when you do a high level format.
 The software is loaded into this area.  The software is configured to 
 call home base, the security service provider (SSP), on a pre-
 determined basis.  When it calls home it basically identifies itself 
 and asks for instructions.  In normally circumstances it is given none.
 If an asset is reported stolen and then calls home it is instructed to 
 call home on a more frequent basis.  If it calls home via a telephone 
 line the SSP gets the calling from number from ANI.  If you 
 terminate incoming digital telephone lines (T1) in a Telco system 
 compatible device you will be given the ANI, Automatic Number 
 Identification.  You can't block ANI.  If it calls home via the Net they 
 get an IP address.  Either way the location of the remote asset is 
 easily determined.
 When they get a location they contact the nearest local law 
 enforcement agency, explain the situation and normally the local law 
 seizes the asset.  I use asset as this type of product is marketed for 
 use in desktop and server type computers.  It is also marketed to 
 insurance companies, want a discount on the policy, just load this 
 software and keep this number handy incase you lose it.
 experience so I can't speak with any authority.  Last time this was 
 discussed in this forum it was thought the Linux Fdisk would delete 
 it.  I have some other tools for deleting disk partitions which I figure 
 would work plus there was some low-level format programs for 
 certain brands of IDE hard drives which would probably work on 
 older model hard drives.  A good guess would be anything which 
 could delete a Disk Manager boot record would delete this 
 Raymond D. Mereniuk

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2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

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2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

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2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

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2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks


2001-06-28 Thread litening

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  Simply fill out our FREE NO OBLIGATION form and find out how much you can save.
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Microsloth Found Guilty as Sin

2001-06-28 Thread George

Ashcroft is on TV now, saying he was pleased the appeals
court found Microsoft guilty of monopoly practices.

Dig the Deceiving Java developers section of the ruling.


#Microsoft to Put Digital ID Into Its Products
#- -- --- --- --  --- 
#Microsoft plans to incorporate a user-identification approach
#into its operating systems and software products, and the company
#says the change could speed up business-to-business transactions
#and increase the level of confidence in those online transactions.
#The user-ID system, known as Identrus, employs a technology for
#identifying people and organizations online through the use of
#digital signatures.
#Under the Identrus system, those digital certificates will be
#certified by banks, an extra measure of security that Microsoft
#says should enhance the public's trust in online transactions.
#Microsoft said it was designing many of its new business products,
#including Windows 2000, Microsoft Outlook, and the software in
#its new .Net line, to work with the Identrus system.
#The system was developed by Identrus L.L.C., a company formed
#by a group of major banks...

No Subject

2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

Direct Response TV

2001-06-28 Thread American Telemedia, Inc.

Please Direct This to your VP/Dir of Marketing

 My name is Rich Ralston,  Sr. Product Director at American Telemedia(ATI). ATI is a 
firm that specializes in identifing and marketing products using Direct Response 
television commercials nationwide. 

With positive test results, the commercial could air nationwide with ATI sharing in a 
the revenues generated in lue of any airtime costs.

We feel  that you have a line of products that may fit the profile to be part of a 
Test Market Campaign were ATI provides all of the airtime for the initial test market 
at no cost to your company. After the test, and with favorable results, ATI will air 
the commercial on as many as 517 broadcaster around the country with  ATI sharing
 in the profits.  Please visit our website were you can find detailed information on 
this preliminary invitation... 

 After your review, please give me a call at: (209) 885-4806 to discuss details and 
for me to answer any questions that you may have.

Looking forward to your prompt reply. 

Sincerely Yours,
Rich Ralston,
Product Director,
American Telemedia, Inc.

No Subject

2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

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2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

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2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

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2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

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2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

Cyborg deployment in Scotland

2001-06-28 Thread George


#...the extension of Restriction of Liberty Orders...
#There are also plans to use the orders as a condition of a
#probation order or a drug treatment and testing order...,,10-2001221674,00.html
#All sheriff courts to have power to tag offenders
#POLITICIANS and community leaders gave a cautious welcome 
#yesterday to plans to increase the use of electronic tagging 
#of offenders.
#Every sheriff court in Scotland is to be given the option of 
#electronically monitoring offenders under a scheme announced 
#by the Scottish Executive. Iain Gray, the Deputy Justice Minister, 
#unveiled details of the move during a visit to General Security 
#Services Corporation Europe in East Kilbride.
#Pilot schemes are already under way in Hamilton, Aberdeen and 
#Peterhead and the firm has the contract to provide the electronic 
#monitoring service to Hamilton Sheriff Court.
#Mr Gray said 418 offenders had been electronically tagged since 
#the pilot scheme was launched in August 1998. He described the 
#initiative, which predominantly sees offenders limited to their 
#own home for up to 12 hours a day, as a success that should be 
#extended throughout Scotland.
#Donald Dickie, a senior manager with the community safety 
#organisation Safeguarding Communities Reducing Offending, welcomed 
#the move as an alternative to custody. He said that the prison 
#population in Scotland was too high and that not all offenders 
#need to be locked up.
#Mr Dickie also welcomed moves to use tagging for inmates released 
#from prison on licence and under supervision. He said: It has 
#the potential to assist in helping people to lead stable lives.
#Roseanna Cunningham, the SNP's Shadow Justice Minister, gave 
#the announcement a muted welcome but expressed concerns that 
#no timescale had been given. She said: I cautiously welcome 
#the announcement today by the Deputy Justice Minister that 
#Restriction of Liberty Orders will play a greater role in the 
#criminal justice system.
#It is important, however, that these orders are used as a direct 
#alternative to custody as it makes a great deal of sense both 
#in terms of justice and in terms of cost.
#Phil Gallie, the Scottish Conservatives' justice spokesman, said 
#tagging should be used as an additional tool in the fight against 
#crime. He said: Electronic tagging must not be an instrument 
#with which the Scottish Executive can empty our prisons. I have 
#always been an advocate for electronic tagging, however I never 
#envisaged that this would provide an easy option for criminals.
#At all times our courts must ensure that punishment and 
#deterrence along with protection of the public stands as the 
#highest priority.
#Mr Gray said the extension of Restriction of Liberty Orders, 
#under which offenders are fitted with electronic transmitters 
#so monitoring authorities can keep track of their movements, 
#would take place once a competitive tendering exercise has been 
#There are also plans to use the orders as a condition of a 
#probation order or a drug treatment and testing order and for 
#monitoring of prisoners released on licence under supervision 
#such as sex offenders.

Occasional double emails: I'll be off PSINet within a week.

No Subject

2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks

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2001-06-28 Thread owner-cypherpunks