Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-08 Thread Jaap-Henk Hoepman
I thought the 3G (UMTS) cellphones at least were going to use reasonably good
crypto; don't know about the overall security architecture though.


On Fri, 06 Jun 2003 14:30:04 -0400 Ian Grigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> John Kelsey wrote:
>> So, what can I do about it, as an individual?  Make the cellphone companies
>> build good crypto into their systems?  Any ideas how to do that?
> Nope.  Cellphone companies are big slow moving
> targets.  They get their franchise from the
> government.  If the NSA wants weak crypto, they
> do weak crypto.

Jaap-Henk Hoepman   |  I've got sunshine in my pockets
Dept. of Computer Science   |  Brought it back to spray the day
University of Nijmegen  |Gry "Rocket"
(w)  |  (m) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(t) +31 24 36 52710/531532  |  (f) +31 24 3653137

Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 11:43 PM 6/8/2003 +0100, Dave Howe wrote:
>HTTPS works just fine.
>The problem is - people are broken.
>At the very least, verisign should say "ok so '..go1d..' is a valid server
>address, but doesn't it look suspiously similar to this '' site over
>here?" for https://pseudo-gold-site/ - but really, if users are going to
>fill in random webforms sent by email, they aren't going to be safe under
>any circumstances; the thing could send by unsecured http to any site on the
>planet, then redirect to the real gold site for a generic "transaction
>completed" or even "failed" screen
>A world where a random paypal hack like this one doesn't work is the same as
>the world where there is no point sending out a Nigerian as you will never
>make a penny on it - and yet, Nigerian is still profitable for the con

in a world where there are repeated human mistakes/failures  at some 
point it is recognized that people aren't perfect and the design is changed 
to accommodate peoples foibles. in some respects that is what helmets, seat 
belts, and air bags have been about.

in the past systems have designed long, complicated passwords that are hard 
to remember and must be changed every month. that almost worked when i 
person had to deal with a single shared-secret. when it became a fact of 
life that a person might have tens of such different interfaces it became 
impossible. It wasn't the fault of any specific institution, it was a 
failure of humans being able to deal with large numbers of extremely 
complex, frequently changing passwords. Because of known human foibles, it 
might be a good idea to start shifting from an infrastructure with large 
numbers of shared-secrets to a non-shared-secret paradigm.

at a recent cybersecurity conference, somebody made the statement that (of 
the current outsider, internet exploits, approximately 1/3rd are buffer 
overflows, 1/3rd are network traffic containing virus that infects a 
machine because of automatic scripting, and 1/3 are social engineering 
(convince somebody to divulge information). As far as I know, evesdropping 
on network traffic  doesn't even show as a blip on the radar screen.

In the following thread on a financial  authentication white paper: Authentication white paper FINREAD was. Authentication 
white paper FINREAD ... and as an aside FINREAD was. Authentication 
white paper

there is point made that X9.59 standard doesn't directly address the 
Privacy aspect of security (i.e. no encryption or hiding of data). However, 
the point is made that it changes the paradigm so that the financial 
account number no longer represents a shared-secret and that it can be 
supported with two-factor authentication  i.e. "something you have" token 
and "something you know" PIN. The "something you know" PIN is used to 
enable the token, but is not a shared secret. Furthermore, strong 
authentication can be justification for eliminating the need for name or 
other identification information in the transaction.

However, if X9.59 strong authentication is used with two-factor 
authentication and no identification information is necessary  then it 
would make people more suspicious if privacy information was requested. 
Also, since privacy information is no longer sufficient for performing a 
fraudulent transaction, it might mitigate that kind of social engineering 

The types of social engineering attacks then become convincing people to 
insert their hardware token and do really questionable things or mailing 
somebody their existing hardware token along with the valid pin (possibly 
as part of an exchange for replacement). The cost/benefit ratio does start 
to change since there is now much more work on the crooks part for the same 
or less gain. One could also claim that such activities are just part of 
child-proofing the environment (even for adults). On the other hand, it 
could be taken as analogous to designing systems to handle observed failure 
modes (even when the failures are human and not hardware or software). 
Misc. identify theft and credit card fraud reference: Identity Theft Losses Expect to 
hit $2 trillion

Slightly related in recent thread that brought up buffer overflow exploits A Dark Day

and the report that multics hasn't ever had a buffer overflow exploit Thirty Years Later: Lessons from 
the Multics Security Evaluation Thirty Years Later: Lessons from 
the Multics Security Evaluation

somebody (else) commented (in the thread) that anybody that 

Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread Dave Howe
James A. Donald wrote:
> Attached is a spam mail that constitutes an attack on paypal similar
> in effect and method to man in the middle.
> The bottom line is that https just is not working.  Its broken.
HTTPS works just fine.
The problem is - people are broken.
At the very least, verisign should say "ok so '..go1d..' is a valid server
address, but doesn't it look suspiously similar to this '' site over
here?" for https://pseudo-gold-site/ - but really, if users are going to
fill in random webforms sent by email, they aren't going to be safe under
any circumstances; the thing could send by unsecured http to any site on the
planet, then redirect to the real gold site for a generic "transaction
completed" or even "failed" screen
A world where a random paypal hack like this one doesn't work is the same as
the world where there is no point sending out a Nigerian as you will never
make a penny on it - and yet, Nigerian is still profitable for the con

You bought it, Who controls it? [TR Article]

2003-06-08 Thread Major Variola (ret.)
article by Edward Tenner,
Technology review, June 2003 p61-64

Also an article on "deceipt detector" p67-69
about using IR reflectivity of your frontal lobes
to detect deceipt.  Sort of a polygraph on steroids.

(sorry, only cites, not URLs this time)

CIA spies shun computers

2003-06-08 Thread Steve Schear
Old technology dominates at the CIA
In the movies, spies and intelligence agents are the ones with the cool 
gadgets and state-of-the-art equipment, but their real life counterparts 
are far behind.

"A Jobless Recovery is like a Breadless Sandwich."
-- Steve Schear 

The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix

2003-06-08 Thread James A. Donald
I keep posting "you cannot do this using https", and people keep =
replying "yes you can"

No you cannot, cause if you could, paypal, e-gold, e-bay, and the rest =
would not be suffering from the problem illustrated by scam mails such =
as the following

(When you hit the submit button, guess what happens)

  Dear PayPal Customer=20

  This e-mail is the notification of recent innovations taken by =
PayPal to detect inactive customers and non-functioning mailboxes.

  The inactive customers are subject to restriction and removal in =
the next 3 months.

  Please confirm your email address and Credit or Check Card =
information using the form below:

Email Address:
First Name:
Last Name:
Credit or Check Card #:
Expiration Date:
Month 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12  /   Year 2003 =
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 =20


  Information transmitted using 128bit SSL encryption.=20

  Thanks for using PayPal!=20
  This PayPal notification was sent to this email address because =
you are a Web Accept user and chose to receive the PayPal Periodical =
newsletter and Product Updates. To modify your notification preferences, =
go to and log in to your account. =
Changes may take several days to be reflected in our mailings. Replies =
to this email will not be processed. =20

  Copyright=A9 2003 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Designated =
trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. =20

[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 

[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of pixel.gif]

[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-08 Thread Frederick Hirsch
Rich Salz wrote:

Perhaps a few "best practices" papers are in order.  They might help
the secure (distributed) computing field a great deal.
The new book, Practical Cryptography, by Niels Ferguson and
Bruce Schneier is useful.


Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread Tim Dierks
At 02:55 PM 6/8/2003, James A. Donald wrote:
Attached is a spam mail that constitutes an attack on paypal similar
in effect and method to man in the middle.
The bottom line is that https just is not working.  Its broken.

The fact that people keep using shared secrets is a symptom of https
not working.
The flaw in https is that you cannot operate the business and trust
model using https that you can with shared secrets.
I don't think it's https that's broken, since https wasn't intended to 
solve the customer authentication / authorization problem (you could try to 
use SSL's client certificates for that, but no one ever intended client 
certificate authentication to be a generalized transaction problem).

When I responded to this before, I thought you were talking about the 
server auth problem, not the password problem. I continue to feel that the 
server authentication problem is a very hard problem to solve, since 
there's few hints to the browser as to what the user's intent is.

The password problem does need to be solved, but complaining that HTTPS or 
SSL doesn't solve it isn't any more relevant than complaining that it's not 
solved by HTML, HTTP, and/or browser or server implementations, since any 
and all of these are needed in producing a new solution which can function 
with real businesses and real users. Let's face it, passwords are so deeply 
ingrained into people's lives that nothing which is more complex in any way 
than passwords is going to have broad acceptance, and any consumer-driven 
company is going to consider "easy" to be more important that "secure".

Right now, my best idea for solving this problem is to:
 - Standardize an HTML input method for  which does an SPEKE (or 
similar) mutual authentication.
 - Get browser makers to design better ways to communicate to users that 
UI elements can be trusted. For example, a proposal I saw recently which 
would have the OS decorate the borders of "trusted" windows with facts or 
images that an attacker wouldn't be able to predict: the name of your dog, 
or whatever. (Sorry, can't locate a link right now, but I'd appreciate one.)
 - Combine the two to allow sites to provide a user-trustable UI to enter 
a password which cannot be sucked down.
 - Evangelize to users that this is better and that they should be 
suspicious of any situation where they used such interface once, but now 
it's gone.

I agree that the overall architecture is broken; the problem is that it's 
broken in more ways than can just be fixed with any change to TLS/SSL or HTTPS.

 - Tim

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-08 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 04:42 PM 6/4/2003 -0700, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>Nonsense. One can simply cache the certificate, exactly as
>one does with SSH. In fact, Mozilla at least does exactly
>this if you tell it to. The reason that this is uncommon
>is because the environments where HTTPS is used
>are generally spontaneous and therefore certificate caching
>is less useful.

there are actually two scenarios  one is to pre-cache it (so that its 
transmission never actually has to happen) and the other is to compress it 
to zero bytes. detailed discussion of certificate pre-caching and 
certificate zero byte compression:

the typical use for HTTPS for e-commerce is to hide the account number on 
its way to the financial institution. for the most part the merchant is 
primarily interested in the response from the consumer's financial 
institution on whether or not the merchant gets paid. If it weren't for the 
associated business processes, the merchant could get by with never knowing 
anything at all about the consumer (the merchant just passes the account 
number on ... and gets back what they are really interested in  the 
notification from the bank that they will get paid).

So a HTTPS type solution is that the consumer pre-caches their bank's 
certificate (when they establish a bank account).  and they transmit 
the account number "hidden" using the bank's public key. This happens to 
pass thru the merchants processing  but for purposes of the 
authorization, the merchant never really has to see it. The protocol would 
require minor issues of replay attacks  and be able to be done in a 
single round trip  w/o all the SSL protocol chatter. Actually, is isn't 
so much pre-caching their bank's certificate  as loading their bank's 
public key into a table  analogous to the way CA public keys are 
loading into tables (aka using out-of-band processing  the convention 
that they may be self-signed and encoded in a certificate format is an 
anomoly of available software and in no way implies a PKI). The primary 
purpose of HTTPS hasn't been to have a secure channel with the merchant, 
the primary purpose of the HTTPS is to try and hide the consumer's account 
number as it makes its way to the consumer's financial institution.

The other solution is the X9.59 standard (preserve the integrity of the 
financial infrastructure for all electronic retail payments, not just 
internet, not just POS, not just credit, ALL; credit, debit, stored value, 
etc) that creates authenticated transactions and account numbers that can 
only be used in authenticated transaction. The consumer's public key is 
registered in their bank account (out of band process, again no PKI). X9.59 
transactions are signed and transmitted. Since the account number can only 
be used in authenticated transactions  it changes from needing 
encryption to hide the value as part of a shared-secret paradigm to purely 
a paradigm that supports integrity and authentication. As in the above, 
scenario, the merchant passes the value thru on its way to the consumer's 
financial institution; and is focused on getting the approved/disapproved 
answer back about whether they will be paid. As in the bank HTTPS scenario 
where the bank's pubilc key is pre-cached at the consumer, the pre-caching 
of the consumer's public key is pre-cached at the bank  involves no PKI 
business processes (although their may be some similarities that the 
transport of the public key involves encoding in a certificate defined 
format).  misc. x9.59 refs:

Both pre-caching solutions are between the business entities that are 
directly involved; the consumer and the consumer's financial institution 
based on having an established business relationship.

The invention of PKI was primarily to address the issue of an event between 
two parties that had no prior business relationship and possibly weren't 
going to have any future business relationship and that they would conclude 
their business relying on some mutual trust in the integrity of a 3rd party 
w/o actually having to resort to an online environment. The e-commerce 
scenario is that there is real-time, online transaction with the trusted 
3rd party (the consumer's financial institution) involving prior business 
relationship. This negates the basic original assumptions about the 
environment that PKIs are targeted at addressing.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

Re: SIGINT planes vs. radioisotope mapping

2003-06-08 Thread BobCat
From: "Tim May" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I certainly never implied in any way that a simple G-M tube would be
> useful for this. Implicit in my radioistope mapping comment was that a
> gamma ray spectrometer would be used.

> The rest of the assembly, even 20 years ago, was mostly portable: the
> germanium detector head, some preamps and pulse-height analyzers, and a
> multichannel analyzer. Most of this stuff is now done on laptops, the
> MCA and analysis software part. Without researching this on the Net, I
> would thus conjecture the entire gamma ray spectrometer could fit in a
> small carry-on case, using a small dewar.

DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT: 27x13x18 cm, 2.8 kg

There's a bunch more

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-08 Thread Ian Grigg
John Kelsey wrote:

> So, what can I do about it, as an individual?  Make the cellphone companies
> build good crypto into their systems?  Any ideas how to do that?

Nope.  Cellphone companies are big slow moving
targets.  They get their franchise from the
government.  If the NSA wants weak crypto, they
do weak crypto.

There is literally no point in hoping the cell
phone company - or any large franchise holder -
will help you in your fight against big brother.

OTOH, what you can do is argue for reasonable

(Similar to GSM's.  That is hard to attack,
there is AFAIR no 'trival' attack, you have to
get access to the SIM or you have to probe the
phone with another phone over a period of hours.
I.e., the attacker leaves tracks, and he does so
in a way that will move him on to another mode
of tapping, such as purchasing a straight listening

Now, it seems that the US standards didn't get
even that.  There's definately a case for arguing
for better crypto in the US.  And, market forces
and all that, one would think that this would
happen in due course.

But arguing for strong crypto end-to-end - save
your breath.

John Kelsey (paraphrased):
> The only way I can see getting decent security [in any application] is to do
> something that doesn't require the rest of the world's permission or
> assistance.

(I edited the above to broaden the assert!)

Opportunistic crypto - that which uses the tools
immediately available and delivers crypto that
is the best available right now - is the only
crypto that will work for *you* the user in any
application.  Anything that defers security off
to some external party has a result of slowing
or killing the application, or delivering less
or no security than if you'd gone ahead in the
first place.

This isn't saying anything new.  It's the Internet,
after all.  On the Internet, one doesn't ask for
permission to participate.  That's no accident,
it's a core reason for its arisal.  Any protocol
that has a step of "now ask for permission" is,
IMHO, breaking one of the major principles of the

> ... I
> have an old Comsec 3DES phone at home.  It's nice technology.  I think I've
> used it twice.  If you're not a cryptographer or a cocaine smuggler, you
> probably don't know anyone who owns an encrypting phone or would
> particularly want to.  Even if you'd like to improve your own privacy, you
> can't buy an end-to-end encrypting phone and improve it much.  That's what
> I'd like to see change.

I guess there's no reason why you couldn't load
up speakfreely on a custom Unix box with a flashed
OS, put in the USB headset, and sell it as an end
to end encrypting phone.  The software's all free,
a cheap machine is $300 at Walmart, some enterprising
crypto guy could ship out a network appliance for

(Or, put it in a PDA that's got the right hooks?)

Half the price of your old Comsec, wasn't it selling
for $1000?


Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-08 Thread Tim Dierks
At 10:09 PM 6/4/2003, James A. Donald wrote:
Eric Rescorla
> Nonsense. One can simply cache the certificate, exactly as
> one does with SSH. In fact, Mozilla at least does exactly
> this if you tell it to. The reason that this is uncommon is
> because the environments where HTTPS is used are generally
> spontaneous and therefore certificate caching is less useful.
Certificate caching is not the problem that needs solving.  The
problem is all this spam attempting to fool people into logging
in to fake BofA websites and fake e-gold websites, to steal
their passwords or credit card numbers
I don't think this problem is easier to solve (or at least I sure don't 
know how to solve it). It seems to me that you could tell a user every time 
they go to a new site that it's a new site, and hope that users would 
recognize that shouldn't be "new", since they've been there 
before. However, people go to a large enough number of sites that they'd be 
seeing the "new" alert all the time, which leads me to believe that it 
wouldn't be taken seriously.

Fundamentally, making sure that people's perception of the identity of a 
web site matches the true identity of the web site has a technical 
component that is, at most, a small fraction of the problem and solution. 
Most of it is the social question of what it means for the identity to 
match and the UI problem of determining the user's intent (hard one, that), 
and/or allowing the user to easily and reliably match their intent against 
the "reality" of the true "identity".

Any problem that has as a component the fact that the glyphs for 
"lower-case L" and "one" look pretty similar isn't going to be easy to 
solve technologically.

 - Tim

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-08 Thread Eric Rescorla
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) writes:

> Bodo Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Using an explicit state machine helps to get code suitable for multiplexing
> >within a single thread various connections using non-blocking I/O.
> Is there some specific advantage here, or is it an academic exercise?  Some
> quirk of supporting certain types of hardware like nCipher boxes that do async
> crypto/scatter-gather?
I've had to do this on environments where threads weren't a viable
option. See, for instance, my paper from USENIX Security 2002.

[Eric Rescorla   [EMAIL PROTECTED]