I know we have not even delivered RC3 yet! :) 

But, I have tweaked our Neon Final Daze document and opened our Neon info 
center bug.

Those that are new to the process will enjoy reading the entire Final Daze 
document. Those that are familiar with the process, may want to review it, 
but here is a summary: 

 - Clean up old releases and intermediate builds such as milestones. 
 - Be sure you understand and use the p2.mirrorsURL property in your 
repositories, and the "download.php" mirror link in your download pages 
when linking to your download artifacts.
 - Please don't make final announcements or final deliverables available 
until our Simultaneous Release date (6/22). 
 - But do put your final artifacts in final locations so they can mirror, 
but leave "invisible". The Final Daze document has some "how to" 
references, if you don't know what that means. 
 - Update the info center bug when your doc bundles are final, so your 
documentation can be included in online help.

Those I mention by name in the Final Daze document should take a peak and 
make sure I have the right names :) and the right tasks.  
  - Markus
  - Denis
  - Christopher
  - Roxanne

As always, if you have questions, feel free to ask here on this list, 
since if you have the question, others probably do too. 

Thanks as always, 

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