As always, we, the Planning Council (PC), commit to finalizing the Neon 
Plan and Requirements by M4. And we have now done that. Nothing is too 
different but  there are some differences. So read carefully and keep this 
note for reference. 

- The Plan [1]: milestones are similar to previous years, but after the 
release in June, we will plan on having 3 "update releases" instead of 2, 
as we have done in previous years. (The Mars plan remains the same: one 
more update release in February.)  Besides "increased frequency" we also 
had the goal of having the update releases more evenly spaced throughout 
the development year, basically "one per quarter". It turns out to be 
easiest, we believe, to tie the update releases to the same day as three 
of the "Neon+1" milestones [2]. More specifically, that is Milestones 2, 4 
and 6 in September, December, and March. See the Plan Section "Update 
Releases" [3] for more detail. (And, please, read the whole plan [1], 
especially if new to the Simultaneous Release.) 

We recognize this will be "more work" for most projects, but keep in mind 
exactly how much work is done for each update release is still up to each 
project. Some may barely do "minor service", some may have "new features". 
It is up to the project. But you can not have "breaking changes", except 
in rare circumstances. 

One implication of this change is that the last Update Release will come 
after EclipseCon NA, in 2017, assuming EclipseCon is scheduled similar to 
how it is currently. 

While not relevant for a while, there are other changes for dates related 
to the Update Releases: There will no longer be a "warm-up RC1" that is 
done two weeks early. Instead, we will just start off with a "real RC1" 
only one week before RC2. This is because we, the PC, feel projects have 
matured enough at this process to no longer need a warm-up RC, not to 
mention we have a compressed schedule. Similarly, while less important for 
Neon than for Neon+1, in the future we will no longer have a "two week 
window" for the first three milestones. We will instead have a one week 
window all the time. Again, this is due to the maturity of Eclipse 
projects, plus our desire to have more uniformity in the schedules. This 
does not effect Neon, since we are already moving to the 1 week window as 
of right now! for M4. (Everyone "in" by Wednesday, right?) 

- The requirements [4]: They are the same, except for two additions. You 
can find them in the release document by searching for "[added 12/2015, 
for Neon]". But I will paste them below, for a quick read. I think the 
reasons for them are fairly obvious, if you've followed the many 
discussions we've had on this list and in bugs for years, but if any one 
has any questions, I'll address in a separate note, instead of making this 
note more wordy. And, again, please read whole document, even if 

= = = = 
[added 12/2015, for Neon] While part of the mechanics of contributing to 
the build, it is required that any contribution to the Simultaneous 
Release repository be done by a unique change to the b3aggrcon file. There 
are two ways to do this. First, your contribution repository can point to 
a simple repository where you know for sure there is only one version of 
your contribution available. Second, your contribution repository can be a 
composite repository but then you name exactly which versions to include. 
That is you need to specify all 4 version fields. You can, of course, do 
both methods, simple repository and name exact versions if you want the 
safety of that redundancy. 

[added 12/2015, for Neon]. Note: If a jar is already signed by the Eclipse 
certificate, then it must not be re-signed by projects for the release 
= = = = 

As always, questions are welcome. In the mean time ... back to getting M4 

Thank you all for participating and contributing to Eclipse. 

[2] feel free to suggest a name for Neon+1, in Bug 483685

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