Re: [crossfire] [Crossfire] CF promo video

2006-03-22 Thread Tchize
Yeah, love the idea :)

I have already tried in the past, the most difficult part is to make an
ingame video which you can furter edit (is swf an 'editable' video format?)
Most programs i tried were quite sensible to the cpu busy cycle when
interresting things happened ingame, resulting in laggy video :(

A good thing might be to have a 'hacked' client output each of it's map
renders to a raw file along with timing information and then reorganize
this afterward in something like 50png/seconds ?

Alberto Sáez Lodeiros a écrit :

 Hi all

 Last days, I have returned to the world of CF after a problem with
 Motherboard, Processor and RAM Memory.

 As you know, when a game is well known by many many players aroud the
 world, it becomes more and more funny. OK, then, i was thinking ways
 to promo Crossfire, I say Crossfire general, not a concrete server
 (cat2, Metalforge, schmorp...). And a cool idea can be a Promotion
 This is a In-Game video of Crossfire, with a presentation and so on, a
 player fighting with a Dread, and with a high level monster, a PvP
 duel and all exciting things who CF offers the player.

 I was looking for a program to record a video of the desktop, and I
 have found one, called vnc2swf. It allows to save in swf format a
 vnc session.

 Can you tell me if you like the idea? Do you know any other program
 like vnc2swf? What kind of music do you like for the video
 (electronical or heavy metal/rock, classical)? What kind of promo
 video/s do you like before (WoW videos, UA videos, Lineage videos...)?

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[crossfire] [Re] [Crossfire] CF promo video

2006-03-22 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I dont know if SWF flash files are editable. i can tell you that it
doesnt matter because I need them in avi format or any other editable
video format.

The conversion from swf to avi can be made with Winmpg. This is a
program for wind*ws to convert swf to avi, mpeg and many more, and when
i had the avi file, i can edit it with avidemux, main actor or any
other video editor under Linux.

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[crossfire] [Re] [Crossfire] [Idea] Spells inmediate effects

2006-03-22 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I dont speak on spells effects in the world. I say effects in the player hitted by the spell.

I dont know how to program this at Python, but it can be something like this (Visual Basic like code):

if playerHitByExplosion(PlayerID) then


Public Sub castFear()
(here goes the general code for Fear effects)

end sub

Public Sub CastConfussion()
(code for confussion)

end sub
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Re: [crossfire] SVN?

2006-03-22 Thread Alex Schultz
Mark Wedel wrote:

  In terms of branching, as mentioned, I'm usually the one most hit by this. 
But to me, the real show stopper here is ability to have a nice merge 
functionality.  CVS isn't that great - if the there are no conflicts, no 
problem, but if there are, CVS just brackets the code where there is an issue, 
leaving you to fix it in your favorite editor.  I don't know if SVN is any 
better.  Some other products I have seen do have a nice GUI, letting one 
which line/block to take.  I think there are graphical CVS tools, so maybe 
do something similar.

 From what I can see, SVN is on par with this. It does it slightly 
differently, but not really any easier looking or harder looking.

  But the real problems with branches is that I don't think there are 
enough people using crossfire that a branch gets much usage.  One idea tossed 
out was to put experimental code in the branch, but if no one uses the branch, 
doesn't do much good.

Well, SVN does have a significant advantage here. From what I can see, 
it is very easy, by either using SVN, or svn-mirror, to have a local 
mirror of the SVN tree on your computer, that you can use as a 'local 
branch'. That also has the advantage that within your local branch, you 
could revert little changes very easily if you were committing to your 
local branch step by step. The whole time you can have it sync with the 
main SVN server, and eventually merge your changes back to the main svn 
server (preserving the individual commits). IMHO, using SVK or 
svn-mirror, syncing with a sourceforge svn server, would solve such 
branching issues very nicely without cluttering the remote server.

  One complaint I do have with CVS, and I don't know if SVN is better, is that 
CVS will bring back code I delete.

  Say for example I'm editing a file, and remove the function foo() as well as 
make some other changes.  Someone else makes some change to the file and 
commits.  I do a cvs update, and foo() is now back in my file - even though no 
where along the process were any changes made to foo() itself.  So then I have 
to go and delete again.  Branches may make that a little cleaner.

Not sure if SVN is any better either, though the branching as I was 
talking about above could possibly help.

Alex Schultz

crossfire mailing list

Re: [crossfire] Weather usability was: [Idea] Spells inmediate effects

2006-03-22 Thread Miguel Ghobangieno
It has some new bugs where things become blocking on
reload too. Thus I flush my saved weather overlays
every so often. This bug came after the new movement

Oh I'd like to beable to set it so arrows, bolts, and
shooting spells can traverse water. Could we have new
movement types: arrow(or projectile) etc. projectile
probably would be fine. I tried to do it my self
hoping that the movement code used key value... :(

--- Alex Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Miguel Ghobangieno wrote:
 Weather code is usable. I use it, albit on level 4
 However there are still some bugs such as
 disappearing things, and in 
 many ways the results are too extreme and granular.
 I am not sure, but 
 for this, I blame extreme elevation values (which
 happen to be a little 
 corrupted across bigworld, but too extreme anyways).
 In addition, the weather code is not usable in
 anything other than 
 bigworld, as in, not usable for temperature and such
 in smaller maps.
 Alex Schultz
 crossfire mailing list

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Re: [crossfire] Treasurelist idea

2006-03-22 Thread Miguel Ghobangieno
Well using set as a prefix would allow you to put
whatever in the arch, thus one wouldn't need to edit
the code every time a new variable is created since
set just passes it into the archtype in memory.

--- Alex Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Miguel Ghobangieno wrote:
 I was thinking (perhapse this is allready doable):
 treasure bla
arch sword
   chance 20
   magic 4
   set damned 1
   set wc -2
   set msg
   set this is a great sword
   sed endmsg
 If the code sees set then that which comes after
 will be applied to the dropped thing
 Hmm, not sure it's the best way to approach the
 issue (i.e. do we even 
 need to prepend set?), but that would in some ways
 be a good idea.
 Also, please don't use the reply button to start a
 completely new topic, 
 it messes up those using thread view (I am anyways,
 and that's how 
 people on the web archives often view it)
 Alex Schultz

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[crossfire] configure - crossedit

2006-03-22 Thread tchize
Hash: SHA1

Commited some basic checks in configure to skip crossedit and
crossedit unit test directories from make process if it appear not
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


crossfire mailing list

Re: [crossfire] [Re] [Crossfire] [Idea] Spells inmediate effects

2006-03-22 Thread Mark Wedel
Alberto Sáez Lodeiros wrote:
 I dont speak on spells effects in the world. I say effects in the player 
 hitted by the spell.
 I dont know how to program this at Python, but it can be something like 
 this (Visual Basic like code):
 if playerHitByExplosion(PlayerID) then
 Public Sub castFear()
 (here goes the general code for Fear effects)
 end sub
 Public Sub CastConfussion()
 (code for confussion)
 end sub

  Note that as far as I know, being both confused and fear do not stack - the 
code will either act as if the player is confused or the player is feared, not 
both (I'd have to look at the code, but it really comes down to what check is 
first in the player move function).

  However, I'd suggest that this really isn't the right approach.  From what 
described, the idea was that and explosion should knock you back.  Confusion 
just creates random movement - it is unclear why an explosion would confuse the 

  Fear also isn't quite what you want either - the reason is because as said 
above, the explosion should knock the player back when the explosion happens. 
If you fear the player, the player won't move back until the player would move 
next, and then it would use the player movement cycle to move the player back. 
That doesn't seem right to me.

  I do seem to recall that there is an existing spell or two (wave?  
that do knock monsters back, so that code does exist.

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