It's been quite a while since there has been a crossfire release, so it seems about time for one.

So I'm thinking that in a couple weeks time, packing up what is there as a release and putting it up on sourceforge.

 There are a few reasons for this announcement:
- If there is code/changes that are ready for commit, it gives you time to get those committed (a complaint in the past was someone missing the deadline by a few days and has to wait for the next release)

- To be aware of this upcoming release, and _not_ to commit large untested changes. Making a release where the code has had little real world testing tends not to be good.

- To focus on bug fixes/stability improvements for the next few weeks.

Since a couple weeks is vague, I'll just say end of the month. That does not mean the release will happen on March 1, but it could, so just take that as a deadline.

 Any concerns, questions, issues, let me know.

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