Re: issuing smartcards is likely to be cheap [Was: electronic ballots]

2001-02-01 Thread Rich Salz

 Hmmm, I have a "voter registration card" and I believe that is the case
 across the USA.

It is not.

[True enough. --Perry]

Re: Historical PKI resources

2001-01-09 Thread Rich Salz

 Here's the BibTeX entry for the paper that apparently "started it all"..

The D-H paper is the public start of public-key crypto.  The scientific
American article by Gardner explained, pre-patent-issuance, RSA to the
world. The start of PKI is an MIT Master's Thesis that created

Sorry, no references to any of the above.  Should not be hard to find.

The adoption by X.509 for use as authentication in X.500 got us common
technology, and is probably the only reason anyone will ever have to
ASN.1 and DER. :)

The old IETF PEM project gave us "---BEGIN" lines :) and showed
that global X.500 deployment is a non-starter.  RSA's version, which
the IETF's S/MIME showed how to do it practically.

I'll stop now before I get too cynical. :)

Re: Historical PKI resources

2001-01-09 Thread Rich Salz

R sent me a nice note pointing out that it was actually a bachelor's
thesis, supervised by A.  Apparently unpublished.
/r$ (not S, and certainly not *that* S :)

 author =   {Kohnfelder, Loren M.},
 title ={Towards a Practical Public-Key Cryptosystem},
 year = 1978,
 month =May,
 note = {B.S. Thesis, supervised by L. Adleman}

Hush Communications gets silly patent

2001-01-08 Thread Rich Salz

"DUBLIN, Ireland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 8, 2001-- Hush Communications
(, a leading global provider of managed security solutions
and encryption key serving technology, today announced it has been
granted a patent for its revolutionary key pair management technology
that enables personal computer users to send and receive fully encrypted
electronic communications. Hush Communications, the category leader in
key pair management technology, now has the exclusive intellectual
ownership of its core technology, the Hush Encryption Engine(TM). " 
Full PR in

US Patent 6154543.  It seems to be nothing more than store the private
key on a server,
give it out when the user presents the hash of their initial passphrase.

Similar technology was part of DCE in 1996, cf


Re: IBM press release - encryption and authentication

2000-12-10 Thread Rich Salz

 No word, of course, on how the thing actually works, or whether they
 intend to patent it.

Not so.  Search your nearest IETF internet-drafts repository for 
And in there you will find
5.  Intellectual Property Issues
 IBM has filed U.S. patents on this mode and its vari-
 ants in April, 2000.

Ennui has its places, this just wasn't one of them. :)

Re: Java binding to OpenSSL?

2000-11-21 Thread Rich Salz

SWIG ( is a scripting-interface generator; it reads C/C++ header
files and generates stubs for python,java(bleeding edge),tcl,perl.  m2crypto
( is a nice swig'd set of openssl header files.
oriented for python, it should work with java too.

Re: Lots of random numbers

2000-11-17 Thread Rich Salz

Thanks, all, for the review; I greatly appreciate it.

The overall system will be online, and on the net, generating keys 24x7. I can
follow best practices to firewall the network, and physical access by an
adversary is impossible (I now this is a strong statement, but it *is* outside
of my threat model). The keygen machines would periodically grab some entropy
over the local net and mix it into their own; this is to help reduce costs of
requiring custom hardware everywhere. The idea for outside entropy is to have
an auditable (evidentiary) event that adds to the strength of the generated

Thanks again for (continued) commentary.

Lots of random numbers

2000-11-16 Thread Rich Salz

I'm putting together a system that might need to generate thousands of RSA
keypairs per day, using OpenSSL on a "handful" of Linux machines.  What do
folks think of the following: take one machine and dedicate it as an entropy
source. After 'n' seconds turn the network card into promiscuous mode, scoop
up packets and hash them, dump them into the entropy pool. Do this for 'm'
seconds, then go back to sleep for awhile.  The sleep and wake times are
random numbers.  Other systems on the newtwork periodically make an SSL
connection to the entropy box, read bytes, and dump it into their /dev/random

Is this a cute hack, pointless, or a good idea?

Re: Malign SSL server attacks

2000-10-18 Thread Rich Salz

 The only time the client signs something is when the
 server requests client auth.  In TLS, the client signs MD5 and/or SHA1
 hashes of the TLS handshake messages that have passed between
 the client and server at that point in the protocol.
 In SSLv3, it signs an MD5 and/or SHA1 HMAC-like (nested hash with pads)
 of the same handshake messages.

Thanks for the detailed reply.  So the question now becomes to what extent can
the badguy control the hash, by sending fixed nonce data, silly no-op packets,
etc...  Hmm.

Re: [Fwd: [ANNOUNCE] NSS 3.1 Beta 1 Release]

2000-09-19 Thread Rich Salz

 the OpenSSL project was not accepting code from US sources. Has this policy changed?

Yes. The various members of the openssl-core team either
agree that the current regulations remove their concern; or
feel that even though there are issues it's not worth dealing with now

US contributions can be submitted.  They just have to be good enough to
be accepted. :)

Multiple interoperable implementations are usually a good thing.  But
when the talent pool is so small, and the (perceived? :) importance of
the product is so great, I agree that the open source community is best
served by rallying around a single implementation.  Simpson's original
note, asking for reviewers of the NSS code, can be seen as a proof point
of this.  There are plenty of closed-source SSL/TLS/etc implementations
for interop testing.

Flogging one of my own personal horses, the integration of CDSA and
OpenSSL (being started by Intel) will be a very good thing.

Re: Using signature-only certs to authenticate key exchanges

2000-08-17 Thread Rich Salz

 This effectively exempts things like signature-only smartcards and similar

I would not want to risk things on strict technical interpretation.
I would go solely by intent, which often seems obvious.

"I don't know what cryptography is, but I know it when I see it."

Re: Ridding IP of logic, reason, and law

2000-07-31 Thread Rich Salz

 It doesn't seem intuitively like the federal government
 ought to need a special financial incentive to disclose its research.
  But maybe I'm missing something.

This is probably what's called a defensive patent.  It's common practice
to patent something so that nobody else can lock you out, or so that you
have something to trade.  Previously the semantic stuff was probably of
limited interest or could be squashed or was "born secret."  But it's a
different world now, so the government has to be concerned about
lock-out. Or perhaps it's a form of advertising, not uncommon among
(applied :) research labs.

Here's a slightly-related example (physical security) of what is
probably a defensive patent:

Method of maintaining security in a common output means and system for
maintaining security 
 Inventors:   Nezu; Mitsumasa (Kawasaki, JP). 
 Assignee:Fujitsu Limited (Kanagawa, JP). 
 Appl. No.:   789,964
 Filed:   Jan. 31, 1997


A common output unit such as a print server maintains security when an
output request unit, serving as a client, sends a job to be processed to
the output unit. The output unit accepts and puts the job in queue. The
output unit then creates a collation key that is sent back to the output
request unit, which stores the collation key in a storage medium. The
output unit searches the storage medium for the collation key and
processes the queued job corresponding to the collation key. The print
server includes a locked stacker and an ordinary stacker to minimize the
output waiting time of the print job.

Re: A proposal for secure videoconferencing and videomessaging over the Internet

2000-07-28 Thread Rich Salz

 I do not understand what is meant by "provably secure".

An unfortunate admission for a would-be cryptographer.  For what it's
worth, this is a mark against your credibility and might mean that fewer
real crypto types will look at your work.  (And no, I don't qualify as a
crypto type.)

Re: Electronic Signatures Yield Unpleasant Surprises

2000-06-28 Thread Rich Salz

 Their "speciality" in this case is making laws. If they are not capable of
 or willing to make an effort to comprehend that which they are
 legislating, then they are negligent in their duties.

That seems a little disingenuous.  My specialty is computers, yet
I can't fix my modem driver.  "Making laws" is an equally broad

Re: outlook certs - solved

2000-06-22 Thread Rich Salz

 I now believe you've decoded the below incorrectly because the leading bit
 is set, making this a signed number

Then it should have a leading zero byte.
This appears to be a widespread bug within Microsoft products.


2000-06-05 Thread Rich Salz

Any comments on Arcot,

Re: Automatic passphrase generation

2000-04-30 Thread Rich Salz

 proposed it but I think the example passphrase given was "the happy duck
 slowly kisses the yellow book".

A la Chomsky: "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously." :)

For a bit of whimsy, I posted a program in 1989 to
that generated sonnets.  Might be of interest.  You can find it

No funk effete plebian France of stun
Obscure avoirdupois no Job petite
Hysterical success impromptu sun
Recessive friends the stun environ heat

Pronto the pile without beplastered food
Mouthpiece ambitious midrange kernel sponge
Computer jaundiced brushoff fire collude
Machismo epitaph excessive plunge

Romance robotic twilight zone and chirp
Appeal with huge reversion memo fruit
Abhorred cantata foreign frowzy twerp
Intrinsic brilliance jimson footwork cute

Incestuous exemplify of dull
Immense ambitious products hideous null

Ultimate statement on the new regulations

2000-03-15 Thread Rich Salz

It used to be that giving export control advice consisted of helping
clients to comprehend unbelievably ridiculous statements in the
present tense.  Giving such advice now largely consists of helping
clients to comprehend unbelievably ridiculous statements in the future
conditional subjunctive.  That's some kind of progress.
 Eben Moglen   voice: 212-854-8382 
 Professor of Law  Legal Historyfax: 212-854-7946moglen@
 Columbia Law School, 435 West 116th Street, NYC 10027
 General Counsel, Free Software Foundation

Re: starting up servers that need access to secrets

2000-01-05 Thread Rich Salz

 Is there a good solution to the problem of starting up a network server that
 needs access to an encrypted database?

  (They also give
 you the option of having the server store the pass phrase on disk, although
 they warn you that this is completely insecure.)

Is it really?  That's not clear, to me.  Do you trust the local
machine, or not?  Have you locked it down, or not.

You are worried about someone "breaking in" and being able to read
the passphrase.  But you are not worried about someone "breaking
in" and replacing software?

Are you sure that's a realistic distinction to make?

Re: starting up servers that need access to secrets

2000-01-05 Thread Rich Salz

 Your comments about locking down the server host are correct. I think the
 distinction becomes realistic in a worst case scenario.

I disagree, but that's what makes a horse race. :)

If the private key is ondisk, then the adversary can snarf it and
try various passphrases at their leisure until their snarfed copy
of the database decrypts.  I believe better protection would be to
keep private keys on external tamper-evident hardware.  At least
then you can know if someone has (attempted to) snarf the public
key.  (E.g., the way some PC systems say "Alert! The cover has been
opened" at powerup time.)

 If you assume that
 even a locked down server may be broken in to, if the pass phrase to your
 encrypted database isn't on disk then you're better off.

Agreed.  But again I feel that "assume they can break in and read"
is essentially the same as "assume they can break in and modify" for
a reasonably-locked-down system.  I.e., one in which there are basically
no user accounts.

 If you're running
 tripwire then you should be able to detect altered software and reload it, and
 your secret is still safe as long as you used a strong encryption algorithm. 

Only if you know that tripwire itself -- or other parts of the system such as
various shared libraries -- haven't been altered.

My concerns and threat model might be more than you need.  But you
should know what you're explicitly ruling out and document it, if only
to CYA (cover your a..).

Another approach would be to double the number of systems that the adversary
must compromise.  HostA will run the service, but only when HostB sends
it startup info. At boot A pings B.  B "calls back" over over an SSL link
and sends the passphrase using something like S/Key perhaps.

Hope this helps.

Re: Thawte SuperCerts

1999-12-02 Thread Rich Salz

 unless, of course, there's a built-in list of trusted CAs.

That's exactly what it is.  Patching the list is apparently pretty
easy for Netscape Navigator -- instructions are included in the
mod_ssl Apache patch -- but it's not currently known what needs to
be done to make IE add a trusted CA.
