Donald Knuth stops paying for errata

2008-10-30 Thread Perry E. Metzger

It seems that Donald Knuth had his bank accounts attacked not once but
three times using his checking account number off of checks he sent
out for bounties for flaws in his books and software, and is thus
ending a practice of nearly 40 years. Rather sad.

I mark this as another milestone in the slow destruction of the idea
that it is okay for an account number to be the secret used to effect
payment in a transaction system.


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Re: Who cares about side-channel attacks?

2008-10-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 23:41:40 -0500
Thierry Moreau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does SCA protection enter the picture? Marginally at best.
You're forgetting the first questions you need to ask: who are your
enemies, what are you trying to protect, and what can you enemy spend?
And regardless of the answer to the last part, it's safe to assume that
your enemy would prefer to spend as little as possible.  Note that
"spend" includes not just dollars, euros, zorkmids, or linden dollars,
but also reputation if discovered, attack techniques you may or may not
want to reveal, etc.  

So -- why do a side-channel attack involving, say, a million SSL
messages (see, when
that's the sort of thing that will show up in a log file, when you can
send a simple RPC query
( to
learn a private key?

But -- if you're a transit getting ready to deploy fare cards that
depend on a chip being secure, you'd better be very careful about side
channels, because those attacks can be tried offline.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Parallel Skein Hash Construction based on the Subset Sum Problem?

2008-10-30 Thread Matt Ball
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Stephan Somogyi wrote:
> The Skein team has announced its submission to the NIST hash competition:

Now that we've all had a chance to read the Skein algorithm, I've got
a question for the list:

Would it be possible to construct an efficient parallel version of
Skein with output size N by creating intermediate results of size >2N,
adding them as integers, and then hashing this sum of intermediate
results as the final result?  (That is, would such a construction be
faster than the Skein tree hashing?)  I suspect that this construction
would be secure according to the computational difficulty of solving
the Subset Sum problem (known to be NP-complete), but haven't
rigorously confirmed this.  Skein is able to efficiently create larger
outputs, so such a construction like this would be easier with Skein
than with, say SHA-512.

For example, with Skein-256, you could hash each 256-bit (or larger,
depending on leaf size choice) message chunk into a 512-bit, or
768-bit intermediate value.  This value would then be added to all
other similar hash results (mod 2^512 or 2^768), and this result would
be hashed one more time for the final result.

It's necessary to make the intermediate results at least 2x the final
hash size because the best known solution to the subset sum problem is
solvable in 2^(N/2) operations.  There's also the issue of tying the
complexity of an addition operation to the complexity of computing a
single hash result (e.g., 1 N-bit Hash might equal 100 N-bit modular
adds).  For this reason, using 3x the final hash size for
intermediates would be more conservative.

General Comments on Skein:

Overall, I'm very happy with the results of Skein, and the three-fish
project.  When Ron Rivest described his "Halloween" hashing function
during Crypto 2008, I liked its simplicity (only simple operators),
but disliked that it was slower than SHA-256 and SHA-512.  Skein has
both delivered on security (so we think) and is faster and simpler
than existing NIST hashing functions and block ciphers.  In my
opinion, SHA-2 and AES have already pegged the meter on practical
security (of course, this may one day be false...), but there hasn't
been enough emphasis on efficiency, cost, and parallelism.

By using 64-bit addition as one of Skein's basic operations, the
resistance against Shamir's "Cube attack" increases, although the
hardware complexity increases quite a bit over Ron Rivest group's
choice of operators that have no carry.

I suspect that (as with the AES competition), that all of the
contestants of the final round with be secure, and the winner will be
the one that is most efficient, and to some extend, most flexible
(although too much flexibility causes implementation issues when
non-cryptographers have to write code to support all the options, and
the designers have to be smart enough to pick the correct

With more submissions like this, I expect we will be poised for an
exciting NIST hash competition!


Matt Ball, IEEE P1619.x SISWG Chair
Cell: 303-717-2717

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Re: the skein hash function

2008-10-30 Thread Bill Stewart

Eugen Leitl and Stephan Somogyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
about the Skein hash function announcement.


One thing I noticed on a first read-through was
a discussion of speed for ASICs vs. general CPUs.
Their implementation on CPUs was about 4 Gbps/core,
and their estimate of ASIC speed was about 5 Gbps
using about 80K gates worth of ASIC,
and their hash-tree mode makes parallelization efficient.
Their conclusion was that ASICs don't give you
much of a speedup, but may save power or cost.

A quick google-look at ASICs showed a number
in the range of 300K-20M gates,
so hash-trees could probably get speedups of up to 20-100x
if you can keep from becoming input-speed-bound.
The 300K chips were about $6, 5M at $50 and 350MHz,
which is somewhat faster than the Skein team estimate,
and some of the denser chips didn't mention price
but were starting to use 45nm technology.
So if Skein becomes popular, ASIC accelerator hardware
may be practical for higher-speed applications.

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Re: Who cares about side-channel attacks?

2008-10-30 Thread Thierry Moreau

Peter Gutmann wrote:

Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Peter Gutmann wrote:

Given the string of
attacks on crypto in embedded devices (XBox, iPhone, iOpener, Wii, some
not-yet-published ones on HDCP devices :-), etc) this is by far the most
at-risk category because there's a huge incentive to attack them, the result
affects tens/hundreds of millions of devices, and the attacks are immediately
and widely actively exploited (modchips/device unlocking/etc, an important
difference between this and academic proof-of-concept attacks), so this is the
one where I'd expect the vendors to care most.

But they've all been unlocked using easier attacks, surely?

The published ones seem to be the (relatively) easy ones, but the ones that
have been tried (and either not published or just had the easy outcome
published) have been pretty amazing.  This is another one of these things
where real figures are going to be near-impossible to come by, even harder
than my hypothetical public vendor survey of who uses SCA protection.  You'd
have to read about 20 blogs and a hundred mailing lists, many private, just to
keep up, but from various informal contacts with people working in this area
it seems you're not looking at anything like the conventional "identify the
weakest point, then attack there" approach.  Instead what's being done is more
like the Iraqi weapons program prior to 1991 where they were using every
imaginable type of approach, including ones like calutrons that had been
abandoned decades earlier by everyone else, for a first-past-the-post finish,
they'd try anything and everything and whatever got them there first would be
declared the winner.  It's the same with these attacks, whenever I've asked
"have you tried X" the answer is invariably "yes, we have".

This style of attack is quite different from the usual academic model, it
neatly illustrates Bruce Schneier's comment that a defender has to defend
every single point along the line while an attacker only has to find a single
weakness.  In this case it seems to be literally true, and the weakness won't
necessarily be the actual weakest point but merely the point where an attacker
with sufficient skill and access to the right tools got in.  Look at the XBox
attacks for example, there's everything from security 101 lack of
checking/validation and 1980s MSDOS-era A20# issues through to Bunnie Huang's
FPGA-based homebrew logic analyser and use of timing attacks to recover device
keys (oh, and there's an example of a real-world side-channel attack for you),
there's no rhyme or reason to them, it's just "hammer away at everything with
anything you've got and exploit the first bit that fails".

Now you seem to answer the question yourself: SCA protections apply to a 
single class of attacks, while there are many.

Going back to "who cares", having done certification consulting 
assignments for some devices with crypto, when there was no 
checklist-based standard to apply, "good practice" security criteria (to 
be briefly documented in the report) would include the following questions:

(A) Is the secret key inside a device unit applicable to this single 
unit, or is it a system-wide, or domain-wide key?

That's a key management scheme question.

(B) Is the attack destructive? Which device unit features (especially 
"be in working order", but also "be absent of actual tampering evidence" 
or even "remain under the control of the legitimate user without 
interruptions longer than X" ) need to be impaired for a given class of 
attack to succeed? This question pertains to the secret key as in (A) 
and also to any public-key-to-be-integrity-protected which would prevent 
malicious code download.

That's a product design question.

(C) What are the incentives, if any, for the legitimate user to remain 
well-behaved in the human aspects of device protection? (E.g. a merchant 
has some incentive to maintain a payment authorization device in good 
working order.) This leads to the question of insider threats, so 
satisfactory answers in this area are seldom present.

This is an application design question.

This gives an idea of analyses that drives security-related spendings 
(in my limited experience). Clients (intend to) pay for protections that 
will prevent financial losses and major public relations impacts (and 
then cut operating budgets soon after the project gets its 
authorization!). The consultant study must clearly link attackers' 
motivations to impacts and to countermeasures.

Refinements to the above analysis methodology call for the same creative 
mind that you assume from the part of the attackers. E.g. the usefulness 
of a device unit clone for the attacker should be considered for 
questions (B) and (C).

Does SCA protection enter the picture? Marginally at best.



- Thierry Moreau

CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
9130 Place de Montgolfier
Montreal, Qc
Canada   H2M 2A1

Tel.: (514)385-5691
Fax:  (514)385-5900

web s

Re: Who cares about side-channel attacks?

2008-10-30 Thread Peter Gutmann
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Peter Gutmann wrote:
>> Given the string of
>> attacks on crypto in embedded devices (XBox, iPhone, iOpener, Wii, some
>> not-yet-published ones on HDCP devices :-), etc) this is by far the most
>> at-risk category because there's a huge incentive to attack them, the result
>> affects tens/hundreds of millions of devices, and the attacks are immediately
>> and widely actively exploited (modchips/device unlocking/etc, an important
>> difference between this and academic proof-of-concept attacks), so this is 
>> the
>> one where I'd expect the vendors to care most.
>But they've all been unlocked using easier attacks, surely?

The published ones seem to be the (relatively) easy ones, but the ones that
have been tried (and either not published or just had the easy outcome
published) have been pretty amazing.  This is another one of these things
where real figures are going to be near-impossible to come by, even harder
than my hypothetical public vendor survey of who uses SCA protection.  You'd
have to read about 20 blogs and a hundred mailing lists, many private, just to
keep up, but from various informal contacts with people working in this area
it seems you're not looking at anything like the conventional "identify the
weakest point, then attack there" approach.  Instead what's being done is more
like the Iraqi weapons program prior to 1991 where they were using every
imaginable type of approach, including ones like calutrons that had been
abandoned decades earlier by everyone else, for a first-past-the-post finish,
they'd try anything and everything and whatever got them there first would be
declared the winner.  It's the same with these attacks, whenever I've asked
"have you tried X" the answer is invariably "yes, we have".

This style of attack is quite different from the usual academic model, it
neatly illustrates Bruce Schneier's comment that a defender has to defend
every single point along the line while an attacker only has to find a single
weakness.  In this case it seems to be literally true, and the weakness won't
necessarily be the actual weakest point but merely the point where an attacker
with sufficient skill and access to the right tools got in.  Look at the XBox
attacks for example, there's everything from security 101 lack of
checking/validation and 1980s MSDOS-era A20# issues through to Bunnie Huang's
FPGA-based homebrew logic analyser and use of timing attacks to recover device
keys (oh, and there's an example of a real-world side-channel attack for you),
there's no rhyme or reason to them, it's just "hammer away at everything with
anything you've got and exploit the first bit that fails".


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