Re: [Barker, Elaine B.] NIST Publication Announcements

2009-09-30 Thread Perry E. Metzger

"James A. Donald"  writes:
>>> The Haber & Stornetta scheme provides a timestamping
>>> service that doesn't require terribly much trust,
>>> since hard to forge widely witnessed events delimit
>>> particular sets of timestamps. The only issue is
>>> getting sufficient granularity.
>> I don't know if their scheme was patented in Germany.
>> It was in the U.S., though I think that at least some
>> of the patents expire within the year.
> In looking this up, I have noticed a pile of patents
> that patent something equivalent or near equivalent to a
> patricia hash tree, or elaborately disguised patricia
> trees, or something suspiciously similar to a patricia
> hash tree, and various special cases of it, and
> applications of it, without using the name "patricia
> hash tree"

Perhaps that's because this is a Merkle tree, not a patricia
tree. Patricia trees are radix trees -- they're used for optimizing
routing tables, not in cryptography.


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Re: [Barker, Elaine B.] NIST Publication Announcements

2009-09-30 Thread James A. Donald

>> The Haber & Stornetta scheme provides a timestamping
>> service that doesn't require terribly much trust,
>> since hard to forge widely witnessed events delimit
>> particular sets of timestamps. The only issue is
>> getting sufficient granularity.

> I don't know if their scheme was patented in Germany.
> It was in the U.S., though I think that at least some
> of the patents expire within the year.

In looking this up, I have noticed a pile of patents
that patent something equivalent or near equivalent to a
patricia hash tree, or elaborately disguised patricia
trees, or something suspiciously similar to a patricia
hash tree, and various special cases of it, and
applications of it, without using the name "patricia
hash tree"

Since they seem reluctant to use the name "patricia hash
tree" I suspect  that there is already a pile of prior
art, but I could not find any, though I am fairly sure
the method is widely known.  Also, wherever there is a
pile of patents, there is usually a pile of prior art.

Lest even more patents of the patricia hash tree be
published, I would like to describe the method here,
though it surely must be described somewhere else,
probably long ago.

Suppose we have a lot of records, each with a key that
makes collision improbable or impossible,  We assemble
them in a patricia tree, with each node of the patricia
tree containing a hash of its child nodes.  The root of
the patricia tree then, like a tiger hash, uniquely
identifies the complete data set.  If we have multiple
copies of the data set, this data structure allows us to
not only ensure that both copies are identical, but if
there are small differences between them, such as
recently added records, it allows us to efficiently find
the differences, and thus efficiently bring the two data
sets into agreement.

It also allows us to prove that a given record was part
of a particular data set at a particular time.

Suppose the high order part of the key identifies the
high order part of the time, followed by the id of the
particular organization holding those records.  The
upper parts of the patricia hash tree are partially
shared, peer to peer, similarly to file sharing with a
tiger hash.  Each participating organization keeps the
nodes that relate to it. The lower parts are not shared
except as needed.

In this case, there will be a small set of top nodes of
the tree that cease to change, because they only rely on
keys earlier than a certain date, and this small and
very slowly growing set of top nodes proves the complete
state of the tree at all earlier dates.

Then each organization can prove to all or any of the
others that it had a particular record, or particular
set of records, at a particular time, to the granularity
of the time that is the high order part of the key.

Where some or all of the data needs to be shared by some
or all of the organizations, organizations can rapidly
and efficiently identify any disagreements, and when
they are in agreement, rapidly and efficiently prove to
themselves, and to everyone else, and record for all
time, that they are in agreement, since a small number
of the topmost nodes of the tree proves the state of the
tree at each and all times that contributed to those

The structure serves for attestation and sharing, and
since attestation usually involves sharing, and sharing
attestation, the scope for patenting this structure over
and over again in one disguise or another to be applied
to one task or another that involves sharing and or
attestation is limited only by the boundless imagination
of patent lawyers.  One can also add horizontal and
backwards hash relationships between nodes that serve
little practical purpose other than allowing one to have
a single rapidly changing node node attesting instead of
a small set of nodes, and allowing it to be nominally
something other than a patricia hash tree.

Thus, for example, instead of using forty or so nodes to
attest for the state of million organizations over a
billion time periods, one can use a hash of those forty
nodes, and there are no end of different ways one can
hash those forty or so nodes together.  But under that
hash, it is still a patricia hash tree doing the actual
work of gluing the data together.

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Re: Merry Certmas! CN=*\

2009-09-30 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:51:33PM -0700, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:

> It's been long enough that everyone should be patched for this awesome
> class of bugs. This certificate and corresponding private key should
> help people test fairly obscure software or software they've written
> themselves. I hope this release will help with confirmation of the bug
> and with regression testing. Feel free to use this certificate for
> anything relating to free software too. Consider it released into the
> public domain of interesting integers.

If anyone is curious about the impact of this on the Postfix TLS engine
(March 2006, version 2.3.0 and later releases):

1. Postfix checks subject domains obtained from either subjectAltName or CN
   to ensure that the ASN.1 string object length is equal to the C string
   length. Certificates that fail this test are considered anonymous. These
   checks were added in the Spring of 2005 when the contributed TLS patch
   adopted in the 2.2 release was significantly extended and revised.

2. Postfix only matches * certificates against single-label
   sub-domains of Thus for example, the Postini wild-card
   certificate for:


   does not match (say Verisign's), MX records of the form:  IN  MX  100  IN  MX  200  IN  MX  300  IN  MX  400

   (Postfix also does not, for "secure-channel" destinations, trust DNS
enough to let MX records influence the name expected in a peer
certificate. So Postini's wildcard certificate is perhaps only useful
with other sending systems).

   So a "*" certificate will never match any peer domain.

Bottom line, this issue does not impact the Postfix secure-channel TLS
use case.


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Re: SHA-1 and Git (was Re: [tahoe-dev] Tahoe-LAFS key management, part 2: Tahoe-LAFS is like encrypted git)

2009-09-30 Thread Nicolas Williams
On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 02:23:16PM -0700, Fuzzy Hoodie-Monster wrote:
> As usual, I tend to agree with Peter. Consider the time scale and
> severity of problems with cryptographic algorithms vs. the time scale
> of protocol development vs. the time scale of bug creation
> attributable to complex designs. Let's make up some fake numbers,
> shall we? (After all, we're software engineers. Real numbers are for
> real engineers! Bah!)
> [snip]
> Although the numbers are fake, perhaps the orders of magnitude are
> close enough to make the point. Which is: your software will fail for
> reasons unrelated to cryptographic algorithm problems long before
> SHA-256 is broken enough to matter. Perhaps pluggability is a source
> of frequent failures, designed to solve for infrequent and
> low-severity algorithm failures. I would worry about an overfull \hbox
> (badness 1!) long before I worried about AES-128 in CBC mode with
> a unique IV made from /dev/urandom. Between now and the time our

"AES-128 in CBC mode with a unique IV made from /dev/urandom" is
manifestly not the issue of the day.  The issue is hash function
strength.  So when would you worry about MD5?  SHA-1?  By your own
admission MD5 has already been fatally wounded and SHA-1 is headed
that way.

> ciphers and hashes and signatures are broken, we'll have a decade to
> design and implement the next simple system to replace our current
> system. Most software developers would be overjoyed to have a full
> decade. Why are we whining?

We don't have a decade to replace MD5.  We've had a long time to replace
MD5, and even SHA-1 already, but we haven't done it yet.  The reason is
simple: there's more to it than you've stated.  Specifically, for
example, you ignored protocol update development (you assumed 1 new
protocol per-year, but this says nothing about how long it takes to,
say, update TLS) and deployment issues completely, and you supposed that
software development happens at a consistent, fast clip throughout.
Software development and deployment are usually constrained by legacy
and customer behavior, as well as resource availability, all of which
varies enormously.  Protocol upgrade development, for example, is harder
than you might think (I'm guessing though, since you didn't address that
issue).  Complexity exists outside protocol.  This is why we must plan
ahead and make reasonable trade-offs.  Devising protocols that make
upgrade easier is important, supposing that they actually help with the
deployment issues (cue your argument that they do not).

I'm OK with making up numbers for the sake of argument.  But you have to
make up all the relevent numbers.  Then we can plug in real data where
we have it, argue about the other numbers, ...

> What if TLS v1.1 (2006) specified that the only ciphersuite was RSA
> with >= 1024-bit keys, HMAC_SHA256, and AES-128 in CBC mode. How
> likely is it that attackers will be able to reliably and economically
> attack those algorithms in 2016? Meanwhile, the comically complex
> X.509 is already a punching bag
> (
> and 
> including the remote exploit in the certificate handling code itself).

We don't have crystal balls.  We don't really know what's in store for
AES, for example.  Conservative design says we should have a way to
deploy alternatives in a reasonably short period of time.

You and Peter are clearly biased against TLS 1.2 specifically, and
algorithm negotiation generally.  It's also clear that you're outside
the IETF consensus on both matters _for now_.  IMO you'll need to make
better arguments, or wait enough time to be proven right by events, in
order to change that consensus.


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Re: Unexpected side-effects

2009-09-30 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
Jerry Leichter wrote:
> Well, here I'll expect one. :-)

Not a new idea, although I don't know where I heard it the first time.

> As there is increasing pressure to keep
> records of Internet use, there will be a counter-move to use VPN's which
> promise to keep no records.  Which will lead to legal orders that
> records be kept, with no notification to those being tracked.  Enter
> secure remote attestation - rendering it impossible for an appropriately
> defined non-logging implementation to start logging without giving this
> fact away.

Probably off-topic for this list, but this doesn't make much sense to me, as
such non-logging implementations likely will be just as illegal as notifying
the client of the change, which seems an overall better solution if you are
willing to break the law (provided you can hide the notification from
authorities).  [In Germany, means of surveillance are required by law, as is
record keeping].

Getting back on topic, cryptographically speaking, it's also quite possible to
just monitor all ingoing and outcoming traffic and correlate one with the
other.  Preventing this is not easy, even if encryption is used.

> Maybe it'll be the pirates who make the first large-scale use of those
> TPM's!

Maybe, and this would be a major confirmation that TPM actually works at any
non-trivial scale.  I can't see it, though.


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[Paul F. Doyle] Timestamping

2009-09-30 Thread Perry E. Metzger

Forwarded message:

From: "Paul F. Doyle" 
To: ,

Subject: Re: [Barker, Elaine B.] NIST Publication Announcements
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 09:55:36 -0400

Hello Perry and Stephan (cc: Dan Geer),

Dan Geer forwarded a message thread from the crypto mailing list.

There is an approach to Trusted Time Stamping you may find interesting,
useful and rather different given the circumstances you've described in the
thread.  It is known as the Transient Key Method and is NOT based on a
conventional PKI method for generating cryptographic time stamps, but
instead a fully distributed, web-style, self-validating model.

I would be happy to describe the Transient Key Method in detail if this
would be helpful and can forward along some background documentation if you
are interested.  BTW, it is one of the methods included in the American
National Standard X9.95.

Please let me know how I can be of assistance.


"A life without integrity is meaningless...
...a record or dataset without integrity is worthless!"

Paul F. Doyle
Founder & CEO
P.O. Box 369
Ada, MI  49301
v. 616-458-5733
m. 616-292-8350
f. 866-685-2386/616-458-2271
skype. paul_proofspace

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Merry Certmas! CN=*\

2009-09-30 Thread Jacob Appelbaum
Hello *,

In the spirit of giving and sharing, I felt it would be nice to enable
other Noisebridgers (and friends of Noisebridge) to play around with
bugs in SSL/TLS.

Moxie was just over and we'd discussed releasing this certificate for
some time. He's already released a few certificates and I thought I'd
join him. In celebration of his visit to San Francisco, I wanted to
release fun-times-at-moxie-marlinspike-high. This is a text file that
contains a fully valid, signed certificate (with private key) that can
be used to exploit the NULL certificate prefix bug[0]. The certificate
is valid for * on the internet (when exploiting libnss software). The
certificate is good for two years. It won't work for exploiting the bug
for software written with the WIN32 api, they don't accept (for good
reason) *! I suggest the use of Moxie's sslsniff[1] if you're so
inclined to try network related testing. It may also be useful for
testing code signing software.

It's been long enough that everyone should be patched for this awesome
class of bugs. This certificate and corresponding private key should
help people test fairly obscure software or software they've written
themselves. I hope this release will help with confirmation of the bug
and with regression testing. Feel free to use this certificate for
anything relating to free software too. Consider it released into the
public domain of interesting integers.



Private-Key: (1024 bit)
publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001)
Certificate Request:
Version: 0 (0x0)
Subject: C=US, CN=*\, ST=California, 
L=San Francisco, O=Noisebridge, OU=Moxie Marlinspike Fan Club
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
Modulus (1024 bit):
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption

Re: [Barker, Elaine B.] NIST Publication Announcements

2009-09-30 Thread Steven Bellovin

On Sep 29, 2009, at 10:31 AM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

Stephan Neuhaus  writes:

For business reasons,
Alice can't force Bob to use a particular TTA, and it's also
impossible to stipulate a particular TTA as part of the job
description (the reason is that Alice and the Bobsgreat band name
BTW---won't agree to trust any particular TTA and also don't want to
operate their own).

You don't need such a complicated description -- you're just asking  

I do secure timestamping without requiring significant trust in the
timestamping authority."

The Haber & Stornetta scheme provides a timestamping service that
doesn't require terribly much trust, since hard to forge widely
witnessed events delimit particular sets of timestamps. The only issue
is getting sufficient granularity.

I don't know if their scheme was patented in Germany.  It was in the  
U.S., though I think that at least some of the patents expire within  
the year.

--Steve Bellovin,

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