Re: Question w.r.t. AES-CBC IV

2010-07-10 Thread Peter Gutmann
Ralph Holz writes:

CTR mode seems a better choice here. Without getting too technical, security
of CTR mode holds as long as the IVs used are fresh whereas security of CBC
mode requires IVs to be random.

Unfortunately CTR mode, being a stream cipher, fails completely if the
IV's/keys aren't fresh (as you could force them to be for SRTP under SIP by
attacking the crypto handshake that preceded it, a nice example of attacking
across a protocol boundary, taking advantage of a weakness in one protocol to
break a second), while CBC only becomes a bit less secure.  In addition CTR
mode fails trivially to integrity attacks, while with CBC it's often more
obvious (you get at least some total corruption before the self-healing takes

The problem with CTR is that, like RC4, it's very brittle, make a tiny mistake
anywhere and you're toast.


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Re: Question w.r.t. AES-CBC IV

2010-07-10 Thread Peter Gutmann (alt)
Ralph Holz writes:

CTR mode seems a better choice here. Without getting too technical, security
of CTR mode holds as long as the IVs used are fresh whereas security of CBC
mode requires IVs to be random.

Unfortunately CTR mode, being a stream cipher, fails completely if the
IV's/keys aren't fresh (as you could force them to be for SRTP under SIP by
attacking the crypto handshake that preceded it, a nice example of attacking
across a protocol boundary, taking advantage of a weakness in one protocol to
break a second), while CBC only becomes a bit less secure.  In addition CTR
mode fails trivially to integrity attacks, while with CBC it's often more
obvious (you get at least some total corruption before the self-healing takes

The problem with CTR is that, like RC4, it's very brittle, make a tiny mistake
anywhere and you're toast.


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Re: Spy/Counterspy

2010-07-10 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Jul 9, 2010, at 1:00 PM, Pawel wrote:


On Apr 27, 2010, at 5:38 AM, Peter Gutmann (alt) 

GPS tracking units that you can fit to your car to track where your  
kids are taking it [T]he sorts of places that'll sell you card  
skimmers and RFID cloners have started selling miniature GPS  
jammers that plug
into cigarette-lighter sockets on cars  In other words these  
are specifically designed to stop cars from being tracked.

(Some of the more sophisticated trackers will fall back to 3G GSM- 
tracking via UMTS modems if they lose the GPS signal, it'll be  
interested to see how long it takes before the jammers are updated  
to deal with 3G signals as well, hopefully while leaving 2G intact  
for phonecalls).

Just wondering, why wouldn't GPS trackers use 2G to determine the  

And, also, does it even need a cell service subscription for  
location determination, or is it enough to query the cell towers  
(through some handshake protocols) to figure out the proximities and  
The 2G stuff wasn't designed to provide location information; that was  
hacked in (by triangulating information received at multiple towers)  
after the fact. I don't know that anyone has tried to do it from the  
receiver side - it seems difficult, and would probably require  
building specialized receiver modules (expensive).  3G provides  
location information as a standard service, so it's cheap and easy.

The next attack, of course, is to use WiFi base station  
triangulation.  That's widely and cheaply available already, and quite  
accurate in many areas.  (It doesn't work out in the countryside if  
you're far enough from buildings, but then you don't have to go more  
than 60 miles or so from NYC to get to areas with no cell service,  
either.)  The signals are much stronger, and you can get location data  
with much less information, so jamming would be more of a challenge.   
Still, I expect we'll see that in the spy vs. spy race.

I wrote message to Risks - that seems to never have appeared - citing  
an article about GPS spoofing.  (I've included it below.)  In the spy  
vs. spy game, of course, it's much more suspicious if the GPS suddenly  
stops working than if it shows you've gone to the supermarket.  Of  
course, WiFi (and presumably UMTS equipment, though that might be  
harder) can also be spoofed.  I had an experience - described in  
another RISKS article - in which WiFi-based location suddenly  
teleported me from Manhattan to the Riviera - apparently because I was  
driving past a cruise ship in dock and its on-board WiFi had been  
sampled while it was in Europe.

-- Jerry

The BBC reports ( 
8533157.stm) on the growing threat of jamming to satellite navigation  
systems.  The fundamental vulnerability of all the systems - GPS, the  
Russian Glonass, and the European Galileo - is the very low power of  
the transmissions.  (Nice analogy:  A satellite puts out less power  
than a car headlight, illuminating more than a third of the Earth's  
surface from 20,000 kilometers.)  Jammers - which simply overwhelm the  
satellite signal - are increasingly available on-line.  According to  
the article, low-powered hand-held versions cost less than £100, run  
for hours on a battery, and can confuse receivers tens of kilometers  

The newer threat is from spoofers, which can project a false  
location.  This still costs thousands, but the price will inevitably  
come down.

A test done in 2008 showed that it was easy to badly spoof ships off  
the English coast, causing them to read locations anywhere from  
Ireland to Scandinavia.

Beyond simple hacking - someone is quoted saying You can consider GPS  
a little like computers before the first virus - if I had stood here  
before then and cried about the risks, you would've asked 'why would  
anyone bother?'. - among the possible vulnerabilities are to high- 
value cargo, armored cars, and rental cars tracked by GPS. As we build  
more and more location-aware services, we are inherently building  
more false-location-vulnerable services at the same time.

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Re: What is required for trust?

2010-07-10 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Jun 3, 2010, at 10:39 AM, Sandy Harris wrote:

India recently forbade some Chinese companies from bidding on some
cell phone infrastructure projects, citing national security  

The main devices to worry about are big infrastructure pieces --
telephone switches, big routers and the like. However, those are by no
means the only potential targets. Small home routers and various
embedded systems are others.

So, if one is building some sort of hardware that people may be
reluctant to buy because of security concerns, what does it take to
reassure them?...
Given the state of the art, there appears to be no way to get any  
assurance you can reasonably believe in.  See 
, full paper at 
 - for some work in this area:  The authors took an open-source  
design for a SPARC chip and made some very small modifications to it.   
The resulting processor could not reasonably be distinguished from an  
unmodified one by any feasible testing, but renders any software  
protection you might use on the device completely ineffective against  
someone who knows how to trigger the hardware hacks (which can be done  
remotely).  The only way you would know this stuff is there is by  
vetting the design - and detecting ~100 new lines of VHDL among  
11,000, or 1000 new gates out of 1.8 million.  And, of course this is  
a proof of concept, involving a very simple processor and no attempts  
to absolutely minimize the visibility of the changes.

People usually fall back on well, get chips from multiple sources,  
they can't compromise them all.  But that doesn't work here:  If you  
don't know which chips are good and which are traitors, you don't  
know there isn't a traitor in the very equipment you have to rely on.   
Further, obvious ideas like running extensive comparisons of outputs  
of chips from multiple sources don't work against attacks that only  
open the chip on a specific command.  I suppose you could make sure  
every device that operates on sensitive data has redundant chips from  
multiple vendors and compare outputs - but then at the least you're  
vulnerable to a denial of service attack, which in some circumstances  
is almost as bad.  And even if you do find that two chips disagree -  
which is the bad one?  And if figure that out - you now know one  
bad source, but you have no evidence that the source of the other  
chip hasn't also spiked it in some different way.  (The classic  
trick here is to have two attacks, and let one be found - after  
which the target *thinks* he's safe.)

The whole question of how to get trustworthy parts appears to be a  
huge issue in the US military/intelligence community these days.   
They're putting together consultations with academia and industry -  
and undoubtedly also funding all kinds of secret work as well.  In the  
old days, it was practical for sensitive operations to build their own  
chips at vetted plants.  Those days are gone - there are only a  
limited number of plants on the entire planet that can build state-of- 
the-art chips, the technology itself has been mastered by only a  
limited number of players, and the costs are immense even by military/ 
black funding standards.

-- Jerry

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Re: A real case of malicious steganography in the wild?

2010-07-10 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Jun 29, 2010, at 3:33 AM, Steven Bellovin wrote:

For years, there have been unverifiable statements in the press  
about assorted hostile parties using steganography.  There may now  
be a real incident -- or at least, the FBI has stated in court  
documents that it happened.

According to the Justice Department ( 
), 11 Russian nationals have been operating as deep cover agents in  
the US for many years.  According to Complaint #2 (link at the  
bottom of the page), a steganographic program was used.  Other  
Internet-era techniques allegedly employed include ad hoc WiFi  
networks.  (To be sure, the FBI could be wrong.  In the past, I've  
seen them make mistakes about that, but they're *much* more  
experienced now.)

It will be interesting to see how this develops in court.
Unfortunately (from a particular point of view), we'll probably never  
find it:  It looks as if these agents will be swapped for various  
Americans held by the Russians.

-- Jerry

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Re: Question w.r.t. AES-CBC IV

2010-07-10 Thread Chris Palmer
Ralph Holz writes:

 He wanted to scrape off some additional bits when using AES-CBC because
 the messages in his concept are very short (a few hundred bit). So he

I'd rather have a known-safe design than to save 12 bytes.

Seriously: what the hell.

Say you have 1-byte messages, and that the cryptography will expand them to
128 bytes ( use a MAC, right?). If this overhead factor is really bad
for you, for example because you expect to send thousands of messages per
second, your problem is a bad protocol design. Don't break the safety
mechanism to support an inefficient protocol.

Alternately, if you send messages only rarely, the overhead doesn't matter.

My point is, since you have tiny messages, throughput must not be your goal.
And yet, even with 128-byte messages, your messages are so small that
latency and bloat are not problems. You get confidential and MAC'd
communications for less than the cost of a tweet or SMS.

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Re: Question w.r.t. AES-CBC IV

2010-07-10 Thread David Wagner
Jerry Leichter  wrote:
 CTR mode is dangerous unless you're also doing message authentication,  


That's true of CBC mode, too, and almost any other encryption mode.
Encryption without authentication is dangerous; if you need to encrypt,
you almost always need message authentication as well.

(I will agree that CTR mode encryption without message authentication
is often even more dangerous than CBC mode encryption without message
authentication, but usually neither is a good idea.)

Setting that minor nitpick aside, the discussion here seems like good

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Re: 1280-Bit RSA

2010-07-10 Thread Brandon Enright
On Fri, 9 Jul 2010 21:16:30 -0400 (EDT)
Jonathan Thornburg wrote:

 The following usenet posting from 1993 provides an interesting bit
 (no pun itended) of history on RSA key sizes.  The key passage is the
 last paragraph, asserting that 1024-bit keys should be ok (safe from
 key-factoring attacks) for a few decades.  We're currently just
 under 1.75 decades on from that message.  I think the take-home lesson
 is that forecasting progress in factoring is hard, so it's useful to
 add a safety margin...

This is quite interesting.  The post doesn't say but I suspect at the
factoring effort was based on using Quadratic Sieve rather than GNFS.
The difference in speed for QS versus GNFS starts to really diverge with
larger composites.  Here's another table:

256  43.68 43.73
384  52.58 55.62
512  59.84 65.86
664  67.17 76.64
768  71.62 83.40
1024 81.22 98.48
1280 89.46111.96
1536 96.76124.28
2048 109.41   146.44
3072 129.86   184.29
4096 146.49   216.76
8192 195.14   319.63
16384258.83   469.80
32768342.05   688.62

Clearly starting at key sizes of 1024 and greater GNFS starts to really
improve over QS.  If the 1993 estimate for RSA 1024 was assuming QS
then that was roughly equivalent to RSA 1536 today.  Even improving the
GNFS constant from 1.8 to 1.6 cuts off the equivalent of about 256 bits
from the modulus.

The only certainty in factoring techniques is that they won't get worse
than what we have today.


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