Re: Activation protocol for tracking devices

2009-03-04 Thread Santiago Aguiar

David Wagner wrote:

This does sound like it introduces novel risks.  I would suggest that
rather than spending too much energy on the cryptomath, it would make
sense to focus energy on the systems issues and the security requirements.
Very interesting read. These topics are being discussed, but the 
proposed solutions are basically 'policies' but no actual mechanisms to 
enforce those policies are being defined. For example, privacy is not 
really an issue because the owner can opt to deactivate the service. 
How? By sending a signed letter to the SO or DENATRAN who then will 
dutifully disable the device.

We'll see how things develop, but probably there will be more outcries 
about this legislation once the deadline gets even closer and public 
awareness rises


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Re: Activation protocol for tracking devices

2009-03-02 Thread Santiago Aguiar

John Ioannidis wrote:
Just don't do it.  If you are going to spend your energy on anything, 
it should be to work against such a plan.
I would agree, but I fear that a "this is never going to work, drop it" 
will be less heard than any effort in at least trying to raise the bar 
for an attack. 

The previous proposed solution at the work group was that the service 
provider 'configured' the device with an authentication 'word' upon 
activation an made sure that that 'word' was always present on each 
message to authenticate it. The only benefit I can see in it (that could 
very likely been accepted if no one objected) is that is so simple that 
all bugs are obvious...

But I accept that the false sense of security of a complex scheme that 
is broken somewhere _maybe_ worse than an obviously wrong solution...


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Re: Activation protocol for tracking devices

2009-03-02 Thread Santiago Aguiar


Jerry Leichter wrote:
Not specifically, but you can simply take the first 64 bits from a 
larger cryptographically secure hash function.
OK, I didn't know if it was right to do just that. We were thinking to 
use that hash in an HMAC so the TCU and SO can know that they were 
originated from someone who knows Kc and to protect it's integrity (see 
With a hash, you need to be a bit fancier since, in and of itself, the 
hash has no secret information.  This can be done, but it would be 
trickier; I'd go with the block cipher.
Best if we can avoid trickier things!. I was thinking of a hash so maybe 
we could reuse the ones we were using on other parts of the protocol 
(since probably asking to include support for a larger set of primitives 
on all devices would be resisted); but we can, of course, just require 
that the TCU generates a random challenge and leave the mechanism to be 
defined by each implementation.
Note that there are published algorithms - even part of FIPS standards 
- that do exactly what you need:  Take a single random seed and safely 
stretch it into a large number of random values.  The ones in the 
standards - and perhaps most of the ones out there - are old and 
probably not up to contemporary standards.

Will take a look at them, thanks.
You're trying to produce a keyed hash function (or MAC) from a 
non-keyed hash function.  Just pre-pending the secret key is not 
necessarily secure.  I'd suggest using HMAC (with Kt the key, of course).
Yes, I was aware of this, the H should be an HMAC. AFAIK it shouldn't be 
a problem, just some extra cycles and doing it the right way, right?
From that point, Kc is stored in SO and TCU, and every message 
interchanged between the SO and TCU goes signed with Kc (for this we 
need a H with max. 64 bits output...).
Signed?  How?  I don't understand the 64-bit limitation.  I'm not sure 
a 64-bit signing key is sufficient these days.
The 64 bits limitation is because the protocol only has 1 slot to 
include *some* auth information, and it's a 64 bits field (yes, it has 
been defined without knowing what exactly will go there ;)). The 
protocol was defined by a working group and trying to changing it can 
be... complicated... unless we have obvious arguments to show that it's 

By signed I meant doing a HMAC(Kc, body of message (with auth field in 
0, sic)). Would it be OK in this case to truncate the output of ie. a 
HMAC-SHA1 to 64 bits? My crypto/math is not good enough to understand 
how hard would be in this case to modify a msg to reuse a previous 

Thanks for your comments Jerry!


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Activation protocol for tracking devices

2009-03-02 Thread Santiago Aguiar
I'm afraid this email will probably will be a) flamed away (because it's 
not from a cryptographer, but forced to do crypto-things, and I do know 
your opinion about this matter...) b) ignored (same reason!). I'm 
sending it anyway because any kind of feedback would be welcomed ;), and 
the situation is, in my opinion, dire...

As I wrote in my last email, in Brazil they are devising a protocol to 
activate tracking/blocking devices to be installed from factory in 
*every* vehicle, starting progressively from august 2009. The idea is 
that a service operator (SO) can activate a device to work with it, by 
first asking a centralized agency, the DENATRAN (department of transit), 
that must authorize the activation request. Once activated, the device 
keeps in that state until the SO deactivates it or until DENATRAN 
reconfigures the device SIM card remotely to change it IMSI to a special 
network operated by DENATRAN.

We are trying to suggest options for this activation protocol, and for 
our current one I have some questions I would like to confirm with 
knowledgeable people like you ;):

* Is there any standard cryptographic hash function with an output of 
about 64 bits? It's OK for our scenario if finding a preimage for a 
particular signature takes 5 days. Not if it takes 5 minutes.
* Suppose a cryptographically secure random number is stored on the 
device from factory, could I use the output of a block cipher applied to 
this number as a way to generate new random numbers (since the output 
from the cipher should not be distinguishable from random data)? In case 
yes, could I do this with a hash instead of a cipher?

For those interested, this is what we are proposing at the time:

Every TCU (the device) comes pre-installed from factory with a Kt known 
to the device and DENATRAN.

SO-> TCU (device): sends a SMS with GPRS connection information (apn, 
user, pass, server IPs/ports). The mechanism so that this first SMS is 
not a big issue have been, reasonably, covered.

TCU->SO: challenge
SO->DENATRAN: challenge, SO_id
DENATRAN->SO: H(Kt, challenge, SO_id), Kc=H(Kt, challenge)
SO->TCU: H(Kt, challenge, SO_id), SO_id

From that point, Kc is stored in SO and TCU, and every message 
interchanged between the SO and TCU goes signed with Kc (for this we 
need a H with max. 64 bits output...). The SO is connected thru an 
authenticated connection to DENATRAN (ie. vpn). Reply attacks could be 
possible, we are proposing to include and additional incremental 4 byte 
numbers to use as nonce. In the activation protocol H can be much 
stronger than the one used later. I'm aware that the way of applying the 
hash function must be carefully studied, but at this point we need a 
reasonable idea to discuss over (I would love if this message gets 
bashed to the ground ;)). Message encryption has been outright discarded 
by the working groups.

I'm not asking for anyone here to actually provide a solution (it would 
be stupid to do so), it's just that by looking at how things are 
progressing at Brazil, if nothing comes out, things will just be ignored 
and the implemented solution will probably be quite catastrophic At 
this time, in Brazil there are thousands of tracking companies, each 
with their own protocols and devices, but this regulation will impose a 
government dictated monoculture that creates a very fertile ground for 
massive exploits.




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Brazilian mandatory vehicle anti-theft and tracking regulation

2009-02-23 Thread Santiago Aguiar


I have been following this list for some time, and I wanted to comment 
on one of the projects I'm working on, just to hear your comments about 
it (and because I think is quite interesting for its security 

Starting on August 2009, all new Brazilian vehicles will need to include 
a mandatory anti-theft device, installed from factory, that will be 
activated on demand by the vehicle owner. The device (TCU) will connect 
with an owner selected service operator (SO) by using a standard 
protocol defined by the National Department of Traffic (DENATRAN), 
closely based on Motorola's ACP protocol, over GPRS. The main functions 
of the anti-theft device are vehicle tracking, and remote blocking of 
the vehicle by the service operator on request of the owner or of the 
police department.

As you may notice, the risk of not implementing this in the right way, 
are enormous. Not only because of privacy concerns, but because anyone 
could just block/unblock your car engine or doors remotely, and 
massively (think hundreds of thousands cars in some SO). In my present 
opinion, there's no way they are going to do it correctly.

One of the issues is how the TCU will be activated. The idea is the the 
owner will be able to switch SO whenever he wants, and for that an 
activation protocol is needed. The current 'high-level' proposal by 
DENATRAN is here

In few words, there's a default authkey installed on every device, and a 
'secret' key for each SO. When a SO needs to activate a device, it sends 
an SMS message to the TCU so it connects to the SO server through GRPS, 
then the SO configures the TCU with it's authkey, and from that point on 
the TCU only answers messages that include that authkey. To change to 
another SO, the current SO sends a message that sets the authkey to the 
default one, and repeats the process.

I can think of many of ways to defeat an scheme like that (from just 
getting the SIM card from the TCU and playing the protocol against the 
SO to get it's key,   eavesdropping some weak point, replaying SO->TCU 
commands, etc.).

The reasons of why they say the proposal is OK are based on assuming: a) 
the secrecy of the SO authkey, which is sent in clear to every activated 
device b) the secrecy of the ICC-ID associated to each phone number (at 
least to do something massively), which is known by, at least every, SO, 
c) the security of the network (TCU->(GRPS/GSM)->Telco->(VPN)->SO to 
avoid eavesdropping/spoofing, which is compromised by any compromised SO).

My company started to participate on the working groups that are trying 
to define all the technical and process issues of the regulation, and 
I'm personally deeply concerned. We are not security experts (though we 
build the tracking units and develop it's firmware and server side 
components), but we want to contribute as much as we can to the process.

Do you know of any similar experiences we can base on? Do you think this 
is doomed to fail? Am I being too paranoid and things are done this way 
normally and attacks 'just don't happen';)? 

Any comment is welcomed! Thanks!


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