Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-11 Thread Trevor Perrin
On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Zooko O'Whielacronx  wrote:
> I like the ideas, John.
> The idea, and the protocol you sketched out, are a little reminiscent
> of ZRTP ¹ and of tcpcrypt ². I think you can go one step further,
> however, and make it *really* strong, which is to offer the "higher"
> or "outer" layer a way to hook into the crypto from your inner layer.
> This could be by the inner layer exporting a crypto value which the
> outer layer enforces an authorization or authenticity requirement on,
> as is done in ZRTP if the "a=zrtp-hash" is delivered through an
> integrity-protected outer layer, or in tcpcrypt if the "Session ID" is
> verified by the outer layer.

Hi Zooko,

Are you and John talking about the same thing?

John's talking about tunnelling a redundant inner "record layer" of
encryption inside an outer record layer (using TLS terminology).

I think you're talking about a couple different-but-related things:

 * "channel binding", where an unauthenticated-but-encrypted channel
can be authenticated by performing an inside-the-channel
authentication which commits to values uniquely identifying the outer
channel (note that the "inner" vs "outer" distinction has flipped
around here!)

 * "out-of-band verification", where a channel is authenticated by
communicating values identifying the channel (fingerprint, SAS,
sessionIDs) over some other, authenticated channel (e.g. ZRTP's use of
the signalling channel to protect the media channel).

So I think you're focusing on *modularity* between authentication
methods and the record layer, whereas I think John's getting at

> I think the way that SSL combined transport layer security,
> authorization, and identification was a terrible idea. I (and others)
> have been saying all along that it was a bad idea, and I hope that the
> related security disasters during the last two years have started
> persuading more people to rethink it, too.

This seems like a different thing again.  I agree that TLS could have
been more modular wrt "key agreement" and "public-key authentication".
 It would be nice if the keys necessary to compute a TLS handshake
were part of TLS, instead of requiring X.509 certs.  This would avoid
"self-signed certs", and would allow the client to request various
"proofs" for the server's public key, which could be X.509, other cert
formats, or other info (CT, TACK, DNSSEC, revocation data, etc.).

But this seems like a minor layering flaw, I'm not sure it should be
blamed for any TLS security problems.  The problems with chaining CBC
IVs, plaintext compression, authenticate-then-encrypt, renegotiation,
and a non-working upgrade path aren't solved by better modularity, nor
are they solved by redundancy.  They're solved by making better

 I guess the designers of
> SSL were simply following the lead of the original inventors of public
> key cryptography, who delegated certain critical unsolved problems to
> an underspecified "Trusted Third Party". What a colossal, historic
> mistake.

If you're talking about the "New Directions" paper, Diffie and Hellman
talk about a "public file".  Certificates were a later idea, due to
Kohnfelder... I'd argue that's where things went wrong...

> 1. Go, go, go! The path your thoughts are taking seems fruitful. Just
> design a really good "inner layer" of crypto, without worrying (for
> now) about the vexing and subtle problems of authorization,
> authentication, naming, Man-In-The-Middle-Attack and so on. For now.

That's easy though, right?  Use a proper KDF from a shared secret, do
authenticated encryption, don't f*ck up the IVs

The worthwhile problems are the hard ones, no? :-)

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Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-10 Thread Trevor Perrin
On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 3:32 PM, John Kelsey  wrote:
>  The goal is to have an inner protocol which can run inside TLS or some 
> similar thing
> Suppose we have this inner protocol running inside a TLS version that is 
> subject to one of the CBC padding reaction attacks.  The inner protocol 
> completely blocks that.

If you can design an "inner protocol" to resist such attacks - which
you can, easily - why wouldn't you just design the "outer protocol"
the same way?

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Re: [Cryptography] Key management, key storage. (was Re: prism proof email, namespaces, and anonymity)

2013-09-14 Thread Trevor Perrin
On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 9:46 AM, Perry E. Metzger  wrote:
> However, on the topic of key management itself, my own proposal was
> described here:
> In summary, I proposed a way you can map IDs to keys through pure
> long term observation/widely witnessed events. The idea is not
> original given that to some extent things like Certificate
> Transparency already do this in other domains.

Hi Perry,

What you're proposing is "multipath probing" of email users' public
keys.  Certificate Transparency isn't the right comparison, but this
has certainly been discussed in other domains:

Public Spaces Key Infrastructure / SecSpider (Osterweil et al, 2006, 2007) [1]
Perspectives (for HTTPS - Wendlant et al, 2008) [3]
Convergence (for HTTPS - Marlinspike, 2011) [4]
Vantages (for DNSSSEC - Osterweil et al, 2013) [5]

Probing servers is easier than probing email users, and publishing a
servername -> key directory is also easier as server names don't have
the same privacy concerns as email names.  Still, it's an interesting

Key changes are a challenge to this approach, which people tend to overlook.

One approach is to have the probed party declare a commitment to
maintaining its public key constant for some period of time, and have
this commitment be detected by the probing parties.  This provides
some timing guarantees so that the rest of the system can probe and
download new results at regular intervals, without having sudden key
changes cause glitches.  Things like HPKP [6] and TACK [7] explore
this option.


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Re: NPR : E-Mail Encryption Rare in Everyday Use

2006-02-28 Thread Trevor Perrin

Ed Gerck wrote:

Ben Laurie wrote:

I totally don't buy this distinction - in order to write to you with
postal mail, I first have to ask you for your address.

We all agree that having to use name and address are NOT the problem,
for email or postal mail. Both can also deliver a letter just with
the address ("CURRENT RESIDENT" junk mail, for example).

The problem is that pesky public-key. A public-key such as

[2. application/pgp-keys]...

is N O T user-friendly.

True enough about public keys.  Not so true about key fingerprints - a 
20-char fingerprint is probably not much harder to manage than the usual 
sorts of contact info (email, postal, & IM addresses, phone numbers, etc.).

Of course, a fingerprint won't let you encrypt an email without 
supporting infrastructure for key lookups.  However, it *will* let you 
authenticate a session (e.g., IM, VoIP, SSH) if your parter presents his 
public key in the handshake.

Perhaps this is further support for Iang's contention that we should 
expect newer, interactive protocols (IM, Skype, etc.) to take the lead 
in communication security.  Email-style "message encryption" may simply 
be a much harder problem.


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Re: FW: How broad is the SPEKE patent.

2005-11-11 Thread Trevor Perrin

Charlie Kaufman wrote:
I am not aware of anyone who is publicly shipping - either 

> in a commercial product or as open source - an implementation
> of a strong password protocol without having paid protection
> money to either Lucent or Phoenix (or both).

A not totally up-to-date list of SRP implementations & applications is here:

I suspect most implementors aren't paying anyone.


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Re: continuity of identity

2005-09-28 Thread Trevor Perrin

Hi John,

John Denker wrote:

For starters, let me suggest that rather than having a self-signed
certificate of the type created more-or-less automatically when
you set up your Apache server or set up your SSH daemon, it makes
more sense to set up your own CA and issue your own certs from
there.  In some sense this is just a different type of self-signing,
but it adds a possibly useful layer of indirection.

Conceptually, this self-managed layer of indirection is similar to 
things like PGP master keys / subkeys, X.509 Proxy Certificates [1], and 
proposals such as httpsy YURLs [2] and cryptoIDs [3].


This scheme is in some sense doable already, since modern browsers
have a way of importing new CA keys under user control.  If you
can persuade a user to go through those steps you're all set.

Browsers would need to be modified for this.  I don't think you want to 
encourage users to import CA certs into current browsers, since those 
certs will usually become trusted for all domains.  So you'd need 
something like a known_hosts file to bind the imported certificates to 
domain names.  Adding this with a good UI to mainstream browsers seems 
like the biggest challenge (sending a CA cert during the SSL handshake 
is easy).


Comments, anyone?

One pragmatic issue is that it would be nice if you could form 
"continuity of identity" bindings to existing 3rd-party-managed 
identities as well as self-managed identities.  If the client records an 
identity as something like (CA cert, domain name), then this identity 
would remain stable across end-entity key and cert changes regardless of 
whether the CA cert is self-managed or belongs to Verisign.  Tyler 
Close's Petname Toolbar [4] is an excellent implementation of this concept.

Moving from pragmatics to, I guess, "theory":  Once you have a layer of 
indirection between an entity's public identity and the subkey(s) it 
uses in protocols, there's a lot of features you could add.

A simple layer of indirection would be a master key that can sign 
(subkey, expiration time) certificates.  But you could achieve more 
security and flexibility in managing keys with things like:
   - Allow the master key to delegate revalidation/revocation of 
subkeys to other authorities, so compromised subkeys could be quickly 
disabled without involving the master key.
   - Allow the public identity to be a combination of a public master 
key and a user identifier (as above) so that a single master key could 
support different identities (for example, multiple users might choose a 
trustworthy 3rd-party to host their identity).
   - Allow subkeys to sign other subkeys, to allow more flexible 
   - Allow subkeys to be granted limited privileges for use in 
different protocols.

   - Allow SPKI-like threshold subjects, for greater resilience.

It's interesting that all these techniques developed for other PKIs 
could be applied for the purpose of making a single "crypto identity" 
more secure and flexible.

It's also interesting that such an identity is not just useful for a 
"leap-of-faith" / key continuity model, but could be used with any other 
PKI model (web of trust, authorization certs, name certs, etc.) - you 
could include the identity information or its hash in a certificate, or 
manually exchange it.

One could argue that this gives a nice architecture: The PKI or other 
infrastructure would be responsible for distributing and attesting to 
bindings between crypto identities and real-world names, authorizations, 
etc.  Then, users would be responsible for the key management tasks 
relating to security and stability of their identities.


[1] RFC 3820

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Re: cryptoIDs

2003-10-16 Thread Trevor Perrin
At 09:51 AM 10/16/2003 -0500, Von Welch wrote:

Trevor Perrin writes (02:53 October 16, 2003):
 > Anyways, for private-key management people should use certs - store your
 > root key (i.e. the key that matches the fingerprint) in a safe place (for
 > most people, this would be with their employer or a commercial 
service; but
 > the security-conscious can do whatever they want).  Then have your 
 > issue you short-lived certs for use on your cell-phone, email client, web
 > browser, etc..

In the Grid community these short-lived certs you mention exist and
are in day-to-day use for the sort of delegation you describe. We call
them proxy certificates and have standardized them through the IETF
PKIX working group. See the following url for the latest draft (which
has passed WG last call).

A service implementation also exists to hand out Proxy Certificates
from the long-term credentials as you suggest. It's called MyProxy,
and you can find more information at
Hi Von,

yes, I like those, and I discuss them -

PGP subkeys and SPKI certs can also be used for "key management" in this 
fashion.  I don't claim this is novel.

I *do* think that if you design a new cert format from scratch, without 
sticking within X.509's straitjacket, you can get something 
better.  CryptoID certs allow threshold subjects (like SPKI), timed and 
one-time revalidation (ditto), they have an authorization language suited 
to the task at hand (saying which protocols a key can be used with), and 
they're a clean, simple XML format.

Of course, they're also not compatible with X.509 software :-(.  If you 
don't like that trade-off, then I agree that proxy certs are the better choice.


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2003-10-16 Thread Trevor Perrin
Hi cryptography,

I haven't posted here much, but I've got an idea I'd like to try to win 
some converts / draw some criticism for.  There's a paper, code, and other 
stuff here:  Here's the gist:

The goal is a system for encrypted & authenticated person-to-person 
communications (email, voice, IM, etc.).  It should be simple for people to 
use, and easy for developers to plug into everything.

Such a system would address two problems:
 - public-key distribution (how does Bob get Alice's public key)
 - private-key management (how does Alice deal with her private key - keep 
it secure yet accessible, recover from compromise, etc.)

The PKI approach is to use certs for the 1st, and, I guess, smartcards for 
the 2nd.  Instead, I think people should use fingerprints for the 1st and 
certs for the 2nd.

Fingerprints would work well for key distribution since they're small 
pieces of data, like phone numbers or email addresses.  Users already know 
how to handle these by exchanging them on business cards, writing or 
speaking them, looking them up in directories, etc..  Similarly, software 
already has address books to store these things, so it would be easy to add 
another field for the fingerprint.  Software would inform you when 
something authenticates to a known fingerprint (a blinking indicator next 
to a "pet name"[1], for example) .

One problem: fingerprints are large, thus not very user-friendly.  But that 
can be fixed, somewhat:  if you use the "hash extension" technique from [2] 
and base32 encoding, you can get 20 character fingerprints with a 
reasonable security level (for example: to generate a fingerprint with a 
security level of 120 bits requires a computation of ~15 seconds; if talk 
of "generating" a fingerprint sounds strange see [2] or [3]).  These 
fingerprints (call them "cryptoIDs") would look like:

Not as short as one would like, but much better than the usual hex-coded 
SHA-1.  There's other problems with doing things via fingerprint, but 
you'll have to see the paper - I'm trying (though failing) to be brief :-).

Anyways, for private-key management people should use certs - store your 
root key (i.e. the key that matches the fingerprint) in a safe place (for 
most people, this would be with their employer or a commercial service; but 
the security-conscious can do whatever they want).  Then have your root-key 
issue you short-lived certs for use on your cell-phone, email client, web 
browser, etc..

You could use PGP subkeys, X.509 proxy certs, or SPKI certs for this.  But 
all of them are either excessively complicated for this, lacking in 
features, or both.  So I designed a certificate format just for private-key 
management.  It's SPKI-like but a little simpler and I think does a couple 
things better.

I'm eager for feedback, off-list or on.  Nothing here is that novel, but to 
me this seems a powerful, yet fairly simple, blend of techniques.



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Re: DH with shared secret

2003-10-03 Thread Trevor Perrin
At 05:13 AM 10/3/2003 -0400, Jack Lloyd wrote:

This was just something that popped into my head a while back, and I was
wondering if this works like I think it does. And who came up with it
before me, because it's was too obvious. It's just that I've never heard of
something alone these lines before.
Basically, you share some secret with someone else (call it S).  Then you
do a standard issue DH exchange, but instead of the shared key being
g^(xy), it's g^(xyS)
But a bad guy MITM can try and verify guesses for S, so this is vulnerable 
to an offline dictionary attack.

[A bad guy server will choose y, and will receive g^x.  Now he can try 
guesses for S and see if the resulting g^(xyS) properly decrypts/verifies 
the client's confirmation message.]

The better approach is "DH-EKE": use S as a symmetric key, and exchange 
S(g^x), S(g^y).  No offline attacks, a bad guy only gets a single guess 
during the protocol run.

An ever better approach is SRP, where the server doesn't need to know the 
password but only a function of it.  There's even an I-D for doing it with 

This would be a great way of doing password auth in protocols like 
POP/IMAP, HTTP, and elsewhere, since it mutually authenticates both parties 
based only on the password.

Only one implementation right now (gnuTLS in the CVS version), but 
hopefully that will change soon.


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Re: 3 more good ideas: cryptoURLs, SFS, eternal resource locator/WAX

2003-07-16 Thread Trevor Perrin
At 11:53 AM 7/16/2003 -0400, Ian Grigg wrote:
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Below follows a paragraph on each idea to distribute
key hashes within existing web practice, with examples.
Trevor Perrin wrote:

> A similar idea was discussed on the W3C's URI list[1].  Simon Josefsson had
> the clever idea of a URI scheme that binds an underlying URI to some
> "crypto data" such as document hashes, key fingerprints, and key URLs:
> crypto:[]

This is really good stuff.

  The first observation
is that it is more general than Tyler's approach,
Yeah, but also more complicated.

in that it explicitly incorporates URIs and also
the existing CA-cert regime.  In this way it will
actually add to the current situation, rather than
require the dismantling or ignoring of the CA-cert.
As Tyler pointed out, YURLs contain the hash of the CA's key, so they're 
similar in this respect.

(Much as I think the CA-cert is 'mostly harmless'
as far as security goes, there is little point in
trying to remove it.  It really needs to be
incorporated into any and all plans to add security
to the browsing experience.)
One observation immediatly springs to mind is that
the above URLs simply don't work with existing
conventions.  That is, when I click on them in my
(admittedly not security conscious) email agent,
the result fails.
That would be a great property, but I couldn't find a way to achieve it 
(see below).

To rectify this, one could reverse the location of
the hash:

and similar with the mailto.
Do those work with your email client?  However you order it I'd expect 
clients to choke, so it seems more a question of readability.

Alternatively, use a wrapper convention such as:


Maybe.  Angle brackets are disallowed in RFC 2396; so are square brackets 
but RFC 2396bis currently admits them.. but yeah, these are the kind of 
miniscule but crucial details I'm not sure we've gotten right yet.


>From what I can see across all these ideas, I'd
suggest that if a URI form can be constructed
that is compatible with existing URIs then this
will have deployment advantages over the above.
That's a tough problem.  Tyler repurposes userinfo:


but that won't work well with ftp or telnet URLs that actually use 
userinfo.  And you're not supposed to have userinfo in http or https URLs, 
clients might choke on that.  You could try stuffing crypto data into the 
path or the query component:

Then a naive client would pass it to the server and the server could ignore 
it, and an upgraded client would strip it off and not send it.  You'd have 
to upgrade servers to handle naive clients throwing crypto junk at 
them.  Still pretty ugly..

With a single "crypto" scheme, at least it would be easy to upgrade clients 
to recognize "crypto", discard the crypto data, and then process the URL 

Even in the best case, it would be years before you could expect most 
people to have browsers that did that.  But once that threshold was 
crossed, you could use "secure URLs" without inconveniencing people.


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Re: Announcing httpsy://, a YURL scheme

2003-07-16 Thread Trevor Perrin
At 11:26 AM 7/16/2003 -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

Ian Grigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > A YURL aware search engine may find multiple independent references to a
> > YURL, thus giving you parallel reporting channels, and increasing trust.
> > Of course, this method differs from the YURL method for trust. The
> > parallel channel method assigns a trust value to a site by querying the
> > YURL aware search engine.
> That's an extraordinarily good idea!  It reminds
It seems to me to be more "a bad idea, fully realized".

I'll repeat:

1) The "YURL" makes key management and replacement effectively
One approach: instead of putting the end-entity key's fingerprint in the 
URL, place the CA key's fingerprint.  CryptoURLs have an x509_root_sha1 
datatype for this purpose.  Then ensure that the HTTPS server returns the 
CA's self-signed cert.  The client hashes this to see if the fingerprint 
matches the cryptoURL, then validates the chain in the usual way.

Now a compromise of the EE's key can be recovered from like normal.  For 
example, the CA can issue short-lived certs, or the EE cert can have a CDP 
extension where CRLs are found.  Compromise of the CA key is still a 
catastrophe, but it always was.

The neat thing here is the EE can choose his own "CA", based on the sole 
critieria that he believes it will remain secure, and will be rigorous in 
authenticating him.  For example, I could choose my mom as my "CA", since 
she's highly security-conscious and unlikely to certify anyone else as 
me.  Or I could be my own CA, but split the CA key up into threshold shares 
and stow them in various safes and hiding places, and proactivize them 

The negative, security-wise, is that now you're relying on two trusted 
introducers: wherever the cryptoURL came from, and the CA.  But for that 
price, you've purchased some resilience to EE key compromise.


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Re: httpsy, SSH and eternal resource locator/WAX (Re: Announcing httpsy://, a YURL scheme)

2003-07-16 Thread Trevor Perrin
At 12:33 AM 7/16/2003 +0100, Adam Back wrote:

I'm not that familiar with SFS, but httpsy sounds quite related to
Anderson, Matyas and Peticolas' "eternal resource locator" [1], and
the WAX system they describe in that paper.  This scheme allows a
referer to embody in a URL they refer to authentciation information
about the contents of the text in the body of the page referred to
(either by SHA1 document hash, or by reference to a signing key the
publisher of the referred page may use to sign and update that page's
A similar idea was discussed on the W3C's URI list[1].  Simon Josefsson had 
the clever idea of a URI scheme that binds an underlying URI to some 
"crypto data" such as document hashes, key fingerprints, and key URLs:




crypto:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED],pgp_url=] 

The first example is like an httpsy URL.  The second gives a file and its 
md5 hash.  The third gives Alice's email address and PGP key.  These 
"cryptoURLs" could be used wherever URLs are, not just on the web.  For 
example, a signed XML document that uses cryptoURLs to reference external 
content would extend the signature over that content.  A protocol like LDAP 
that returns a URL referral to another server could return a cryptoURL so 
the client can securely access that server.

We sorta started an I-D, but it's not very far along[2]...



[2] (this is not a real Internet-Draft, despite boilerplate):
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