Re: [Cryptography] prism-proof email in the degenerate case

2013-10-10 Thread arxlight
Hash: SHA1


Drop me a note if you want hosting (gratis) for this.

On 10/10/13 10:22 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
 On Oct 10, 2013, at 11:58 AM, R. Hirschfeld
 Very silly but trivial to implement so I went ahead and did
 To send a prism-proof email, encrypt it for your recipient and
 send it to
 Nice!  I like it.
 A couple of comments:
 1.  Obviously, this has scaling problems.  The interesting question
 is how to extend it while retaining the good properties.  If
 participants are willing to be identified to within 1/k of all the
 users of the system (a set which will itself remain hidden by the
 system), choosing one of k servers based on a hash of the recipient
 would work.  (A concerned recipient could, of course, check servers
 that he knows can't possibly have his mail.)  Can one do better?
 2.  The system provides complete security for recipients (all you
 can tell about a recipient is that he can potentially receive
 messages - though the design has to be careful so that a recipient
 doesn't, for example, release timing information depending on
 whether his decryption succeeded or not).  However, the protection
 is more limited for senders.  A sender can hide its activity by
 simply sending random messages, which of course no one will ever
 be able to decrypt.  Of course, that adds yet more load to the
 entire system.
 3.  Since there's no acknowledgement when a message is picked up,
 the number of messages in the system grows without bound.  As you
 suggest, the service will have to throw out messages after some
 time - but that's a blind process which may discard a message a
 slow receiver hasn't had a chance to pick up while keeping one that
 was picked up a long time ago.  One way around this, for
 cooperative senders:  When creating a message, the sender selects a
 random R and appends tag Hash(R).  Anyone may later send a you may
 delete message R message.  A sender computes Hash(R), finds any
 message with that tag, and discards it.  (It will still want to
 delete messages that are old, but it may be able to define old as
 a larger value if enough of the senders are cooperative.)
 Since an observer can already tell who created the message with tag
 H(R), it would normally be the original sender who deletes his
 messages.  Perhaps he knows they are no longer important; or
 perhaps he received an application-level acknowledgement message
 from the recipient. -- Jerry
 ___ The cryptography
 mailing list

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The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] check-summed keys in secret ciphers?

2013-09-30 Thread arxlight
On 9/30/13 11:07 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
 On Sep 30, 2013, at 4:16 AM, ianG wrote:

 But it still doesn't quite work.  It seems antithetical to NSA's obsession 
 with security at Suite A levels, if they are worried about the gear being 
 snatched, they shouldn't have secret algorithms in them at all.
 This reminds me of the signature line someone used for years:  A boat in a 
 harbor is safe, but that's not what boats are for.  In some cases you need to 
 communicate securely with someone who's in harm's way, so any security 
 device you give him is also in harm's way.  This is hardly a new problem.  
 Back in WW I, code books on ships had lead covers and anyone who had access 
 to them had an obligation to see they were tossed overboard if the ship was 
 about to fall into enemy hands.  Attackers tried very hard to get to the code 
 book before it could be tossed.
 Embassies need to be able to communicate at very high levels of security.  
 They are normally considered quite secure, but quiet attacks against them do 
 occur.  (There are some interesting stories of such things in Peter Wright's 
 Spycatcher, which tells the story of his career in MI5.  If you haven't read 
 it - get a copy right now.)  And of course people always look at the seizure 
 of the US embassy in Iran.  I don't know if any crypto equipment was 
 compromised, but it has been reported that the Iranians were able, by dint of 
 a huge amount of manual labor, to piece back together shredded documents.  
 (This lead to an upgrade of shredders not just by the State Department but in 
 the market at large, which came to demand cross-cut shredders, which cut the 
 paper into longitudinal strips, but then cut across the strips to produce 
 pieces no more than an inch or so long.  Those probably could be re-assembled 
 using computerized techniques - originally developed to re-assemble old parc
  ents like the Dead Sea Scrolls.)

Just to close the circle on this:

The Iranians used hundreds of carpet weavers (mostly women) to
reconstruct a good portion of the shredded documents which they
published (and I think continue to publish) eventually reaching 77
volumes of printed material in a series wonderfully named Documents
from the U.S. Espionage Den.

They did a remarkably good job, considering:

You can see a bunch of the covers via Google Books here:

You could peruse the entire collection in a private (but not secret)
library of which I was once a member (outside the United States of
course) and I seem to remember that a London library had a good number
of the books too, despite the fact that the material was still
classified at the time (and I think still is?)

Perhaps it would be amusing to write to the old publisher and see if one
can still order the entire set:

Center for the Publication of the U.S. Espionage Den's Documents
P.O. Box 15815-3489
Islamic Republic of Iran

Then again, you might find yourself unable to get on international
flights for a time after such a request, who knows.

On your speculation about crosscut shredding, you're right on the money.

DARPA ran a de-shredding challenge in 2011.  A team from San Fran
(All Your Shreds Are Belong To U.S.) won by substantially
reconstructing 5 of 7 puzzles.  DARPA has since yanked the content
there (or it has merely succumbed to bitrot/linkrot) but I recall it
being impressive.  The amount reconstructed from very high security
cross-shred was eye-opening.

Ah, found a mirror (on a site selling shredding services, of course):

Lesson 1:  Don't use line-ruled paper.  Ever.

Lesson 2: Burn or pulp after you shred.

One imagines that substantial progress on the problem has been made
since the contest.

Ah, I see in writing this that there's a Wikipedia article on it too:

Which, in turn, lists the DARPA archive:

As you might imagine, the events of 1979 caused quite a stir when it
came to the security of Department of State facilities.  What might
surprise you, however, would be to learn that most of this work was done
on improving time to destruction of classified material, and the means
to buy that time (read: Marines) for duty officers (read: intelligence
officers), and not actually improving security for diplomatic staff.
Those jarheads aren't for you folks, they are for the Classified.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on BULLRUN

2013-09-05 Thread arxlight
Hash: SHA1

What surprises me is that anyone is surprised.  If you believed
OpenBSD's Theo de Raadt and Gregory Perry back in late 2010, various
government agencies (in this specific case the FBI- though one wonders
if they were the originating agency) have been looking to introduce
weaknesses wholesale into closed AND open source software and OS
infrastructures for some time.  Over a decade in his example.


Those of us old enough might marvel at the fact that going back to the
late 1980s a huge dust up was caused by the allegations that Swiss
firm Crypto AG introduced backdoors into their products at the
behest of Western (read: United States and the BND) intelligence
agencies, products that, at the time, were in widespread use by
foreign governments who, one presumes, could not afford to field their
own national cryptology centers to protect their own infrastructure
(or were just lazy and seduced by a Swiss flag on the corporate
domicile of Crypto AG).

For the unwashed on the list, Wikipedia (and Der Spiegel) relate the
story of (probably) hapless Crypto AG salesman Hans Buehler's 1992
arrest by the Iranian authorities after those allegations came to
light, and the fact that Crypto AG paid a $1m ransom for him (but then
later billed him for the $1m--you stay classy, Crypto AG).


But fear not.  Governments and NGOs around the world will be pleased
to know that Crypto AG lives on and continues to provide superior
crypto and security solutions to foreign institutions of all kinds,

National security councils, national competence centres, e-government
authorities, encryption authorities, national banks, ministries of
defence, combined/joint commands, cyber commands, air forces, land
forces, naval forces, special forces, military intelligence services,
defence encryption authorities, ministries of foreign affairs and
numerous international organisations, ministries of the interior,
presidential guards, critical infrastructure authorities, homeland
security authorities, intelligence services, police forces, and cyber

(See: - The inclusion of a shot of the
Patrouille Suisse is an especially nice touch.  I often drive by their
offices in Steinhausen and was stunned to realize a few years ago that
they are thriving- I can only imagine what the mortgage on that place

I expect that today many of us feel quite naive at being shocked by
those penetration revelations (sorry, allegations) given that it seems
highly probable now that anyone using any sort of Microsoft, Cisco,
Google, Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube, Skype, AOL or Apple product has now
been elevated to a collection priority that seemed confined to the
Irans of the world in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Perry wondered after the unpardonable carelessness of the NSA in
giving 50,000 Snowden's access to a Powerpoint with all the Prism
partners. I would argue that the NSA had good cause to think no one
would notice or care given how many people who should know MUCH MUCH
better still send Crypto AG scads of money. And going back to the days
of hasn't this always been the story?

Security is expensive. Most people (and some governments) are cheap.

There's something about the present political climate in the United
States that really interests me. Mere mention of the word fascism in
any context other than sarcasm seems to brand one quite instantly as a
tin-foil nutjob. Granted, I think the world fascism is as overused
as the word communism, but it bears mentioning that the usurpation
of corporate entities and industry by the state to its own purposes is
one of the classic tenants of fascism.  I'm sure the list's readers
sense where I'm going with this by now.

It is hard to escape noticing that the NSA and its sister and orbital
agencies have long since broken the traditional firewall and morphed
themselves into domestic surveillance agencies.  But the United States
is late to the party here.

In the world of finance it was long understood that certain
state-dominated Russian firms were front-running a number of U.S.
economic indicators prior to release.  The rumor at the time was that
this activity stopped cold after a security audit at the offending
U.S. agencies.  It's possible that the story was apocryphal, but I
sort of doubt it.  The economic intelligence apparatus of foreign
intelligence services was the place to be if you wanted to find
yourself in the good graces of your nation-state.  (It's not an
accident that Nikolay Patolichev, once the Soviet Union's Foreign
Trade Minister, led the pack having been awarded the Order of Lenin
twelve times).

Of course, drafting otherwise independent-appearing private
enterprises to the purposes of the state was popular then (the CIA
would routinely interview U.S. businessmen and businesswomen after
trips to jurisdictions