Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-28 Thread Jerrold Leichter
| Bear writes:
|  One interesting idea which I came up with and haven't seen a way
|  past yet is to XOR each block with a value computed from its
|  sequence number, then compute the hash function on the blocks in
|  a nonsequential order based on the plaintext of the blocks
|  in their new order.
| This is an interesting idea, but it does not fully prevent the Joux
| attack.  This is seen most obviously in the two block case, where
| your method can at most increase the attacker's work by a factor of 2.
| Joux shows how to find a 4-collision using 2*2^(n/2) work, while it should
| take 2^(3n/4) work.  In the case of a 160 bit hash this is the difference
| between 2^81 and 2^120.  Doubling the work to find the 4-collision will
| not do much to address this discrepency.
| Even in the more general case, where Joux puts k blocks together to
| generate 2^k multicollisions, I can see a way to attack your method,
| with an increase in the work by only a factor of k^2
There's a more general problem with the algorithm:  It isn't on-line.  An
implementation requires either an unbounded internal state, or the ability to
re-read the input stream.  The first is obviously impossible, the second a
problem for many common uses of hash functions (in communications, as opposed
to storage).

However ... *any* on-line algorithm falls to a Joux-style attack.  An
algorithm with fixed internal memory that can only read its input linearly,
exactly once, can be modeled as an FSM.  A Joux-style attack then is:  Find
a pair of inputs M1 and M1' that, starting from the fixed initial state, both
leave the FSM in state S.  Now find a pair of inputs M2 and M2' that, starting
from S, leave the FSM in state S'.  Then for the cost of finding these two
collisions, we have *four* distinct collisions as before.  More generally,
by just continuing from state S' to S'' and so on, for the cost of k
single collision searches, we get 2^k collisions.

The nominal security of the FSM is its number of states; for k large enough,
we certainly get too many collisions compared to a random function.

What this shows is that our vague notion that a hash function should behave
like a random function can't work.  On-line-ness always kills that.  (In
fact, even given the function random access to its input doesn't help:  An FSM
can only specify a finite number of random places to look in the input.
If the FSM can only specify an absolute location, it can't work on arbitrarily
long inputs.  If it can specify a location relative to the current position,
you can re-write the machine as a linear one that gets repeated copies of
blocks of a fixed size.)

This is really just the prefix property writ large.  Define an on-line
function f:{0,1}*-{0,1}^k as one with the property that there exist
infinitely many pairs of strings Si, Si' with the property that, for any S in
{0,1}*, f(Si||S) = f(Si'||S).  (In particular, this is true for S the empty
string, so f(Si) = f(Si').)  Then the most we can expect of an (on-line)
hash function is that it act like a function picked at random from the set of
on-line functions.  (This, of course, ignores all the other desireable
properties - we want to choose from a subset of the on-line functions.)

Getting a security parameter in there is a bit tricky.  An obvious first cut
is to say an on-line function has minimum length n if the shortest Si has
length n.

Actual hash functions don't follow this model exactly.  For example, MD5 needs
512+128+64 bits of internal storage* - the first for the input buffer, all of
whose bits are needed together, the second for the running hash state, the
third for the length.  So there are 2^704 states in the MD5 FSM, but the
output only has 2^128 values - only 128 bits of the state number are used.
That in and of itself isn't an issue - it doesn't hurt, in this particular
analysis, to throw bits away in the *final* result.  What does limit it is
that every 512 input bits, the FSM itself logically mods out 512 bits of the
state (the input buffer), and ends up in one of only 2^192 possible states
(and if we work with short strings, then only a small fraction of the 2^64
states of the length field are actually accessible).  Because of this, MD5 can
at best have been chosen from on-line functions of minimum length 128, rather
than those of a minimal length up to 704.  That's why keeping more internal
state *might* help - though you have to be careful, as we've seen, about how
you do it.
-- Jerry

* Actually, you need 3 more bits because the MD5 length is in octets, not
bits. This memory is hidden in any real implementation on byte-oriented

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Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-28 Thread Hal Finney
Jerry Leichter writes:
 However ... *any* on-line algorithm falls to a Joux-style attack.  An
 algorithm with fixed internal memory that can only read its input linearly,
 exactly once, can be modeled as an FSM.  A Joux-style attack then is:  Find
 a pair of inputs M1 and M1' that, starting from the fixed initial state, both
 leave the FSM in state S.  Now find a pair of inputs M2 and M2' that, starting
 from S, leave the FSM in state S'.  Then for the cost of finding these two
 collisions, we have *four* distinct collisions as before.  More generally,
 by just continuing from state S' to S'' and so on, for the cost of k
 single collision searches, we get 2^k collisions.

That's an interesting point.  One counter example I can offer is my
earlier suggestion to use a wide path internally between the stages.
The analysis suggested that if the internal path was twice the width
of the output of the hash, the Joux attack was avoided.  Basically if
the hash output width is n, and the internal width is 2n, then it will
take 2^n to find an internal collision.  And the overall hash strength
is never more than 2^n against any attack, since you can exhaustively
invert the function for that effort.  So nothing based on internal
collisions can weaken a hash built around this principle.

It's not a particularly appealing design strategy due to its apparent
inefficiency.  But if you're right about the general vulnerability of
hashes that support incremental hashing, as any useful hash surely must,
then perhaps it is worth exploring.

Hal Finney

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Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-28 Thread Jerrold Leichter
|  However ... *any* on-line algorithm falls to a Joux-style attack.  An
|  algorithm with fixed internal memory that can only read its input linearly,
|  exactly once, can be modeled as an FSM.  A Joux-style attack then is:  Find
|  a pair of inputs M1 and M1' that, starting from the fixed initial state, both
|  leave the FSM in state S.  Now find a pair of inputs M2 and M2' that, starting
|  from S, leave the FSM in state S'.  Then for the cost of finding these two
|  collisions, we have *four* distinct collisions as before.  More generally,
|  by just continuing from state S' to S'' and so on, for the cost of k
|  single collision searches, we get 2^k collisions.
| That's an interesting point.  One counter example I can offer is my
| earlier suggestion to use a wide path internally between the stages.
| The analysis suggested that if the internal path was twice the width
| of the output of the hash, the Joux attack was avoided.  Basically if
| the hash output width is n, and the internal width is 2n, then it will
| take 2^n to find an internal collision.  And the overall hash strength
| is never more than 2^n against any attack, since you can exhaustively
| invert the function for that effort.  So nothing based on internal
| collisions can weaken a hash built around this principle.
| It's not a particularly appealing design strategy due to its apparent
| inefficiency.  But if you're right about the general vulnerability of
| hashes that support incremental hashing, as any useful hash surely must,
| then perhaps it is worth exploring.
It all depends on how you define an attack, and how you choose to define your
security.  I explored the outer edge:  Distinguishability from a random
function.  For a random function from {0,1}*-{0,1}^k, we expect to have to do
2^k work (where the unit of work is an evaluation of the function) per
collision.  The collisions are all independent - if you've found N, you have
... N.  The next one you want still costs you 2^k work.  However ... no on-
line function can actually be this hard, because a Joux-style attack lets you
combine collisions and find them with much less than the expected work.
Because a Joux-style attack works exponentially well, the cost for a very
large number of collisions is arbitrarily small.  Note that this has nothing
to do with the number of internal states:  One can distinguish random on-line
functions (in the sense I defined) from random functions (My criterion of
infinitely many extendible collision pairs may be too generous; you may need
some kind of minimum density of extendibile collision pairs.)

You can certainly de-rate such a function by discarding some of the bits
of the output and considering the range of the output to be {0,1}^l, l  k.
But I don't see how that helps:  In the limit, collisions become arbirarily
cheap, and making collisions easier can only decrease the cost of finding

If the question is how close to the ultimate limit you can get a function
*constructed in a particular way*, then, yes, passing more internal state may
help.  In fact, it's the only thing that can, if you want an on-line
algorithm - you have nothing else available to vary!  A full analysis in this
direction, though, should have *two* security parameters:  The current one,
the size of the output; and the amount of memory required.  After all, MD5
(for example) is only defined on inputs of up to 2^64 bytes.  If I allow 2^64
bytes of internal state, then the on-line qualifier becomes meaningless.

-- Jerry

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Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-28 Thread Hal Finney
Jerry Leichter writes:
 It all depends on how you define an attack, and how you choose to define your
 security.  I explored the outer edge:  Distinguishability from a random
 function.  For a random function from {0,1}*-{0,1}^k, we expect to have to do
 2^k work (where the unit of work is an evaluation of the function) per
 collision.  The collisions are all independent - if you've found N, you have
 ... N.  The next one you want still costs you 2^k work.

I don't believe this correct.  Joux said that for a true random function,
finding a multicollision of degree j, i.e. j distinct values which hash
to the same thing, takes 2^((j-1)*k/j) for a k-bit hash.  He mentioned
a Crypto paper by David Wagner from a few years ago which showed how
to do this.  See .
This means that the work for a (j+1)-collision is about 2^(k/j^2) times
harder than for a j-collision, not 2^k times harder.

Now, this is not done by first finding a j-collision and then looking
for a new value that matches; that would, as you say, take 2^k times
the work.  Rather, one collects enough hashes and then matches them up
in an efficient way to find the (j+1)-collision.

The wide-internal-path proposal will therefore satisfy the constraints
about multicollisions.  With a 2k bit wide internal path for a k bit hash,
it will take 2^k work to find an internal collision.  With some multiple
of this, Joux's attack finds large multicollisions.  But as the paper by
Wagner shows, you can find arbitrarily large multicollisions in a true
random k-bit function with less than 2^k work.  Since Joux's attack
takes more than this, it does not distinguish this hash construction
from a random function.


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Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-26 Thread bear

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Hal Finney wrote:

Dan Carosone writes:
 My immediate (and not yet further considered) reaction to the
 description of Joux' method was that it might be defeated by something
 as simple as adding a block counter to the input each time.

Right after the talk, Scott Fluhrer (I think it was) spoke up with
several quick ideas for avoiding the attacks, some along these lines,
some involving overlapping blocks, and so on.  There was some rapid
back-and-forth between him and Joux which I could not follow, Joux
saying that these things could be dealt with, and Fluhrer finally seemed
to agree.  Nobody I spoke with afterwards had a simple fix.

It seems like, for every obvious thing you can do to get around
it, it can be rearranged and applied in a different way.  And the
less obvious things, which actually do work, are all CPU-expensive.

One interesting idea which I came up with and haven't seen a way
past yet is to XOR each block with a value computed from its
sequence number, then compute the hash function on the blocks in
a nonsequential order based on the plaintext of the blocks.

In concrete terms, you have a message of n blocks, p1 through pn.
you xor each block with a value computed by a nonlinear function
from its sequence number to get q1 through qn.  Now rearrange
q1 through qn by imposing a total ordering on p1 through pn: for
example if p4 sorted before p7, you put q4 in front of q7.
Finally, you compute the hash value on the blocks q1 through qn
in their new order.

Now the attack doesn't work; collisions against individual blocks
don't combine to produce a collision on the sequence because the
colliding values wouldn't have been fed into the hash function
in the same order as the actual blocks.


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Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-26 Thread Hal Finney
Bear writes:
 One interesting idea which I came up with and haven't seen a way
 past yet is to XOR each block with a value computed from its
 sequence number, then compute the hash function on the blocks in
 a nonsequential order based on the plaintext of the blocks.

 In concrete terms, you have a message of n blocks, p1 through pn.
 you xor each block with a value computed by a nonlinear function
 from its sequence number to get q1 through qn.  Now rearrange
 q1 through qn by imposing a total ordering on p1 through pn: for
 example if p4 sorted before p7, you put q4 in front of q7.
 Finally, you compute the hash value on the blocks q1 through qn
 in their new order.

This is an interesting idea, but it does not fully prevent the Joux
attack.  This is seen most obviously in the two block case, where
your method can at most increase the attacker's work by a factor of 2.
Joux shows how to find a 4-collision using 2*2^(n/2) work, while it should
take 2^(3n/4) work.  In the case of a 160 bit hash this is the difference
between 2^81 and 2^120.  Doubling the work to find the 4-collision will
not do much to address this discrepency.

Even in the more general case, where Joux puts k blocks together to
generate 2^k multicollisions, I can see a way to attack your method,
with an increase in the work by only a factor of k^2.

The attacker could choose an ordering of the blocks ahead of time, and
find collisions which preserve that order.  Specifically, he can start
searching for collisions in the first one, which WOLOG we will call q1.
He can continue to search until he finds a collision which puts p1 into
the first 1/k of block address space, which will guarantee that this
block will sort first.  This will increase his work by a factor of k^2
(because only 1/k of the time will he get lucky, for each of the two
blocks in the collision).  Then he can find a collision in q2 which
puts p2 into the 2nd 1/k of block-address space, guaranteeing that p2
will sort as the second block.  Again this increases the work by k^2.
Proceeding down the line he produces a collision which leaves the blocks
in his pre-chosen order, at a cost of k^2 more work.

Joux shows that finding an 2^k collision takes k times the work to
find a single block collision.  Among other things he shows how this
reduces the work to find a collision in the output of two independent
n-bit hashes from 2^n to n*2^(n/2).  Your approach effectively makes
this (n^3)*2^(n/2) which is an improvement, but still not attaining
the exponential security increase expected from ideal hash functions.

Hal Finney

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Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-26 Thread bear

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Hal Finney wrote:

Bear writes:
 One interesting idea which I came up with and haven't seen a way
 past yet is to XOR each block with a value computed from its
 sequence number, then compute the hash function on the blocks in
 a nonsequential order based on the plaintext of the blocks.

This is an interesting idea, but it does not fully prevent the Joux
The attacker could choose an ordering of the blocks ahead of time, and
find collisions which preserve that order.

Joux shows that finding an 2^k collision takes k times the work to
find a single block collision.  Among other things he shows how this
reduces the work to find a collision in the output of two independent
n-bit hashes from 2^n to n*2^(n/2).  Your approach effectively makes
this (n^3)*2^(n/2) which is an improvement, but still not attaining
the exponential security increase expected from ideal hash functions.

You are correct.  Thank you for your quick and clear thought
regarding the proposal.  Increasing the attacker's work by
a factor of n^2 where n is the number of blocks preserves the
strength only where n^2 = (2^k)/2 where k is the block size.

So, for a 160-bit hash, (2^k)/2 is 2^159, and that means the
proposed method preserves nominal strength only for messages
longer than 2^80 blocks.  Which in practical terms will not
happen; I don't think 2^80 bits of storage have yet been
manufactured by all the computer hardware makers on earth.

I guess I momentarily forgot that with a hash function the
attacker has access to the plaintext and can therefore tell
unambiguously the result of the permutation of the blocks.
I'll continue to think about it.  Maybe I'll come up with
something better.


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Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-25 Thread Daniel Carosone
My immediate (and not yet further considered) reaction to the
description of Joux' method was that it might be defeated by something
as simple as adding a block counter to the input each time.

I any case, I see it as a form of dictionary attack, and wonder
whether the same kinds of techniques wouldn't help.


Description: PGP signature

Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-24 Thread Hal Finney
Jerry Leichter writes:
 It strikes me that Joux's attack relies on *two* features of current
 constructions:  The block-at-a-time structure, and the fact that the state
 passed from block to block is the same size as the output state.  Suppose we
 did ciphertext chaining:  For block i, the input to the compression function
 is the compressed previous state and the xor of block i and block i-1.  Then
 I can no longer mix-and-match pairs of collisions to find new ones.

Here's how I understand what you are suggesting.  Presently the hash
compression function takes two inputs: a state, and an input data block.
For SHA-1 the state is 160 bits and the input data block is 512 bits.
It outputs a state-size block of 160 bits, which gets fed into the
next block:

IV  ---  COMP   ---   COMP   ---   COMP   ---  Output
   ^ ^ ^
   | | |
   | | |
 Block 1   Block 2   Block 3

I think you are proposing to increase the output of each block by 512
bits in this case, so as to provide some data that can be xored into
the input data block of the next stage, a la CBC:

IV  ---  COMP   ---   COMP   ---   COMP   ---  Output
   ^  \  ^  \  ^
   |\-- X\-- X
   | | |
 Block 1   Block 2   Block 3

By itself, adding an xor step doesn't do anything.  The attacker would
still have full control of the output of the xor, since he has full
control of one of its two inputs.  So I think it is more appropriate to
merely think of the compression function block as taking a wider state
input from the previous stage, and not specify how the input data block
is mixed with the previous state.

This might lead to a construction in which the state passed from block
to block is, say, 512 bits, rather than 160.  The compression function
still takes two inputs, the state and the input block, and now produces
a 512 bit output.

IV  ===  COMP   ===   COMP   ===   COMP   ---  Output
   ^ ^ ^
   | | |
   | | |
 Block 1   Block 2   Block 3

(Here, the == are meant to depict wide paths.)

For the final output of the hash, we would presumably derate the
output of the last stage down to 160 bits and not claim the full 512
bits of security.  If we didn't do this step, then the construction is
precisely SHA-512 and Joux's attack still applies.

This approach does appear to defeat the Joux attack.  Finding a collision
in a sub-block which takes a 512 bit input to a 512 bit output will take
2^256 work rather than the 2^80 in the SHA-1 compression function.
So you will never find a multicollision in less work than this.  And the
most strength SHA-1 can provide against anything is 2^160 since that
it what it takes to invert it.  Since 2^256 is greater than 2^160,
the construction is strong against this attack.

We can also see from this analysis that making the paths 512 bits wide is
overkill; they only need to be twice the claimed hash strength, or 320
bits wide in this case.  Or in other words, if we took SHA-512 and only
claimed it to have 256 bits of strength, it would avoid the Joux attack.

However, the problem with this construction is that the inner blocks
now genuinely need to have 512 bits of strength, and that may not be
that easy to provide.  SHA-512's compression function does claim to have
that amount of collision resistance, but it is difficult to analyze such
strong claims, and adding this much strength may make for a slow hash.

Plus, given that we have managed to create a block with 512 bits of
security, it seems a shame to throw away half of the strength to produce
an output that avoids the Joux attack.  I think cryptographers will look
harder to try to find a way of combining sub-blocks which will retain the
strength of the individual pieces rather than throwing half of it away.

Hal Finney

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Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-24 Thread Jerrold Leichter
|  It strikes me that Joux's attack relies on *two* features of current
|  constructions:  The block-at-a-time structure, and the fact that the state
|  passed from block to block is the same size as the output state.  Suppose we
|  did ciphertext chaining:  For block i, the input to the compression function
|  is the compressed previous state and the xor of block i and block i-1.  Then
|  I can no longer mix-and-match pairs of collisions to find new ones.
| Here's how I understand what you are suggesting.  Presently the hash
| compression function takes two inputs: a state, and an input data block.
| For SHA-1 the state is 160 bits and the input data block is 512 bits.
| It outputs a state-size block of 160 bits, which gets fed into the
| next block:
| IV  ---  COMP   ---   COMP   ---   COMP   ---  Output
|^ ^ ^
|| | |
|| | |
|  Block 1   Block 2   Block 3
| I think you are proposing to increase the output of each block by 512
| bits in this case, so as to provide some data that can be xored into
| the input data block of the next stage, a la CBC:
| IV  ---  COMP   ---   COMP   ---   COMP   ---  Output
|^  \  ^  \  ^
||\-- X\-- X
|| | |
|  Block 1   Block 2   Block 3
| By itself, adding an xor step doesn't do anything
Not true.

Joux's attack says:  Find single block messages M1 and M1' that collide on
the blank initial state.  Now find messages M2 amd M2' that collide with
the (common) final state from M1 and M1'.  Then you hav four 2-block
collisions for the cost of two:  M1|M2, M1'|M2, and so on.

But even a simple XOR breaks this.  M1 and M1' have the same hash H, but the
state being passed is now very different:  H,M1 in one case, H,M1' in the
other.  So M1|M2 and M1'|M2 are completely different:  Both started the second
step with the compression function in state H, but the first compressed
M1 XOR M2, and the second M1' XOR M2.

All I'm left with, unless there's some cleverer attack I'm missing, is:

- Find M1 and M1' that collide;
- Find M2 and M2' such that M1 XOR M2 collides with M1' XOR M2',
on the common initial state.

Then for the cost of finding two block-level collisions, I have a collision
between two-block messages (M1|M2 and M1'|M2').  But why bother?  It's always
been sufficient to find a collision on the *last* block, with an arbitrary
initial state.  (It would be nice to eliminate *this* generic weakness, but
it's not clear you can and still have an on-line algorithm.)

-- Jerry

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Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-24 Thread Hal Finney
Jerry Leichter writes:
 Joux's attack says:  Find single block messages M1 and M1' that collide on
 the blank initial state.  Now find messages M2 amd M2' that collide with
 the (common) final state from M1 and M1'.  Then you hav four 2-block
 collisions for the cost of two:  M1|M2, M1'|M2, and so on.

 But even a simple XOR breaks this.  M1 and M1' have the same hash H, but the
 state being passed is now very different:  H,M1 in one case, H,M1' in the
 other.  So M1|M2 and M1'|M2 are completely different:  Both started the second
 step with the compression function in state H, but the first compressed
 M1 XOR M2, and the second M1' XOR M2.

Okay, I misunderstood your earlier suggestion.  Sorry.  Rereading it:

 Suppose we
 did ciphertext chaining:  For block i, the input to the compression function
 is the compressed previous state and the xor of block i and block i-1.  Then
 I can no longer mix-and-match pairs of collisions to find new ones.

It sounds like you're saying that that the input to the second compression
function should be M1 XOR M2 instead of just M2.  Like this:

IV  ---  COMP   ---   COMP   ---   COMP   ---  Output
   ^ ^ ^
   |/-- X/-- X
   |  /  |  /  |
 Block 1   Block 2   Block 3

But this is easily compensated for: if you wanted the input to the
2nd compression stage to be M2, you'd just input M1 XOR M2 instead.
Then when this gets XOR'd with M1, M1 will will cancel out in the XOR
and you'll have a nice clean M2 going into COMP, just as you wanted.

So if you found a compression-function collision starting with IV on M1
and M1', and you found a collision starting with the common output of
that stage on M2 and M2', your four collisions would be:

M1 || (M1 xor M2)
M1 || (M1 xor M2')
M1' || (M1' xor M2)
M1' || (M1' xor M2')

In each case the actual input to the 2nd block compression function
(after xoring with the first block input) would be M2 or M2', as desired.

Hal Finney

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