Re: man in the middle, SSL ... addenda 2

2007-02-07 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
so the assertion in the previous post man in the middle, SSL

was that sitekey as being introduced because of shortcomings in SSL 
countermeasures to
man-in-the-middle attacks  however sitekey only deals with simple 
and is easily defeated with a man-in-the-middle attack

in earlier post man in the middle, SSL

there was reference to SSL attempting to address man-in-the-middle attacks and 
"are you really talking to the server that you think you are talking to". 
however, SSL might be better characterized as verifying that the operator of 
the webserver is the owner  of the corresponding domain name ... aka a digital 
certificate & pki operation  demonstrates that the operator of the webserver 
has use of the private key that corresponds to the "public key" in the digital 
certificate ... bound to the domain name. The browser than validates that the 
domain name in the URL is the same as  the domain name in the (validated) 
digital certificate.

one of my assertions is that problems cropped up when the public started 
webservers with buttons that they clicked on ... significantly degrading any 
association in most of the publics' mind between URLs and the webserver. Since
the public weren't effectively associating URLs with webservers ... and the only
function provided by SSL (as countermeasure to man-in-the-middle attacks) was 
the correspondence between the URL and the webserver  a widening security 
exists between the "buttons" that the public associate with webservers and the 
which is the unit of validation by SSL

one conclusion is if countermeasures are introduced that don't actually
address the actual security vulnerabilities ... then they may not be able
to eliminate those security vulnerabilities.

so one countermeasure that has been introduced (to close some part of the 
security gap) 
is by some of the email clients which look for "buttons" in the content ... and 
if the 
label of the button appears to be a url/http ... it checks if the actual 
url/http is the 
same as the claimed url/http. if they don't match ... the email client will 
flag the 
email as potential problem. The simple countermeasure by attackers ... is to 
not use a 
http/url label for the button (i.e. just label the button something else, say 
name of some financial institution).

Another kind of approach trying to close the gap between what the people 
associate with 
webservers and the actual URL used ... is to take a page out of PGP and have a 
list of 
"trusted" urls (or at least domain names). Browsers display the assigned trust 
recorded for that domain name used in the URL (and then SSL verifies that the 
contacted is actually the webserver for that URL). This would start to provide 
a mechanism  for closing the gap between what the public deals with and the 
part of 
the infrastructure being checked by SSL.

(at least) two problems with this approach:

1) a repository of URL trust levels is almost identical to a trusted public key 
repository (directly used by PGP). the repository could directly record both 
URL, the public key  for that URL as well as the associated trust level. 
this would be another demonstration  of digital certificates being redundant 
and superfluous in an online world and would provide  the basis for a more 
environment than the current SSL operation  misc. past posts mentioning
certificateless public key operation

2) so the new (old) attack is social engineering attempting to get people to 
click on 
various  buttons that change the trust level in their local trust repository. 
however, that also  exists today ... social engineering to get people to load 
certification authority digital certificates into their local (certificate 
authority public key) repository.

so number #1 doesn't eliminate all possible attacks ... however, it actually 
addresses one of the identified security vulnerabilities/attacks ... as opposed 
to supplying "fixes" for things other than what is actually broken.  

lots of past posts mentioning ssl domain name certificates  including posts 
long thread about the certificates providing more of a feeling of "comfort", as 
to actually security, integrity, trust, etc.

note that #1, in attempt to close the gap between what the public associates 
websites ... and what is SSL is validated for a website (i.e. some chance that 
operator of a webserver reached by the domain name in the URL is the same as 
the owner 
of that domain name) ... it can actually close some of the gaps ... but in 
doing so, it 
increases the need for endpoints with some level of integrity ... a

Re: man in the middle, SSL

2007-02-07 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Leichter, Jerry wrote:
> Recall how SiteKey works:  When you register, you pick an image (from a
> large collection) and a phrase.  Whenever you connect, the bank will
> play back the image and phrase.  You aren't supposed to enter your
> password until you see your own image and phrase.

i.e. it is a countermeasure to a impersonation attack ... not a 
(impersonation). all it presumably attempts to address is "are you talking to 
the website you think you are talking to" ... which is the same thing that SSL 
countermeasure to man-in-the-middle is supposed to be doing.

man-in-the-middle can defeat simple impersonation countermeasures by 
impersonating the server to the client and impersonating the client to the 
server ... and (somewhat) transparently passing traffic in both directions. 
requiring the server to present unique "something you know" authentication 
information is then straight forward for man-in-the-middle by having access to 
the "real" server.

i would contend that the issue for introducing sitekey ... was that SSL wasn't 
adequately protecting against man in the middle attacks ... i.e. previous posts man in the middle, SSL man in the middle, SSL ... addenda[EMAIL PROTECTED] man in the middle, SSL

... however, i contend that sitekey isn't even designed to be countermeasure 
against man-in-the-middle attacks ... it only is a countermeasure against 
simple impersonation attacks ... so it isn't even addressing the short-comings 
in SSL that (my opinion) gave rise for the need for sitekey in the first place.

the other issue is that "your own image and phrase" is a shared secret (and a 
flavor of 
static "something you know" authentication) ... so it presumably requires 
similar practices required for password shared secrets ... if it had turned out 
to significantly address SSL short-comings (mitm-attacks) and saw wide 
deployment  then presumably you would need a unique flavor for every unique 
security domain (ala password shared secrets). The implication then is that it 
would scale as poorly as password shared secret paradigm.

previous post mentioning that the paradigm might scale as poorly as other 
shared secret based authentication implementations Special characters in passwords was 
Re: RACF - Password rules

misc. posts mentioning man-in-the-middle attacks

misc. posts mentioning shared secret (authentication) paradigm

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Re: man in the middle, SSL

2007-02-07 Thread Leichter, Jerry
| somewhat related 
| Study Finds Bank of America SiteKey is Flawed
Recall how SiteKey works:  When you register, you pick an image (from a
large collection) and a phrase.  Whenever you connect, the bank will
play back the image and phrase.  You aren't supposed to enter your
password until you see your own image and phrase.

The usability problem found in the study was that if you build a login
page with the image and phrase replaced by something else that seems to
go that - like a notification about a systems upgrade, or maybe an ad for
a bank service - most people (90%?) will just go ahead and enter their
password anyway.

Unfortunately, the "all ads all the time" nature of today's web sites
has conditioned people not to expect *anything* to remain constant.
We're used to judging the trustworthiness of those with interact with
in the real world by various invariant marks and other features.  If
you go to your bank and find the signs have all changed, you will at
the least be a bit suspicious.  At a web site - who would think twice?

SiteKey tries to use something that's invariant but unique to you.
That's a distinction people clearly don't make automatically.  Whether
with sufficient training and experience they will learn to do so
remains to be seen.  (BofA is very consistent in telling you *never*
to enter your password without first checking for your image and
phrase.  Clearly, though, it hasn't clicked for people.)

Of course, SiteKey isn't the full answer - if I know your login name,
I can try to log in to BofA and get a copy of your image and phrase.
What SiteKey at best prevents is broad-based non-personalized attacks.
Automating "skimming" of SiteKey information using some virus is a
plausible attack, and we'll see it eventually if it appears worth
someone's while.

Combined with some of the other reports coming out about the lack of
effectiveness of EV cert indicators (why *that* surprises anyone is
beyond me) and of pretty much every other technique that anyone has
proposed so far, it's clear that the battle against phishing is going
to be long and hard, and that victory is very far from clear.

In architecture, there is the notion of a building have "human scale".
Places built ignoring that notion feel overwhelming.  (Sometimes that's
the point, of course.)  The Internet, as it's evolved to this point,
clearly lacks "human scale".  People's intuitions quick responses, all
the things we've evolved and learned to deal with the real world, don't
match the world of the web.  Until we can figure out how to bring human
capabilities and limitations into the picture much more effectively and
thoroughly than we have so far, things are going to get much worse.

-- Jerry

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Re: man in the middle, SSL

2007-02-05 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
somewhat related 

Study Finds Bank of America SiteKey is Flawed

Study Finds Security Flaws on Web Sites of Major Banks

The Emperor's New Security Indicators

from above:

We evaluate website authentication measures that are designed to protect users from 
man-in-the-middle, "phishing", and other site forgery attacks. We asked 67 bank 
customers to conduct common online banking tasks. Each time they logged in, we presented 
increasingly alarming clues that their connection was insecure. First, we removed HTTPS 
indicators. Next, we removed the participant's site-authentication image---the 
customer-selected image that many websites now expect their users to verify before 
entering their passwords. Finally, we replaced the bank's login page with a warning page. 
After each clue, we measured whether participants entered their passwords or withheld 

... snip ...

somewhat the issue ... from previous posts in this thread: man in the middle, SSL man in the middle, SSL

and recent post/thread from early last month on the subject

... originally SSL was going to prevent man-in-the-middle attack because the 
knew the website that they were going to talk to and the corresponding URL. 
They would
enter that URL into the browser and the browser would validate that the 
contacted website
was in fact the website for that URL (assuming the entered URL was HTTPS and 
not HTTP)

early on, SSL was perceived to be too expensive,  and so relegated it to just 
now the user entered URL with HTTP and the website wasn't validated ... so 
could be man-in-the-middle. at some point the user clicked on https 
(checkout/payment) button provided by the website. now instead of HTTPS 
validating that the user was talking to the webserver that they thot they were 
talking to ... HTTPS was validating that the webserver was whatever webserver 
that the webserver was claiming to be
(since the webserver was providing both the HTTPS URL and the SSL digital 

so as the user convention of clicking on provided buttons proliferated ... the 
cracks/gaps widened between what webserver the user thot they were talking to and 
the webserver they might actually be talking to (since there was less & less a 
connection between what they thot of as a browser and the URLs that were being 
validated by SSL).

So one of the possible countermeasures was for a website to provide unique "something you know" authentication ... i.e. something hopefully only you knew (so you had higher degree of confidence that you were actually talking to the website you thot you were talking to. 

The problem was that if the communication was already talking to 
man-in-the-middle website impersonation ... there is nothing that would prevent 
the man-in-the-middle from impersonating the website to the consumer ... and 
impersonating the consumer to the actual website. Effectively, by definition 
for man-in-the-middle, the man-in-the-middle transparently passes communication 
in both directions (except possibly modifying URLs and internet addresses 
contained in the traffic as needed).

in effect, the mechanism is a countermeasure to simple website impersonation 
attacks ... but not to website man-in-the-middle attacks.

other refs "New Universal Man-in-the-Middle Phishing 
Kit"? Securing financial transactions a 
high priority for 2007

misc. past posts mentioning man-in-the-middle attacks

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Re: man in the middle, SSL

2007-02-03 Thread Ivan Krstić
[I prefer to keep discussions on-list where possible. CCing the list.]

Beryllium Sphere LLC wrote:
> Bruce Schneier pointed out years ago that it's trivial for a virus
> or Trojan to add a new trusted CA to the browser's list of trusted
> roots. At least one "advertising support web accelerator" installs
> itself in the browser configuration as a peer of Verisign and can
> then proxy SSL without any warning to the user.

Right. I was talking about the kind of MITM where an attacker is
physically between your machine and the SSL destination, such as sitting
on your network's egress. MOYM (man on your machine) attacks are a bit
of a lost cause with most modern OS environments, though I've been
working pretty hard to try and change that on the One Laptop per Child

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: man in the middle, SSL ... addenda

2007-02-03 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

re: man in the middle, SSL

basically digital certificates were designed as the electronic equivalent for offline distribution of information ... paradigm left over from the letters of credit and letters of introduction out of the sailing ship days (and earlier). as things moved into the online age ... certification authorities and digital certificates moved into generic low-value/no-value market segment. 

this is the difference between a generic employee badge for door entry ... that 
is identical for all employees ... vis-a-vis doing stuff specific and tailored 
to each employee.

this is somewhat the x.509 identity certificate example mentioned in the original post ... from the early 90s ... overloaded with personal information and paradigm that promoted repeatedly spaying the identity certificates all over the world. by the mid-90s, it was starting to dawn that such a paradigm wasn't such a good idea ... and there was retrenchment to "relying-party-only" certificates

which basically only contained public key and some sort of record location (which 
contains the "real" information). however, in the payment sector ... even these 
truncated relying-party-only certificates still represented enormous payload and 
processing bloat

especially when it was trivial to demonstrate that you could have the public key along 
with all the other necessary information in the designated record ... and that the 
digital certificate was redundant and superfluous. This is also somewhat the scenario 
raised in the domain name infrastructure for on-file public keys  creating a 
significant "catch-22" for the ssl domain name certification authority industry

... just upgrade the existing domain name infrastructure with on-file public 
keys (a requirement also suggested by the ssl domain name certification 
authority industry) ... but that can quickly result in a certificate-free, 
public key infrastructure
 also the reference from 1981 more secure communication over the 

i.e. for the most part now ... SSL is just be using to prove that you have some 
valid domain
name ... and the domain name you claim is the domain name you have ... this is 
somewhat equivalent to the low-value door badge readers to simply check are you 
some valid employee ... w/o regard to any higher value scenario requiring 
specific detail about which valid employee.

so one of the points i repeated raise is that while digital certificates (as 
representation of some certification) is part of an offline paradigm construct 
... and in the migration of the world to online environment ... digital 
certificates have attempted to find place in the no-value/low-value market 
niches ... that as soon as there is some online component (like record locater) 
... it then becomes trivial to show that such digital certificates become 
redundant and superfluous.

so SSL domain name infrastructure was originally primarily to address what came 
to be called electronic commerce (and still may be the primary use)  for:

1) is the browser actually talking to the webserver that the person thinks it 
is talking to
2) hide (encrypt) the account number during transmission over the internet.

there have been some number of technical implementation vulnerabilities with respect to SSL and 
things like MITM-attacks ... but the big business process issue was that the deployment fairly 
early changed from "is the browser actually talking to the webserver the person thinks it is 
talking to" ... to "the browser is talking to the webserver that the webserver claims to 
be" (since the same webserver was supplying both the URL and the digital certificate 
confirming the webserver supplied URL).

The second feature of ssl (encrypting to hide transmitted account numbers) was somewhat to put 
transactions flying over the anarchy of the world-wide Internet ... on "level play field" 
with the transactions that flew over dedicated telephone wires. However, the major vulnerability 
during that period ... and continuing today ... wasn't evesdropping the transaction during public 
transmission ... but vulnerabilities at the end-points  which SSL does nothing to address. The 
end-point webservers somewhat increased vulnerabilities (compared to non-internet implementations) 
since a lot of the transaction logs became exposed to attacks from the internet. This matter is 
slightly debatable since the long term studies ... continuing up thru at least recently is that 
seventy percent of the resulting fraudulent transactions involve some sort of "insider".

So 1) the resulting major deployments of SS

Re: man in the middle, SSL

2007-02-03 Thread Scott G Kelly
James Muir wrote:
> I was reading a hacking blog today and came across this:
>> Odysseus is a proxy server, which acts as a man-in-the-middle during
>> an HTTP session. A typical HTTP proxy will relay packets to and from
>> a client browser and a web server. Odysseus will intercept an HTTP
>> session’s data in either direction and give the user the ability to
>> alter the data before transmission.
>> For example, during a normal HTTP SSL connection a typical proxy will
>> relay the session between the server and the client and allow the two
>> end nodes to negotiate SSL. In contrast, when in intercept mode,
>> Odysseus will pretend to be the server and negotiate two SSL
>> sessions, one with the client browser and another with the web
>> server.
>> As data is transmitted between the two nodes, Odysseus decrypts the
>> data and gives the user the ability to alter and/or log the data in
>> clear text before transmission.
>> You can find more and download Odysseus here:
> It is my understanding that SSL is engineered to resist mitm attacks, so
> I am suspicious of these claims.  I wondered if someone more familiar
> with SSL/TLS could comment.
> Isn't in the case that the application doing SSL on the client should
> detect what this proxy server is doing and display a warning to the user?

If the user's browser is configured to accept a CA cert for which the
proxy holds the signing key, then the proxy can generate a (bogus) cert
for the destination site on the fly, and this will be transparent to the


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Re: man in the middle, SSL

2007-02-03 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

James Muir wrote:
It is my understanding that SSL is engineered to resist mitm attacks, so 
I am suspicious of these claims.  I wondered if someone more familiar 
with SSL/TLS could comment.

Isn't in the case that the application doing SSL on the client should 
detect what this proxy server is doing and display a warning to the user?

My oft repeated comment about when we were asked to consult with this small
client/server startup that wanted to do payments on servers  and had this
technology called SSL ...

The browser was to check that what the person typed in ... matched the domain 
in the digital certificate that the server provided (that the server that the 
thot they were talking to was the server that they were talking to).

There was some other ancillary things that we were interested in ... that the digital 
certificate actually represented something more ... i.e. it was issued by the acquiring

financial institution that financially stood behind the merchant  since the 
was already paying a lot of money to cover doing business. however, that never 
... so the digital certificate just represents that it belongs to the owner of 
the domain.
this issue is somewhat touched on in this blog posting EV - what was the reason, again?
in this blog

However, early on, merchant webservers found that that doing SSL for the whole 
experience cut their thruput by something like 80-90 percent ... so the 
industry fairly
quickly switched to just using SSL for the payment/checkout portion when you 
click on
their button. Now the URL is being provided by the server (button) ... not by 
the client,
as a result the effect is no longer "is the client talking to the server that 
client thinks they are talking to" ... since the server is supplying both the 
and the digital certificate ... the result is "the server is the server that the
server claims to be" (unless it is a really dumb crook/attacker).

It isn't sufficient for their to be "ssl certificates" to be countermeasure to 
the security process has to include that the server is validated against something the 
client supplies ... not that the server is validated against something the server supplies

(i.e. i can prove that i am whoever i claim to be ... not that i can prove that 
i am who
you think i am).

This is also behind a lot of the phishing stuff ... that the attacker can claim 
to be
something ... and provide a field/button for you to click on ... the SSL 
then just proves that the server matches the URL provided by the field/button;
since the attacker supplier field/button is producing the URL ... and not the client 
... it takes advantage of the difference, for a MITM-attack ... between the opening/crack
opened by what is claimed for the button and what the URL actually is ... since only the 
URL is being validated by the SSL certificate  ... not what the client thinks is claimed 
for the field/button. some more comments in these posts: "New Universal Man-in-the-Middle Phishing 
Kit"? Securing financial transactions a 
high priority for 2007

lots of past posts mentioning MITM-attacks

i.e. you have to understand the end-to-end business process (of security) ... 
where all
the cracks are ... and just which (of possibly large number) MITM vulnerability 
that you have specifically created a countermeasure for.

so one of the things that we did as part of early deployment (of this stuff that has since 
come to be called electronic commerce) was go around and do some detailed end-to-end audits

of these emerging operations that were calling themselves certification 
authorities and
producing these things that were being called SSL domain name digital 
At the time, we coined this term "certificate manufacturing" to try and 
what was happening
and what was in the literature about "public key infrastructure" ... for a 
little topic
drift ... proposal from 1981 for a (small i) infrastructure: more secure communcation over the 

Part of the "audits" was figuring out just what it was they were doing as part of the process 
that they were calling "certification" ... as the business process supporting the technology

that produced the actual digital certificates (i.e. a credential/certificate 
that is a
stand-in representation of that certification they were performing). this gave 
rise to
a lot of comments/observations about if the domain name infrastructure actually 
a direct, higher integrity operation ... it would

Re: man in the middle, SSL

2007-02-03 Thread Erik Tews
Am Freitag, den 02.02.2007, 16:15 -0500 schrieb James Muir:
> > You can find more and download Odysseus here:
> > 
> >
> It is my understanding that SSL is engineered to resist mitm attacks,
> so 
> I am suspicious of these claims.  I wondered if someone more familiar 
> with SSL/TLS could comment.
> Isn't in the case that the application doing SSL on the client should 
> detect what this proxy server is doing and display a warning to the
> user? 

A unmodified SSL/TLS client should display a warning message, that the
server certificate is invalid or something similar. So this is not a
valid man in the middle attack agains SSL/TLS.

Perhaps you are going to use this tool for debugging purpose. If so, you
can perhaps generate a certificat with a private key. The certificate is
installed in your SSL/TLS client as a trusted certification authority
and the certificate and the private key is then used by odysseus to make
this warning messages go away.

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: man in the middle, SSL

2007-02-03 Thread Ivan Krstić
James Muir wrote:
> It is my understanding that SSL is engineered to resist mitm attacks, so
> I am suspicious of these claims.  I wondered if someone more familiar
> with SSL/TLS could comment.
> Isn't in the case that the application doing SSL on the client should
> detect what this proxy server is doing and display a warning to the user?

There's nothing new or interesting about this; SSL MITM tools have been
around for a long time. When you're connecting to a website via SSL, you
have no out of band knowledge of the certificate that the server is
supposed to use (e.g. you can't query DNS and get the certificate
fingerprint). SSL clients generally do three checks on the server cert:
they verify it's still valid on today's date, that the name in the cert
matches the server you're connecting to, and that you trust the CA that
issued the cert.

An SSL MITM proxy can trivially satisfy two of those three checks. If an
attacker had sufficiently strong incentive and a specific target site,
presumably he could satisfy the third as well (get a "trusted" CA to
sign a bogus cert for the server in question -- remember Microsoft from
a few years back).

So yes, in the general case, the web browser will notice the MITM, and
inform the user that two checks pass and one fails. And almost all users
will hit "continue" and not care, because they don't understand SSL or
the risks involved. They shouldn't have to, either; it's for this reason
that I think SSL is just altogether broken in the way we use it on the
web. It passes the technical requirements, but utterly fails at being a
usable security technology.

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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man in the middle, SSL

2007-02-03 Thread James Muir

I was reading a hacking blog today and came across this: 

Odysseus is a proxy server, which acts as a man-in-the-middle during
an HTTP session. A typical HTTP proxy will relay packets to and from
a client browser and a web server. Odysseus will intercept an HTTP
session’s data in either direction and give the user the ability to
alter the data before transmission.

For example, during a normal HTTP SSL connection a typical proxy will
relay the session between the server and the client and allow the two
end nodes to negotiate SSL. In contrast, when in intercept mode,
Odysseus will pretend to be the server and negotiate two SSL
sessions, one with the client browser and another with the web

As data is transmitted between the two nodes, Odysseus decrypts the
data and gives the user the ability to alter and/or log the data in
clear text before transmission.

You can find more and download Odysseus here:

It is my understanding that SSL is engineered to resist mitm attacks, so 
I am suspicious of these claims.  I wondered if someone more familiar 
with SSL/TLS could comment.

Isn't in the case that the application doing SSL on the client should 
detect what this proxy server is doing and display a warning to the user?


James Muir

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