Re: password strengthening: salt vs. IVs

2007-11-05 Thread Jon Callas

Before the bad old days of using DES, there was the old days of one-
way functions. These one-way functions were not hash functions, they
were one-way. They were in a sense related to hash functions, but
perhaps more directly related to redundancy checks and similar

Except that those aren't one-way at all, just many-to-one, right?
It seems to me that if the CRC poly is known than it's easy to come
up with something with a particular CRC.

Well, real hash functions are many-to-one. Consider the set of all 33- 
byte strings. Consider s', which is the set of all the 256-bit hashes  
of all of those strings. It doesn't matter what hash function you  
use, there will be duplicates. There must be duplicates.

The functions we used in those pre-bad-old-days included the AUTODIN- 
II polynomial and the Purdy Polynomial (I had to go look it up,  
because those parts of my memory were put on the free list). AUTODIN- 
II had undesirable qualities, which is why things migrated to Purdy.  
But based upon my quick research, Purdy seems to still be good for  
its purpose, namely grinding up passwords.

The way we used Purdy had to be improved, as time went on. There was  
a time in which you could bypass a password length limit by small  
bits of cleverness. If you had your favorite three-character  
password, and that mean old system manager set the minimum length to  
6, you could bypass that by appending the string  
"" (that's 8x 'U' and 16x 'V') to your three- 
character password and poof it worked again. Why this worked and the  
fix are left as an exercise to the reader, but I'll note that the  
underlying issue is something that hash function designers still have  
to make sure they solve to this day. Joux and Kelsey have written a  
lot about this very same problem, the length extension attack.

With salt, you want the number to be unique-ish, as the whole point
is to stymie dictionary attacks. A counter is likely not such a great
idea, because of collisions,

Do you mean if everyone starts at zero, the adversary could generate
dictionaries for 0..9 etc., or something else?

I mean precisely that. If you use a counter, the dictionary low  
numbers is valuable. This is one of the many problems that came up in  

It seems to me that a single counter is ideal for preventing  

Randomly-generated numbers have collisions because of birthday  

Let's suppose you selected a "full-width" prime number, and your  
counter incremented (or multiplied) by that prime. That's better than  
0, 1, 2, ... but only if everyone doesn't select the same prime. Thus  
you get back to using the RNG. If the width of your salt is wide  
enough, you don't have to worry about birthday attacks. If you have 8  
bytes of salt, the chance of a single collision is .5 when you have  
about 4 billion numbers selected. 4 billion is a large number if it  
is the number of accounts on your mail server. If you are fortunate  
enough that it is not a large number, you can either go to 16 bytes  
of salt, or weasel out of the issue by observing that even with 100  
billion accounts, the number of collisions is not so large that there  
is a clear advantage to the attacker who precomputes a single  
dictionary. (And how do they know which dictionary to compute, a  
priori?) When we're talking about precomputed rainbow tables, 2^64 is  
a large number.

How does this design sound:

Each system has a randomly-generated seed which should be unique to  
computer.  They may then either derive a system-specific seed from  

or use it directly.  They then use CTR mode with that seed as a key to
create a computationally-unpredictable sequence which is guaranteed to
not repeat until it has exhaused the entire period.

Aside: I have recently taken a job doing crypto for a financial
institution.  If anyone has any suggestions with respect to reading
about this industry, or conferences to go to (I seem to recall a
financial crypto conference of some kind), I'd greatly appreciate it.

Simple is good. Why not just pull enough salt off of /dev/urandom and  
make a small handwave about how big "enough" needs to be? If you tell  
me that, I listen, nod, and we're done. With your scheme, I have to  
think before I understand. Having to think before understanding is  
not a feature. I think I can see a minor flaw, but I don't want to  
spend the brain power on it. The RNG is your friend.

Eight bytes of salt is almost certainly fine. If you have to worry  
about single collisions, use 16 or 32 bytes of salt. In general, I  
recommend using a width of salt that is the size of an underlying  
block size. If you're using AES somewhere, just go with 16, because  
that's the natural amount.


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Re: password strengthening: salt vs. IVs

2007-11-01 Thread Jon Callas

On Oct 29, 2007, at 12:24 PM, travis+ml- 

* PGP Signed by an unknown key

So back in the bad old days when hashing was DES encryption of the
zero vector with a fixed key, someone came up with salt as a password
strengthening mechanism.

I'm not quite sure why it was called salt.

Before the bad old days of using DES, there was the old days of one- 
way functions. These one-way functions were not hash functions, they  
were one-way. They were in a sense related to hash functions, but  
perhaps more directly related to redundancy checks and similar  

The belief was that storing passwords in plaintext was a bad idea. A  
related notion was that storing a password encoded through a  
symmetric function was essentially storing it in plaintext.

The term salt comes from the metaphor of considering the process of  
one-waying a password to be like making hamburger out of meat, or  
stew out of ingredients, or some other cooking metaphor. The salt was  
introduced to address the issue of dictionary attacks and carried the  
observation that cooking is better if you add a little salt to it.  
The salt was a sprinkling of an arbitrary constant into the function  
to spice it up a bit.

The people who worked on these password-grinding systems had a  
tendency to sneer at those who would use a cipher such as DES for  
that because DES is reversible. Using a reversible function is  
essentially storing the password in plaintext. Munging DES was seen  
by those people as inferior to designing one-way functions that were  
properly one-way. Eventually, these became a subset of what one would  
use a hash function for.

The IV in a block cipher serves the same function as salt. It's  
called an IV, though because of the different path of development.  
The term "salt" gets used in other places, like with randomized  
hashing, which is often also called salting a hash, too.

The question you had is how much entropy there should be in salt. The  
answer is none, but that's a very subtle answer. Salt is -arbitrary-  
as opposed to -random-. As it turns out, the best way to get a 256- 
bit arbitrary number is to pull it off your RNG.  Arbitrary numbers  
like salt, don't have to worry about subtle issues that you'd want  
key material to worry about. Arbitrary numbers are in general public  
(or at least not secret), and key material is secret.

With salt, you want the number to be unique-ish, as the whole point  
is to stymie dictionary attacks. A counter is likely not such a great  
idea, because of collisions, but there are all sorts of things you  
could do that would be very very bad with key material but are mostly  
okay with salt. Nonetheless, the easiest way to get salt with a  
system that has an RNG is to just pull the number off the RNG. But  
that doesn't mean it has entropy.

Now as what to call it? I like "salt."


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Re: password strengthening: salt vs. IVs

2007-11-01 Thread Damien Miller
On Mon, 29 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> So back in the bad old days when hashing was DES encryption of the
> zero vector with a fixed key, someone came up with salt as a password
> strengthening mechanism.
> I'm not quite sure why it was called salt.
> It perturbed the S-boxes in DES IIRC, but essentially it was a known
> bit of text that was an input to the algorithm that varied between
> entries, like an IV does with encryption.
> If there isn't already a term for this, I'm going to call this
> general concept "individuation", or possibly "uniquification".
> Nowadays with strong hash algorithms, but rainbow tables and
> low-entropy passwords as the threat, I'm wondering what the best
> practice is.

Use a good existing password hash (e.g. OpenBSD's bcrypt[1]) or some
well reviewed KDF (e.g. PKCS #5 PBKDF2[2]).

Perhaps I'm not imaginative enough, but I can't think of a use case
that is not covered by these algorithms. Given decent salt they
will not succumb to reverse (rainbow table) lookup and both include
parametised computation complexity to drive up the cost of brute
force attacks.



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Re: password strengthening: salt vs. IVs

2007-11-01 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Mon, 29 Oct 2007 14:24:23 -0500

> So back in the bad old days when hashing was DES encryption of the
> zero vector with a fixed key, someone came up with salt as a password
> strengthening mechanism.
> I'm not quite sure why it was called salt.
> It perturbed the S-boxes in DES IIRC, but essentially it was a known
> bit of text that was an input to the algorithm that varied between
> entries, like an IV does with encryption.
> If there isn't already a term for this, I'm going to call this
> general concept "individuation", or possibly "uniquification".
> Nowadays with strong hash algorithms, but rainbow tables and
> low-entropy passwords as the threat, I'm wondering what the best
> practice is.
> I was thinking of simply prepending a block of text to each passphrase
> prior to hashing, and storing it with the hash - similar to salts in
> passwd entries.
> It should have at least as much entropy as the hash output, maybe a
> little more in case there's collisions.  If it were uniformly random,
> you could simply XOR it with the passphrase prior to hashing and save
> yourself some cycles, right?
> Would it be appropriate to call this salt, an IV, or some new term?

That's an IV.  I strongly suggest your read the Ritchie and Thompson
paper on the reasons for the salt.  While making sure that two
identical passwords rarely hashed to the same value, it had another
purpose: protecting against hardware attacks.  Ritchie and Thompson
assumed that there would be generic DES chips; they didn't want those
to be used in a password-cracking machine.  Accordingly, the salt was
used to permute the E-box -- not the S-boxes -- to prevent that.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: password strengthening: salt vs. IVs

2007-11-01 Thread silky
On Oct 30, 2007 6:24 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So back in the bad old days when hashing was DES encryption of the
> zero vector with a fixed key, someone came up with salt as a password
> strengthening mechanism.
> I'm not quite sure why it was called salt.
> It perturbed the S-boxes in DES IIRC, but essentially it was a known
> bit of text that was an input to the algorithm that varied between
> entries, like an IV does with encryption.
> If there isn't already a term for this, I'm going to call this
> general concept "individuation", or possibly "uniquification".
> Nowadays with strong hash algorithms, but rainbow tables and
> low-entropy passwords as the threat, I'm wondering what the best
> practice is.
> I was thinking of simply prepending a block of text to each passphrase
> prior to hashing, and storing it with the hash - similar to salts in
> passwd entries.

well what you're describing is quite classically a salt, imho.

> It should have at least as much entropy as the hash output, maybe a
> little more in case there's collisions.  If it were uniformly random,
> you could simply XOR it with the passphrase prior to hashing and save
> yourself some cycles, right?

well no. i mean to xor it (or probably what you mean: to otp it)
you'll need to have a "salt" who's length is equal to the input. that
would then mean that short inputs would result in short salts. i.e. a
password of "a" may result in the "salt" of "x". hash("a" ^ "x") is
hardly secure against a rainbow table.

so you're better off maintaining the salt in a separate location
(after all, the threat model is that someone takes the db and has a
list of all the hashes, and then calculates out the passwords) and
still prepend it on before the main passphase.

you may consider, however, that if this "salt" is as long as one block
of the input to the hash algorithm, it effectively becomes a new iv.
but what that has to do with anything; i don't know ...

> Would it be appropriate to call this salt, an IV, or some new term?
> --
> Life would be so much easier if it was open-source.
>> Eff the ineffable!
> For a good time on my UBE blacklist, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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password strengthening: salt vs. IVs

2007-10-29 Thread travis+ml-cryptography
So back in the bad old days when hashing was DES encryption of the
zero vector with a fixed key, someone came up with salt as a password
strengthening mechanism.

I'm not quite sure why it was called salt.

It perturbed the S-boxes in DES IIRC, but essentially it was a known
bit of text that was an input to the algorithm that varied between
entries, like an IV does with encryption.

If there isn't already a term for this, I'm going to call this
general concept "individuation", or possibly "uniquification".

Nowadays with strong hash algorithms, but rainbow tables and
low-entropy passwords as the threat, I'm wondering what the best
practice is.

I was thinking of simply prepending a block of text to each passphrase
prior to hashing, and storing it with the hash - similar to salts in
passwd entries.

It should have at least as much entropy as the hash output, maybe a
little more in case there's collisions.  If it were uniformly random,
you could simply XOR it with the passphrase prior to hashing and save
yourself some cycles, right?

Would it be appropriate to call this salt, an IV, or some new term?
Life would be so much easier if it was open-source.> Eff the ineffable!
For a good time on my UBE blacklist, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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