Re: [cryptography] RSA signatures without padding

2015-07-10 Thread Alexandre Anzala-Yamajako
This paper probably helps answering part of your question :
Note that you can't replace a random oracle by SHA256 but you might have
better luck with HMAC-SHA256 (
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Enranda: 4MB/s Userspace TRNG

2015-05-29 Thread Alexandre Anzala-Yamajako
 I still think it's important that TRNGs be practical in real usage contexts.
 As mundane as it sounds, perhaps the safest practice is just to ask the user
 to enter 50 random digits when they install the OS (or shake the mouse or
 whatever). At some point (100 digits?), even an uncreative person is going
 to produce enough entropy to be worth 128+ bits. From that point on, it's
 all CSPRNG. That way, we don't need to worry about timedelta predictability
 or how to  securely acquire a new USB randomness device when it gets lost
 somewhere far away from the IT department.

I see a few problems with that. First 128 bits of entropy is a lot to
ask from a human and you'll end up with a string of however many 'a'
character you asked for. I personally don't think you can blame any of
that on the user : how should he know or care that it is important ?
Where is he supposed to find those 100+ (that seems low actually)
digits. passwords have thought us that when users don't care we end up
with extremely low variability
Another issue is in a lot of cases (think cloud/virtualization) OS are
setup without human interaction.
Last thing is you can't completely rely on a well seeded CSPRNG
forever : you need to be able to reseed it in case of compromise and
since you won't necessarily know when the compromise happened it's
good practice to reseed from time to time

Alexandre Anzala-Yamajako
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] QODE(quick offline data encryption)

2015-01-06 Thread Alexandre Anzala-Yamajako
The confidence in AES comes from its designation process during which
many publicly tried and failed to convincingly reduce its security
claim and the fact that it has (publicly still) stood the test of time
: ten years later all we have are the bicliques which gains us 2 bits.
It doesn't have much to do with the fact that it is state sponsored
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Client certificates, Tor-exit nodes and renegotiation

2014-03-14 Thread Alexandre Anzala-Yamajako
It also might be worthwhile to note that Client certification is not very
common and needs an infrasctructure to generate and deploy. Also even if
the client certificate is sent encrypted later in the handshake, it's size
will be noticeable in the handshake (except if we are ready to pad
certificate-less client messages). A competent and funded organization
might then have a very small pool of users to choose from as to who might
be trying to connect a particular server which somewhat defeats the purpose
of Tor

Alexandre Anzala-Yamajako
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Privacy Enforced [was: Comsec as Public Utility Beyond Illusory Privacy]

2014-03-13 Thread Alexandre Anzala-Yamajako
If OpenSSL has taught us one thing over the years it's that collaborative
dev doesn't mean perfection and far from it.
Also this :
Also your first point sounds a lot like privacy is not a right you have but
something that has to earned through technical expertise

Alexandre Anzala-Yamajako
cryptography mailing list