Re: [cryptography] RDRAND not really random with Oracle Studio 12.3 + patches

2016-06-12 Thread David Johnston

On 6/10/2016 4:50 PM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:

Ouch... just came across this...

I did not think it was possible to foul the hardware generated random
numbers (sans an occasional underflow).

cryptography mailing list

While the code doesn't follow the SDG guidelines (I.E. it doesn't check 
for the return status and it doesn't check for the instruction support) 
it should work because RdRand doesn't underflow in any of our chips. Is 
this running in a VM or on bare metal? A VM intercept could cause it to 
happen. Also if you did get an underflow the resulting value passed to 
the pointed to location would be 0.

I tried compiling that code on an Ivy Bridge machine running Linux, but 
it failed to compile..

>gcc rdrand.c -o rdrand
rdrand.c:1:29: fatal error: sys/immintrin.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

So I pointed the header to the right place and spend an eternity finding 
I needed the -mrdrnd target to make the intrinsic happy.

#include   --> #include 

>gcc -mrdrnd rdrand.c -o rdrand

and of course it worked.. (also check out this fine example of Benford's 
law resulting from the base change to decimal)

 475481558559191 2755117154251474975
 505373898659232 2936332874890231466
 590681088061637 3243797942283965136
 207411220949897 4022801322442653892

So it must be some sort of compiler bug or VM problem.

We work with many vendors to make sure the RdRand and RdSeed support is 
done correctly and securely. So I'd like to make sure this is resolved.


cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] How far are we from quantum cryptography?

2015-01-25 Thread David Johnston

On 1/25/15, 9:34 PM, Watson Ladd wrote:
No, D-wave didn't make a quantum computer capable of running Shor's 
algorithm. It's unclear if D-wave's device even works, and there are 
certain theoretical reasons to suspect it didn't. See for actual people who know 
things saying things.
I have this suspicion that since you have to make your qbits colder to 
get more of them to remain entangled, and cooling one part of space 
requires that you warm some other, under the laws of thermodynamics, 
then maybe it can be shown the the energy needed to spend to get those 
qbits cold enough to run Shor's algorithm over n bits is equal to or 
greater than the energy necessary to perform the equivalent operations 
in serial in a normal computer. This would be a useful finding in 
information theory and cryptography if it was true.

Sadly I lack the mathematical skills to show or refute this.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Stealthy Dopant-Level Hardware Trojans

2014-07-02 Thread David Johnston

Thank you.

I like this paper, because its tied into the world of real semiconductor 
processing and diagnostic machines. The understanding of defenses and 
attacks against silicon requires an understanding of the capability of 
these machines and their use.

What makes passive voltage contrast imaging good for detecting Becker 
style trojans is also what makes it a tool for side channel analysis and 
so as with other areas of hardware crypto engineering, knowing the tools 
of the enemy is a prerequisite to knowing what defenses are effective 
and what defenses are not.


On 7/1/14, 5:31 PM, Tony Arcieri wrote:

This went to the cypherpunks list, but not to the others:

Reversing stealthy dopant level trojans!

cryptography mailing list

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] TrueCrypt

2014-05-29 Thread David Johnston

On 5/28/14, 11:16 PM, Lukasz Biegaj wrote:

W dniu 28.05.2014 22:35, Sadiq Saif pisze:

So WTF happened?

The same thing that happened with Lavabit.

Someone needs to fork the code (the version prior to the most recent 
change), address the issues raised in the recent audit and host it 
outside the jurisdiction of the US government, using fresh signing keys.

Letting the government crush all the effective security software and 
services with NSL letters would be a win for the forces of evil in the 
government. Enabling those things to continue would benefit everyone.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] [liberationtech] Random number generation being influenced - rumors

2013-09-09 Thread David Johnston

On 9/9/2013 5:12 AM, James A. Donald wrote:

On 2013-09-09 3:18 PM, Greg Rose wrote:
I actually hate to point this out, but having access to something 
that looks like a raw entropy source proves nothing.

A genuine hardware noise source will show colored noise, which is very 
hard to simulate in software, and especially hard to simulate at any 
reasonable speed.

It's not 'very hard'. Just suppress long strings a bit.

If the entropy source is real, it will show its analog characteristics 
leaking into the digital abstraction. The correlations and anti 
correlations between nearby bits will reflect the analog values of the 
circuit, thus no two chips will show quite the same correlations, and 
the correlations will vary with temperature and overclocking. These 
analog variations would be compelling evidence that the entropy source 
is the claimed circuit or something very like the claimed circuit.
Just because the entropy source is real doesn't mean it's feeding the 

Any Intel misconduct would show up in the color of the noise, it being 
very hard to create a digital pseudo noise source that displays subtly 
varying color at high speed, while hardware true random noise sources 
almost unavoidably display subtly varying noise color.)

So this is both wrong and moot.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] urandom vs random

2013-09-08 Thread David Johnston

On 8/20/2013 2:33 PM, grarpamp wrote:

The subject thread is covering a lot about OS implementations
and RNG various sources. But what are the short list of open
source tools we should be using to actually test and evaluate
the resulting number streams?

I like the Markov-Renye test described in the current SP800-90B draft. 
It handles biased, correlated, non stationary data conservatively and 
gives you a min-entropy estimate.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] what has the NSA broken?

2013-09-07 Thread David Johnston

On 9/6/2013 6:58 AM, Ralph Holz wrote:


On 09/06/2013 07:12 AM, James A. Donald wrote:

Most private keys are issued by, not merely certified by, the CAs.

Can you give numerical evidence for this claim?

Device certificates (those that go into mass manufactured products) 
typically have the CA provide both keys and cert. The back and forth of 
keygen-CSR-Sign-Return per product does not fit in the mindset of a 

I suspect this is more certs than all the web site certs put together.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Random number generation influenced, HW RNG

2013-09-07 Thread David Johnston

On 9/6/2013 2:03 PM, grarpamp wrote:

Does anyone put any stock into the rumors floating lately that the
government may have influenced Intel and/or AMD into altering

However, I claim that the fear is well founded and should be taken into
account by all threat models.

It interesting to consider the possibilities of corruption and deception 
that may exist in product design. It's a lot more alarming when it's 
your own design that is being accused of having been backdoored. 
Claiming the NSA colluded with intel to backdoor RdRand is also to 
accuse me personally of having colluded with the NSA in producing a 
subverted design. I did not.

A quick googling revealed many such instances of statements to this 
effect, strewn across the internet, based on inferences from the Snowden 
leaks and resulting Guardian and NYT articles.

I personally know it not to be true and from my perspective, the effort 
we went to improve computer security by making secure random numbers 
available and ubiquitous in a low attack-surface model is now being 
undermined by speculation that would lead people to use less available, 
less secure RNGs. This I expect would serve the needs of the NSA well.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] [liberationtech] Random number generator failure in Rasperri Pis?

2013-07-19 Thread David Johnston

On 7/19/2013 5:44 AM, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Eugen Leitl quotes:

Just came accross this article, apparently showing the bad quality of the
hardware RNG in Raspberri Pi devices.

That shows the bad quality of RANDU.  It shows that the Pi randomness source
seems OK, at least as determined by rngtest.

But I haven't seen anything from the manufacturer to state how OK the 
randomness source is. A conservative model for min-entropy based on the 
circuit structure would be a start.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] [liberationtech] Random number generator failure in Rasperri Pis?

2013-07-19 Thread David Johnston

On 7/19/2013 10:13 AM, Mahrud S wrote:
Isn't the thermal noise a good enough entropy source? I mean, it's a 
$25 computer, you can't expect much of it.

Directly sampled thermal noise entropy sources have proven:
1) Difficult to model mathematically to determine safe value for min 
2) Difficult to determine will work constantly across all environmental 
conditions and the lifetime of the device

3) Difficult to self test in circuit

Three independent sources is a lot more convenient because you can then 
use a 3 input extractor such as the BIW 3 input extractor which is 
beautifully simple in HW and permits constant time implementations in 
SW. However it does require that you know the min entropy in order to 
know the min entropy of the resulting number. It's good for toy noise 
sources because you can assume a really low min-entropy, iterate a few 
times and have a good result.

It's the difference between 'It looks random to me' and 'I know and 
understand the basis on which I believe this to be random'.

Binary process noise samplers are much easier to model, test and build, 
which is why we went that way for Intel chips. The RNG only takes a tiny 
sliver of silicon. You might as well get it right.


cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] [liberationtech] Random number generator failure in Rasperri Pis?

2013-07-19 Thread David Johnston

On 7/19/2013 3:26 PM, Nico Williams wrote:

The rpi's HW RNG is almost certainly better than many /dev/*random
implementations running as VM guests.  How much real business is
getting transacted on VMs nowadays?  Probably a lot.

This probably sounds like a plug for my employer, which it isn't, but 
the RdRand instruction was done the way it was done to punch through the 
VM and deliver random numbers directly to the running application, 
bypassing all those layers of software. Unfortunately VMs came first, so 
there's an entropy gap on servers that should be addressed. You still 
trust the VM not to meddle with it, but if you don't trust the VM, you 
have bigger problems.

I have no reason to doubt the rpi's RNG (I have a clue about its circuit 
structure) but I also know that if it matters, you should probably do 
some testing of the random numbers before you trust the source, because 
no one else is testing it for you.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Intel RNG - RdSeed

2012-07-21 Thread David Johnston
If you thought RdRand caused a lot of chatter on this list, we've just 
announced a new sister instruction.. RdSeed.

It's here..

RdSeed is SP800-90B C and X9.82 parts 2  4 compliant in the XOR 
construction. But they're all draft specs so things could change.
RdSeed is to RdRand as /dev/random is to /dev/urandom. It returns 100% 
entropy (minus epsilon if you're picky).

Since it is dependent on the supply of entropy and has quite a 
conservative conditioning ratio, its maximum throughput is less than 
that of RdRand.

We haven't released anything other documentation on this yet, so until 
we do, this is as good a place to ask questions as any.


cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Intel RNG

2012-06-19 Thread David Johnston

On 6/19/2012 7:35 PM, coderman wrote:

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Marsh Ray wrote:

... Just a sanity check that the output is
actually changing once in a while would go a long way towards
eliminating the most common failure modes.

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 6:58 PM, wrote:

... Actually having a perfect source is a problem. It's much easier to
test for a source with known defects that meet a well defined statistical

is there any literature on the typical failure modes of TRNG/entropy
sources in deployed systems?

my understanding is that they tend to fail catastrophically, in a way
easily detected by FIPS sanity checks. E.g. clearly broken.

is it exceedingly rare for subtle / increasing bias to occur due to
hardware failure or misuse in most designs? are there designs which
fail hard rather than fail silent when error is encountered?

If an entropy source in a closed system is producing an apparently non 
repeating, unbiased sequence and its output is deterministic (or low 
entropy) then there must be internal memory in the entropy source that 
is enabling the non repeating behavior. The more memory, the longer you 
have to watch before you can identify repeating behavior.

So make your entropy source have a very small amount of memory and be 
sufficiently simple that you can model it mathematically. Then you can 
show all the SPOF and DPOF failure modes and show that your health check 
circuitry catches them. You can also show your health check circuitry 
catches all repeating patterns up and beyond some size that is 
determined by the internal memory of the ES.

So the answer is yes..

Minimal memory (E.G. fewer registers) = Fails hard.
Lots of memory (E.G. lots of registers, like an LFSR) = opportunity to 
fail soft.

I can't point to literature. I think it's obvious. Without memory, non 
repeating behavior has to come from non determinism. Perhaps I should 
write a paper :) Mistrust an ES with many flops.

I don't approve of FIPS sanity checks. These are algorithms you can't 
specify independent of the generation process. Or in other words, you 
can't test for randomness, you can only test for functionality. You need 
to use other arguments to show that what you have is random. FIPS sanity 
checks are a chore to implement after you've implemented a real health 
test algorithm matched to the failure modes of the source.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Intel Security Driver and AVX CPUs (rdrand)

2011-09-01 Thread David Johnston

On 9/1/2011 5:12 PM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:

Hi All,

For some time, Intel has offered a Security Driver for Windows [1]. It
basically allows us to use the 810 chipset and friends as a PRNG
source via a CSP:

   if(CryptAcquireContext(hProvider, NULL, INTEL_DEF_PROV, PROV_INTEL_SEC, 0))
  CryptGenRandom(hProvider, size, block);

Does anyone know if Intel is shipping an updated driver which
wraps/includes rdrand from AVX?


RdRand is a normal instruction not an AVX instruction. This confusion 
occurred because the first publication of the instruction was in the AVX 
extension instruction reference. RdRand has nothing to do with AVX other 
than proximity in the documentation.

The whole shebang (entropy source, conditioning, self testing, CSPRNGing 
and instruction set support) is now called 'Intel Bull Mountain Technology'.

Since it is an instruction accessible to code at any privilege level and 
it is atomic at the point of use, it doesn't need a driver as such. It 
can be used directly, or through some simple library function or 
indirectly through support in OSs or cryptographic libraries.

What has been provided to date is the Bull Mountain Software 
Implementation guide and some related example code :

There's support for RdRand and the RdRand compiler intrinsics in up to 
date versions of GCC and the example code uses that. For proprietary 
development tools, you'll have to check with the vendor.

I don't know is there's any support for a Microsoft CSP, but given the 
nature of RdRand, the functional end of the code would be very short indeed.

Keep in mind that the output of RdRand is the output of a (very 
frequently reseeded) 128 bit PRNG. It is cryptographically inappropriate 
to seed a wider PRNG from the output of a narrower PRNG. The SIG 
document talks about this and what you can do about it if you really 
feel the need to seed a PRNG from a PRNG.

cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] Intel RNG

2011-06-17 Thread David Johnston
Intel has published more details of the new rdrand instruction and the 
random number generator behind it.

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