Re: [cryptography] AES Implementation

2015-05-12 Thread Steve Weis
OpenSSL's AES implementation is in C and can be built standalone:

Once catch is the /asm directory uses Perl templates to generate
assembly files. If you are on an x86 platform, those aesni assembly
implementations, mostly by Andy Polyakov with contributions from
Intel, are among the fastest I've found. They can also be built into a
kernel module.

The BoringSSL fork by Adam Langley has a single file implementation. I
haven't looked at the diffs from OpenSSL or used it:

Apple has another C implementation here, which I've never used:

NaCL also has a C implementation of AES, but I don't know how easy it
would be to use on its own:

This was also ported over to libsodium:

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 2:47 AM, Givon Zirkind wrote:

 Can anyone recommend an open source AES library in some flavor of C?



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Re: [cryptography] Which encryption chips are compromised?

2013-12-13 Thread Steve Weis
On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 2:32 AM, Jan-Frode Myklebust wrote:
 What enablement would be complete in 2013 for something that has been on
 the market a year and is already being phased out?

 A microcode update ?

I think that compromising microcode update keys is a much more
interesting and believable prospect than compromising RDRAND.

I've seen surprisingly little research around microcode update
security. This post by Ben Hawkes is pretty interesting:
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Which encryption chips are compromised?

2013-12-12 Thread Steve Weis
On Dec 12, 2013 6:08 AM, coderman wrote:

 i see your skepticism, and i raise you a retort! ;)

 i even have a list of candidates you can experiment with to confirm
 Intel Ivy Bridge as best fit. [0]

I think this is a weak guess.

The document is talking about FY2013.  IVB already shipped in 2012. I'd
guess it was fabricated for testing in 2009-2010 and designed for a few
years prior.

What enablement would be complete in 2013 for something that has been on
the market a year and is already being phased out?

By 2013, Intel had already started shipping Haswell. They did launch new
IVB E5v2 Xeon server processors this fall, but future CPUs will be Haswell
and Broadwell.

Intel already has the next, next generation Skylake with SGX fabricated for

I still think the document is talking about a dedicated crypto chip for VPN
and SSL acceleration devices, just like it says.
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Practical Threshold Signatures

2013-11-12 Thread Steve Weis
Hi. I wrote a Java implementation of Shoup's threshold signature scheme a
long time ago:

I haven't touched it for years and wrote it as an undergrad, so caveat
emptor. Happy to give commit rights to the Google code project if you're

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 9:33 AM, realcr wrote:

 Victor Shoup's RSA Threshold Signatures:
 I read a bit about Victor Shoup's idea for Threshold signatures in the
 Practical Threshold Signatures.

 If you happen to know about working code on this subject, or an idea about
 implementing a nice one, please make sure to drop a message. I would
 like to participate if you are coding something of this type.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] [tahoe-dev] SNARKs, constant-time proofs of computation

2013-11-07 Thread Steve Weis
Hi Andrew. You may be interested in contacting an early-phase startup
called Tegos:

They're in stealth mode and haven't posted any info online, but they are
legitimate and relevant to this work.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Andrew Miller wrote:

 Here's a possible Tesla Coils and Corpses discussion I'd like to have
 sometime a few weeks from now maybe:
SNARKs (Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge) are a
 recent hot topic in modern cryptography. A generic SNARK scheme lets
 you can take an arbitrary computation (e.g., the routine that checks a
 signature and a merkle tree branch) and compile it to a *constant
 size* compressed representation, called the verification key. An
 untrusted server can execute the computation on behalf of the client,
 and produce a *constant size* proof that it was carried out correctly.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] enabling blind signatures in GPG

2013-08-22 Thread Steve Weis
The one caveat I'd offer is that there have been many similar voting or
e-cash proposals based on blind signatures going back to David Chaum in
1982. I'm not aware of any that have gotten traction. The blinding part is
easy. The hard part is getting any adoption.

Regardless, there are some anonymous credential projects with large backers
which may be of interest:

- Intel is baking Enhanced Privacy ID support into upcoming processors. CPU
packages will have unique key material that will be used to anonymously or
pseudonymously authenticate a hardware device:

- Microsoft's U-Prove, which is based on Stefan Brands' Credentica work,
published a lot of material in April 2013:

There is a related book by Brands available for download here:

- IBM's Idemix looked promising a few years ago, but seems to have

Source code here:

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Jake wrote:

 Hi Jim and Alex,

 Thanks for your help.  I am pretty overwhelmed by this stuff because I am
 not a cryptographer (although i am a coder) but I am very determined to do
 this.  So I am in over my head, but I have to keep going.

 My main focus is to be able to implement blinding for signatures using an
 openPGP implementation (something open-source, which means GnuPG)

 But when I say signature I DON'T mean the type of signature you do when
 you sign someone's public key.  I mean like when you sign a textfile or a
 binary blob.  As for revokation, I plan to have the CR (central registrar)
 sign peoples pubkeys using a key set to expire 12 months hence.  So there
 will be twelve pubkeys in use by the CR at any given time.

 If someone loses their private key and is concerned that someone is using
 it to vote in their name, they can simply post a revokation signed with
 their pubkey (and accompanied by their endorsement) saying revoked and
 anyone doing a tally of signed screeds will blacklist their pubkey.  But
 they won't be able to participate in the system until 12 months after their
 last signing by the CR, because their realname is crossed off the list for
 that time.  The CR only tracks realnames, not pubkeys.

 But to enforce anonymity from an evil CR, the voter will blind their
 pubkey into an unreadable blob before having the CR put a signature around
 it.  The CR will do this with RSA with no padding, so that the voter can
 take the result and unblind it into what looks like a signature of their
 pubkey (even though the CR never saw their pubkey).  Apologies if this is
 already obvious to you.

 My highest priority is making this system understandable by as many people
 as possible, which will be a huge challenge.  Eventually there will be an
 iphone app and a javascript page (i know) and people will be able to use it
 no matter how simple they are.  So i definitely need to start with
 something I personally can understand.

 Another very important feature of this system is that there is only one
 point of centralization:  the central registrar (CR).  Their job is to see
 the person's credentials (an ID or proof of residence or whatever proves
 they are a member of the set in question), sign (with unpadded RSA)
 whatever the person presents, and record the date and fact of this signing
 in a publicly accessible record.  And publish their pubkeys (one for each
 month, each expiring 12 months hence).

 All other aspects of the system are decentralized.  Each enrolled person
 can post their opinions signed with their (signed) pubkey anywhere on the
 net they want.  Anyone can crawl and tally these opinions, and verify all
 signatures independantly, traceable to the CR's pubkeys.

 The point of this is to make it so that a population (whether defined by a
 geographical area, or a voting district, or a cultural enclave,
 neighborhood, bolo, or entire nation) can choose a central registrar
 (trusted with a simple and mostly verifiable task) to enable an unmediated
 discussion between members.  If members stick to a machine-parseable format
 (copy tweet-length statements that they agree with, and are or will be
 trending), it will be possible for anyone to take a snapshot of opinion,
 guaranteeing accuracy of sentiment and one-person one-vote.

 I have everything figured out except the blinding.  I am glad to give more
 detail to anyone interested but I can't do anything until I get blinding
 working because it's essential to the anonymity of participants.

 Thank you for any help you can give,

 cryptography mailing list**mailman/listinfo/cryptography

Re: [cryptography] enabling blind signatures in GPG

2013-08-18 Thread Steve Weis
Hi Jake. This is not GPG-related, but I worked on an OpenID-based private
federated login system called PseudoID that used blind signatures.
Basically, an identity provider will check your real identity, then issue
you a blindly-signed token which you can then later use to log in
pseudo-anonymously to an OpenID consumer. The consumer and provider can't
latter correlate your real identity with that login.

This was a summer project from an intern at the time and should be
considered a proof-of-concept. It does the unblinding crypto in
server-delivered Javascript so is not secure as-is. Do not use for anything
in practice.

Here's the paper:

Here's the source:

Here's a demo video:

Here's a site that was the private ID provider demo:

Here was the blind-signer demo, which is broken since we accidentally let
the domain lapse:

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 1:08 AM, Jake wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 I am trying to form an anonymous opining sytem based on a single
 Registrar, whose signatures deify users' public keys with the mark of a
 Participant.  But to protect the users from an evil registrar, blinding
 must be used.

 I have been told that blinding is already implemented internally to deter
 timing-based attacks, so this would be a matter of implementing a
 command-line option to blind a blob and save the blinding salts.

 I am not a cryptographer so I can only repeat what i've heard on this.**Blind_signature#Blind_RSA_**

 Basically, a Participant generates a key pair (only for use in opining,
 not with their real identity) and wants to be able to prove, in public
 signed cleartext postings, that their public key has been signed by the
 Registar as an endorsement of Participation.  But they don't want the
 Registrar to see their public key and correlate it with their real identity
 (their proof of eligibility for participation) because that would
 compromise their anonymity.

 So the Participant blinds their public key, presents that blob to the
 Registrar (along with their real identity) and receives the Registrar's
 signature of the blob.  Then they take the blob home, and unblind it,
 revealing a perfect Registrar's signature of their public key.

 Please write if you can help me make this happen.  I believe that the
 system i'm trying to create could have a very positive effect on democracy
 in the world, and hopefully make politicians into simple clerks whose job
 is simply to count the opinions and follow the will of the people.

 take care,
 cryptography mailing list**mailman/listinfo/cryptography

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Re: [cryptography] [liberationtech] Random number generator failure in Rasperri Pis?

2013-07-19 Thread Steve Weis
Hypervisors like KVM can expose random number generator devices to guests:

Funny, because I just noticed KVM's default is /dev/random. If that's
the case, I think a guest could exhaust the entropy pool, cause
/dev/random to block, and stall any other VMs using it. I'll need to
try that out.

Regarding VM adoption, I've seen analyst estimates that say 50% of
workloads are currently virtualized. I can't provide a link because
they're in a paywalled report.

On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Nico Williams wrote:
 The rpi's HW RNG is almost certainly better than many /dev/*random
 implementations running as VM guests.  How much real business is
 getting transacted on VMs nowadays?  Probably a lot.
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] [liberationtech] - The Beautiful Secure Messenger

2013-07-12 Thread Steve Weis
I think compromising microcode update signing keys would be the easiest
path. Then you don't need backdoors baked in the hardware, don't need
Intel's buy-in, and can target specific systems without impacting the
public at large.

This is a pretty interesting analysis showing that these updates are
2048-bit RSA signed blobs:

On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Nico Williams n...@cryptonector.comwrote:

 I'd like to understand what attacks NSA and friends could mount, with
 Intel's witting or unwitting cooperation, particularly what attacks
 that *wouldn't* put civilian (and military!) infrastructure at risk
 should details of a backdoor leak to the public, or *worse*, be stolen
 by an antagonist.
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] 100 Gbps line rate encryption

2013-07-01 Thread Steve Weis
Are you assuming a single core?

I ran 'openssl speed' on an 8-core 2.9 GHz Intel Xeon E5-2690 with
hyperthreading enabled, which gives it 16 logical cores. It's an artificial
benchmark, but openssl is able to encrypt using AES-XTS with 128-bit keys
at 28 gigabytes / second for 8KB blocks, which is 225.2 gigabits per second.

This may not be relevant to the whichever platforms the original post was
thinking of. On the x86 platform I tested this on, memory bandwidth would
be the bottleneck before the crypto.

Edited output:

$ uname -a
Linux [hostname] 3.2.0-41-generic #66-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 25 03:27:11 UTC
2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ openssl speed -multi 16 -evp aes-128-xts
OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012
built on: Mon Apr 15 15:27:18 UTC 2013
[some build output omitted]
The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.
type 16 bytes 64 bytes256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192
evp3994884.76k 11902064.66k 21140865.02k 26338644.65k

On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 2:13 PM, wrote:

 Oops, miscalculation. That should be a 6.5 Ghz clock for 100 Gbps. ((100
 Gbps/8)/2) . Anyway I don't think anybody has hardware that fast except
 maybe for IBM with the Power8.

  The fastest hardware implementation of RC4 that I know is 2 bytes/clock.
  personally programmed a 1 byte/clock RC4 in a FPGA, it's quite simple.
  At 2 bytes/clock you still need a clock of 10 gigahertz to encrypt 100
  Gbps. That's unfeasible, the way it's done is using paralelism, then you
  can use any algorithm you want as long as you have silicon available.
  Consider there are 400 Gbps systems coming online.
  Using a PC for that kind of workload is a waste of money and power. FPGAs
  are not that expensive nowadays.
  Just as a data point, on x86 processors with AESNI you can encrypt AES
  say, XTS mode with about 0.75 cycles / byte on each core.
  On an Intel Xeon E5-2690 'openssl speed -multi 4 -evp aes-128-xts' tops
  at 13.5 GB/s for 8k blocks, which is 108 Gbps. That's only using half
  physical cores and no hyperthreading.
  However, that's unlikely a realistic benchmark for whatever context the
  original question was referring to.
  On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Peter Maxwell
  On 22 June 2013 23:31, James A. Donald wrote:
   On 2013-06-23 6:47 AM, Peter Maxwell wrote:
   I think Bernstein's Salsa20 is faster and significantly more secure
  than RC4, whether you'll be able to design hardware to run at
  line-speed is
  somewhat more questionable though (would be interested to know if it's
  possible right enough).
  I would be surprised if it is faster.
  Given the 100Gbps spec, I can only presume it's hardware that's being
  talked about, which is well outwith my knowledge.  We also don't know
  whether there is to be only one keystream allowed or not.
  However, just to give an idea of performance: from a cursory search on
  Google, once can seemingly find Salsa20/12 being implemented recently
  GPU with performance around 43Gbps without memory transfer (2.7Gbps
  with) - ) -
  unfortunately I don't have access to the paper.
  On a decent 64-bit processor, the full Salsa20/20 is coming in around
  3-4cpb - - and while cpb
  a great measurement, it at least gives a feel for things.
  Going on a very naive approach, I would imagine the standard RC4 will
  suffer due to being byte-orientated and not particularly open to
  parallelism.  Salsa20 operates on 32-bit words and from a cursory
  inspection of the spec seems to offer at least some options to do
  operations in parallel.
  If I were putting money on it, I suspect one could optimise at least
  Salsa20/12 to be faster than RC4 on modern platforms; whether this has
  done is another story.  Fairly sure Salsa20/8 was faster than RC4
  As with anything though, I stand to be corrected.
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