Re: [cryptography] Fwd: [RFC][PATCH 0/6] /dev/random - a new approach

2016-04-27 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 04:49:54PM +0200, Sven M. Hallberg wrote:
> > I developed a different approach, which I call Linux Random Number Generator
> > (LRNG) to collect entropy within the Linux kernel. The main improvements
> > compared to the legacy /dev/random is to provide sufficient entropy during 
> > boot
> > time as well as in virtual environments and when using SSDs.
> After reading the paper, it is not clear to me how this goal is
> achieved. As far as I can see, no new sources of entropy are
> introduced; in fact a point is made to use only interrupt timings,
> arguing that these effectively include other events. Why does this
> design make more entropy available during boot and with solid-state
> storage?

Indeed.  I think it would be desirable to clearly separate work to
reorganize and modernize the core entropy-gathering and DRBG
constructions (which closely parallels work Taylor Campbell and I
did in NetBSD) from work to ingest more unpredictable data at
boot time (which I also subsequently did in NetBSD).

On the former score (improvement and modernization of the
mechanism) I think in NetBSD we still have quite a bit of room
for improvement.  On the latter, I think we do about as well as
anyone.  A key insight for me came from Peter Gutmann: it is
important to ingest data you have strong reason to believe are
truly random; but it is also important to ingest data you have
strong reason to believe are merely expensive and difficult for
a prospective adversary to measure or predict.  In the real world,
the latter can often save your butt, or your customers' butts.

So we eat things like the first several seconds of frames from
the network; dmesg output; TOD; IP addresses; hostnames; and other
configuration and nonsecret data that will vary from system to
system and which an adversary would have to measure in the field
rather than predicting _a priori_; as well as data like temperature,
voltage, and fan speed which we know to be related to one another,
but through (to again paraphrase Peter) physical processes which
are very difficult to model; _plus_ the timestamps and other "TRNG"
data that are the traditional food of system entropy pools.  And
we never, ever feed output based solely on input from a single
source.  If you trust your pool and output stream constructions,
this approach can clearly be no worse than relying solely on
timings; and in practice, I believe it is far more expensive for
an adversary to attack.

cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] Cryptanalysis of RADIUS MD5 cipher?

2015-02-04 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
For at least 15 years there's been general grumbling that the MD5 based
stream cipher used for confidentiality in RADIUS looks like snake oil.

Given how widely used the protocol is, and the failure of various successor
protocols (cute names and all -- TANGENT anyone?) I have always been surprised
that the cipher seems not to have received any serious cryptanalytic
attention.  On the other hand I am not mathy enough to frequently read the
primary literature.

Does anyone know of any work that's been done on this?

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Random number generation influenced, HW RNG

2013-09-08 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Sun, Sep 08, 2013 at 03:00:39PM +1000, James A. Donald wrote:
> On 2013-09-08 1:25 PM, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> >On Sun, Sep 08, 2013 at 08:34:53AM +1000, James A. Donald wrote:
> >>Well, since you personally did this, would you care to explain the
> >>very strange design decision to whiten the numbers on chip, and not
> >>provide direct access to the raw unwhitened output.
> >You know as soon as anyone complained about this, they turned around
> >and provided access to the unwhitened output in the next major version
> >of the same product family, right?
> I am not aware of this.  Could you provide further details?

> And since no one needs high bandwidth true random numbers, why the
> on chip whitening?  Surely there was some internal discussion of
> this decision?

A) I don't agree with your premise.

B) Are you under the misapprehension that I work for Intel?

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Random number generation influenced, HW RNG

2013-09-07 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Sun, Sep 08, 2013 at 08:34:53AM +1000, James A. Donald wrote:
> Well, since you personally did this, would you care to explain the
> very strange design decision to whiten the numbers on chip, and not
> provide direct access to the raw unwhitened output.

You know as soon as anyone complained about this, they turned around
and provided access to the unwhitened output in the next major version
of the same product family, right?

> A decision that even assuming the utmost virtue on the part of the
> designers, leaves open the possibility of malfunctions going
> undetected.

And one that echoes what about 50% of the other people who have built
hardware random number generators also made.

> That is a question a great many people have asked, and we have not
> received any answers.

No answers aside from Intel actually providing exactly what you asked
for, next chance they got.

> Access to the raw output would have made it possible to determine
> that the random numbers were in fact generated by the physical
> process described, since it is hard and would cost a lot of silicon
> to simulate the various subtle offwhite characteristics of a well
> described actual physical process.

I am extremely skeptical of this claim.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Random number generation influenced, HW RNG

2013-09-07 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Sat, Sep 07, 2013 at 09:05:33PM +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> This pretty much rules out CPU-integral RNGs. It has to be
> a third-party add-on (USB or PCIe), and it has to be open hardware.

I think you take this more than a little too far.  I see CPU-integral
RNGs as very valuable source to be mixed with other sources in a
software pool of entropy.  Why should we reject them, unless we think
the mixing functions themselves are useless?

The lesson here seems to me to be that we should be far more
assiduous in seeking out additional sources of entropy and in always
ensuring software RNGs mix input from multiple such sources into
all output.  We should abandon sacred cows like the notion of
information-theoretic randomness (that we don't actually know how
to measure, but in pursuit of which we hamstring our software RNGs
by arranging that they refuse to produce any output unless, by some
questionable criterion, there is enough of it) and pursue engineering
goals we can actually achieve, like mixing enough other-source input,
of whatever quality, with the output of fast generators we can no longer
trust that the adversary must actually attack the mixing function, rather
than iteratively guessing the few state bits he does not already know.

Secondarily -- and sadly! -- we must now be very suspicious of devices
that integrate random number generation and encryption.  Can we even
trust raw hardware RNG output for the generation of IVs?  I would argue
not, because the same device's AES engine could be leaking key bits into
our explicit IVs, etc, and we couldn't ever know.  Devices that offload
packet processing in its entirety (SSL accellerators, IPsec accellerators,
etc.) have even more opportunity to do this sort of thing.  Hardware
crypto offload may still be very useful -- random number generation perhaps
in particular -- but we will have to apply it with extreme care, and with
a deliberate eye towards eliminating covert channels put in place by
people at least as smart as we are, and with far more time and experience
thinking about the problem from the offensive point of view.

Finally, we have to accept that the game might just be over, period.  So
you use a pure software RNG, mixing in RdRand output or not as you may
prefer.  How hard do you think it is to identify the datastructures used
by that RNG if you can execute code on a coprocessor with access to host
RAM?  Almost every modern server has such a coprocessor built in (its
management processor) and you won't find the source code to its firmware
floating around.  Intel even puts this functionality directly on its
CPUs (Intel AMT).  Rather than beating up on the guy who put a lovely
RNG instruction into every processor we're likely to use any time soon,
it seems to me we ought to be beating up on ourselves for ignoring far
simpler and more obvious risks like this one for well over a decade.

Seriously, show of hands, who here has ever really put his or her foot
down and insisted that a product they were purchasing _omit_ such
functionality?  Not chosen not to pay for it, refused to buy server X
or mainboard Y simply on the basis that management processor functionality
was onboard?  Now, compare to the number of people complaining about
backdoored RNGs here and elsewhere on the Internet.  Go figure.

To me the interesting question, but one to which I don't expect to ever
know the answer, is whether the adversary -- having, we can assume,
identified high value devices to systematically compromise, and lower value
devices to defer for later or simply ignore entirely -- went at those
devices sniper-style, or shotgun-style.  Were a few key opportunities for
tampering identified, and one or two attempted against each targeted
device?  Or were a wide variety of avenues explored, and every single one
that seemed relevant attempted everywhere, or at least against certain
particularly high value devices?  If we knew that, in a way we might know,
when we did finally see concrete evidence of a particular kind of
tampering, how long to keep looking for more.

But we aren't going to know that, no matter how much we might want to.
Attacks on crypto hardware, attacks on management processors, attacks
on supervisory or trusted execution modes seldom exercised in normal
system operation, attacks on flash modules holding boot code, so that
under the right circumstances they replace page P with evil page P',
attacks on elements of IC vendors' standard cell libraries (DMA engines
would seem promising); assume the adversaries are smart, and good at their
jobs, and the sky would seem to be the limit.

The sky will fall, of course, when various nation-states' agencies really
start digging for the holes punched in all of our security by the agencies
of others (not my own observation, I should note).  Too much of this stuff
will become all-too-common knowledge.  It's going to be quite a ride.

But I see no reason to beat up on hardware random number generators
*in partic

Re: [cryptography] Random number generation influenced, HW RNG

2013-09-07 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Sat, Sep 07, 2013 at 10:48:02AM -0700, David Johnston wrote:
> It interesting to consider the possibilities of corruption and
> deception that may exist in product design. It's a lot more alarming
> when it's your own design that is being accused of having been
> backdoored. Claiming the NSA colluded with intel to backdoor RdRand
> is also to accuse me personally of having colluded with the NSA in
> producing a subverted design. I did not.

Not necessarily; the implementation may have been subverted instead.

It's unfortunate that some have attacked you personally, or if not,
then said things that came awfully close to it.  However, it strikes
me as naive in the extreme to think that what you designed would not
constitute a prime target for tampering of exactly the kind we now
know has gone on.  If it wasn't such a target, either your employer
did something very noble, or someone at the NSA didn't do his or her
job, or the systems containing what you designed had _already_
been compromised in some way that rendered your work much less of
an improvement to security than you intended it to be.

Your employer could help clear this up by publically urging
the news outlets that have redacted the list of companies that took
payments to compromise their own product to confirm whether or
not its own name is on the list.  Or by offering to indemnify its
customers against the effects of any such compromise, with very
specific reference to each of its current products that is in any
way a plausible target for such tampering.  I'm not holding my breath.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Compositing Ciphers?

2013-09-06 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Sat, Sep 07, 2013 at 02:53:22AM +0200, Natanael wrote:
> Apparently it's called "cascade encryption" or "cascade encipherment",
> and the implementations are apparently called "robust combiners". And
> by the way, Truecrypt already lets you pick your chosen combo of AES
> and two other ciphers.

If you want to do this with stream ciphers, a fundamentally different
approach would be to use Knuth's "Algorithm M" (Knuth, 2ed, vol.1 , p 32):

Algorithm M (Randomizing by shuffling).  Given methods for generating
sequences (Xn) and (Yn), this algorithm will successively output
the terms of a "considerably more random" sequence.  We use a table
V[0], V[1], ... V[k-1], where k is some number chosen for convenience,
usually in the neighborhood of 100.  Initially, the V-table is filled
with the first k values of the X-sequence.

M1. [Generate X, Y.]   Set X and Y equal to the next members of the
sequences (Xn) and (Yn), respectively.

M2. [Extract j.] Set j <- [kY/m] where m is the modulus used in
the sequence (Yn); that is, j is a random value, 0 <= j < k,
determined by Y.

M3 [Exchange.] Output V[j] and then set V[j] <- X.

The reference proceeds to give two examples.

If there are more modern (post-1981) references that agitate against this
method of combining two keystream generators, I'd love to learn of them.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] urandom vs random

2013-08-16 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:33:11PM -0400, shawn wilson wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:01 PM, James A. Donald  wrote:
> > At startup, likely to be short of entropy.
> >
> > If /dev/urandom seeded at startup, and then seeded no further, bad, but not
> > very bad.
> >
> > If /dev/urandom seeded at startup from /dev/random, then should block at
> > startup.
> >
> > If /dev/urandom never blocks, bad.  Should block at startup waiting to
> > receive 160 bits from /dev/random, and never block again.
> >
> I don't follow this - I understand why lack of entropy should block
> urandom but, why shouldn't it block on a running system that

Re: [cryptography] 100 Gbps line rate encryption

2013-07-17 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 03:50:50AM -0400, William Allen Simpson wrote:
> On 7/16/13 11:15 AM, Matthew Green wrote:
> >
> >
> Thanks for bringing this pre-print link to my attention!
> >In summary, don't use RC4. Don't use it carelessly with IVs. And don't use 
> >RC4.
> >
> RC4 is available in many libraries and platforms.  For the
> immediate future, it is most easily and likely implemented.

So is single-DES.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] 100 Gbps line rate encryption

2013-07-16 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 03:23:01AM -0400, William Allen Simpson wrote:
> On 6/22/13 8:24 PM, Greg Rose wrote:
> >
> >On Jun 22, 2013, at 15:31 , James A. Donald  wrote:
> >
> >>On 2013-06-23 6:47 AM, Peter Maxwell wrote:
> >>>I think Bernstein's Salsa20 is faster and significantly more secure than 
> >>>RC4, whether you'll be able to design hardware to run at line-speed is 
> >>>somewhat more questionable though (would be interested to know if it's 
> >>>possible right enough).
> >>
> >>I would be surprised if it is faster.
> >
> >Be surprised, then... almost all of the recent word- or block- oriented 
> >stream ciphers are faster than RC4. And NOTHING should still be using RC4; 
> >by today's standards it is quite insecure.
> >
> So I spent some (much too much) time reading old PPP archives on our
> earlier discussions selecting an algorithm.  Sadly, 3DES was chosen,
> but rarely implemented.
> I cobbled together a draft based on old discussion for ARC4.  It
> surely needs more work.  Although (as you mention) that's old stuff,
> it has the advantage of having running code in most existing systems,
> and could be rolled out quickly on high speed connections.

If you're really going to publish a new RFC -- even an Experimental
one -- using RC4, you should really use RC4-drop-N.  For even moderately
sized packets and reasonable values of N, if you effectively rekey every
packet, you will end up wasting 25-50% of the throughput of the system.

Conclusion: RC4 is particularly poorly suited for this application
in the modern day.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Snowden: Fabricating Digital Keys?

2013-06-25 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 05:17:04PM -0400, Bill Scannell wrote:
> This Daily Beast story on Causa Snowden 
> (
>  contains the following sentence: 
> "Last week NSA Director Keith Alexander told the House Permanent Select 
> Committee on Intelligence that Snowden was able to access files inside the 
> NSA by fabricating digital keys that gave him access to areas he was not 
> allowed to visit as a low-level contractor and systems administrator. "
> How would one fabricate a digital key?

Presumably using administrative access to the machinery of a certificate
authority or a signing system for security assertions.

cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] Isn't it odd that...

2013-01-29 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
...despite all the attacks we've seen on compresion-before-encryption, and all 
the timing
atatacks we've seen on encryption, and the highly data-dependent computational 
associated with compression (including in widespread, hardware-accelerated, and 
applications like lossy video compression, where the complexity of the input, 
even in
applications where hardware escrow of some kind hides a session key, is exposed 
by the
encoding of the output)...

..we haven't really seen any known-plaintext key recovery attacks facilitated 
by timing
analysis of compressors applied prior to encryption?

 Thor Lancelot Simon

It's very complicated.  It's very cumbersome.  There's a
lot of numbers involved with it.
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] So, PKI lets know who we're doing business with?

2013-01-08 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 at 05:06:23PM -0500, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Thor Lancelot Simon  wrote:
> >
> That's not too egregious (though its bad). What frustrates me is when
> they send you to a different domain for the authentication or a
> transaction.

Well, yes, that's bad, but of course what I was trying to point out as
bad in this particular case was that even in the face of an hour's worth
of effort by someone calling from the security department of another
institution, in this case, the purported holder of this certificate was
*unable to say* whether it was actually theirs or not.


cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] So, PKI lets know who we're doing business with?

2013-01-08 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
What do you do if even they don't know?  Today I tried to help someone
who was mid-transaction on Amex's cardholder web site, associating a
new card with their account, when the next step of their process hopped
us over to

Which has an EV certificate from VeriSign that's been expired since
October last year.  Of course this is more likely due to error than
malfeasance, but nonetheless.  It's what it would look like, eventually,
if an attacker stole a private key just once, right?  So this isn't
something you want to go typing your financial secrets into.

Approximately an hour on the phone with American Express produced
approximately as much head-scratching among Amex employees as on my
end.  An expired certificate for a back-end server isn't among the
problems their online services help desk knows how to test for nor
can report.  Their fraud protection department refers all complaints
of web site misbehavior, even security-related, to their online services
help desk.  Their high-limit corporate card support team can create
tickets in their web development queue but evidently does not have
contact information for any relevant security department at American
Express.  The technical contacts for their domain don't answer the

In other words, even *they* don't know if the certificate in question
really vouches for them or not, and don't have any way to find out.

Can we really expect that end users will ever get that decision right?
Sure.  Sure we can.

cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] Devices and protocols that require PKCS 1.5 padding

2012-07-02 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Mon, Jul 02, 2012 at 01:26:20PM -0400, Matthew Green wrote:
> More generally, padding oracle attacks exist against OAEP as well
> (Manger's attack). In practice you typically have to construct the
> oracle by measuring a timing differential in the decryption process.
> That's hard over a network, but if you're directly attached to the
> device and have a cycle-accurate timer at your disposal, maybe not.
> These devices are slow!

Indeed they are.  And they are part of a class of slow devices that,
of course, includes not just so-called OTP tokens that have smartcard
functionality, but pure smartcards and their close cousins TPM chips.

I am in particular worried about protocols like OpenPGP, which *require*
version 1.5 padding and which are often used with these kinds of devices
by the security conscious on the theory that security is thereby improved.

Where these protocols can't be changed I suppose the only real
countermeasure is fairly draconian blinding implemented in software around
all the hardware implementations of RSA operations with v1.5 padding.

Besides PGP, what other standard, widely-deployed protocols require the
use of padding types other than OAEP?

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Intel RNG

2012-06-19 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 07:35:03PM -0700, coderman wrote:
> is there any literature on the typical failure modes of TRNG/entropy
> sources in deployed systems?
> my understanding is that they tend to fail catastrophically, in a way
> easily detected by FIPS sanity checks. E.g. clearly broken.

I know of one case in which a design mistake may have caused related bits
to be output.  I think the FIPS statistical tests might have turned it
up, but the continuous-output test might well not have.

This was a design by Hifn where they reused an existing RNG block but
changed the output LFSR and thus had to rework the interface to register
exposed to the PCI bus in which they reported results.  They left out a
latch, so you could accidentally get the same bits from the LFSR twice
or get an intermediate state where some bits were from the previous state
and some were fresh.  The COT would have caught the former, but given
the clocks involved the former case would have been very, very unlikely.
It would not have caught the latter.

I never got a clear answer from Hifn whether they actually left the latch
out of the silicon or just out of the documentation.  However, I tried
very hard to give them opportunities to tell me it was just the docs that
were wrong, and they didn't.  The workaround was to simply read the register
repeatedly, discarding results, until one knew all the bits had to be fresh
given the other clocks involved; inefficient, but it got the job done.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Intel RNG

2012-06-19 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 09:58:59PM -0700, coderman wrote:
> this is very useful to have in some configurations (not just testing).
> for example: a user space entropy daemon consuming raw, biased,
> un-whitened, full throughput bits of lower entropy density which is
> run through sanity checks, entropy estimates, and other vetting before
> mixing/obscuring state, and feeding into host or application entropy
> pools.

Sanity checks, entropy estimates, and other vetting *which the output
of a DRBG keyed in a known way by your adversary will pass without
a hint of trouble*.

It seems to me the only reason you'd benefit from access to the raw
source would be if you believed Intel might have goofed the sanity
checks.  For my part, I am happy to rely on CRI's assurance that Intel's
sanity checks are good.

The only defense against a deliberately compromised hardware RNG is to
mix it with something else.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-12 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 10:51:59AM -0500, Marsh Ray wrote:
> What is unclear is if there are any effective costs or rate
> limitations on how often one can 'activate' an MSTS license server.
> A compute cluster faster than 200 PS3s could cut down on the number
> of license certs that were burned to make the attack work.

One wonders what Microsoft knows about who requested all those licenses.
Presumably there was some effort put into plausible deniability.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-04 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Mon, Jun 04, 2012 at 10:20:33AM +0200, Erwann Abalea wrote:
> It's also not clear about what could have been done with TS certificates.
> Is it only codesigning, or TLS server as well?

I'm surprised they can be used for code signing at all.  TS (in its modern
incarnation) is a TLS-encapsulated protocol.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Symantec/Verisign DV certs issued with excessive validity period of 6 years

2012-05-01 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Wed, May 02, 2012 at 02:23:47AM +1200, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Thor Lancelot Simon  writes:
> >NIST says 2048 bit RSA keys should have a 3 year lifetime.  Who here really
> >wants to explain to customers (or investors!) that he willfully ignored that
> >recommendation and just reused the same old key when making the CSR for that
> >new certificate?
> This is standard practice in a significant chunk of the industry, to the
> extent that "renew a certificate" means "get the same key recertified".  You
> don't "wilfully ignore NIST recommendations", you click on "renew
> certificate".  Dealing with cert rollover is painful enough already without
> having to try and find PKI documents you've never heard of telling you what to
> do.

I wouldn't call SP800-57 a "PKI document".  Though I might call it "an
eminently reasonable and comprehensive document with certain ill considered
sections bolted on as a sop to the PKI crowd".

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Symantec/Verisign DV certs issued with excessive validity period of 6 years

2012-04-24 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 12:07:33PM -0500, Nico Williams wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Marsh Ray  wrote:
> > On 04/23/2012 08:47 PM, Peter Maxwell wrote:
> > I look at it this way:
> >
> > * Revocation is junk. It doesn't work. It especially doesn't work when an
> > attacker wants it not to work.
> >
> > It is so broken that Chrome isn't even going to bother with OCSP checking
> > anymore:
> >
> But this too is revocation.
> Assuming some revocation scheme works at all, then longer lived certs
> merely increase the size of the revocation database.  This is at least
> obnoxious.
> If no revocation scheme works then the only revocation mechanism left
> is certificate expiry.  Until now no revocation mechanism has worked
> well or universally, so shorter certificate lifetimes are better.
> That said, short certificate lifetimes do nothing to mitigate
> undetected private key compromises when the new certificates have the
> same subject public key as the ones they replace.

That said, those who follow the relevant NIST recommendations will not
do that (reuse keys when writing new certs).  The recommendations on
cryptoperiod are with regard to keys, with a recommendation per algorithm,
and though there are many ugly holes punched in the standard for commercial
PKI implementations, I do not see one that would allow writing a new cert
with an old key if the old key is past its allowed cryptoperiod.

NIST says 2048 bit RSA keys should have a 3 year lifetime.  Who here really
wants to explain to customers (or investors!) that he willfully ignored
that recommendation and just reused the same old key when making the CSR
for that new certificate?

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Bitcoin in endgame

2012-02-24 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 05:08:44AM +1000, James A. Donald wrote:
> If the users of bitcoin are primarily criminals, that is pretty much
> what the founders intended.  Every middle class man of affairs and
> business commits three felonies a day.
> The paper presupposes that criminals are such horrible people that
> everything they touch turns to shit.
> My experience is that ordinary unorganized criminals are anti social
> and need killing, but that organized crime is pretty good, or at
> least not nearly so bad police and regulatory authorities.

Is the major purpose of this mailing list really the discussion of
political and social theory?  I thought I had subscribed to, not "I already spent four years doing
political science, thanks."

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Duplicate primes in lots of RSA moduli

2012-02-18 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 12:57:30PM -0500, Jeffrey I. Schiller wrote:
> The problem is that ssh-keygen uses /dev/urandom and it should really
> use /dev/random. I suspect that once upon a time it may have (I don't
> have the history off hand) and someone got annoyed when it blocked and
> "solved" the problem.

Um, why would it ever _unblock_, on such a device under typical
first-boot conditions?

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] how many MITM-enabling sub-roots chain up to public-facing CAs ?

2012-02-14 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 09:35:45PM +0100, Ralph Holz wrote:
> As Crossbear's assessment is not something everyday users will
> understand, we ourselves view Crossbear as the tool that, e.g., a
> travelling security afficionado/hacker/interested person might want to
> use, but not your average guy. Our goal is to find out how many Mitm
> actually happen, and how, and where. That's why Crossbear has this
> second component, the hunting tasks.

Interesting -- will this work, in the case of authorized MITM of the
network the client's on?  The second SSL connection will always fail,
since the MITM device will MITM it.  Perhaps there should be an option
to retrieve results separately and later?

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] how many MITM-enabling sub-roots chain up to public-facing CAs ?

2012-02-14 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 09:13:11PM +0100, Ralph Holz wrote:
> > It is not so hard really to see the conceptual difference between the two
> > cases.  But to tools like Crossbear, they basically look the same.
> Why? Crossbear sends the full certificate chain it sees to the CB
> server, where it is compared with the full chain that the CB server sees
> (plus a few more servers, too, actually, that it can ask). Convergence,
> AFAICT, does the same. If you're inside the corporate network, the
> certificate chain in the SSL handshake cannot be the same, and both
> systems will detect them.

In both cases, Crossbear will detect a MITM device, yes?  But in one
case, the device is authorized to sign for the entities it's signing
certificates for, and in the other, it's not.

This does not in any way diminish the usefulness of Crossbear as a tool
for detecting MITM devices.  But what's interesting about what happens
in these two cases is that it's _whether the user is being deceived_
that differs.  Crossbear can't know that -- the user has to supply the
knowledge of whether there is, in fact, an authorized MITM in place.

And that is precisely what is wrong with what Trustwave did: they tried
to make it look like there was no MITM in place instead of an unauthorized
one, where in this case "authorized" means "the administrator of the client
node positively agreed to have that node's traffic MITMed".

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] how many MITM-enabling sub-roots chain up to public-facing CAs ?

2012-02-14 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 03:51:16PM +0100, Ralph Holz wrote:
> Hi,
> > Well I am not sure how they can hope to go very far underground.  Any and
> > all users on their internal network could easily detect and anonymously
> > report the mitm cert for some public web site with out any significant risk
> > of it being tracked back to them.  Game over.  So removal of one CA from a
> > major browser like mozilla would pretty much end this practice if it is
> > true
> > that any CAs other than trustwave actually did this...
> If all users used a tool like Crossbear that does automatic reporting,
> yes.

Not really -- and this I think goes to the root of why what was done here
is so evil.

It is common practice on many networks in certain industries to deploy
SSL MITM devices which terminate, decrypt, examine, and reencrypt all
traffic.  However, the usual way to do this is to generate a new CA
certificate for the MITM device and load it into all the systems expected
to be connected to the network in question as a trusted root.

In this case, the owner of the network has chosen, by policy, to not
allow devices to perform SSL unless they trust the network's own CA,
and that CA has an effective policy which expressly allows it to
facilitate MITM of SSL traffic.  I do not find this unreasonable for
certain environments, and if users choose to bring their private devices
onto those networks, they have to take a positive step to facilitate
this examination of their traffic -- they have to install the MITM CA's
certificate as a trusted root.

But what Trustwave did is very, very different.  They sold a sub-root
that seems almost tailor-made to deceive users into thinking that MITM
was *not* taking place.  After all, if the intent were not to deceive
the network's users, the usual solution (where the client node's
administrator must accept the MITM device's CA) would have sufficed.

If the intent was not (primarily) to deceive but rather to allow MITM
device deployment with less administrative hassle, I can say only
these things:

A) It might be easier for me to get petty cash for my legitimate
   business purposes by mugging people in the street than by
   filling out corporate paperwork but that does not make it OK
   to mug people in the street.

B) If we are to believe Trustwave's claims about how they
   secured and audited the device on which this CA's keys were
   stored, is it really plausible that this was done for ease
   of administration, compared to the "standard" solution?

It is not so hard really to see the conceptual difference between the two
cases.  But to tools like Crossbear, they basically look the same.

Bad, bad, bad.


P.S. If one really wanted to know what CAs were in the business of selling
 these, one might try using any leverage one had handy to press the
 manufacturers of the MITM devices, who very likely know because their
 support or engineering personnel will have seen it in the field.  I
 can think of some pretty simple ways Mozilla could seek to obtain
 this information from the device manufacturers, if Mozilla wanted to
 play hardball.
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] "folded" SHA1 vs HMAC for entropy extraction

2012-01-05 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 05:51:57PM -0600, Marsh Ray wrote:
> On 01/05/2012 03:46 PM, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> >I am asking whether the
> >use of HMAC with two different, well known keys, one for each purpose,
> >is better or worse than using the "folded" output of a single SHA
> >invocation for one purpose and the unfolded output of that same
> >invocation for the other.
> But you don't need HMAC for this, HMAC's properties are evaluated
> for authentication.
> What this usage needs is a tweakable one-way compression function.
> Like, say, a hash function with a different fixed input prefix for
> each operation. Having your tweak values a fixed size is a good
> idea.
> HMAC is doing something similar, but using the secret key as the
> prefix. It expands the secret to the same size as the hash
> function's input block (usually 512 bits). Having them take up a
> whole input block might improve performance a little in some
> implementations because the intermediate state you have to store is
> smaller and in this case it could even be compile-time constant.

FWIW, using HMAC like this is the "extract" step of the two-step
extract-expand HMAC based construction that is HKDF:

HMAC does have some other desirable properties that the raw
hash functions do not, no?  I thought HMAC met the strict avalanche
criterion, while SHA1 does not, and that this was one of the reasons
why truncation of HMAC results was considered safer than truncation
of raw hash results.  In this application, the result will often be
truncated when it is used, which is another reason why I -- naive
crypto-plumber though I am -- thought HMAC might be a better choice.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] "folded" SHA1 vs HMAC for entropy extraction

2012-01-05 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Fri, Jan 06, 2012 at 07:59:30AM +1100, ianG wrote:
> The way I treat this problem is that it is analogous to inventing
> ones own algorithm.  From that perspective, one can ask:

What is?  The "folded" SHA, or the use of HMAC?

You do understand why it's important to obscure what's mixed back in,
I assume.  If not, read the paper I referenced on the Linux RNG;
by insufficently obscuring what went back into the pool, the
implementors made an attack with only 2^64 complexity possible.

With the constraint that you can't just output exactly what you
mix back in, a plain hash function without some further transformation
won't suffice, whether it's MD4 or SHA512.  I am asking whether the
use of HMAC with two different, well known keys, one for each purpose,
is better or worse than using the "folded" output of a single SHA
invocation for one purpose and the unfolded output of that same
invocation for the other.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] "folded" SHA1 vs HMAC for entropy extraction

2012-01-05 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 12:45:14PM +1300, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Thor Lancelot Simon  writes:
> >However, while looking at it I have been wondering why something simpler and
> >better analyzed than the "folded" SHA should not be used.
> Folding the output is belt-and-suspenders security, it denies an attacker
> direct access to the raw output of whatever the last stage of processing
> (3DES/AES/SHA1/HMAC-xxx/whatever) is.  For example my generator is designed on
> the basis that any part of it should be able to fail completely (replacing a
> crypto step with memcpy() or using all-zero keys) without it affecting the
> security of the overall design, and to do that you need a lot of redundant
> security.  Sure, using HMAC is cryptographically sound, but what happens if
> your HMAC key is compromised, or an attacker can glitch the hashing operation,
> or something else goes wrong?

I'm proposing to use HMAC with two different, non-secret keys: one to
generate the data supplied to the output stage, one to generate the
data mixed back in.  It seems to me this uses the same number of
invocations of the hash function per output byte, and, unless I'm missing
something, the "folding" surely isn't _more_ secure.

Am I missing something?

cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] "folded" SHA1 vs HMAC for entropy extraction

2012-01-04 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
I'm working on the entropy-pool code in NetBSD, which began its life
many years ago as a simplified implementation of the same ideas behind
the Linux /dev/random implementation.

The NetBSD implementation now keys a stream generator from the pool
rather than directly outputting pool bits, but the underlying entropy
gathering and mixing model is basically the same -- a very large LFSR
using SHA1 to "distill" entropy on output.

Eventually I will replace it with a multi-pool implementation like
Fortuna.  However, I'm trying to make incremental improvements while
waiting for that mythical great extent of free time to appear.

One thing that's always bothered me has been the use of an odd
"folded" SHA1 construct to generate output bits.  What is done is
The pool is 4096 bits long.  It is hashed with SHA1, producing S1.

S1 is split in half, the first 80 bits and last 80 bits,
producing H1 and H2.

H1 xor H2 is computed to produce R, which is returned to the caller.

S1 is mixed back into the entropy pool as input.

The Linux code had a weakness in this area which is described by
Gutterman, Pinkas, and Reinman's paper from 2006.  I don't believe the
NetBSD code has this problem.  However, while looking at it I have
been wondering why something simpler and better analyzed than the "folded"
SHA should not be used.

In particular, I do not see why HMAC with different, known keys should not
be used:

The pool is 4096 bits long.  HMAC(K1, pool) is computed,
producing R, which is returned to the caller.

HMAC(K2, pool) is computed and mixed back into the entropy
pool as input.

I would appreciate comments on this general idea.

Thor Lancelot
  "All of my opinions are consistent, but I cannot present them all
   at once."-Jean-Jacques Rousseau, On The Social Contract
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] CAPTCHA as a Security System?

2012-01-02 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Tue, Jan 03, 2012 at 01:57:10AM -0500, Randall Webmail wrote:
> There is one girl (and it is always a girl) who is at the control center.   
> She comes to the checkout station to override the system when the shopper 
> scans beer.  No one watches to see if you scan every item in your cart.
> Most people don't steal, and it's cheaper for Wal*Mart to allow the thieves 
> to ply their trade than it is to put $8.00/hour girls in place to (mostly) 
> stop those who do.

You have more faith in human nature (or perhaps a considerably less
sophisticated understanding of the costs of inventory shrinkage) than 
Walmart does.

Look up.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] How are expired code-signing certs revoked?

2011-12-09 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Fri, Dec 09, 2011 at 01:01:05PM -0800, Jon Callas wrote:
> If you have a certificate issue a revocation for itself, there is an obvious, 
> correct interpretation. That interpretation is what Michael Heyman said, and 
> what OpenPGP does. That certificate is revoked and any subordinate 
> certificates are also implicitly revoked. It's also like making a CRL for 
> everything you issued.

Indeed.  Non-temporal logic is a very poor substitute for temporal logic
in any real-world situation.  But some simple definitions should make the
matter clear in any event:

Q: When is a certificate valid?
A: Until it is revoked, and if some other conditions are met.

Q: When is a certificate revoked?
A: At any time AFTER an authorized party revokes the certificate.

Q: Who is an authorized party for the purpose of revoking a certificate?
A: The signer of the certificate*

* one can envision systems in which the rule is "...or the party identified
  by the certificate", too, but when talking about PKI, generally, that is
  not the rule that is used.  Fortunately self-signed certs let us reason
  about this issue in a vacuum.

Now the problem degenerates to the basic quarrel over retroactive
revocations.  But, depending what your norms are there, with appropriate
choice of a temporal frame of reference it's no harder to solve.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] -currently available- crypto cards with onboard key storage

2011-10-28 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 12:15:32PM +0300, Martin Paljak wrote:
> You have not described your requirements (ops/sec, FIPS/CC etc) but if
> the volume is low, you could take USB CryptoStick(s)
> (, which is supported by GnuPG and what can do up to
> 4096 bit onboard keys, unfortunately only one signature/decryption
> pair usable through GnuPG. Probably you can also stack them up and
> populate with the same key for load sharing.

So this appears to be basically a smartcard and USB smartcard reader
built into the same frob.  I can probably find a way to put it within
the chassis of even a fairly compact rackmount server without fear it
will come loose and take the application offline.

Unfortunately, it also appears to be unbuyable.  I tried all three
sources listed on the website yesterday: two were
out of stock, while the third said something along the lines of
"low stock - order soon", walked me through the whole ordering process,
then said my order had been submitted -- without ever asking for

It's possible I might walk into my office next week and see two
crypto-sticks, provided free of charge, but I am not too optimistic
about that!

Is there a way to actually get these?

cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] -currently available- crypto cards with onboard key storage

2011-10-26 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
I find myself needing a crypto card, preferably PCIe, with onboard
key storage.  The application is PGP, so I really need hardware that
can use keys stored onboard to do arbitrary RSA operations -- rather
than a protocol accellerator which can use onboard keys only to do
more complex operations that happen to include RSA signing or
encryption as one step.

As far as I know, the only current products that do this are the
IBM 4765 and the BCM586x line of chips.  There were more sources
once-upon-a-time of course -- nCipher and NetOctave/NBMK/etc. but
those products seem to be gone now (and have obsolete PCI host
interfaces, as well).

I cannot actually find a card with a BCM586x on it, and
there is a suspicious absence of pricing and availability information
on those parts from the usual IC distributors' web sites as well.

What, if anything, can I buy off-the-shelf in this space?  I don't
think a smartcard will work, since I need unattended operation
within the chassis of a standard x86 rackmount server.

cryptography mailing list