Hackers Targeting Home Computers

2002-01-04 Thread R. A. Hettinga


January 3, 2002

Tech Center

Home Computers Are Becoming
More Common Target for Hackers

Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- Computer hackers, once satisfied to test their skills on
large companies, are turning their sights to home computers that are
faster, more powerful and less secure than ever before.

The hackers can steal your identity, destroy your data or use your computer
to launch attacks on Web sites or your friends.

Home machines weren't very interesting targets a few years ago, said
Mikko Hypponen of antivirus company F-Secure in Finland. That's all
changed now.

Experts attribute the threat to several factors:

*   Many home computers are now as powerful as business computers, with
enough memory and processing power to make them alluring staging areas for
wide-scale Internet attacks that affect other computers.

*   A growing number are connected directly to the Internet through
high-speed DSL and cable lines that remain open all the time. Computers
that are left on around the clock are vulnerable.

*   Unlike businesses with permanent security staff, most home users are
slow to secure their computers with the latest antivirus and firewall
software and to plug security holes by downloading the necessary fixes from
software makers such as Microsoft Corp.

*   Many home users are unaware of Internet threats and are too willing to
click on unsolicited e-mails that might be infected with malicious programs.

Home users have generally been the least prepared to defend against
attacks, Carnegie Mellon University's Computer Emergency Response Team
Coordination Center warns. In many cases, these machines are then used by
intruders to launch attacks against other organizations.

Internet analyst firm Jupiter Media Metrix estimated that 71.2 million
American households had personal computers in 2001, almost three-quarters
of the nation's households, and 61.2 million had Internet access.

Viruses and worms -- which are viruses that don't need human intervention
to multiply -- make up a large part of the new threats to home computers.
In the past year, users' computers have been infected with malicious
programs with catchy names like Code Red, Nimda, SirCam, Anna Kournikova
and others that could be spread through e-mail or by surfing the Internet.

Antivirus firm Message Labs reported that it detected one virus per 370
e-mails in 2001, double the rate of the previous year.

The potential damage from hackers is also growing.

Several years ago, virus writers were content to simply destroy data on a
computer. Now they can imbed malicious programs that spy on users or steal
their identity, use personal computers to attack other systems and use an
e-mail address book to unwittingly infect the computers of people's

Even the most savvy users have been victimized. An FBI cybercrime
researcher's computer infected with the SirCam program sent out official
documents that spread the virus -- to the bureau's embarrassment.

The federal government is trying to better educate and insulate home users,
hoping it will slow the spread of Internet viruses or worms that could slow
the entire Internet and its e-commerce.

The outbreak of the Code Red Internet worm last summer sparked an
unprecedented show of force from government and private industry.

We've never seen a virus before that would not affect end-user machines at
all; it just jumped from one Web server to another, Mr. Hypponen said. It
really made Code Red more like a weapon than anything else.

Although home computers were not affected, the message government and
private security experts want home users to take from that threat is that
computer maintenance needs to become as routine as locking your house and

Home users need to routinely update their antivirus and Internet firewall
software against the latest threats and check for software fixes that
software makers provide for free.

If you've got a system out on the Net and it's not patched, there's a very
high degree of likelihood that literally in a matter of hours you'll be
popped, warned Amit Yoran of computer security firm Riptech.

New technologies will be at risk to hacking this year, Mr. Yoran cautioned.
Wireless networking, which is now so cheap and easy to use that consumer
models are growing popular, is especially vulnerable.

The standard itself is insecure, Mr. Yoran said. In a large-scale test of
urban wireless networks done by Riptech, experts couldn't find a corporate
network they couldn't break into.

What we're faced with is widespread adoption [of wireless networks]
throughout corporate America and throughout consumer markets and people
haven't really thought through how to protect, he said.

With more and faster computers on the horizon and no sign of hackers giving
up their pursuits, home users will have to take security more seriously.

Re: CFP: PKI research workshop

2002-01-04 Thread lynn . wheeler

one of the largest financial networks ...  slightly different kind

again financial ... discussion of additional kinds of risks/threats

Sound Practices for the Management and Supervision of Operational Risk

Intro ...

The purpose of this paper, prepared by the Risk Management Group of the
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (the Committee), is to further
the Committee's dialogue with the industry on the development of Sound
Practices for the Management and Supervision of Operational
Risk. Comments on the issues outlined in this paper would be welcome,
and should be submitted to relevant national supervisory authorities
and central banks and may also be sent to the Secretariat of the Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision at the Bank for International
Settlements, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland by 31 March 2002. Comments may
be submitted via e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by fax: + 41 61 280
9100. Comments on this paper will not be posted on the BIS website.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/31/2001 8:32 pm wrote:

to which I would add:

3. Cryptography, and therefore PKI, is meaningless unless you first
define a threat model.  In all the messages with this Subject, I've
only see one person even mention threat model.  Think about the
varying threat models, and the type of cryptography one would propose
to address them.  Even the most common instance of encryption,
encrypted web forms for hiding credit card numbers, suffers from
addressing a limited threat model.  There's a hell of a lot of known
plaintext there.

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Re: Hackers Targeting Home Computers

2002-01-04 Thread Hadmut Danisch

 WASHINGTON -- Computer hackers, once satisfied to test their skills on
 large companies, are turning their sights to home computers that are
 faster, more powerful and less secure than ever before.

On my private computer (DSL, dynamically assigned IP address), I
detect an increasing density of attack attempts. More or less serious
attempts happen every few minutes in average (depends on daytime). 
Highest density is in the evening hours, when hackers and victims
find time to be online.

This means the probability of an infection of an unprotected
private computer is quite high after only some hours of internet
access. Most (normal) people I know use such unprotected
computers for internet access.


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