Re: Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?

2003-04-04 Thread Ian Grigg
Arnold G. Reinhold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Army actually has a training course (from 1990) on-line that
 describes such a system in detail. The cipher system, called DRYAD is
 covered in

Your description fits, it sounds like DRYAD.

rest of good post, snipped, except:-

 Consider these difficulties:  it was *banned*
 to use any form of comsec that wasn't centrally
 approved.  No personal code words, no CB radios,
 no knicknames, no nothing...  (In practice there
 was some leakage, I recall on my last exercise,
 logistics back to the battalion HQ in the city
 was handled over a cellular phone!)

 I wonder if such bans are intended to make sure the military can read
 the traffic of its own soldiers as much as they are to protect
 against enemy exploits.

:-)  The reason was that sigint on the other side
could note particular differences from standard
procedure, and use that to track units up and down
the front.  For the same reason, all plan names
are generated randomly, from a dictionary program
in HQ;  sigint people could derive a lot of clues
from the personally picked plan names.

(Hence you can always tell when the professionals
have lost control, as the plan names become political.)


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Re: Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?

2003-03-26 Thread Ian Grigg
On Tuesday 25 March 2003 15:22, Bill Stewart wrote:
 I get the impression that we're talking at cross-purposes here,
 with at least two different discussions.

Yep.  I haven't counted them up yet, but
the full discussion includes at least 6
disparate threads.  The challenge is to
not arbitrarily switch from one thread to
another without losing the context of the

The way I got where (I think) I am is this:

  Fact:  The SSL cert that is required for
  the server is expensive.

  Question:  Why do we have to pay that
  expense, and what happens if we use a
  self-signed cert?

  Answer:  the MITM!   Spoofing!

OK, so now let's challenge the assumptions:

  Question: What is the MITM?
  And why should we care?

And, when we've answered that question,
let's plug that truth back into the 1st
question.  (And, the same for spoofing.)

 Let's look at several cases:
 1 - Sites that have SSL and Expensive Certs that need them and need MITM 
 1a -  These sites, but with other security holes making it easy to break in.
 1b -  These sites, broken by SSL bugs or browser bugs
 2 - Sites that have SSL and Expensive Certs that don't need them,
   as long as they've got some crypto like self-signed certs,
   which don't give MITM protection
 3 - Sites that don't have SSL today because it's too annoying,
   for which crypto would be useful,
   and ADH or self-signed certs would be good enough,
   because MITM isn't a big threat for them.
 4 - Sites that don't need crypto.

Fantastic!  a 2 x 2:


Want  (may have bugs)

Want  2  3


Totals:   1% 99%

Hmm, it drew out as a 2 x 3 (only in fixed font).

So, I wonder what the totals on the right would
be?  How many people want crypto/MITM, how many
would be happy with crypto/no MITM protection,
and how many don't want any crypto?


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Re: Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?

2003-03-26 Thread Ian Grigg
On Tuesday 25 March 2003 22:34, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

 Let me quote what the (U.S.) 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals said in the
 T.J. Hooper case (60 F.2d 737, 1932):
 Indeed in most cases reasonable prudence is in face common prudence;
 but strictly it is never its measure; a whole calling may have unduly lagged
 in the adoption of new and available devices.
 It may never set its own tests, however persuasive be its usages.
 Courts must in the end say what is required; there are precautions
 so imperative that even their universal disregard will not
 excuse their omission
   But here there was no custom at all as to receiving sets; some had
 them, some did not; the most that can be urged is that they had
 not yet become general.  Certainly in such a case we need not
 pause; when some have thought a device necessary, at least we may
 say that they were right, and the others too slack.
 Given that there were published warnings of *practical* MITM attacks (my 
 papers, Radia Perlman's dissertation on secure routing, Lawrence 
 Joncheray's paper on TCP hijacking, etc.), I have no doubt whatsoever 
 what a (U.S.) court would have ruled if there had ever been a real attack.

I'm sorry, I won't be able to do more than
speculate on this, and I wasn't aware of
your legal background, so please take the
below as not advice.  I.e., IANAL and
all that.

Courts are notoriously difficult to predict.
That's why they say take legal advice :-)

And, it may very well be that Netscape
took legal advice, and at that time, it did
seem that MITM protection at the level
of CA-certificates was a reasonable choice
(c.f., David Wagner's post) amongst other
reasonable choices, so I don't think there
is any doubt that what was done back in
'94 was reasonable in the circumstances.

But, on the face of it, you appear to be
saying that because the court saw warnings
then it ruled that the warnings were sufficient.

I don't read that at all.  I see that interpretatation
as a Chicken Little argument.  This opens the
way to Info-war style consultants saying that
because you were warned, you are liable.

That above snippet says there are precautions
so imperative which implies the court had already
reached its opinion on the merits of this protection,
which is precisely what this discussion has
aimed to address.  In fact, the court said very
clearly that it is the one to decide what the test
is - not the industry.

The court then went on to say that, as it found
the precautions imperitive, and as the industry
had warned, albeit contraversially, then, it
concluded, relying on the lack of industry custom
and agreement as a defence was insufficient.

So, with respect, I would say that the above
should be read as do not rely on discordant
others, be they so-called experts or Chicken
Littles on either side, in applying your own
prudential measures, which is quite the
reverse of your reading.

Now, the above is speculation;  not having
the full ruling and the full training, one can't
do more.  But, to take mere warnings as
liabilities is to forgoe ones profession as an
engineer, and hand ones responsibilities
over on the one hand to the religious seers
of doom, and on the other, to the lawyers.

The ludicrousness of this approach is
perhaps more crystallised when we consider
that half of the world's web servers are
shipped for free (c.f Apache).  The crypto
components are still, AFAIK, dealt with
outside America for the most part.

And, a growing share of browsers are now
shipping for free or near-free.  We've seen
over the last year or so, Konqueror, Mozilla,
and Safari rise to take back the forgotten
gauntlet of browser for the rest of us.

These are not sold products.  There are no
contracts that imply security.  The world
of open source is not necessarily going to
be treated in the courts the same as a
purchased product with implicit liabilities
of a consumer nature.

I grant that America may be moving towards
a world where Eric Y or Ben L will be norieged
and hailed before a california court in some
case for inadequate MITM protection, but,
I personally don't see that as a world that I
would accept on the face value of some
legal handwaving.

Is that really what we want for our Internet?


PS:  It is apropos that the CA industry uses
the same approach in trying to define industry
custom as sufficient;  see Jane K Winn,
_Courriers without Luggage_ for her expose of
the fallacy in this.  In contrast to your implied
claim that SSL providers would be at risk if
they didn't do the MITM approach, I'd suspect
that CAs are on the hook, because of the
very arguments that Winn and, now, Hooper
advance. )

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Re: Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?

2003-03-25 Thread Ian Grigg
On Monday 24 March 2003 19:26, bear wrote:
 On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Peter Clay wrote:
 On Sun, 23 Mar 2003, Ian Grigg wrote:
  Consider this simple fact:  There has been no
  MITM attack, in the lifetime of the Internet,
  that has recorded or documented the acquisition
  and fraudulent use of a credit card (CC).
  (Over any Internet medium.)
 There have, however, been numerous MITM attacks for stealing
 or eavesdropping on email.  A semi-famous case I'm thinking
 of involves a rabid baptist minister named fred phelps and
 a topeka city councilwoman who had the audacity to vote against
 him running roughshod over the law.  He set up routing tables
 to fool DNS into thinking his machine was the shortest distance
 from the courthouse where she worked to her home ISP and
 eavesdropped on her mail.  Sent a message to every fax machine
 in town calling her a Jezebellian whore after getting the
 skinny on the aftermath of an affair that she was discussing
 with her husband.

I love it!  Then, I'm wrong on that point, we
do in fact have some aggressive MITMs
occuring in some mediums over the net.
Steve Bellovin pointed one out, this is

Which gets us to the next stage of the
analysis (what did they cost!).

 And as for theft of credit card numbers, the lack of MITM
 attacks directly on them is just a sign that other areas of
 security around them are so loose no crooks have yet had to
 go to that much trouble.  Weakest link, remember?  No need
 to mount a MITM attack if you're able to just bribe the data
 entry clerk.

I'd say, SSL with the cert protection is the
strongest link in the chain.  In fact, it's
ludicrously strong.  It's like a Chubb vault
lock on a screen door.  If we were getting
physical here, the door wouldn't be strong
enough to hold up the lock.

So, cut to the chase:  if we mandate that
from now on, all commerce servers use
ADH, just hypothetically, for the sake of
argument, do you think that the connection
would then become anything other than the
strongest link in the chain?

(I think it would remain the strongest link,
by far.  In fact, even if it was unencrypted,
I think it would be one of the stronger links,
c.f., David Wagner's devilish advocacy.

But, nobody would suggest we throw away
the current cert infrastructure, just that we
back off a little and accept the intermediate
path of ADH / self-signed certs.)

 Just because most companies' security is so
 poor that it's not worth the crook's time and effort doesn't
 mean we should throw anyone who takes security seriously
 enough that a MITM vulnerability might be the weakest link
 to the wolves.

Nobody's saying that we should.  I'm
saying that the server and browser
should offer the choice to deploy
and use more convenient levels of
security.  The message should
congratulate the user for moving up
to a more secure channel than HTTP,
not annoy them with imponderables
about how self-signed certs might be
insecure under a certain hard-to-measure
threat model... as is the case now.


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Re: Keysigning @ CFP2003

2003-03-25 Thread Ian Grigg
On Tuesday 25 March 2003 00:22, Jeroen van Gelderen wrote:
 On Monday, Mar 24, 2003, at 22:32 US/Eastern, bear wrote:
  On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Jeroen C. van Gelderen wrote:
  It's rather efficient if you want to sign a large number of keys of
  people you mostly do not know personally.
  Right, but remember that knowing people personally was supposed
  to be part of the point of vouching for their identity to others.
 Not that I heard of. I always understood that I should be 'convinced' 
 of the identity and willing to state that to others.

Well, that's a surprise to me!  My understanding
of the PGPid  signature was that the semantics
were loose, deliberately undefined.  And, within
that limitation, it came down to I met this guy,
he called himself Micky Mouse.

I've only been to one key signing event, and no
identity was flashed around that I recall.

So, do we have two completely disjoint communities
here?  One group that avoids photo id and another
that requires it?  Or is one group or the other so
small that nobody really noticed?

I'm curious, is all!

 Yes. But PGP doesn't mandate either interpretation. That is what you 
 use your trust knobs for: you decide on a per-user basis how 
 trustworthy an identity certification from that user is. The redundancy 
 of a well-connected WoT then helps you a bit in eliminating simple 

Um.  So, there are people out there that I am convinced
are who they say they are.  They happen to be nyms,
but I know that, and they are consistent nyms.  Can I
sign their key with the highest level?


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Re: Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?

2003-03-25 Thread Ian Grigg
On Tuesday 25 March 2003 12:07, bear wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Ian Grigg wrote:

 Which gets us to the next stage of the
 analysis (what did they cost!).
 Wait.  Time out. good stuff snipped 
 I don't think mere monetary costs are even germane to
 something like this.  The costs, publicly and personally,
 are of a different kind than money expresses.

I'm sorry to disagree, but I'm sticking to my
cost-benefit analysis:  monetary costs are totally
germane.  You see, we need some way in which
to measure the harm.  It's either subjective as
you describe above, which can't support an
infrastructure decision, or its objective, which
means, money.

But, luckily, there is a way to turn the above
subjective morass of harm into an objective
hard number:  civil suit.  Presumably, (you
mentioned America, right?) this injured party
filed a civil suit against the person and sought

Now, even if the case did not get filed, I imagine
that you would be able to find a few legal types
to provide an upper and lower bound on the sort
of damages that case would go for.

And there's your number!  From my ignorant
position, I'd scratch in a figure of about a
million dollars there, and wait for someone
to refine it.

 And we're going
 to continue to have this problem for as long as we continue to
 use unencrypted SMTP for mail transport.

I would agree.  Which is why we are having
this discussion - how can we get this poor
victim's traffic onto some form of crypto so
she doesn't get her life ripped apart by some

As far as SSL goes (switching from the
context of her mail to the system we are
discussing here), here's the answer:

Make ADH / self-signed certs a respectable
half-way house to CA-signed certs.

Encourage all servers to accept them, by

Encourage all browsers to switch up to
ADH / self-signed secured traffic.  Don't
discourage it, encourage it.

The problem is, it is just too darned hard 
expensive for sites to get into SSL.  That's
what we are looking at, here, lowering the
cost of entry into SSL.


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Re: Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?

2003-03-25 Thread Ian Grigg
On Tuesday 25 March 2003 13:17, David Wagner wrote:

 I'm skeptical.  Just because the cost is
 subjective doesn't mean we should ignore the cost.

I agree with that ... I was converting the
subjective harm into an objective cost.
I certainly wasn't intending to ignore it :-)

 But, luckily, there is a way to turn the above
 subjective morass of harm into an objective
 hard number:  civil suit.
 That's using a questionable measuring stick.

That being part and parcel of the problem.
It's a subjective harm, there is no solid way
to move subjective to objective, by definition.

We can only make estimates.

What is beneficial here is that - at least -
we have one way to do this.  And, it is a
way that has lots of disinterested observers,
lots of experience, and lots of interested
parties.  Much as I dislike courts, it is a
fair and auditable way of dollarising a

Bear says:
 You honestly haven't heard of Fred Phelps?

Nope.  But, all we want is an estimated
cost of the attack.  Ask some lawyers
for a quote.  Ignore the guy's family, we
are only after an estimate of the cost.

David says:
 The damages paid out in a civil suit may be very
 different (either higher, or lower) than the true
 cost of the misconduct.  Remember, the courts are
 not intended to be a remedy for all harms, nor could
 they ever be.  The courts shouldn't be a replacement
 for our independent judgement.

This of course is true especially with the
low level of MITM activity that we've found
to date.  If such a case were to happen
once a year, I'd not be really confident of the
accuracy of the numbers, especially if we
were estimating based on lawyer's opinions
rather than awarded damages.

(But that wouldn't so much matter if the
numbers came out as also too low to
consider, as I suspect they will.)

If however, we had such MITMs once per
month, then costs could be averaged over
the size of the activity.  Something like

  There are 500 million email users in the
  world today (guess!).  Cost of failures
  that could be rectified with proper crypto
  (amounts to 12 cases per year) is 12 million
  dollars.  Some judgements less than a
  million, some more.

  [ if you like, you could add in a fudge
  factor for unreported harms and other
  judgement calls. ]

  Now, the cost of prevention:  assume
  we pass a law to make every ISP sell
  every user a copy of OpenPGP to
  protect their privacy.  Bulk discount
  gives us $1 each copy, annually updated
  to cover for the inevitable new release.

  So, cost to protect:  500 million x $1.
  Saved costs in cases:  $12million.

That law won't get passed :-)


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Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?

2003-03-24 Thread Ian Grigg
Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?

By common wisdom, SSL is designed to defeat
the so-called Man in the Middle attack, or
MITM for short.

Also known as Mallory, in crypto circles.

The question arises, why?  For what reason is
the MITM a core part of the SSL threat model?
And, why do all the implementations assume this?

(It is, in fact, possible to use SSL, or TLS
as it is now known, without regard to the MITM
protection that is part of the model - certs -
but I ignore that here, as do implementations!)

One has to go back to the original invention
of SSL, back in 1994 or so:  the web was storming
the barricades as the 2nd great killer application
for the net (email was the 1st).  Companies were
dipping their toes into the endless possibilities
of commerce.

Netscape was evolving as the master of the new
net, the challenge to Microsoft, the owner of
all things it surveyed.

And, as with all dot-com crazies to follow, it
had nothing spectacular in the way of a business
model.  Selling a few secured servers, was all.

This whole commerce thing was, at that time, a
great wonder, because it involved earning money,
and money that was honestly earnt was a precious
short commodity at Netscape in those days.

To cut a long story off at the knees, Netscape
put together a variant of the HTTP protocol
layered over crypto.  This was sold in addition
to its servers as the way to secure credit card
payments over the net.

The analysis of the designers of SSL indicated
that the threat model included the MITM.

On what did they found this?  It's hard to pin
it down, and it may very well be, being blessed
with nearly a decade's more experience, that
the inclusion of the MITM in the threat model
is simply best viewed as a mistake.

Consider this simple fact:  There has been no
MITM attack, in the lifetime of the Internet,
that has recorded or documented the acquisition
and fraudulent use of a credit card (CC).

(Over any Internet medium.)

Even worse, there's not been any known MITM of
any aggresive form.  The only cases known are
a bunch of demos, under laboratory conditions.
They don't count, and MITM remains a theoretical
attack, more the subject of learnings and design
exercises than the domain of business or crypto

How hard is this fact?  A bit softish, actually,
but given the amount of traffic we have seen
in the last decade, one would think that MITMs
would have made their appearance in aggressive
attacks by now, perhaps by scanning emails,
perhaps by listening to unprotected HTTP.

(In fact, there are now fertile grounds for the
attack, with the advent of 802.11b.  There are
even kits available for it.)

But so far, no cases have been found.  (In
fact, there isn't too much evidence, beyond
the circumstantial bemoanings of those that
can't, to indicate that aggressors are even
passively listening, let alone trying more
sophisticated MITM attacks.)

Within the world of credit cards, the people
who work directly within the ecommerce industry
admit privately that this is true [1].  All lost
credit card events are based on other attacks.

Which leads one to wonder what the threat is?
And if there is a threat?  That is, should the
MITM be in the threat model for SSL, or should
it be excluded?

Internet cryptography gives us one answer:

If it can be protected against, it should
be, as to do otherwise results in a false
sense of security.

This is what I call 100% cryptography for want
of a better term.  It's a sort of journeyman
phase of crypto-plumbing, at that time when as
beginners, we read from the big read book.  We
imagined how to deal with many dark and scary
threats and we all agreed, no question, the goal
was to cover more of them than the next guy.

We would swap conspiracy theories well into the
night, all the while, bemoaning the lack of usage
of real cryptography, the poverty of our opponent's
wit, and the fruitiness of our cheap red wine.

I miss those days, if not the product of those
mad times.  It was also a time where we rarely
saw the real life implications of our code,
deployed in a threatening environment.  In
short, we 100%-ers built systems based on
expectations, but we did not close the feedback
loop to push the real life results back into
the deployed systems.

Economics gives us another answer:  a standard
approach to deciding how to spend money.

  1.  estimate the average cost of each attack.

  2.  estimate the number of attacks

  3.  multiply the above two to get a total

  4.  likewise, estimate the total cost of
  avoiding the attacks.

  5.a if you can avoid these attacks by
  spending less money, you profit.

  5.b if you spend more than you save, you lose.

It's just economics, and statistics, and the
validity here is simply that credit cards are
nothing if they are not economically- and
statistically-based models of commerce and

So, let's guess the cost of each CC lost to our
MITM as $1000.  (Pick your own number if you

Re: Keysigning @ CFP2003

2003-03-24 Thread Ian Grigg
On Saturday 22 March 2003 17:12, Douglas F. Calvert wrote:
 I will be organizing a keysigning session for CFP2003. Please submit
 your keys to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will print out sheets with key
 information in order to speed up the process. Bring a photo ID and a
 copy of your key information so that you can verify what is on the
 printout. A list of submitted keys and a keyring will be available on:

I must be out of touch - since when did
PGP key signing require a photo id?


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Re: Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?

2003-03-24 Thread Ian Grigg
On Monday 24 March 2003 11:37, Peter Clay wrote:
 On Sun, 23 Mar 2003, Ian Grigg wrote:
  Consider this simple fact:  There has been no
  MITM attack, in the lifetime of the Internet,
  that has recorded or documented the acquisition
  and fraudulent use of a credit card (CC).
  (Over any Internet medium.)
 How do you view attacks based on tricking people into going to a site
 which claims to be affiliated with e.g. Ebay or Paypal, getting them to
 enter their login information as usual, and using that to steal money?

Yes, that's definately an attack.  As
was pointed out, the use of the cert
seems to do two things:  stop the
MITM (via a secured key exchange so
the listener cannot see inside the
packets) and confirm the site as per
what is stated in the URL.

My post of last night addressed the
MITM only.  I completely ignored the
issue of spoofing, which would only
be possible if there is no complex
relationship between them - which is
a debateable point.

 It's not a pure MITM attack, but the current system at least makes it
 possible for people to verify with the certificate whether or not the site
 is a spoof.

Does the cert stop spoofing?  That's
the question!  If it does, then there
might be value there.  In which case
we can measure it and construct a cost-
benefit analysis to decide whether to
protect against it.

  So, let's guess the cost of each CC lost to our
  MITM as $1000.  (Pick your own number if you
  don't like that one.)
  Then, how many attacks?  None, from the above.
  Multiplied together, and you get ... nothing.
 So, you claim that a system designed to make MITM attacks impossible has
 not suffered a successful MITM attack. Sounds rather tautologous to me.

No, there has been little evidence of MITMs
*outside* the system.  (I said none, Steve
Bellovin said some...)

The fact that there are none within the
system, yes, that would only show either
the attacks were defeated, or there weren't
going to be any, or that there are better
pickings elsewhere...  It doesn't allow
you to conclude anything about the need
for protection.

Check Lynn Wheeler's new post (thanks Lynn!)
which points to a lot of inside knowledge
about the absence of any aggressive MITM
activity inside the credit card world.

And, see Steve Bellovin's post for some
evidence of MITM outside the credit card

  The software mandates it:  mostly the browsers,
  but also the servers, are configured to kick up
  a stink at the thought of talking to a site that
  has no certificate.
  As such, SSL, as implemented, shows itself to
  include a gross failure of engineering.
 The system was engineered very well to requirements with which you

:-)  Terms are always debatable!  I'd say that
engineering *includes* the appropriateness
of the requirements.  Science does not.

Where I would agree:  the _protocol_ was engineered
very well to meet its requirements.  It's not a bad
protocol, by any logic.  However, no protocol
exists within a vacuum, this one exists within a
_system_ that is commonly also known as SSL.

(Therein lies a big problem here:  I know of no
separate term to distinguish SSL the protocol
from SSL, the secure browsing system that
you or I use to send our credit card numbers

  [2] AFAIR, Anonymous-Diffie-Hellman, or ADH, is
  inside the SSL/TLS protocol, and would represent
  a mighty fine encrypted browsing opportunity.
  Write to your browser coder today and suggest
  its immediate employment in the fight against
  the terrorists with the flappy ears.
 Just out of interest, do you have an economic cost/benefit analysis for
 the widespread deployment of gratuitous encryption?

No, but it would be an interesting exercise!

 It's just not that important.

It's interesting that you say that ... why is it
then that people like Ben Laurie, Eric Young,
Eric Rescola and others spent years writing
and deploying software for free?  Why do the
people at Safari and Mozilla and Konqueror
also spend all that time getting SSL to work?

I don't claim to know the answer.  But, if
their answer is to protect credit card numbers
well, actually, I don't think so!

And that's the point of the rant:  to identify
some of these underlying assumptions like SSL
protects your credit card numbers and reveal
the truth or otherwise.

Hopefully, if we can strip out the myths,
we'll find the truth.

 If your browsing privacy is important,
 you're prepared to click through the alarming messages. If the value of
 privacy is less than the tiny cost of clicking accept this certificate
 forever for each site, then it's not a convincing argument for exposing
 people who don't understand crypto to the risk of MITM.

People don't think like us techies do.  They see
the messages, and they ask for explanations
from other people.  Who may or may not know
what it all means.  The end result is the lowest
common denominator - if there is a message,
then something is wrong.

And that's the point

Re: Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?

2003-03-24 Thread Ian Grigg
On Monday 24 March 2003 13:02, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ian Grigg writes:
 Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
 Even worse, there's not been any known MITM of
 any aggresive form.  The only cases known are
 a bunch of demos, under laboratory conditions.
 They don't count, and MITM remains a theoretical
 attack, more the subject of learnings and design
 exercises than the domain of business or crypto
 Sorry, that's flat-out false.  If nothing else, there was a large-scale 
 MITM attack on the conference 802.11 net at the 2001 Usenix Security 

Thanks Steve, now we are getting closer.
802.11b is where I'd been expecting it to
happen, as the costs of the MITM come
right down there.

Would you characterise the attack as a
bunch of techies mucking around, or would
you characterise it as an aggressive attempt
to gain a commercial advantage?  I.e., did
the attackers steal anything?  Or did they
just annoy people by showing how cool
they were?

I would surmise that's a techie conference, and
is thus a demonstration, not a measurable

 Spammers are hijacking BGP prefixes; see
 for one such incident.

I'm can't see clearly whether this is
an MITM or a spoofing - did they stand
in the middle and listen and divert?

Or, did they just tell innocent servers
to start re-routing traffic?  It seems
like an announcement of routes, and
the listeners just believed...

(But, it is an aggressive attack, someone
tried to steal traffic for commercial gain.)

I think you may be right in that my
use of the term MITM is too broad.
The cert in SSL protects against a
cryptographic MITM in, for example,
an ADH session.

But, MITMs outside that are important
measurable risks so we can create our
threat model.  The fact that this attack
appears not to be analogous to the
SSL-style MITM may or may not be

 Eugene Kashpureff was pleaded guilty to domain-name hijacking; used
 very slightly differently, that's a MITM attack.  See for

From what I recall, this was a demo.

He didn't do it to steal.  He did it to
highlight the business aspects.  Sadly
for him, he miscalculated (grossly, it
seems).  But, his case fits in the sense
of not a criminal seeking to steal value,
and therefore not a case of measurable

 I warned of the possibility of hijacking via routing attacks in 1989,
 and via DNS attacks in 1995.  (See the 'papers' directory on my Web

I certainly accept them as possible.

That's not disputed, and never has
been, as indeed, that was the whole
thrust of the discussion:  The SSL
designers put the protection in
because the threat was possible.

They quite rightly offered the choice
in the protocols.  Where I am concerned
is that they also wrongly forced the
certificate path on browsers and
servers.  To our detriment, and to

 Given that the attacks were demonstrably feasible, Netscape
 would have been negligent not to design for it.  Given that such attacks
 or their near cousins have actually occurred, I'd say they were right.

No, I'm afraid that does not hold.  The
reason we protect against attacks is
because when they happen, they incur
costs.  But, designing in protection also
incurs costs.  We must do a cost-benefit
analysis to decide if it is appropriate to
protect against it.

To say that attacks are feasible and
therefore must be defended against is
not how we work.  We can guaruntee
that you are immune to car accidents,
simply by asking you to stay at home.
You (probably) chose not to do so,
because you chose to enjoy the higher
benefit of travelling, as against the
smaller expected cost of a suffering
an accident.

 And yes, you're probably right that no one has stolen credit card numbers
 that way.  Of course, since the defense was in place before people
 had an opportunity to try, one can quite plausibly argue that Netscape
 prevented the attack

Right.  But it's an empty argument if there
is no need.  We don't carry umbrellas when
the sun is shining, only when the sky is grey.
And, we don't build meteorite protection at
all, even though we could, and they happen!

We use information about real threats and
how they hurt us to decide whether to
worry about them.  And that's why the
question about MITMs is so key!

The question is, is there a need?  From
several economic points of view, the need
fails to show itself.  And, the cost is quite
high, both in cash, and lost security.

Taking your links above at face value, I'll
assume that the cost of stolen/hijacked IP
number there was about $10,000 in lost
business and customers being annoyed
at unexpected porn.

Say that happens once a metric month to
some random victim  ... or, $100,000 per
year.  That cost simply fails to justify any
level of signed-certificate infrastructure, so,
I'd conclude that the BGP protocol designers
have done

Re: Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?

2003-03-24 Thread Ian Grigg
On Monday 24 March 2003 14:11, David Turner wrote:
 Grigg counts the benefits of living in a MITM-protected world (no MITM
 attacks recorded), as though they would happen with or without MITM
 protection.  Is there any reason to believe that's this is, in fact,

That is indeed the question, sans personal

 That is, if zero dollars were spent on MITM protection, would
 there still be no recoreded attacks?

Actually, I think that if zero dollars had been
spent on MITM protection for SSL, then there
may well have been some MITM attacks.

That then would be a good position to be in,
because we could measure the costs of those
attacks, and decide from a monetary perspective
whether protection at the level of requiring
signed certificates is a good thing or just a
waste of money.

My own guess is that MITM activity is so low
across all domains of the net that we would
not be able to reliably measure it, and if we
could measure it, we'd find it not sufficient
to mandate certificates as is currently done.

Which - to repeat - is not to remove certs
from the servers or browser, but to change
the way in which we assume that only
cert-protected browsing is good enough.

The certs are really good for high end sites
(because, economically, they return benefits
even if there was no MITM threat).

But why are they needed for smaller things?
Why do I need a certficate to run an SSL
server so that my family can share snapshots
for instance?  Just a hypothetical...

 Until that's answered, Grigg's
 economic analysis is flawed.
 I used to get picked on, but since I bulked up and learned karate,
 nobody's picked on me.  I guess it was pointless to do those things.

You provided your own answer :-)  You used
to get picked on, so you had a measure of
its cost.  You acted to defend against those

Did you ever get MITM'd?  Anywhere?  Any
time?  Anyone you know?


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How effective is open source crypto?

2003-03-15 Thread Ian Grigg

How effective is open source crypto?

One measure is to look at how effective the
open source crypto regime is in getting
product out there.  From the above, it is
fairly easy to suggest that strong crypto is
totally available to all, probably thanks to
the efforts of open source crypto providers.

How effective is the SSL cert regime?

Last page showed 9,032,963 servers.  This
page shows 112,153 servers using certs.

That's right, folks.  In the particular
case of web browsing, the USAGE of crypto
has been relegated to 1% of potential

(Pprobably much less than that due to other
factors, but 1% makes for a nice soundbite.)

Why?  Because a) it is relatively hard to get
a server configured with a cert, and b) the
browsers discriminate against self-signed
certs, forcing administrators to go the more
troublesome, costly and frustrating way of
requiring purchased and approved certs.

(For no measurable added value to the security.)

(So they don't.)

I suggest that open source crypto has won
the crypto wars, and the implementations
of SSL have bungled the peace for us.

It is ludicrously easy to encourage more
use of crypto, by repairing the browsers
and servers in these two ways:

Fix 1. browsers should not negatively
  discriminate between self-signed,
  CA-signed and unprotected HTTP.

  (For example, browsers might show one
  icon for the self-signed and another
  icon for the CA-signed - maybe a
  branded icon from the CA.  There
  should be no FUD warnings when going
  from totally unprotected HTTP to
  connections secured by self-signed

Fix 2. Apache and other servers
  should be configured out of the
  box automatically with SSL enabled
  over the default site.

  (Which means, a self-signed cert
  [unencrypted on disk] and the server
  listening on its port.)

(There are plenty of minor fixes as well,
such as renaming the self-signed certs
to be self-signed.  At the moment, they
are sometimes incorrectly labelled as
snake oil, thus confusing the users by
implying that that are not definitively
better than unprotected HTTP.)

To conclude, open source crypto has not
shown itself to be effective, at least
within the one protocol examined above,
but could easily be so with some changes
to the implementations.


PS:  I don't know who Security Space is,
there is also another company called
Netcraft that provides similar stats,
but they do not release the results in
so timely a fashion, so conclusions tend
to suffer from being already out of date.

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Re: employment market for applied cryptographers?

2002-08-19 Thread Ian Grigg

 On the employment situation... it seems that a lot of applied
 cryptographers are currently unemployed...


just interested:  do you have a definition of what an
applied cryptographer is?


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