Re: REQ: Review of Nigel Smart's Introduction to Cryptography

2003-03-07 Thread Jaap-Henk Hoepman

Actually, there's the textbook Introduction to Cryptography by Delfs and
Knebl that covers provably secure encryption and digital signatures as well.
Published by Springer.


On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 15:14:04 -0300 Mads Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Has anyone read Nigel Smart's book from late 2002, introduction to
 The latest IACR newsletter brought an overview and TOC of the book,
 which I found interesting. It seems to me the first time provable
 security is mentioned in a textbook (see part IV, 17 and 18)
 As the newsletter said, more info is available at 

Jaap-Henk Hoepman   |  I've got sunshine in my pockets
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Re: Quantum computers inch closer?

2002-09-03 Thread Jaap-Henk Hoepman

On 3 Sep 2002 00:15:54 GMT [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Wagner) writes:
 And, for the example given by the poster -- exhaustive
 keysearch -- there is no way known to set up a superposition of the
 desired form with O(1) basic quantum operations.  In fact, there is not
 even a shred of reason to believe such a quantum algorithm might exist;
 all available evidence points to the contrary.

But note that there _is_ Grover's search that gives quadratic speedup. 


Jaap-Henk Hoepman | Come sail your ships around me
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Re: Fwd: Re: Quantum Computing Puts Encrypted Messages at Risk

2002-07-22 Thread Jaap-Henk Hoepman

On Sun, 14 Jul 2002 15:24:48 +0200 Amir Herzberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 1. Quantum key encryption seems to require huge amounts of truly random
 bits at both sender and receiver. This seems impractical as (almost) truly 
 random bits are hard to produce (especially at high speeds). Is there a fix?

All practical proposals for QKD are photon based. The biggest practical problem
so far with these systems is the generation of a single photon at high enough
rates. It's this problem that makes the bitrate of QKD so low. The number of
random bits required is proportional to the length of the key to be
established, but depends on the amount of eavesdropping taking place. From
memory, without eavesdropping, you need ~4 random bits for each bit of shared
key established. This is not much more than the number of random bits required
for a one-time pad of the same length.

 2. After the transmission, the receiver is supposed to tell the sender how 
 it set its polarization; how is this authenticated? If it isn't we are 
 obviously susceptible to man in the middle attack.

Yes. QKD does not solve the authentication problem. It merely establishes a
shared key between two parties.

 3. It seems the quantum link must connect directly from sender to 
 receiver. How can this help provide end to end security on the Internet? 
 Or are we back to private networks?

Yes, photon polarisation based QKD systems by definition require a direct link
between sender and receiver (a repeater would be an all-catching eavesdropper
;-). I do believe that QKD systems based on entanglement and teleportation
allow for repeaters; but i havent studied these systems so far.

 4. As to quantum computation signalling the end of `crypto as we know 
 it`... Is it fair to say this may end only the mechanisms built on 
 discrete log and/or factoring, but not shared key algorithms like AES and 
 some of the other public key algorithms?

Grover's search techniques will reduce the effective bit-length of symmetric
key systems by a factor 2. All known quantum computing algorithms that are
truly more efficient (giving exponential or subexponential speedup) than known
classical solutions for the same problem appear to be based on being able to do
fast fourier transforms efficiently. Factoring and discrete log can be solved
faster using this. It is unclear whether other systems will ever be affected.

The interesting question to me is whether quantum computing can be used to
_construct_ efficient yet more secure public key cryptosystems.

 In particular I'm considering whether I should and can 
 cover this area in my book. 

In my opinion, it would be a valuable addition if you did (although to do this
subject justice, you would have to include a substantial amount of background
material concerning physics and quantum computing basics).


Jaap-Henk Hoepman | Come sail your ships around me
Dept. of Computer Science | And burn your bridges down
University of Twente  |   Nick Cave - Ship Song
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Re: Welome to the Internet, here's your private key

2002-02-08 Thread Jaap-Henk Hoepman

I think there _are_ good business reasons for them not wanting the users to
generate the keys all by themselves. Weak keys, and subsequent compromises, may
give the CA really bad press and resulting loss of reputation (and this 
business is built on reputation anyway). So: there are good reasons not to
let the CA generate the private key, but also good reasons to not let the user
generate the keys all by himself. 

So the question is: are there key generation protocols for mutually distrustful
parties, that would give the CA the assurance that the key is generated using
some good randomness (coming from the CA) and would give the user the guarantee
that his private key is truly private. Also, the CA should be able to verify
later that the random data he supplied was actually used, but this should not
give him (too much) advantage to find the private key.

A smartcard based system might be useful here (as suggested by other
subscribers here). But a software only solution is preferred because it would
maker the application area much broader (because the user does not have to be
supplied with special hardware - terminals + smartcards).


On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 15:37:06 +0100  Arnold G. Reinhold [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 And creates a potential legal liability  for the smart card 
 manufacturer. This gets to the original question of this thread. I 
 wonder why the CA's lawyers let them generate private keys 
 themselves. If it ever came out that private keys were misused by CA 
 employees or even someone who penetrated their security, they would 
 be legally defenseless, all the gobbledygook in their practice 
 statements not withstanding. There is no good business reason for a 
 CA to generate private keys and very powerful business reasons for 
 them not to.

Jaap-Henk Hoepman | Come sail your ships around me
Dept. of Computer Science | And burn your bridges down
University of Twente  |   Nick Cave - Ship Song
Phone: +31 53 4893795 === Secr: +31 53 4893770 === Fax: +31 53 4894590
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Re: Welome to the Internet, here's your private key

2002-02-04 Thread Jaap-Henk Hoepman

It's worse: it's even accepted practice among certain security specialists. One
of them involved in the development of a CA service once told me that they
intended the CA to generate the key pair. After regaining consciousness I asked
him why he thought violating one of the main principles of public key
cryptography was a good idea. His answer basically ran as follows: if the CA is
going to be liable, they want to be sure the key is strong and not
compromised. He said that the PC platform of an ordinary user simply wasn't
secure/trusted enough to generate keys on. The system might not generate `good
enough' randomness, or might have been compromised by a trojan.


On Sun, 3 Feb 2002 15:09:57 +0100  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It is accepted practice among security people that you generate your own
 private key.  It is also, unfortunately, accepted practice among non-security
 people that your CA generates your private key for you and then mails it to
 you as a PKCS #12 file (for bonus points the password is often included in
 the same or another email).  Requests to have the client generate the key
 themselves and submit the public portion for certification are met with
 bafflement, outright refusal, or at best grudging acceptance if they're big
 enough to have some clout.  This isn't a one-off exception, this is more or
 less the norm for private industry working with established (rather than
 internal, roll-your-own) CAs.  This isn't the outcome of pressure from
 shadowy government agencies, this is just how things are done.  Be afraid.

Jaap-Henk Hoepman | Come sail your ships around me
Dept. of Computer Science | And burn your bridges down
University of Twente  |   Nick Cave - Ship Song
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Re: biometrics

2002-01-25 Thread Jaap-Henk Hoepman

As much as i have my doubts about biometric systems i cannot let the below

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 21:11:23 +0100 Perry E. Metzger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 However, as soon as you lose physical control over the device doing
 the measurements or their communications path biometrics become worse
 than useless. As one example, they're useless for authenticating
 over-the-net bank account access -- the device on your desk that your
 bank helpfully provides to scan your eye might not even be attached
 when the cracker's software helpfully provides forged information down
 the line. Liveness tests are not useful if you don't even know if
 the biometric hardware at the other end is intact. Anything in a
 user's location is by definition untrustworthy in this sense.

Of course (and i think Dorothy mentioned this too), the measuring device and
it's connection to the veryfying system must be properly protected. In case of
the system Perry describes, a secure and fresh (ie fresh session key) link
should be setup between the measuring device and the bank, so that
eavesdropping _and_ replay/forgery is impossible. Even though most biometric
systems may not implement this (i simply don't know), this is not a weakness of
biometric systems per se.

[Moderator's note: er, HUH? How does the link being realtime assure
that the remote side isn't simply generating iris images and sending
them to you? It doesn't. Biometrics are worthless except when the
entire system is completely physically secure. --Perry]

Jaap-Henk Hoepman | Come sail your ships around me
Dept. of Computer Science | And burn your bridges down
University of Twente  |   Nick Cave - Ship Song
Phone: +31 53 4893795 === Secr: +31 53 4893770 === Fax: +31 53 4894590
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