---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 11:32:53 -0400
From: Dan York <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: linux-elitists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [linux-elitists] W3C last call on XML Encryption...

FYI, the W3C has issued a last call for comments on several
proposals related to XML encryption.  More info at:


Since I know a good number of folks on this list are interested
in encryption and Internet communication, I thought I would pass
it along as it involves encrypting XML, much of which will no
doubt be passed across the Internet.

The specific documents are at:

  XML Encryption Requirements

     This document lists the design principles, scope, and requirements
     for the XML Encryption. It includes requirements as they relate to
     the encryption syntax, data model, format, cryptographic processing,
     and external requirements and coordination.

  XML Encryption Syntax and Processing

     This document specifies a process for encrypting data and
     representing the result in XML. The data may be arbitrary data
     (including an XML document), an XML element, or XML element
     content. The result of encrypting data is an XML Encryption element
     which contains or references the cipher data.

  Decryption Transform for XML Signature

     This document specifies the "decryption transform", which enables
     XML Signatures verification even if both signature and encryption
     operations are performed on an XML document.


Dan York, Director of Training, Network Server Solutions Group
Mitel Networks Corporation                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ph: +1-613-751-4401 Cell: +1-613-263-4312 Fax: +1-613-564-7739
150 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1500, Ottawa,ON K2P 1P1 Canada
http://www.e-smith.com/         http://www.mitel.com/sme/

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