Re: Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks

2003-03-11 Thread Gregory Hicks

> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 23:43:28 -0800
> From: Bill Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 09:14 AM 03/10/2003 -0500, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:
> >On the other hand, remember that the earliest Tempest systems
> >were built using vacuum tubes. An attacker today can carry vast amounts
> Basically, if you've got a serious threat of TEMPEST attacks,
> you've got serious problems anyway...

Actually, quite a bit of the TEMPEST framework is not stopping an
adversary from reading what you have on your CRT (or display), but
denying the adversary the wherewithal for figuring out that you ARE

It would really be the pits to have someone standing off over the
horizion and saying...  "Hm-m-m...  70Mhz over THERE?  Why is a monitor
over THERE?  There shouldn't be ANYTHING over THERE...  Hm-m-m..  Who
do we know that uses..."  Well, you get the idea.

TEMPEST equipment is specially shielded so that it does not leak ANY RF
energy that can be picked up on RF direction finding equipment.

Gregory Hicks| Principal Systems Engineer
Cadence Design Systems   | Direct:   408.576.3609
555 River Oaks Pkwy M/S 6B1  | Fax:  408.894.3400
San Jose, CA 95134   | Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"The trouble with doing anything right the first time is that nobody
appreciates how difficult it was."

When a team of dedicated individuals makes a commitment to act as
one...  the sky's the limit.

Just because "We've always done it that way" is not necessarily a good
reason to continue to do so...  Grace Hopper, Rear Admiral, United
States Navy

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Re: Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks

2003-03-11 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 11:43 PM -0800 3/10/03, Bill Stewart wrote:
At 09:14 AM 03/10/2003 -0500, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:
On the other hand, remember that the earliest Tempest systems
were built using vacuum tubes. An attacker today can carry vast amounts
of signal processing power in a briefcase.
And while some of the signal processing jobs need to scale with the 
target systems,
as computer clock speeds get faster, the leakage gets higher and
therefore shielding becomes harder and leakage gets higher.
Most of the older shielding systems can do fine with the 70 MHz 
monitor speeds,
but the 3 GHz CPU clock speed is more leaky.  Millimeter wavelengths are
_much_ more annoying.
All in all I would not put much faith in ad hoc Tempest protection. 
Without access to the secret specifications and test procedures, I 
would prefer to see highly critical operations done using battery 
powered laptops operating in a Faraday cage, with no wires crossing 
the boundary (no power, no phone, no Ethernet, nada).  In that 
situation, one can calculate shielding effectiveness from first 
suggests US government requirements for a shielded enclosure are 60 
db minimum.
Back when most of the energy lived at a few MHz, it was easy to make 
that had air vents that didn't leak useful amounts of signal.  It's 
harder today.
So take your scuba gear into your Faraday cage with you :-)
One of my pet ideas is to used older, 1990's vintage, laptops for 
secure processing, e.g. reading PGP mail, generating key pairs, 
signing submaster keys, etc.  They are cheap enough to dedicate to 
the task, they'd be off most of the time thereby reducing 
vulnerability, older operating systems and firmware have fewer 
opportunities for mischief and most viruses won't run on the old 
software.  Easier shielding due to lower clock rate is an advantage I 
hadn't thought of before.

Basically, if you've got a serious threat of TEMPEST attacks,
you've got serious problems anyway...
You could say that about strong crypto in general. Anyone with 
valuable information stored on a computer has lots to worry about.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks

2003-03-11 Thread Bill Stewart
At 09:14 AM 03/10/2003 -0500, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:
On the other hand, remember that the earliest Tempest systems
were built using vacuum tubes. An attacker today can carry vast amounts
of signal processing power in a briefcase.
And while some of the signal processing jobs need to scale with the target 
as computer clock speeds get faster, the leakage gets higher and
therefore shielding becomes harder and leakage gets higher.
Most of the older shielding systems can do fine with the 70 MHz monitor speeds,
but the 3 GHz CPU clock speed is more leaky.  Millimeter wavelengths are
_much_ more annoying.

All in all I would not put much faith in ad hoc Tempest protection. 
Without access to the secret specifications and test procedures, I would 
prefer to see highly critical operations done using battery powered 
laptops operating in a Faraday cage, with no wires crossing the boundary 
(no power, no phone, no Ethernet, nada).  In that situation, one can 
calculate shielding effectiveness from first principles. 
suggests US government requirements for a shielded enclosure are 60 db minimum.
Back when most of the energy lived at a few MHz, it was easy to make enclosures
that had air vents that didn't leak useful amounts of signal.  It's harder 
So take your scuba gear into your Faraday cage with you :-)

Basically, if you've got a serious threat of TEMPEST attacks,
you've got serious problems anyway...
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Re: Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks

2003-03-10 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 9:35 PM -0500 3/8/03, Dave Emery wrote:
On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 10:46:06PM -0800, Bill Frantz wrote:
 The next more complex version sends the same random screen over and over in
 sync with the monitor.  Even more complex versions change the random screen
 every-so-often to try to frustrate recovering the differences between
 screens of data on the monitor.
Five or six years ago I floated the suggestion that one could do
worse than phase lock all the video dot clock oscillators in a computer
room or office to the same master timing source. This would make it
significantly harder to recover one specific monitor's image by
averaging techniques as the interference from nearby monitors would have
exactly the same timing and would not average out as it does in the more
typical case where each monitor is driven from a video board with a
slightly different frequency dot clock (due to aging and manufacturing
The dot clock on a megapixel display is around 70 MHz, or 14 
nanoseconds per pixel. Syncing that over some distance is not 
trivial. Remember the speed of light is 1 nanosecond/foot. On the 
other hand, I think syncing the sweep signals would be enough to 
implement your idea and that should not be hard to do, possibly even 
in software since they are created on the video card.

Effectiveness is another matter. The attacker could use a directional 
antenna to separate out monitors. Even if his equipment was outside 
the building, the windows would act like an antenna whose radiation 
pattern would be different for the different monitors in the room. 
The attacker might be able to discriminate between different monitors 
just by driving his van around outside.

Even if he can't distinguish between different monitors, he still 
gets a signal that is the sum of the content on each monitor.  That 
is analogous to a book code and likely just as secure, i.e. not very.

Modifying existing video boards to support such master timing
references is possible, but not completely trivial - but would cost
manufacturers very little if it was designed in in the first place.
Modifying existing monitors to shield the video signal wouldn't cost 
that much either. As I understand it the big expense in Tempest rated 
equipment is the testing  and the tight manufacturing control needed 
to insure that the monitors produced are the same as the ones tested.

And of course one could "improve" the shielding on the monitor
with the dummy unimportant data so it radiated 10 or 20 db more energy
than the sensitive information monitor next to it.   In many cases this
might involve little more than scraping off some conductive paint or
removing the ground on a cable shield.
Simply buying some class A monitors for the dummy data might do what 
you want, but I'm not sure 10-20 db of reduced signal to background 
buys you much.  I've heard numbers of 100 db or more required for 
effective Tempest shielding, with Class B shielding (the higher grade 
FCC requirement) buying you 40-50 db. See for example

I am sure that it would take little effort with a spectrum
analyzer and some hand tools to defeat most of the EMI suppression
in many monitors and whilst this would not be entirely legal under
FCC rules (at least for a manufacturer or dealer) it probably would
be closer to legal than deliberately creating rf interference
with an intentionally radiating jammer.
I imagine, however, that the usefulness of the RF radiated by a
modern TFT flat panel display fed with DVI digital video is already much
less as there is no serial stream of analog pixel by pixel video energy
at any point in such an environment.  Most TFTs do one entire row or
column of the display at a time in parallel which does not yield an
easily separated stream of individual pixel energy.   Thus extracting
anything resembling an image would seem very difficult.
The signal is still serialized in digital form at some point on a 
pixel by pixel basis.  Because flat panels do not have the high-power 
sweep signals of CRT monitors, the overall shielding needed to meet 
Class B may be less.  That might make life easier for attackers.

This does suggest one simple approach that might be useful for flat 
panels displaying sensitive text: chose foreground and back ground 
colors that have the same number of on and off bits in each color 
byte pair, e.g. foreground red and background red each have three 
bits on, both blues have four bits on, both greens have five bits on. 
That might make background and foreground more difficult to 
distinguish via RF radiation in an all digital system.

So perhaps the era of the simplest to exploit TEMPEST threats
is ending as both optical and rf TEMPEST is much easier with raster
scan pixel at a time CRT displays than it is with modern more parallel
flat panel display designs.
On the other hand, remember that the earliest Tempest systems were 
built using vacuum tu

Re: Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks

2003-03-09 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 10:46 PM -0800 3/7/03, Bill Frantz wrote:
It has occurred to me that the cheapest form of protection from tempest
attacks might be an active transmitter that swamps the signal from the
computer.  Such a transmitter would still be legal if its power output is
kept within the FCC part 15 rules.
Take, for example, the signal from a CRT monitor.  The monitor signal
consists of large signals which are the vertical and horizontal sync
pulses, and smaller signals which are the levels of each of the phosphor
The simplest countermeasure would be random RF noise which is many orders
of magnitude stronger than the signal from the monitor.  However, with this
system, the attacker can average many fields from the monitor and perhaps
still recover the signal because any give pixel is the same, while the
noise is random.  (Or at least the pixels change slowly compared with the
fields, giving lots of data to average.)
The next more complex version sends the same random screen over and over in
sync with the monitor.  Even more complex versions change the random screen
every-so-often to try to frustrate recovering the differences between
screens of data on the monitor.
Can such a device be built and still stay within the Part 15 rules?

Cheers - Bill

Part 15 is pretty complex, but reading a summary at suggests a number of 
problems. First there are dozens of bands where intentional radiators 
are not permitted to operate (15.205). Designing a noise source that 
avoided all these band might be difficult.

Second, the permitted signal levels associated with intentional 
radiators (15.209) are very similar to those permitted for 
unintentional radiators (15.109), including most consumer grade CRT 
monitors (Class B). Commercial monitors (Class A) are permitted 
higher levels of radiation, but I suspect most monitors made today 
are Class B.

Now the radiation from a monitor is mostly sweep signals and the 
like, which carry no information. The signals that drive the CRT guns 
are much weaker. But I suspect you will need the noise to be much 
more powerful to obliterate the signal carrying data. The situation 
is even worse if the attacker suspects what the data may contain. He 
can then use correlation techniques to find the data well below the 
noise level.

I'd also point out that the noise source has be be co-located with 
the data signal. Otherwise, the attacker can use a directional 
antenna to capture the noise signal without the data signal, allowing 
it to be subtracted from the data+noise signal.  Similarly, it will 
be vital to change the noise pattern whenever the content of the CRT 
changes, otherwise the attacker who had reason to suspect when the 
screen changed can subtract data1+noise from data2+noise to get 
data2-data1, which is likely to leak a lot of information.

I suspect it would be cheaper to shield the CRT or operate in a Faraday cage.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks

2003-03-08 Thread Dave Emery
On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 10:46:06PM -0800, Bill Frantz wrote:
> The next more complex version sends the same random screen over and over in
> sync with the monitor.  Even more complex versions change the random screen
> every-so-often to try to frustrate recovering the differences between
> screens of data on the monitor.

Five or six years ago I floated the suggestion that one could do
worse than phase lock all the video dot clock oscillators in a computer
room or office to the same master timing source. This would make it
significantly harder to recover one specific monitor's image by
averaging techniques as the interference from nearby monitors would have
exactly the same timing and would not average out as it does in the more
typical case where each monitor is driven from a video board with a
slightly different frequency dot clock (due to aging and manufacturing

Modifying existing video boards to support such master timing
references is possible, but not completely trivial - but would cost
manufacturers very little if it was designed in in the first place.

And of course one could "improve" the shielding on the monitor
with the dummy unimportant data so it radiated 10 or 20 db more energy
than the sensitive information monitor next to it.   In many cases this
might involve little more than scraping off some conductive paint or
removing the ground on a cable shield.

I am sure that it would take little effort with a spectrum
analyzer and some hand tools to defeat most of the EMI suppression 
in many monitors and whilst this would not be entirely legal under
FCC rules (at least for a manufacturer or dealer) it probably would
be closer to legal than deliberately creating rf interference
with an intentionally radiating jammer.

I imagine, however, that the usefulness of the RF radiated by a
modern TFT flat panel display fed with DVI digital video is already much
less as there is no serial stream of analog pixel by pixel video energy
at any point in such an environment.  Most TFTs do one entire row or
column of the display at a time in parallel which does not yield an
easily separated stream of individual pixel energy.   Thus extracting
anything resembling an image would seem very difficult.

So perhaps the era of the simplest to exploit TEMPEST threats
is ending as both optical and rf TEMPEST is much easier with raster
scan pixel at a time CRT displays than it is with modern more parallel
flat panel display designs.

Dave Emery N1PRE,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  DIE Consulting, Weston, Mass. 
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