Re: Seth on TCPA at Defcon/Usenix

2002-08-12 Thread AARG!Anonymous

In discussing how TCPA would help enforce a document revocation list
(DRL) Joseph Ashwood contrasted the situation with and without TCPA
style hardware, below.  I just want to point out that his analysis of
the hardware vs software situation says nothing about DRL's specifically;
in fact it doesn't even mention them.

His analysis actually applies to a wide range of security features,
such as the examples given earlier: secure games, improved P2P,
distributed computing as Adam Back suggested, DRM of course, etc..
TCPA is a potentially very powerful security enhancement, so it does
make sense that it can strengthen all of these things, and DRLs as well.
But I don't see that it is fair to therefore link TCPA specifically with
DRLs, when there are any number of other security capabilities that are
also strengthened by TCPA.

Joseph Ashwood wrote:

> Actually it does, in order to make it valuable. Without a hardware assist,
> the attack works like this:
> Hack your software (which is in many ways almost trivial) to reveal it's
> private key.
> Watch the protocol.
> Decrypt protocol
> Grab decryption key
> use decryption key
> problem solved

It's not always as easy as you make it sound here.  Adam Back wrote
Saturday about the interesting history of the giFT project, which
reverse-engineered the Kazaa file-sharing protocol.  That was a terrific
effort that required considerable cryptographic know-how as well as
supreme software reverse engineering skills.  But then Kazaa changed the
protocol, and giFT never managed to become compatible with the new one.
I'm not sure whether it was lack of interest or just too difficult,
but in any case the project failed (as far as creating an open Kazaa
compatible client).

It is clear that software hacking is far from "almost trivial" and you
can't assume that every software-security feature can and will be broken.

Furthermore, even when there is a break, it won't be available to
everyone.  Ordinary people aren't clued in to the hacker community
and don't download all the latest patches and hacks to disable
security features in their software.  Likewise for business customers.
In practice, if Microsoft wanted to implement a global, facist DRL,
while some people might be able to patch around it, probably 95%+ of
ordinary users would be stuck with it.

Therefore a DRL in software would be far from useless, and if there
truly was a strong commercial need for such a solution then chances are
it would be there today.

I might mention BTW that for email there is such a product,, which works along the lines Seth suggested, I
believe.  It encrypts email with a centralized key, and when that email
needs to be deleted, the key is destroyed.  This allows corporations to
implement a "document retention policy" (which is of course a euphemism
for a document destruction policy) to help reduce their vulnerability to
lawsuits and fishing expeditions.  I don't recall anyone getting up in
arms over the technology or claiming that it was a
threat, in the same way that DRLs and SNRLs are being presented in the
context of Palladium.

> With hardware assist, trusted software, and a trusted execution environment
> it (doesn't) work like this:
> Hack you software.
> DOH! the software won't run
> revert back to the stored software.
> Hack the hardware (extremely difficult).
> Virtualize the hardware at a second layer, using the grabbed private key
> Hack the software
> Watch the protocol.
> Decrypt protocol
> Grab decryption key
> use decryption key
> Once the file is released the server revokes all trust in your client,
> effectively removing all files from your computer that you have not
> decrypted yet
> problem solved? only for valuable files

First, as far as this last point, you acknowledge that if they can't
tell where it came from, your hacked hardware can be an ongoing source of
un-DRL'd documents.  But watermarking technology so far has been largely
a huge failure, so it is likely that someone clueful enough to hack his
TPM could also strip away any identifying markings.

Second, given that you do hack the hardware, you may not actually need
to do that much in terms of protocol hacking.  If you can watch the data
going to and from the TPM you can extract keys directly, and that may
be enough to let you decrypt the "sealed" data.  (The TPM does only
public key operations; the symmetric crypto is all done by the app.
I don't know if Palladium will work that way or not.)

Third, if a document is "liberated" via this kind of hack, it can
then be distributed everywhere, outside the "secure trust perimeter"
enforced by TCPA/Palladium.  We are still in a "break once read anywhere"
situation with documents, and any attempt to make one disappear is not
going to be very successful, even with TCPA in existence.

In short, while TCPA could increase the effectiveness of global DRLs,
they wouldn't be *that* much more effective.  Most users will neither

Re: Seth on TCPA at Defcon/Usenix

2002-08-11 Thread John Gilmore

> It reminds me of an even better way for a word processor company to make
> money: just scramble all your documents, then demand ONE MILLION DOLLARS
> for the keys to decrypt them.  The money must be sent to a numbered
> Swiss account, and the software checks with a server to find out when
> the money has arrived.  Some of the proposals for what companies will
> do with Palladium seem about as plausible as this one.

Isn't this how Windows XP and Office XP work?  They let you set up the
system and fill it with your data for a while -- then lock up and
won't let you access your locally stored data, until you put the
computer on the Internet and "register" it with Microsoft.  They
charge less than a million dollars to unhand your data, but otherwise
it looks to me like a very similar scheme.

There's a first-person report about how Office XP made the computers
donated for the 9/11 missing persons database useless after several
days of data entry -- so the data was abandoned, and re-entered into a
previous (non-DRM) Microsoft word processor.  The report came through
this very mailing list.  See:

This scenario of word processor vendors denying people access to their
own documents until they do something to benefit the vendor is not
just "plausible" -- it's happening here and now.


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Re: Seth on TCPA at Defcon/Usenix

2002-08-10 Thread Joseph Ashwood

- Original Message -
From: "AARG! Anonymous" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[brief description of Document Revocation List]

>Seth's scheme doesn't rely on TCPA/Palladium.

Actually it does, in order to make it valuable. Without a hardware assist,
the attack works like this:
Hack your software (which is in many ways almost trivial) to reveal it's
private key.
Watch the protocol.
Decrypt protocol
Grab decryption key
use decryption key
problem solved

With hardware assist, trusted software, and a trusted execution environment
it (doesn't) work like this:
Hack you software.
DOH! the software won't run
revert back to the stored software.
Hack the hardware (extremely difficult).
Virtualize the hardware at a second layer, using the grabbed private key
Hack the software
Watch the protocol.
Decrypt protocol
Grab decryption key
use decryption key
Once the file is released the server revokes all trust in your client,
effectively removing all files from your computer that you have not
decrypted yet
problem solved? only for valuable files

Of course if you could find some way to disguise which source was hacked,
things change.

Now about the claim that MS Word would not have this "feature." It almost
certainly would. The reason being that business customers are of particular
interest to MS, since they supply a large portion of the money for Word (and
everything else). Businesses would want to be able to configure their
network in such a way that critical business information couldn't be leaked
to the outside world. Of course this removes the advertising path of
conveniently leaking carefully constructed documents to the world, but for
many companies that is a trivial loss.

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Seth on TCPA at Defcon/Usenix

2002-08-10 Thread AARG!Anonymous

Seth Schoen of the EFF has a good blog entry about Palladium and TCPA
at  He attended Lucky's
presentation at DEF CON and also sat on the TCPA/Palladium panel at
the USENIX Security Symposium.

Seth has a very balanced perspective on these issues compared to most
people in the community.  It makes me proud to be an EFF supporter
(in fact I happen to be wearing my EFF T-shirt right now).

His description of how the Document Revocation List could work is
interesting as well.  Basically you would have to connect to a server
every time you wanted to read a document, in order to download a key
to unlock it.  Then if "someone" decided that the document needed
to un-exist, they would arrange for the server no longer to download
that key, and the document would effectively be deleted, everywhere.

I think this clearly would not be a feature that most people would accept
as an enforced property of their word processor.  You'd be unable to
read things unless you were online, for one thing.  And any document you
were relying on might be yanked away from you with no warning.  Such a
system would be so crippled that if Microsoft really did this for Word,
sales of "vi" would go through the roof.

It reminds me of an even better way for a word processor company to make
money: just scramble all your documents, then demand ONE MILLION DOLLARS
for the keys to decrypt them.  The money must be sent to a numbered
Swiss account, and the software checks with a server to find out when
the money has arrived.  Some of the proposals for what companies will
do with Palladium seem about as plausible as this one.

Seth draws an analogy with Acrobat, where the paying customers are
actually the publishers, the reader being given away for free.  So Adobe
does have incentives to put in a lot of DRM features that let authors
control publication and distribution.

But he doesn't follow his reasoning to its logical conclusion when dealing
with Microsoft Word.  That program is sold to end users - people who
create their own documents for the use of themselves and their associates.
The paying customers of Microsoft Word are exactly the ones who would
be screwed over royally by Seth's scheme.  So if we "follow the money"
as Seth in effect recommends, it becomes even more obvious that Microsoft
would never force Word users to be burdened with a DRL feature.

And furthermore, Seth's scheme doesn't rely on TCPA/Palladium.  At the
risk of aiding the fearmongers, I will explain that TCPA technology
actually allows for a much easier implementation, just as it does in so
many other areas.  There is no need for the server to download a key;
it only has to download an updated DRL, and the Word client software
could be trusted to delete anything that was revoked.  But the point
is, Seth's scheme would work just as well today, without TCPA existing.
As I quoted Ross Anderson saying earlier with regard to "serial number
revocation lists", these features don't need TCPA technology.

So while I have some quibbles with Seth's analysis, on the whole it is
the most balanced that I have seen from someone who has no connection
with the designers (other than my own writing, of course).  A personal
gripe is that he referred to Lucky's "critics", plural, when I feel
all alone out here.  I guess I'll have to start using the royal "we".
But he redeemed himself by taking mild exception to Lucky's slide show,
which is a lot farther than anyone else has been willing to go in public.

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