Re: Sen. Hollings plans to introduce DMCA sequel: The SSSCA

2001-09-09 Thread Jay Sulzberger

On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Carsten Kuckuk wrote:

 Am I right in that this bill would effectively outlaw all free
 open-source operating systems like Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, etc.?

 Carsten Kuckuk


All interactive digital systems that directly connect to the net will
have to licensed.  Most that do not connect directly will also have to be
licensed.  License costs will be high enough so that only a few large
companies can afford them.  Individuals will not be allowed to assemble
components to make a computer for themselves, unless they spend millions
on a license, and wait some months for the paperwork to go through.


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Re: Shades of FV's Nathaniel Borenstein: Carnivore's Magic Lantern

2001-11-21 Thread Jay Sulzberger

On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 R. A. Hettinga writes:
   Everyone remember First Virtual's Nat Borenstein's major discovery of the
   keyboard logger?
   'Magic Lantern' part of new 'Enhanced Carnivore Project'


 In the same vein, but a different application, does anyone know what
 the state of the art is for detecting such tampering?  In particular,
 when sitting at a PC doing banking, is there any mechanism by which a
 user can know that the PC is not corrupted with such a key logger?
 The last time I checked, there was nothing other than the various
 anti-virus software.


If you are running a source secret operating system, it is more difficult
to detect tampering.


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Re: Ross's TCPA paper

2002-07-10 Thread Jay Sulzberger

On Fri, 5 Jul 2002, AARG!Anonymous wrote:

 ... /

 Right, and you can boot untrusted OS's as well.  Recently there was
 discussion here of HP making a trusted form of Linux that would work with
 the TCPA hardware.  So you will have options in both the closed source and
 open source worlds to boot trusted OS's, or you can boot untrusted ones,
 like old versions of Windows.  The user will have more choice, not less.

 ... /

Nonsense.  Let us remember what Palladium is:

Palladium is a system designed to enable a few large corporations and
governments to run source secret, indeed, well-encrypted, code on home
user's machines in such a way that the home user cannot see, modify, or
control the running code.

The Orwellian, strictly Animal Farmish, claim runs: Why it is all just
perfectly OK, because anyone can run source secret, well encrypted, code in
an uncontrolled manner on anyone's machine at will!  We are all equal, it
is just that some, that is, We the Englobulators, will in practice get to
run source secret, well-encrypted, code on hundreds of millions of users'
machines while you, you will never run such code on anybody else's machine
except at a hobbyists' fair, precisely to demonstrate we are all equal..

There are other advantages to Palladium:

No free kernel will ever freely boot on a Palladium machine.

And there is more.   If Palladium is instituted:

Microsoft will support the most vicious interpretation of the DMCA and
press for passage of the SSSCA, in order that the first crack does not
prove to the world that Palladium cannot prevent all copyright
infringement.  Microsoft will be able to say See, it is these
GNU/BSD/XFree/Sendmail/Apache/CLISP folk who are causing all this dreadful
copyright infringement.  Why owning a non-Palladium machine should be
declared, no, not illegal, we are not monsters after all, but probative
evidence that the owner is an infringer, and more, a general infringer and
a member of the Copyright Infringement Conspiracy.  Why some of them even
write such code as the well known, and in CIC circles, widely used, tool of
infringement called 'cp'.  Senator, I know you will be as shocked as I was
when I learned what 'cp' stands for.  It stands for 'copy'.  And I do not
mean safe Englobulator-Certified Fair Use Copying, such as is provided by
the Triple X Box, which, for a reasonable license fee, allows up to six
copy-protected copies to be made before settling of accounts and
re-certification of the Box over the net.  No, I mean, raw, completely
promiscuous copying of any file on the machine, as many times as the
infringer wishes.  Without record, without payment to the artist, without
restraint.  Senator, I prefer to call cp 'The Boston Strangler', because
that is exactly what it is.  And every single non-Palladium operating
system in the world comes with cp already loaded, loaded and running..


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Re: Challenge to David Wagner on TCPA

2002-08-01 Thread Jay Sulzberger

On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, AARG!Anonymous wrote:

 Eric Murray writes:
  TCPA (when it isn't turned off) WILL restrict the software that you
  can run.  Software that has an invalid or missing signature won't be
  able to access sensitive data[1].   Meaning that unapproved software
  won't work.
  [1] TCPAmain_20v1_1a.pdf, section 2.2

 We need to look at the text of this in more detail.  This is from
 version 1.1b of the spec:

 : This section introduces the architectural aspects of a Trusted Platform
 : that enable the collection and reporting of integrity metrics.
 : Among other things, a Trusted Platform enables an entity to determine
 : the state of the software environment in that platform and to SEAL data
 : to a particular software environment in that platform.

Claimed advantage to me here?

 : The entity deduces whether the state of the computing environment in
 : that platform is acceptable and performs some transaction with that
 : platform. If that transaction involves sensitive data that must be
 : stored on the platform, the entity can ensure that that data is held in
 : a confidential format unless the state of the computing environment in
 : that platform is acceptable to the entity.

Claimed advantage to me here?

 : To enable this, a Trusted Platform provides information to enable the
 : entity to deduce the software environment in a Trusted Platform. That
 : information is reliably measured and reported to the entity. At the same
 : time, a Trusted Platform provides a means to encrypt cryptographic keys
 : and to state the software environment that must be in place before the
 : keys can be decrypted.

 What this means is that a remote system can query the local TPM and
 find out what software has been loaded, in order to decide whether to
 send it some data.  It's not that unapproved software won't work,
 it's that the remote guy can decide whether to trust it.

Claimed advantage to me here?

 Also, as stated earlier, data can be sealed such that it can only be
 unsealed when the same environment is booted.  This is the part above
 about encrypting cryptographic keys and making sure the right software
 environment is in place when they are decrypted.

Claimed advantage to me here?

  Ok, technically it will run but can't access the data,
  but that it a very fine hair to split, and depending on the nature of
  the data that it can't access, it may not be able to run in truth.
  If TCPA allows all software to run, it defeats its purpose.
  Therefore Wagner's statement is logically correct.

 But no, the TCPA does allow all software to run.  Just because a remote
 system can decide whether to send it some data doesn't mean that software
 can't run.  And just because some data may be inaccessible because it
 was sealed when another OS was booted, also doesnt mean that software
 can't run.

Claimed advantage to me here?

 I think we agree on the facts, here.  All software can run, but the TCPA
 allows software to prove its hash to remote parties, and to encrypt data
 such that it can't be decrypted by other software.  Would you agree that
 this is an accurate summary of the functionality, and not misleading?

Of course we do not agree.  Under the DRM/TCPA regime I cannot legally do
the following thing:

Spoof your handshake and then run my cracker on the encrypted data you send me.

So some software will not legally run under DRM/TCPA.

 If so, I don't see how you can get from this to saying that some software
 won't run.  You might as well say that encryption means that software
 can't run, because if I encrypt my files then some other programs may
 not be able to read them.

See above.  Please be precise in your response.

 Most people, as you may have seen, interpret this part about software
 can't run much more literally.  They think it means that software needs
 a signature in order to be loaded and run.  I have been going over and
 over this on sci.crypt.  IMO the facts as stated two paragraphs up are
 completely different from such a model.

No.  They are exactly software needs to be signed to run.  Otherwise why
cannot I run cp on the movie that Time-Warner-AOL sends me?

  Yes, the spec says that it can be turned off.  At that point you
  can run anything that doesn't need any of the protected data or
  other TCPA services.   But, why would a software vendor that wants
  the protection that TCPA provides allow his software to run
  without TCPA as well, abandoning those protections?

 That's true; in fact if you ran it earlier under TCPA and sealed some
 data, you will have to run under TCPA to unseal it later.  The question
 is whether the advantages of running under TCPA (potentially greater
 security) outweigh the disadvantages (greater potential for loss of
 data, less flexibility, etc.).

Ah, so much for your claim that all software that now runs will run under
DRM/TCPA.  You admit that software I may now run cannot be run under

RE: Challenge to David Wagner on TCPA

2002-08-02 Thread Jay Sulzberger

On Fri, 2 Aug 2002, James A. Donald wrote:

 On 2 Aug 2002 at 10:43, Trei, Peter wrote:
  Since the position argued involves nothing which would invoke
  the malign interest of government powers or corporate legal
  departments, it's not that. I can only think of two reasons why
  our corrospondent may have decided to go undercover...

 I can think of two innocuous reasons, though the real reason is
 probably something else altogether:

 1.  Defending copyright enforcement is extremely unpopular because
 it seemingly puts you on the side of the hollywood cabal, but in
 fact TCPA/Paladium, if it works as described, and if it is not
 integrated with legal enforcement, does not over reach in the
 fashion that most recent intellectual property legislation, and
 most recent policy decisions by the patent office over reach.

a. TCPA/Palladium must be integrated with laws which give to the
Englobulators absolute legal cudgel powers, such as the DMCA.  So far I
have not seen any proposal by the Englobulators to repeal the DMCA and
cognate laws, so if TCPA/Palladium is imposed, the DMCA will be used, just
as HP threatened to use it a couple of days ago.  And, of course, today
there is no imposed TCPA/Palladium, so the situation will be much worse
when there is.

b. Why must TCPA/Palladium be a dongle on the whole computer?  Why not a
separate dongle?  Because, of course, the Englobulators proceed here on
principle.  The principle being that only the Englobulators have a right to
own printing presses/music studios/movie and animation studios.

 2..  Legal departments are full of people who are, among their
 many other grievious faults, technologically illiterate.
 Therefore when an insider is talking about something, they cannot
 tell when he is leaking inside information or not, and tend to
 have kittens, because they have to trust him (being unable to tell
 if he is leaking information covered by NDA), and are
 constitutionally incapable of trusting anyone.


There is a business, not yet come into existence, of providing standard
crypto services to law offices.


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Re: Privacy-enhancing uses for TCPA

2002-08-03 Thread Jay Sulzberger

On Sat, 3 Aug 2002, AARG!Anonymous wrote:

 ... /

 Now for a simple example of what can be done: a distributed poker game.
 Of course there are a number of crypto protocols for playing poker on the
 net, but they are quite complicated.  Even though they've been around
 for almost 20 years, I've never seen game software which uses them.
 With TCPA we can do it trivially.

 ... /

No.  Have you included the cost of giving every computer on Earth to the
Englobulators?  If you wish, we can write an implementation of the
wonderful protocols for distributed safer card drawing and we can play our
games of poker.  And we may run our poker room on the hardware and software
we have today, no need for DRM.

Indeed today millions use toady's untrammeled hardware and, this is
incredible, Microsoft OSes to conduct their personal banking.  If the
market considers that present systems suffice for this, well, I do not
think that we need surrender our computers to the Englobulators to save
three man-months of programmer time.

ad next moves in the eristic tree:

You: Marginals vs. total time-space integrated costs/benefits!

I: Happy to demonstrate estimates of totals come out for my side.


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Re: FYI: Palladium now NGSCB

2003-01-27 Thread Jay Sulzberger

On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Microsoft has dropped the code name of its controversial
   security technology, Palladium, in favor of this buzzword-
   bloated tongue twister: next-generation secure computing

 Similar from

 -Michael Heyman

I think that if we cooperate we can stop this absurd Orwellian grab of a
perfectly generic phrase.  Palladium is the proper name.  Microsoft
should not be allowed to claim next-generation secure computing base as a
trademark nor as a term meaning Palladium.  Not as a trademark because the
phrase is deceptive and generic and not as a term because the term is
deceptive and generic.  There is no advantage to us in propagating this
crude lie.

I ask that those on this list continue to refer to Palladium by its right
name Palladium.  If we continue to use Palladium to mean Microsoft's
program, Palladium remains a useful term of art.  It is precise and
accurate, whereas next-generation secure computing base is misleading,
vague, and inaccurate.


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Re: Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run

2003-03-13 Thread Jay Sulzberger

On Thu, 13 Mar 2003, Hermes Remailer wrote:

 The following comes from Microsoft's recent mailing of their awkwardly
 named Windows Trusted Platform Technologies Information Newsletter
 March 2003.  Since they've abandoned the Palladium name they are forced
 to use this cumbersome title.

 Hopefully this will shed light on the frequent claims that Palladium will
 limit what programs people can run, or take over root on your computer,
 and similar statements by people who ought to know better.  It is too
 much to expect these experts to publicly revise their opinions, but
 perhaps going forward they can begin gradually to bring their claims
 into line with reality.

The Xbox will not boot any free kernel without hardware modification.

The Xbox is an IBM style peecee with some feeble hardware and software DRM.

A Palladiated box is an IBM style peecee with serious hardware and software

So, a fortiori, your claim is false.


 An Open and Interoperable Foundation for Secure Computing

 By John Manferdelli, General Manager, Windows Trusted Platform Technologies
 Microsoft Corporation

 The Next-Generation Secure Computing Base (NGSCB) is part of Microsoft’s
 long-term effort to deliver on our vision of Trustworthy Computing. We
 are pleased that independent observers and many journalists continue
 to show interest in NGSCB and what it will enable. While much of the
 response has been positive, especially among analysts, security experts
 and people concerned with privacy, we recognize that there are still
 questions about NGSCB, and still a great deal of misunderstanding and
 speculation around our intentions.

 In this newsletter I’d like to set the record straight on one of the more
 common and persistent concerns, specifically that the NGSCB architecture
 will limit the things that people can do with computers by forcing them
 to run only “approved” software, or software that is digitally signed.
 In fact, NGSCB intends to do no such thing. It is important to understand
 that NGSCB is operating system technology. Just as anyone can build a
 program to run on Windows today using widely-published APIs, they will
 be able to build new programs tomorrow that take advantage of the NGSCB
 architecture when it is included in a future version of Windows. How these
 new programs are built — and what they will require of the user — are
 questions for the application developer to answer. But NGSCB inherently
 has no requirements forcing approval of code, digital signatures, or
 any other such qualifying mechanism. NGSCB will run any software that is
 built to take advantage of its capabilities, and it will only run with
 the user’s approval. Moreover, even when NGSCB is running, programs that
 are not using NGSCB features will operate just as they do today.  It is
 true that NGSCB functionality can be used by an application (written by
 anyone) to enforce a policy that is agreed to by a user and a provider,
 including policies related to other software that the application can
 “load.” Such a policy could, for example:

 - Govern how private information is used by software
 - Prevent malicious code from snooping private information, stealing keys,
   or corrupting important information (i.e., banking transaction data)
 - Govern how intellectual property running inside the application can
   be used

 Policies like these could be set by the user at his or her sole
 discretion, or they could be set in a manner mutually agreed to by
 a user and one or more parties. However, NGSCB does no screening of
 application components or content, and if any “screening” took place,
 it would be within the isolated bounds of an application running under
 NGSCB. Moreover, no NGSCB application can “censor” content played by
 another NGSCB application.

 Policy in the Hands of the User

 The extent to which the NGSCB will be beneficial will largely depend on
 the wisdom of the policies that people choose to embrace. We are designing
 NGSCB to give individuals visibility to the policies available to them
 in the programs they run, as well as control over how they proceed. By
 offering new features to enhance privacy, security and system integrity,
 we can foresee NGSCB enabling a wide range of beneficial scenarios,
 including the following:

 - Helping to protect personal medical information
 - Preventing a bad application from interfering with a banking transaction
 - Preventing viruses from harming programs or data
 - Preventing unauthorized people or applications from accessing a computer
   remotely and carrying out unauthorized actions

 My colleagues and I appreciate your interest in the work we are doing. We
 know we still have a lot of work to do, and value the beneficial influence
 that discussion and debate provide as we strive to deliver trustworthy
 computing technologies.

 - John Manferdelli
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