Cryptography-Digest Digest #939

2000-10-16 Thread Digestifier

Cryptography-Digest Digest #939, Volume #12  Mon, 16 Oct 00 22:13:00 EDT

  Actually I want FBI and INS deport me from the U.S.A. to Europe so that I can have 
more fun  (Markku J. Saarelainen)
  Algorithm Performance ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Basic skills and equipment... (Tom St Denis)
  Re: Algorithm Performance (Tom St Denis)
  Re: Book, "Battle of Wits" ? (John Savard)
  Re: Is it trivial for NSA to crack these ciphers? (John Savard)
  Re: gender vs. sex [was Rijndael implementations] (John Savard)
  Re: Is it trivial for NSA to crack these ciphers? (John Savard)
  Re: byte != octet  [was: Re: Rijndael implementations ] (John Savard)

From: Markku J. Saarelainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Actually I want FBI and INS deport me from the U.S.A. to Europe so that I can 
have more fun 
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:15:51 GMT

I talked with one person today and expressed my opinions. A person said
maybe they do not want your type of people here in the U.S.A. This
person was also an immigrant (recently moved from Canada to the U.S.A.)
I responded: "Yes, after the years of U.S. spying and U.S. government
intelligence (economic etc.) activities against you, you change -
against the innocent person, me, without any cause - ... etc. and when
your wife is stolen away from you as the first step your deportation
one must conclude that the U.S.A. is not worthy place for living." - I
am not afraid of death and dying. Indeed I concluded already many years
ago that I do not want to live in the U.S.A. (well already in 1996),
but four years after I am still here. I indeed want the FBI, INS and
other U.S. government agencies to deport me. After all I was 21 when I
first time came here in total peace and what I found was the misery.
Indeed, the FBI and U.S. government has to get to the U.S.A. more
people like Capt. Fernandez who is currently living in Miami and
actively participated murders and killings of close to 100 political
prisoners (throats of some of these people were brutally cut). One of
the happiest days of my life shall be when I leave this country .. and
I prefer the deportation, because the U.S. government does not want me
here ... so take me back to Finland - I love this greatly. But I shall
promise to you  I shall remember all events and experiences that I
have gone through since 1989 here in the U.S.A. and act accordingly in
Finland. I love you! When you have watched to the eye of death, one is
not afraid of dying.

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Before you buy.


Subject: Algorithm Performance
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 00:00:30 GMT

I was curious if anyone had a quick and easy application to measure the
speed of crypto algorithms.

That way if I wanted to test Seal and RC4, or perhaps an rsa signature
vs. a DSA signature.

I would greatly appreciate any help.


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Before you buy.


From: Tom St Denis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Basic skills and equipment...
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 00:21:44 GMT

  John Myre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tom St Denis wrote:
   You are STILL EVADING the question that was ASKED. The poster
asked a
   very specific question. He didn't ask "how can I get an elementary
   intro to crypto?"  He did ask "what math background is required?"
  Then you should have told the poster to use sci.math or alt.math
  instead.  His post is irrevelant and off topic.

 Tom, are you trolling or are you really as stupid as
 that sounds?

Hold on, is this sci.crypt?

What the heck does "number theory studies" have todo with sci.crypt
that it can't belong to sci.math?

Honestly... you wanna talk crypto related math stick with sci.crypt.
You want to talk pure-hard-core math goto another group.


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Before you buy.


From: Tom St Denis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Algorithm Performance
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 00:20:11 GMT

In article 8sg4qr$djd$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
 I was curious if anyone had a quick and easy application to measure
 speed of crypto algorithms.

A very not-so-super-accurate method is to run it for a few million
itterations and count the clock ticks.  If for example you output a
million bytes from RC4 in five seconds... well you know you're going at
about 200,000 bytes a second.

If you want to get very technical (often a big waste of time) you could
get out the "good 'ol processor manual" and count cycles... but
often "30 cycles" on a i586 is "10 cycles" on a K6-2 or "12 cycles" on
a MII 300, or ...  This means that cycle counts are often taken out of
context.  (very often in fact).  So

Cryptography-Digest Digest #939

1999-07-26 Thread Digestifier

Cryptography-Digest Digest #939, Volume #9   Mon, 26 Jul 99 16:13:04 EDT

  Re: RSA public key (DJohn37050)
  Re: hush mail (Anton Stiglic)
  Re: The Gnu Privacy Guard ? (SCOTT19U.ZIP_GUY)
  Re: RSA public key (DJohn37050)
  Re: I wonder why he wrote it that way. (Jacques Guy)
  Re: RSA public key (Patrick Juola)
  Re: Advances in Cryptology 1981--1997 (Francois Grieu)
  XOR now explained on web site! (John Savard)
  Re: RSA public key (DJohn37050)
  Re: OTP export controlled? (Jim Gillogly)
  Re: another news article on Kryptos (Jim Gillogly)
  sorry :) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: What I think is B.S. about the X.509 .  Please encrypt the certificate! 
(Matthias Bruestle)
  Re: What I think is B.S. about the X.509 . Please encrypt the certificate! 
  Re: message digest problem? (John Savard)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DJohn37050)
Subject: Re: RSA public key
Date: 26 Jul 1999 14:16:03 GMT

This is the "chilling" flaw in a random number generator.  With RSA, there is a
grey area where it is hard to detect such an error.  For example, FIPS 140-1
specifies some RNG tests.  It is possible to pass those tests, but generate RSA
keys that are insecure as they share a prime.
Don Johnson


From: Anton Stiglic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: hush mail
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 10:59:53 -0400

fungus wrote:

 Anton Stiglic wrote:
  128 bit is equivalent to 16 ASCII caracters, it's a bit better then an
  8 ASCII caracter password on UNIX, but still

 In what way a "bit better"???

 I'd say that squaring the attack time is more than "a bit better".

Yes, you are correct,   brute force attack on the passwords would be most
likely impossible for
the time beeing (sorry for any confusion, always happy to see how posters jump
on someone if
say something wrong ;).But brute force attack on the passwords is not the
solution here,
the initial secret is a passphrase, wich is transformed into a password, wich
is hashed
to something we will call h.Finaly, a _part_ of h is taken for
validation.  The hash
function used is SHA, wich produces a 160 bit message digest.  I don't know
big a part of that they take, depending on the size they take, brute force on
that could
(or could not) be directly applied.

There may also exist other loop holes, using this technic, wich can be broken
with something
more intelligent than brute force.



Subject: Re: The Gnu Privacy Guard ?
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 16:07:19 GMT


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hey all...

What do you all think of the Gnu Privacy Guard, also known as GPG ? It
is intended to be a freeware version of pgp sponsored by the Free
Software Foundation as part of the GNU system. You can check out this
web page for more information. Any input regarding the quality of this
would be very appreciative.

  Well Spike I took a very quick look at it. I like the concept of a
GNU group working on a public key encryption. But if I am not
mistaken it still uses CFB mode encryption and still in the first
few blocks incorparates a method so users can tell imediately
that they have the wrong session key. Those features seem to
be fixed as they where in the early PGP. I can't say about later
PGP since it is no longer DOS. But I feel these two features
may make the task of the NSA types several orders of magnitude
easier. Again I am talking about the actual encryption that gets
used on the data. There really are not many options for the public
key part. I guess we just have to hope there is no easy break in
 However I for one would like to see more chaining modes. I would
even like to see the possiblity of a wrapped PCBC type of chaining
and would like to see an option to drop the quick session key
check which can only weaken the over all system.
Thanks for sharing the news about GPG.

David A. Scott
NOTE EMAIL address is for SPAMERS


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DJohn37050)
Subject: Re: RSA public key
Date: 26 Jul 1999 16:07:23 GMT

The point is that an RNG can pass FIPS 140-1 tests and generate RSA keys that
can be broken.  Testing RNG is hard.  With crypto, one wants assurance that
things are going right, not just that one cannot see anything wrong.  An RNG
might be "chilled" due to a spec of dirt on a mask, for example, in
manufacturing.  If it outright fails,

Cryptography-Digest Digest #939

1999-01-20 Thread Digestifier

Cryptography-Digest Digest #939, Volume #8   Wed, 20 Jan 99 23:13:03 EST

  Random numbers for C: End, at last? (George Marsaglia)
  Re: Metaphysics Of Randomness (R. Knauer)
  Re: General (but detailed enough) description of RC4... (Doug Stell)
  Re: Pentium III... (Brad Aisa)
  Re: Java speed vs 'C' (was Re: New Twofish Source Code Available) 

From: George Marsaglia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Random numbers for C: End, at last?
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 03:08:52 GMT

My offer of RNG's for C was an invitation to dance;
I did not expect the Tarantella.  I hope this post will
stop the music, or at least slow it to a stately dance
for language chauvinists and software police---under
a different heading.

In response to a number of requests for good RNG's in
C, and mindful of the desirability of having a variety
of methods readily available, I offered several. They
were implemented as in-line functions using the #define
feature of C.

Numerous responses have led to improvements; the result
is the listing below, with comments describing the

I thank all the experts who contributed suggestions, either
directly to me or as part of the numerous threads.

It seems necessary to use a (circular) table in order
to get extremely long periods for some RNG's. Each new
number is some combination of the previous r numbers, kept
in the circular table.  The circular table has to keep
at least the last r, but possible more than r, numbers.

For speed, an  8-bit index seems best for accessing
members of the table---at least for Fortran, where an
8-bit integer is readily  available via integer*1, and
arithmetic on the index is automatically mod 256

Having little experience with C, I got out my little
(but BIG) Kernighan and Ritchie book to see if there
were an 8-bit integer type. I found none, but I did
find char and unsigned char: one byte. Furthemore, KR
said arithmetic on characters was ok. That, and a study
of the #define examples, led me to propose #define's
for in-line generators LFIB4 and SWB, with monster
periods. But it turned out that char arithmetic jumps
"out of character", other than for simple cases such as
c++ or c+=1.   So, for safety, the index arithmetic
below is kept in character by the UC definition.

Another improvement on the original version  takes
advantage of the comma operator, which, to my chagrin,
I had not seen in KR.  It is there, but only with an
example of (expression,expression).  From the advice of
contributors, I found that the comma operator allows
(expression,...,expression,expression) with the
last expression determining the value.   That makes it
much easier to create in-line functions via #define
(see SHR3, LFIB4, SWB and FIB below).

The improved #define's are listed below, with a
function to initialize the table and a main program
that calls each of the in-line functions one million
times and then  compares the result to what I got with
a DOS version of gcc.   That main program can serve
as a test to see if your system produces the same
results as mine.
  |If you run the program below, your output|
  | should be  seven lines, each a 0 (zero).|

Some readers of the threads are not much interested
in the philosophical aspects of computer languages,
but want to know: what is the use of this stuff?
Here are simple examples of the use of the in-line
functions:  Include the #define's in your program, with
the accompanying static variable declarations, and a
procedure, such as the example, for initializing
the static variable (seeds) and the table.

Then any one of those in-line functions, inserted
in a C expression, will provide a random 32-bit
integer, or a random float if UNI or VNI is used.
For example, KISS255; would provide a random byte,
while 5.+2.*UNI; would provide a random real (float)
from 5 to 7. Or  1+MWC%10; would provide the
proverbial "take a number from 1 to 10",
(but with not quite, but virtually, equal
More generally, something such as 1+KISS%n; would
provide a practical uniform random choice from 1 to n,
if n is not too big.

A key point is: a wide variety of very fast, high-
quality, easy-to-use RNG's are available by means of
the nine in-line functions below, used individually or
in combination.

The comments after the main test program describe the
generators. These descriptions are much as in the first
post, for those who missed them. Some of the
generators (KISS, MWC, LFIB4) seem to pass all tests of
randomness, particularly the DIEHARD battery of tests,
and combining virtually any two or more of them should
provide fast, reliable, long period generators. (CONG
or FIB alone and CONG+FIB ar