Re: [cs-lisp] RE: Another programming challenge - Re: [cs-discuss] PHP+MySQL versus Lisp: Shortest Path problemi ile ilgili -

2005-12-18 Başlik Vehbi Sinan Tunalioglu
 Emre == Emre Sevinc [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Aldigin Kod Paul Graham'in Ansi Common Lisp kitabindan.
 Maalesef kitap online degil ve elimde degil ve kutuphane'de
 out.  Graham'in kodun hangi sorunu çözdügünü iddia ettigini
 görmek isterim.

Emre Kitap muhtemelen Sinan'da ya da Can Burak'ta ya da Haldun'da
Emre (ya da baska bir Common Lisp sevdalisinda, kim acaba? ;-)

Kitap bende. Graham diyor ki:

Graham Figure 3.12 contains a program for finding the shortest
Graham path through a network. [...] The code in Figure 3.12 is
Graham not the fastest way to search a network, but it does give
Graham an idea of the versatility of lists.

Kod aslinda bir breadth-first arama algoritmasi. Ama amac son nodu
bulmak degil de, son noda ulasirken gecilen yerlerin kaydini tutmak.

Yarin kitabi getireyim.


cs-lisp mailing list

Re: [cs-lisp] RE: Another programming challenge - Re: [cs-discuss] PHP+MySQL versus Lisp: Shortest Path problemi ile ilgili -

2005-12-17 Başlik Can Burak Cilingir

Emre Sevinc wrote:

[ ... ]

This was a lovely feature. Believe me. People liked it.

i was in love with that since Orkut.

Now, people and the programmer are sorry. Why? Because
the aforementioned contacts table (I've given an example
in my previous mail, you can see it below, just includes
an ID and ContactID) has grown bigger. It's now about 5 MB. became popular, more than a few thousand members.

There is an another problem here. That path calculation is not required 
to be done in real time! ( that's a design decision ( ? :) ) )

it could be done daily and with some more clever decisions like has any 
member added any member as a contact, regenerate the path, else use 
cached version.

[ ... ]


cs-lisp mailing list

[cs-lisp] RE: Another programming challenge - Re: [cs-discuss] PHP+MySQL versus Lisp: Shortest Path problemi ile ilgili -

2005-12-16 Başlik Emre Sevinc
Title: RE: Another programming challenge - Re: [cs-discuss] PHP+MySQL versus Lisp: Shortest Path problemi ile	ilgili - 

-Original Message-
From: Chris Stephenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sat 12/17/2005 12:07 AM
To: Emre Sevinc
Subject: Another programming challenge - Re: [cs-discuss] PHP+MySQL versus Lisp: Shortest Path problemi ile ilgili -

 Aldigin Kod Paul Graham'in Ansi Common Lisp kitabindan.
Maalesef kitap online degil ve elimde degil ve kutuphane'de out.
Graham'in kodun hangi sorunu çözdügünü iddia ettigini görmek isterim.

Kitap muhtemelen Sinan'da ya da Can Burak'ta ya da Haldun'da
(ya da baska bir Common Lisp sevdalisinda, kim acaba? ;-)

 Bu kod bu sorunu çözmüyor, çözemez.
Istersen bunu deneyin!
Try this!
(shortest-path '1 '26 '((1 5)
 (5 1)
 (5 12)
 (5 17)
 (12 26)
 (12 28)
 (12 54)))
daha da kötü bir sonuç!
assoc bildigimiz assoc ise, bu kod çalisamaz.

Kod calisiyor. Tabii ben, elimde kitap olmadan giristigim
icin ne tür input bekledigini anlayamamisim basta. BM'nin
tavsiyeleri dogrultusunda kurcalayinca input'un nasil olmasi
gerektigi anlasildi.

Tekrar kodu gecmek gerekirse:

(defun shortest-path (start end net)
(bfs end (list (list start)) net))

(defun bfs (end queue net)
(if (null queue)
 (let ((path (car queue)))
 (let ((node (car path)))
 (if (eql node end)
 (reverse path)
 (bfs end
 (append (cdr queue)
 (new-paths path node net))

(defun new-paths (path node net)
(mapcar #'(lambda (n)
 (cons n path))
 (cdr (assoc node net

bfs, anladigimiz kadari ile Breadth First Search manasinda.

Ve her elemanin komsularini yazip öyle arayacak olursak:

(time (shortest-path '1 '54 '(
 (1 5)
 (5 1 12 17)
 (12 5 26 28 54)
 (17 5)
 (26 12)
 (28 12)
 (54 12

Evaluation took:
 0.0 seconds of real time
 0.0 seconds of user run time
 0.0 seconds of system run time
 0 page faults and
 8,192 bytes consed.

(1 5 12 54)

Dogru sonucu yani 1 - 5 - 12 - 54 sonucunu buluyor. Windows'ta
CLISP'te ve GNU/Linux'ta SBCL ile denedim.

kodu Scheme'e çevirdim, ayni buglar mevcut. (buglu Scheme ektedir) Kodu
çalisir haline getirdim ancak hala performans açisindan büyük listeler
için berbat olmasi lazim. Performansini da çözmek de zor degil.

Yukaridaki Common Lisp kodu gördügüm kadari ile düzgün
calisiyor (biraz daha büyütüp karmasiklastirdim inputu gene
düzgün sonuc verdi)

CL-USER (time (shortest-path '1 '19 '((1 5)
 (5 1 12 17)
 (12 5 26 28 54)
 (17 5)
 (26 12)
 (28 12)
 (54 12 47)
 (47 15)
 (15 2)
 (2 15 100 101)
 (3 100)
 (100 2 15 19
Evaluation took:
 0.417 seconds of real time
 0.054991 seconds of user run time
 0.014998 seconds of system run time
 46 page faults and
 1,211,352 bytes consed.

(1 5 12 54 47 15 2 100 19)

CL-USER (time (shortest-path '1 '19 '((1 5)
 (5 1 12 17)
 (12 5 26 28 54)
 (17 5)
 (26 12)
 (28 12)
 (54 12 47)
 (47 15)
 (15 2)
 (2 15 100 101)
 (3 100)
 (100 2 15 19
Evaluation took:
 0.005 seconds of real time
 0.005999 seconds of user run time
 0.0 seconds of system run time
 0 page faults and
 1,224,704 bytes consed.

(1 5 12 54 47 15 2 100 19)

CL-USER (time (shortest-path '1 '19 '((1 5)
 (5 1 12 17)
 (12 5 26 28 54)
 (17 5)
 (26 12)
 (28 12)
 (54 12 47)
 (47 15)
 (15 2)
 (2 15 100 101)
 (3 100)
 (100 19
Evaluation took:
 0.005 seconds of real time
 0.004999 seconds of user run time
 0.0 seconds of system run time
 0 page faults and
 1,204,224 bytes consed.

(1 5 12 54 47 15 2 100 19)

Hafiza acisindan problemli oldugu asikar, diger yandan
cachelemenin getirdigi tekrar hesaplamalardaki hiz
farki da görülebiliyor.

Tail-recursive hale getirilirse herhalde hafiza problemi
halledilebilir, hiz konusunda ise su anda bir fikrim yok.

 Bu sorun çözümü besbelli basit bir Bilgisayar Bilimleri sorunu.

Algoritmik olarak karisik degil ancak basit olmayan kisimlarini
asagida yazacagim.

 So a programming challenge for any student in any year. Solve either
 part of Emre's problem

 (a) find and correct the bugs in Paul Graham's code. Emre has
 demonstrated one, my example above demonstrates another.
 (b) produce a version of Graham's code that demonstrates the expected
 O(e+v) performance

 To help you, I have translated Paul Graham's code from ANSI LISP into
 Scheme. (The code only works on a very small subset of the possible
 inputs, which is also true of the original).

The first student(s) producing clearly independent solutions to either
of these two problems will get extra marks if they are currently taking
any course from me, and if they