Re: [Csgo_servers] PanoramaUI community server issue update July 26th motdfile

2018-07-28 Thread Sven 'Chaos' Pachnit

Am 28.07.2018 um 08:34 schrieb Neuro Toxin (via csgo_servers list) 

> I personally use them for almost everything. Administration, rules, logs, 
> gamemode configs, user settings, forums, messages, stats, ban/kick messages, 
> welcome motd, tracking.

Just wanted to let you know I’m on your side here. I personally don’t use the 
backend parts ingame but a lot of users prefer the web listing for maps 
(showing you all your records, which place, images for the maps, callvote 
button, etc.) and the ingame UI options we have are just not cutting it 

> Plz plz plz dont make me depressed by hitting delete on years spent coding my 
> administration panels.

Honestly I’m at a point where I would just delete the servers with it. It’s 
just no fun anymore to „play“ according to the rules whilst others cycle their 
GSLT’s every day with virtually no consequence.

And for the nay sayers: You were always able to block HTML motds client side 
and if the support weren’t so bad you wouldn’t have to resort to invisible 
panels that from the nature of things blast with full volume (or whatever the 
Steam WebHelper has in your mixer, it doesn’t care about your game settings). 
For me, get rid of invisible panels or disallow audio to combat ads but then 
again, radios, etc. depend on the same thing. Opening URLs in the overlay 
sounds like a good idea but that won’t prevent ads either, to the contrary 
without any sort of limiting they are gonna open hundreds of tabs for you :)

But Volvo making „sv_disable_motd“ a protected CVAR and disabling it by default 
(back in late 2017) speaks books to me, they don’t really care about us or how 
we provide the community with custom experiences.

Just my 2 cents,


> On Saturday, 28 July 2018, 6:04:26 am AEST, James F  
> wrote:
> In my eyes, advertisements aren't really a major problem in the csgo scene, 
> loud obnoxious ones are. The way to counter would be to just have it so that 
> videos with sound don't play automatically just like in the new chromium 
> update.
> My servers are heavily dependent on web commands and adding a button is an 
> amazing counter but it just doesn't cut it in my eyes.
> On Fri, 27 Jul 2018, 8:44 pm Mark Schieldrop,  wrote:
> Sure, but when the ethically minded people are outnumbered by a large margin, 
> it’s understandable why they’d choose to get rid of it even if it affects the 
> few who used it appropriately.
> From:  on behalf of Will Graham 
> Reply-To: "" 
> Date: Friday, July 27, 2018 at 3:05 PM
> To: "" 
> Subject: RE: [Csgo_servers] PanoramaUI community server issue update July 
> 26th motdfile
> Please do not assume that everyone on this list (or everyone that’s used MOTD 
> panels) was doing so maliciously or for commercial gain.  Some of us using 
> them ethically are penalized by this change as well.
> Will Graham
> CEVO Inc
> From: 
>  On Behalf Of Dennis B
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2018 3:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Csgo_servers] PanoramaUI community server issue update July 
> 26th motdfile
> Only reason why you want to show rules it  to be able to run your 
> commercials, please do not add motd back, let them add a welcome message, 
> period
> 2018-07-27 20:45 GMT+02:00 Ejziponken - :
> Maybe they should make it so we add TEXT with CSS in a MOTD window, but not 
> actually showing websites or have annoying ads showing in them. No redirects 
> etc. 
> Med vänliga hälsningar / Best regards
> Christopher Szabo | Chairman of the Board
> Skype: szaabo85 | E-mail:
> Website: | Facebook:
> Från: 
>  för Brandon @ OBEK 
> Skickat: den 27 juli 2018 20:34
> Till: Csgo Servers
> Ämne: [Csgo_servers] PanoramaUI community server issue update July 26th 
> motdfile
> Dear CSGO Devs,
> Adding a button to the scoreboard is nice but doesn't solve or replace the 
> important purpose of a motd that needs to be a welcome message when a player 
> joins a community server. New players not knowing the rules or how to play 
> the many different gamemodes/mods when joining a community server is going to 
> be quite annoying and hurt the csgo community as a whole. All players need to 
> equally see important information/rules upon joining a community server.
> A suggested improvement would be to allow server owners the option (by cvar 
> sv_disable_motd) to display an "I Agree" motd window on player join that can 
> be set to a url of the server owner’s choice via the motdfile. Basically how 
> it was but with an “I Agree” button to continue with users’ consent.
> Please do not release Panorama UI as forced default for everyone without 

Re: [Csgo_servers] Server specs and OS recommendation.

2017-11-10 Thread Sven 'Chaos' Pachnit

first of all a server installation takes approx. 11GB in VPK files (which you 
could share across instances), 3 GB of maps (which also could be shared) and 
2GB of other data. My competitive instance is 6GB (+the 11GB VPK).
CPU depends a lot on eventual plugins and if you have bots on the server. My 
instances RAM usage (RSS) ranges from 500MB to roughly 1GB.

CPU usage for my competitive instance with me + 9 bots: ~50% (one core)
CPU usage for my gungame instance with me + 13 bots: ~70% (one core)
on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz

Then I would suggest a linux distribution (I prefer Ubuntu) but that is because 
I would never host anything on Windows except AD or Exchange :)


Am 10.11.2017 um 12:51 schrieb Cyborgium :

> Hello!
> I want to create a simple 5v5 comp/training server for my csgo team. From
> what I found on the internet, a simple 2 core PC with at least 3gb of ram
> should suffice for this.
> I've ordered a pc like that off of Craigslist and it'll arrive tomorrow. I
> have a question regarding the OS and type of hard drive.
> I either have a 60gb ssd or a 1tb hdd. What would be better for running the
> server? I don't know how much space a server would take. 
> The second question is wether to use Windows or linux (and which
> distribution if that matters). If I decide to go with the 60gb ssd, I'll
> probably opt for Linux as there won't be much space left on it if I put
> windows on there.
> Thanks in advance!
> Cyborgium
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
> Csgo_servers mailing list

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Re: [Csgo_servers] Custom files exploit

2017-10-10 Thread Sven 'Chaos' Pachnit
> It would require another malicious script to parse the exif tag and eval some 
> PHP.

It would require another, poorly written script that handles the data in a poor 
and unsafe way.

ftfy ;)

He also - on multiple occasions - reminded us that this is a „old style of 
hacking“ and indeed, if you learned programming seriously in the last decade 
you should know that you don’t trust untrusted data, ever.
By his logic a .txt is completely unsecure (given that you eval() it in your 
shitty PHP code).

Am 10.10.2017 um 16:19 schrieb Alan Love :

> Did you read how that's actually exploited? It would require another 
> malicious script to parse the exif tag and eval some PHP. How exactly would a 
> similar situation occur on a hosted game server? Do you have a poc? You say 
> this email chain is one but I dont think you quite know what you're talking 
> about.
> On Oct 10, 2017 9:15 AM, "Stealth Mode"  wrote:
> This email is fine for a POC. Far as the exploit, for those who arent 
> familiar, this is an example. 
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 5:19 AM, Saint K.  wrote:
> Do you have a POC?
> From: Stealth Mode  
> To:  
> Sent: 10/10/2017 12:44 AM 
> Subject: Re: [Csgo_servers] Custom files exploit 
> Yes, IT skills. Electronics skills. And old school knowledge of how to inject 
> image files with malicious code (NetSec/ITSec). This is an older style of 
> "hacking". Remember those warnings about clicking download attachments from 
> the 90s onward? Same thing still applies. Except, there is no detection for 
> any hlds/go server, so an injected image can contaminate a server cache. 
> Which in turn will infect clients. Any image file, any data file really, can 
> be modified like this. Willing to bet good money those $500. go weapon skins 
> have hack code scripted and injected into the image.
> On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 11:59 AM, iNilo  wrote:
> Sure,
> But you have anything to back this up? (don't take it the wrong way)
> Nilo.
> 2017-10-09 16:54 GMT+02:00 Stealth Mode :
> Headsup admins/owners. Might want to disable custom files till valve 
> addresses this issue brought to their attention a month ago.
> There is an exploit where any client with minor skill can inject custom files 
> with all types of malicious code. From hacks in weapon skins, to ransomware 
> in custom .bsp, to remote backdoors in custom spray paints.
> The exploit is injecting code into any image, sound, or data file. You can 
> take weapon skins (csgo), sound files, spray paint image files, even 
> .bsp/etc. and inject hack code, or actual ransomware, viruses, or 
> Trojans/rootkits directly into a server cache, or client cache via the custom 
> file. 
> Might want to disable custom files till valve decides to correct this issue.
> -StealthMode
> ___
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Re: [Csgo_servers] +ip to get rcon, or not using it to get listed in LAN browser

2017-06-02 Thread Sven 'Chaos' Pachnit
I don’t really have a solution but try to compare output of the following 
command with both settings and see if the rcon port always get’s listened on 
(and on which IP).

netstat -tulpen

I always bind on a specific IP so I can’t tell if there is a problem if you 
Also keep in mind that parameters with a minus are startup parameters and with 
a plus relate to convars. I don’t know if they both work but it „should“ be -ip 
instead of +ip.


Am 02.06.2017 um 01:52 schrieb m0gely :

> I have a CSGO server set up on Ubuntu 16.04 for a LAN event and was having 
> trouble getting rcon to work. I would get this:
> ] rcon stat
> Unable to connect to remote server (
> The server has a static IP. I solved this by putting +ip in the 
> startup script. However when I do this, now the server isn't listed in the 
> LAN tab. I can add it to favorites, and connect to it from there or the 
> console (connect just fine. If I remove +ip then I can see it 
> in the browser but lose rcon. Here's my startup:
> ./srcds_run -insecure -console -game csgo -port 27015 -usercon -nobreakpad 
> +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_active +map de_stmarc +sv_lan 1 
> -tickrate 128
> Any advice?
> -- 
> m0gely
> ___
> Csgo_servers mailing list

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Re: [Csgo_servers] Servers don't reliably update with script anymore

2017-05-25 Thread Sven 'Chaos' Pachnit
I just have 4 servers running and I semi-autoupdate them in that I manually 
have to start the otherwise automatic process.
Therefore I’m always a few hours late in case this should affect update 
availability but I had no problems with this update (but I also monitor my 
server versions so I would immediately see if a server hadn’t updated).

The only thing I do differently is that I update my servers like so (#{p} is 
the server’s install path, I’m using a ruby script to update my servers):

cd #{p} && ../steamcmd/ +login anonymous +force_install_dir #{p}/ 
+app_update 740 validate +quit

That has always worked for me so far, never had a server not updating or 

Maybe that helps :)

Am 24.05.2017 um 20:26 schrieb Absurd Minds :

> I don't know what the problem is, but all of my servers have a nearly 
> identical startup script which includes -autoupdate -steam_dir 
> /home/servers/go/steamcmd -steamcmd_script server1.txt
> The script for each of these servers looks something like this:
> login username password
> force_install_dir /home/servers/go/server1/
> app_update 740
> exit
> For some reason, for each of the most recent updates, about half the servers 
> haven't updated, even though the servers restart nightly. I found one server 
> that was still running version I'm just lucky that nobody ever 
> plays in my servers. Haha. Ha.
> Any ideas what could be causing the issue?
> (i'm running ubuntu)
> ___
> Csgo_servers mailing list

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Re: [Csgo_servers] Getting current server version via API?

2017-01-26 Thread Sven 'Chaos' Pachnit
Thank you, I didn’t know about this endpoint.

I guess I will use this one but for the record I found an alternative way but 
it’s CS:GO specific.

This gives you the health information that is displayed by but 
also the current version.


Am 26.01.2017 um 16:14 schrieb Nicholas Hastings <>:

> As I just said, use the client app id, 730. This is what the server also uses 
> at runtime. App 740 is only used to acquire the files for it.
> -- 
> Nicholas Hastings
>> Maxwell Cody Thursday, January 26, 2017 10:11 AM
>> UpToDateCheck does not work on app 740.
>> ___
>> Csgo_servers mailing list
>> Nicholas Hastings Thursday, January 26, 2017 10:10 AM
>> Use the UpToDateCheck Web API with the client app id and the current version 
>> you have (from steam.inf, PatchVersion). It will tell you whether your 
>> version is able to be listed on the master, and what the current, minimum 
>> required version is.
>> ___
>> Csgo_servers mailing list
>> Sven 'Chaos' Pachnit Thursday, January 26, 2017 10:07 AM
>> Hey guys,
>> Since I don’t want to completely automate updating my servers I’m looking 
>> for some way to fetch the current server version in some way.
>> The only way I have at the moment is to notice that my game has updated or 
>> look at the log for „Your server has to restart to get the most recent 
>> version…“.
>> Unfortunately the Steam web API doesn’t return a thing for appid 740:
>> [10] pry(main)> SteamApi.get_schema_for_game(730)["gameVersion"]
>> => "238"
>> [11] pry(main)> SteamApi.get_schema_for_game(740)["gameVersion"]
>> => nil
>> The version information I fetch via RCON looks like this:
>> version : 426/6641
>> I assume it’s "version/build something/something“.
>> Any idea?
>> Cheers!
>> ___
>> Csgo_servers mailing list
> ___
> Csgo_servers mailing list

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[Csgo_servers] Getting current server version via API?

2017-01-26 Thread Sven 'Chaos' Pachnit
Hey guys,

Since I don’t want to completely automate updating my servers I’m looking for 
some way to fetch the current server version in some way.
The only way I have at the moment is to notice that my game has updated or look 
at the log for „Your server has to restart to get the most recent version…“.

Unfortunately the Steam web API doesn’t return a thing for appid 740:

[10] pry(main)> SteamApi.get_schema_for_game(730)["gameVersion"]
=> "238"
[11] pry(main)> SteamApi.get_schema_for_game(740)["gameVersion"]
=> nil

The version information I fetch via RCON looks like this:

version : 426/6641

I assume it’s "version/build something/something“.

Any idea?

Csgo_servers mailing list

Re: [Csgo_servers] A LOT of IPs in servers bann-list. any ideas?!

2017-01-15 Thread Sven 'Chaos' Pachnit

the only IP bans I get are from „rcon hacking attempts“. If you keep your logs 
you should be able to see why an IP got banned.

[ROOT@Hugo(pts-3)] /home/csgo# grep -f <(awk '{sub(/\r$/, ""); printf "%s\n", 
$3}' ./competitive/csgo/cfg/banned_ip.cfg) /root/competitive.log | uniq
Banning 208.100.X.X for rcon hacking attempts
Banning 208.100.X.X for rcon hacking attempts
Banning 113.240.X.X for rcon hacking attempts
Banning 208.100.X.X for rcon hacking attempts
Banning 61.49.X.X for rcon hacking attempts

I used my screenlog since it doesn’t appear to log bans to csgo/logs but I’m 
guessing that is where you get your entries from.



Am 15.01.2017 um 15:19 schrieb MiShU # 

> Hey mates,
> since a while there are daily a lot of IPs in the bann-list of our servers 
> and i dont know why. Any ideas?
> Sourcebans isnt active and basebans is also not active on those servers.
> Thx in advance for some ideas! :)
> regards,
> mishu
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