Dear Valve/HPE,


could you please add a cvar to disable the ability, that players can push their 
teammates (or that two players who stand in eachother don't get pushed away by 
engine) when players are not solid?


In my opinion is it very annoying, because:

 - I get slowed down, when I walk trough another player. For a few milliseconds 
I get stopped.

 - My screen and the other player model shakes around, when I walk trough a 

 - While moving trough another player I don't have a smooth movement. The 
engine pushes me away.

 - I am able to disturb other player's movement/gameplay or I can push them 
trough the map (off a high house for example)


For public servers with many slots it would be nice when players wouldn't be 
able to disturb other players with things like that.


I already checked the cvar list and didn't find any related cvar to stop that 

But I mean in TF2 is one, but I can't remember or find it anymore (maybe it 
never existed). But please let me know if anyone here knows it.



 - Andreas

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