[css-d] Hover bounces in drop down nav based on a href address ( wordpress)

2010-03-16 Thread Anne E. Shroeder

Here is a strange scenario in the top bar drop down navigation:
My first level of drop down navigation needs to have a 3px underline on
hover, and so i've 'faked it out' by using a 3 px white bottom border in teh
off state. So far so good.  (line 41, navigation.css)

What is really odd is that if you hover over Issues and Trends, you get
the bounce effect.  I was having this trouble with another item - by doing
step by step troubleshooting, I found the fix:  by literally changing the
address of the link, it fixed the problem.  Hunh?  Saving this out to a
static file, and changing the link from 

a href=http://www.sldinfo.com/?page_id=19; title=Issues amp;
TrendsIssues amp; Trends/a
to li class=page_item page-item-19a
href=http://www.sldinfo.com/?page_id=xxx19; title=Issues amp;
TrendsIssues amp; Trends/a

removes the effect.  The problem:  I fixed one element of the nav by simply
duplicating the page and (about was bouncing), and then issue and trends
started doing it.  

Any ideas why this would be?  I am using the multi-level navigation menu
plugin, heavily customized (based on suckerfish). 

Other problem I've been completely unable to solve is the bounce effect on
the sub-sub menus (e.g.  Resources - Photo Galleries -- see flyout menu).
I've gone through each piece of the code and tried to remedy this 7px
bounce, but nothing.  

Would appreciate any insights on the first problem, and any resources to
better understand the structure of the second problem (as I suspect I am not
fully understanding the mechanism for the sub-sub-sub menu). 

Anne Shroeder
Web Developer
Language Works, web sites in YOUR language http://www.language-works.com
Email: a...@language-works.com
(301) 755-8400 (cell)
Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than
circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than
appearance, giftedness, or skill.  ~ W.C. Fields 

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[css-d] li padding not behaving in Arabic (RTL) format

2009-08-02 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I'm using an unordered list to display the footer information for this page:

(see http://preview.sonjara.com/omep/new/template.htm  for the English, 
whose padding works fine).
The links with the trouble are the text links at the bottom, just above the 
little icons.  If I put padding in or even simple nbsp; in between each 
item, strange things happen.
(1) Padding causes the entire list to be shoved over and suddenly each LI 
item thinks its part of one big li item and so there is effectively only one 
link (?!)
(2) nbsp; also causes a confusion with what is an individual link.  I 
wonder why?

You can see that as it is, the words are butting up right against the pipes 
and it looks bad.  I'm considering just dispalying these are links in a line 
but hate to give up the battle with the ul/li in Arabic.  Other strange 
thing - the UL at the top of the page (main menu) works fine.

Any ideas?

Anne Shroeder
Web Developer
Language Works, specializing in multi-lingual web site development
Email: a...@language-works.com
(301) 349-0802 (farm/office)
(301) 755-8400 (cell)
Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than 
circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than 
appearance, giftedness, or skill.  ~ W.C. Fields 

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[css-d] Preventing images/text from wrapping when window is narrowed

2009-07-08 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
A client handed over to me a site that had just awful code (the original 
http://www.inspiredcre8tions.com/red/) and I cleaned it up, made it more 
semantic and validated it http://www.language-works.com/RED/indexNEW.htm 
but she is griping because now the images and the footer wrap under if you 
narrow the browser window.   I'm not sure I understand the rationale for 
wanting this, since it causes a horizontal scroll, but anyhow, the client 
wants it.  I've searched around but am not finding yet any good answers.

A difference between the original version and this one is that she wanted 
absolute positioning for the top banner (and the code placed at the bottom 
of the page for SEO).

Any pointers much appreciated.


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Re: [css-d] Rounded corners repeating in IE6

2009-04-24 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
Thanks so much -- unfortunately the 45 validation errors come from the code 
that the client gave me to implement (their RSS feed), so nothing I can do 
about that :(

I was thinking that probably the issues in IE6 are due to the peekaboo bug 
(I think that's what it's called) because there are so many nested divs and 
IE6 is basically freaking out and repeating stuff.

It gets even better - they want the 2 cols on the right to be in iframes, so 
I've implemented that 
http://www.language-works.com/SmartSign/template_frames3.htm  but of course 
with IE6 it wants a narrower frame, so it needs conditional comment ... but 
I don't even know what platform they're developing on so have just put in a 
double bit of code for now with the IE6 comment so they can know what width 
to implement.

What worries me is that this code will be taken by some programmers and 
messed with even further, and it seems to me that it's fragile, at best. 
They've said as long as it displays on 1024 they're ok with it (though of 
course it breaks horribly on anything less). IMO the design is meant for 
print and not the web, but they don't wnat to hear that


- Original Message - 
From: Alan Gresley a...@css-class.com
To: Anne E. Shroeder a...@language-works.com
Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [css-d] Rounded corners repeating in IE6

 Anne E. Shroeder wrote:
 I'm using the technique described here: 
 http://webdevtips.co.uk/webdevtips/style/border.shtml to accomplish 
 rounded borders on this somewhat complex design - the client is insistent 
 on fixed heights, so it's been quite a trick.  The problem now is that 
 the top right corner seems to be repeating itself and the bottom left and 
 right corners are not showing up at all in IE6:



 Hello Anne.

 This page has many problems in IE6, one is that div#column3 has completely 
 dropped below the main content. There are also problems in IE7. The 
 initial problem area is in or surrounding the form in the 1st columns.

 #column1 #login {
 width: 191px;
 margin: 0 7px 19px 8px; padding:0;

 #column1  form {
 margin:-6px 8px 22px 8px;

 Changing a width and a margin seems to bring IE6 under some control. BTW, 
 this is a hack fixed since I do not know what is quite happening. You have 
 stirred that cauldron of bugs that is IE6. :-)

 * html #column1 #login { /* target IE6 */
 width: 178px;

 * html #column1  form { /* target IE6 */

 Next changing overflow:auto to overflow:hidden remove the scrollbar in 

 #column2 #newsBlurbs {
 height:352px; padding: 5px 10px 5px 2px;
 overflow:hidden; /* change for IE6 */ }

 Next changing the margin-right on div#column3 (partially removing the 
 float) brings div#column3 up in the correct place.

 * html #column3 {

 This does not solve the problems that you state. Here is a little demo 
 with the hacks for IE6.


 Something is causing some overflow of the background for div#column3. 
 Maybe correcting those 45 validation errors in the XHTML may help here.

 Also, at this moment IE6 and IE7 are not handling those negative margins 
 on the list

 #column3 ul li  {

 and this causes div#column3 to have greater height which effects the 
 positioning of the rounded corners at the bottom of div#column3. I will 
 take a greater look later.

 Alan http://css-class.com/

 Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo

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[css-d] Rounded corners repeating in IE6

2009-04-23 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I'm using the technique described here: 
http://webdevtips.co.uk/webdevtips/style/border.shtml to accomplish rounded 
borders on this somewhat complex design - the client is insistent on fixed 
heights, so it's been quite a trick.  The problem now is that the top right 
corner seems to be repeating itself and the bottom left and right corners 
are not showing up at all in IE6:


The basic code:

div id=column3img src=login.eo_files/images/benefits_title2.gif 
alt=Benefits width=143 height=30  style=position:relative; 
div class=tOrangediv class=bOrangediv class=lOrangediv 
class=rOrangediv class=blOrangediv class=brOrangediv 
class=tlOrangediv class=trOrangediv class=insideContent
Stuff here

/div!-- end column3 --

tOrange is being repeated, whereas blOrange and brOrange are not showing up 
at all.  Thoughts?


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[css-d] Sticky footer - double decker possible?

2009-04-18 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
My client has a design comp that I'm finding extraordinarily challenging to 
implement -- the currentt challenge is implementing a sticky footer that has 
two parts AND that maintains a right/left border on the center column (right 
and left column contain no content) that extends all the way down to the 

Using the methodology described here: 
http://brassblogs.com/blog/sticky-footer  I've been able to implement the 
basic grey line along with the left/right shadows and get the footer to 
stick to the bottom - BUT not the left/right borders to extend down.

Worse, when I add the image of the water on top of the grey line, I find I 
can only put in a min-height to get it to work - which really means it isn't 

When I add in the orange crossbar, everything breaks apart.  Yikes.

Is it possible to code this?

The comp is here: http://www.language-works.com/swim/comp.jpg
My rather unsatisfactory implementation here: 


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[css-d] Rounded corners with fixed height problem

2009-03-25 Thread Anne E . Shroeder
I've got a bit of a challenge with rounded corners - have a fixed height (it's 
all going into an iframe) and cannot seem to get the borders out to the edge 
and the rounded corners placed - an additional problem is that the comp calls 
for only half of a top border and a small dotted border above that - I'm just 
not sure that can be done?   The graphics for the rounded corners aren't very 
good - they are just place holders.   The problem is in the right hand column 
that starts with Benefits.  

The method I used: 

My code: 
The comp: 

I'd greatly appreciate any insights as I've been hitting my head against the 
wall for some time now.

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[css-d] Suckerfish in Wordpress - 'current page' in sub menu inheriting primary page's colors

2009-03-13 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I've put a bit of a hack in my CSS to achieve a current state on my top 
horizontal navigation -- I'm using the Multilevel navigation plugin in 
wordpress, which uses a version of suckerfish.  The issue is that while the 
current state is working fine for the top level, it is cascading down to 
the sub levels as well.  Please see 
http://www.indivumed.com/wp.indivumed.com/?page_id=69  for an example --  
hovering over Products and Services, the sub menu item Full pathology 
service is highlighted in the same dark blue - but if should be highlighted 
with a light blue.  My code:

#suckerfishnav li.current_page_item,
#suckerfishnav li.current_page_parent,
#suckerfishnav li.current_page_ancestor { background:#4c90cc ; } // dark 
blue background
#suckerfishnav ul li ul li.current_page_item,
#suckerfishnav ul li ul  li.current_page_parent,
#suckerfishnav ul li ul li.current_page_ancestor { 
   background:#e4e7f3;  } // light blue background

What am I missing?


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[css-d] Project 7 tab menu - individualized bars

2008-12-12 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I'm working on two knotty problems with a drop down menu system using P7's 
tab menu magic.

The first is that when you hover over one of the top nav items (e.g. About, 
research  other work, etc.) you get a drop down menu -- I'd like to have a 
top border on that but only up to the vertical grey border - so that it 
looks like an L and not a box sitting under a nav item.  I was thinking to 
do a negative margin and set a z-index to hide the bottom layer, but my 
experiments have yielded no success.

The second issue is that I want to have a 31px color border at the top of 
each primary item (About, Research, etc) when you hover over that - but 
whereas I have split out each of the items for the --  li a-- definitions, I 
cannot seem to figure out where to do the hover to make that 
element-specific. It looks like it's on line 73
The Root Level Hover. This also locks the Hover state while
the root item's associated sub-menu is visible.
#p7TBMroot .p7TBMtext .p7TBMon,
#p7TBMroot .p7TBMtext li a:focus,
#p7TBMroot .p7TBMtext li a:active {

I started working on this in Pop menu magic as an alternative, 
http://www.language-works.com/ANSIRH/template_about3.htm  but I don't like 
it as well for other reasons.  Also, it cuts off the last item (news).

Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Re: [css-d] narrowing browser window moves div to the bottom

2008-12-01 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
 Gunlaug Sørtun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about:

 A proper - complete - doctype will get IE7 somewhat up to speed, but the
 'min-width' value is too small for it when it starts supporting the W3C
 box model. IE6 doesn't support 'min-width' anyway, but it'll switch box

Georg, what do you mean by it'll switch box model?  Are you saying it's 
possible to fool IE6 into not using its default box model standards?


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[css-d] Correcting CSS in complex DB system

2008-09-22 Thread Anne E . Shroeder
I've been asked to assist in correcting CSS problems and adjusting display 
issues in a fairly complex database system; I had posted about this before, 
asking about the Yahoo grid CSS generator.  However, upon further discussion 
with the developers I found that they are also using the Zend framework and 
Jquery to generate a lot of their code.  The result is some pretty unsemantic 
markup, awful awful classitis (whcih they insist is needed because of the 
functions called by jquery), and really long winded CSS files.

Initially I thought the best method would be to simply take the comps and 
redevelop the basic markup and CSS and have the programmers retrofit this to 
their code.  But when I found out about ongoing code generation, I realized 
this is prob. not a good method.  So it seems now I need to go in and do 
surgery - piece by piece.  

Does anyone have experience with this, and any advice they can offer.  I hate 
not fixing the markup; it's such a mess.  But I believe my hands are tied here.

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[css-d] Alt. to max-height in IE (also Safari?)

2008-06-02 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I'm trying to preserve the original shapes of gallery images in dynamically 
resized thumbnail images, but in IE6 (and also in older versions of Safari ) 
this code is simply resizing the images to squares, exactly 167x167.  This 
is the code being used, and on this page: Any ideas 
what I might be doing wrong?

BTW an additional complication is that this is all being done with Cold 
Fusion and the code falls far short of valdiating (I do not have control 
over all of the code, hélas).  Is there anything I can do?

style type=text/css
 #imggallery img {


!--[if lte IE 6]
style type=text/css
 #imggallery img {max-width:167px;
 width: expression(this.width  167 ? 167: true);
 height: expression(this.height  167 ? 167: true);



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[css-d] Netscape/mozilla hacks?

2008-01-21 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I'm not sure why this is the first time I'm having grief with netscape, but 
on this page http://www.language-works.com/NSTMF/home.php in XP/PC it is (a) 
not showing the background image in the main content region, (b) shoving the 
logo graphic (labelled #hpGraphic) up and under the navbar.  Also the top 
yellow 26px border is not showing no matter how I adjust the placement of 
this graphic.  And yet strangely enough I've gotten this border to work on 
this page http://www.language-works.com/NSTMF/internal.php.

Note:  Acc. to browsercam, this same problem is occurring on Mozilla 1.7.12 
on Win2000 and Mozilla 1.7.12 on XP. Now I'm really confused - I should 
think Mozilla and Firefox would yield similar results.

This is the CSS code for the hpGraphic:

#hpGraphic {
 height: 79px;
 width: 1008px;
 background-image: url(../images/hpGraphic.gif);
 padding: 20px 0 0 0;
 border-top: 26px solid #E9A713;



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[css-d] Too many ids in IE causing a drop?

2008-01-10 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I've inherited a nightmare CSS project.  Nearly 1800 lines of really 
interesting code.

On this page: http://www.language-works.com/PSL/ster.htm  I am having a 
problem with a drop of the left hand side of the page in IE -- if I remove 
the container stereographs altogether, it works fine in IE 
http://www.language-works.com/PSL/ster2.htm but no longer in Firefox.  I 
prefer to stay with the first version, but I wonder if there is ANY way to 
get this to work in IE?  Is this a case of too many nested divs?

I've tried talking with the folks about re-writing the css but they are 
nervous because they say it is stable  it's also almost completely 
unmaintainable.  If you were in my shoes, what would you say?


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[css-d] Direction: rtl inverting an image?

2007-12-20 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
This is too strange.  In IE5.5, some background images that are contained in 
a div defined with direction:rtl are being inverted and in some cases even 
turned inside out.  I want to know how CSS can corrupt an actual image 

The screen caps showing the correct and incorrect image placements are here:

The file without the weird images (where code works) is here: 
And the file with the .headlineListCalloutSide text called, where the 
problem occurs, is here: 

WHen this piece of CSS code is called, the images break:
.headlineListCalloutSide {
 width: 190px;
 float: left;
 margin: 10px 2px 0 0;
 padding: 0 0px 0 0;

It makes no sense!?!  Am I not seeing a typo somewhere?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Direction: rtl inverting an image?

2007-12-20 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
Right, well I've just figured out the fix - just don't know WHY it made the 
graphics behave that way. By removing
margin: 10px 2px 0 0;
from the code I mention below, the graphics right themselves.  Anyone 
encountered this strange behavior before, and is there a rational 
explanation for it?


- Original Message - 
From: Anne E. Shroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 7:29 PM
Subject: [css-d] Direction: rtl inverting an image?

 This is too strange.  In IE5.5, some background images that are contained 
 a div defined with direction:rtl are being inverted and in some cases even
 turned inside out.  I want to know how CSS can corrupt an actual image

 The screen caps showing the correct and incorrect image placements are 

 The file without the weird images (where code works) is here:
 And the file with the .headlineListCalloutSide text called, where the
 problem occurs, is here:

 WHen this piece of CSS code is called, the images break:
 .headlineListCalloutSide {
 width: 190px;
 float: left;
 margin: 10px 2px 0 0;
 padding: 0 0px 0 0;

 It makes no sense!?!  Am I not seeing a typo somewhere?


 css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Centering header images in elastic layout and 100% width - scrollbars

2007-12-16 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I'm re-coding a web site for someone (not redesigning, not my design!) to be 
in CSS - he wants the page to extend across no matter what size the browser. 
OK, so I'm having 2 conundrums that I've not been able to find a solution 

In the header, I'd like to absolutely position the inspections by bob 
title in the center, with the two other elements at left and right, 
respectively.  I thought to use the same technique as elsewhere (e.g. put 
the image in a p tag and use margin: 0 auto; ) but this would mean 
superimposing this over the entire header and this throws the other two 
images off.  I also tried putting the inspections by bob as a background 
image, centered inside the main header tag but it still migrates to the 
left.   I've kludged it for now using margins but (a) it's going to look bad 
in many browsers, (b) the entire thing breaks when the wndow is resized - 
any way to keep the images set in a line even if the browser window goes 
smaller?  I

question 2!  Why, if I define my body margins 0 and the page width to 100%, 
do I have a horizontal scrollbar!?!


URL: http://www.language-works.com/InspectionsByBob/template.htm
CSS: http://www.language-works.com/InspectionsByBob/css/main.css


#header {
 width: 100%;
 height: 140px;
 padding: 2px 10px 0 10px;
 border-bottom: 2px solid #3D756C;
#header #logoLeft {
 width: 234px;
#header #logoRight {
 width: 123px;
 margin: 0 20px 0 0;
#header #middle {
 float: left;
 margin: 0 10% 0 10%;
 _margin: 0 8% 0 7%;

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Re: [css-d] Centering header images in elastic layout and 100% width - scrollbars

2007-12-16 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
Much more sensible, thank you.  But a question:  Why do I need to have 
display:inline as well as float:left?

#header #logoLeft {
 width: 234px;
 margin: -15px 0 0 10px;
 display: inline;
#header #logoRight {
 width: 123px;
 margin: -15px 20px 0 0;
 display: inline;

- Original Message - 
From: Gunlaug Sørtun [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 May I suggest a simpler method - as a starting-point...


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Browsercam subscription share?

2007-12-05 Thread Anne E . Shroeder
A colleauge of mine and I subscribe to Browsercam (the capture version) and 
find it absolutely essential in testing CSS-based layout.  Is anyone interested 
in sharing this subscription with us?  They can accept up to 10 concurrent 
users so we have room for 8 people.  Thank you!

Anne Shroeder
Language Works
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[css-d] variables in CSS - changing background image by page

2007-11-06 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I need to be able to change the background-image value for one of my divs 
by page.  In other words, every page needs a different background-image for 
the #util_header id.

Each page currently has an id specified in the body tag, so ideally I could 
name the images in concert with the body id and thus call the correct image 
by using a variable whose value would correspond to the body id. But I know 
that is not possible in CSS.

I'm wondering what the most efficient way would be to call up the proper 
image for each page without building separate classes (or ids) for every 
single page?  Here are two graphics to give an example of what I'm working 

Anne Shroeder
Web Developer
Language Works, specializing in multi-lingual web site development
(301) 349-0802 (farm/office)
(301) 803-9734 (cell)

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] IE - border around image erroneously displaying

2007-10-17 Thread Anne E . Shroeder

The problem area is on the right hand side, where the Tabbed navigation items 
are.  The two buttons are orange and grey, side by side.  They are appearing 
irregularly in Win 2000/XP on IE6.0 and IE5.5 with a blue border on either edge 
(as an image would that is linked without border=0 or border:none used).  I'm 
wondering if it is the class buttonsAlignRight that is causing this 
misbehavior?  I'm also thinking this is not a good way to code this, but I had 
trouble since these buttons MUST fall along the same line as the tabs.  I would 
greatly appreciate a guidance to correcting this small issue.

The HTML code is:
div class=buttonsAlignRight
a href=# class=noTabimg src=images/chinese_news/orange_button.gif 
alt=  width=30 height=15 border=0 //a 
a href=# class=noTabimg src=images/chinese_news/grey_button.gif alt= 
 width=30 height=15 border=0 //a

The CSS is #
tabsContainerChinese a.noTab:link, #tabsContainerChinese a.noTab:visited:hover, 
#tabsContainerChinese a.noTab:hover  {
text-decoration: none;
padding:0 2px 0 2px;
background-color: #333ee6;
.buttonsAlignRight { 

Anne Shroeder
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[css-d] IE pushing text down in block (Chinese)

2007-09-19 Thread Anne E. Shroeder

The problem area is marked in English, red bold text.

I am not clear on why in IE the entire set of text gets moved to a separate 
line below the orange bullet (and not indented!) whereas it works just fine 
in Firefox?  I'm sure it's a special IE bug, but have not found anything to 
explain the weirdness.

The basic code is:
div class=headline2Col
   img src=images/bullet-orange-tiny.gif class=orangeBullet /
a href=#吕秀莲苏贞昌涉嫌滥用国务机要费/a

 width: 186px;
 margin: 5px 6px 0 0;
 _margin: 5px 6px 0 0;
 padding: 0 0 0 0;
 float: left;

.headline2Col a:link, .headline2Col a:visited {
 display: block;
 width: 186px;
 margin: 0 0 5px 0px;
 _margin:0 0 0 0;

img.orangeBullet {
 float: left;
 margin: 6px 1px 5px 1px;
 border: none;
 clear: both;

Would appreciate any pointers, as I've spent many hours fiddling with the 
spacing on this to no avail!

Anne Shroeder
Web Developer
Language Works, specializing in multi-lingual web site development
(301) 349-0802 (farm/office)
(301) 803-9734 (cell) 

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] IE pushing text down in block (Chinese)

2007-09-19 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
You're brilliant!  Thank you!  I also wanted to use lists, but the project 
manager said taht we have to be compliant with IE 5.5 and she said there 
were issues with that browser. Do you agree?


- Original Message - 
From: Philippe Wittenbergh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CSS-D css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: [css-d] IE pushing text down in block (Chinese)

 On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:41 PM, Anne E. Shroeder wrote:

 I am not clear on why in IE the entire set of text gets moved to a
 line below the orange bullet (and not indented!) whereas it works
 just fine
 in Firefox?  I'm sure it's a special IE bug, but have not found
 anything to
 explain the weirdness.

 the links, because you declare a width, 'have 'haslayout' set tot true.
 As a result,  the whole block is moved to the right, but there is not
 enough space in the parent block, and the link drops below the image.

 Remove the width should fix the issue

 Why not use a list ?

 Philippe Wittenbergh

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[css-d] 3px IE6 gap

2007-09-06 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
Got an IE 6 problem -- it's putting a 3px gap between my two divs - left one 
is floated, right one is set at a left margin to equal the photo plus 
border.  http://www.language-works.com/CSS_Stuff/specialreport.htm

Have tried a variety of things to close the gap but nothing works.  Any 
ideas on the hack I need here?

Anne Shroeder
Web Developer
Language Works, specializing in multi-lingual web site development
(301) 349-0802 (farm/office)
(301) 803-9734 (cell) 

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] flash overriding P7 nav drop down menu

2007-06-30 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I'm wondering if my problem is a definition of divs, or the way I've 
embedded the flash movie (i'm not a flash person, so do not know if I've 
done this correctly).  I've set the z-index of the flash  movie 
(#flash_element) to 1000 and the z-index of the container  for the drop down 
navs (#menuwrapper) to 2, but still the flash movie prevents the drop 
down menus from showing.

Here is the page with teh flash: 
And here is the page as the navs should be working: 



css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Different stylesheets for IE6

2007-05-07 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I have two separate stylesheets - one that works fine in IE6, and one that 
works fine in everything else!

The primary page:
and the stylesheet:

The page that works OK in IE6:
and its stylesheet:

I've tried using the import code in this page:
but it breaks the page in IE horribly.   I've also tried the * html hack by 
including all of the IE-specific defintions in my main stylesheet with * 
html prefacing them - - again, no luck.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Divs misaligning in IE only

2007-02-13 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
CSS: http://www.language-works.com/IRF/css/irfstyles.css

I'm sure this is super simple -- the main body text of my page is shoving 
down below the left nav bar in IE.  The left and main part of the content 
are contained within a div:
top: 170px;

and the left nav is defined as :

#leftnav {
 position: relative;
 font-weight: bold;

the main content defined as:
#maincontent {
 border-left: 1px solid #FFCC66;
 margin-left: 236px;

What am  I missing?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Box content/hidden content dynamically selected?

2006-11-08 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I've got a bit of a bear of a project on my hands.  The basic premise is 
that there is a series of (equal sized) boxes, each of which contains text 
or photos - when you hover over each box you get a different interior color 
and different words or pictures inside.  The major issue is that the people 
who will be using this want to be able to dynamically select all of the 
content and appearance of content for each of these boxes.

This is my list of challenges:
  1.. Create each box in a row with a solid border and an interior that 
rolls over to another color (done)
  2.. Use a variety of fonts and colors for text on the normal state of the 
boxes - possibly OK: because I'm using the a tag to define the block for the 
hover, I'm using a span to allow for the different font definitions.But 
apparently the people who will use this want to be able to go in via wysiwyg 
and change fonts dynamically so I don't know what possibilities exist for 
their messing up other code.
  3.. Change font when the hover occurs - problem:I'm not sure how to 
override the span definition for the font?
  4.. Here is the real problem: The entire content needs to change when the 
hover occurs. I presume I need to use a hidden definition plus some 
javascript to display it-- but the page needs to be dynamic so that users 
can pick and choose what boxes and what hidden answers they have for each 
area. I'm just not seeing how this can be done.
  5.. Create drop shadow (either through CSS or by using a graphic border --  
not worried about that yet)
I woke up this morning wondering if this can be done at all - and thinking 
it woudl be smarter to just use graphics for the whole thing, esp. since the 
original font choices are non standard and so the whole look for the site 
will change significantly when using standard fonts  Am very interested 
in thoughts adn/or examples of similarly excecuted sites.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Complex form - some layout questions

2006-10-01 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
Today I embarked on my first CSS form.  And it's a doozy.  This is a 
screenshot of what the form needs to look like:

And this is what I've managed to code: 

Yes, it's a bit of a mess still.  Here are some pointed questions:
(1) I can't see how to get the radio button to sit in front of the text it 
belongs to (it keeps shoving the text down to the next line)
(2) ditto for the checkboxes

(3) How can I control what fields are displayed on what lines - I can adjust 
the size of the text fields so that they force the next fields down to the 
second line, but I can't do that with checkboxes. So how can I tell the code 
to only display a certain number of fields per line?
(4) I am really puzzled about how to do the checkboxes that need to be 
indented (example:  Box that starts with the word Industrials)

I think that I'm somehow missing some basic instruction on how to manage 
layout of items in CSS because each new task that presents itself to me 
gives me a migraine!  Any recommendations are welcome.


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[css-d] Drop down (p7) menu hidden behind other CSS elements?

2006-09-25 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I've just implemented a different method for using a drop down DHTML menu 
because I was not satisfied with the behavior of the other one. It is 
working great on its own:
CSS located at 

but it gets hidden behind other elements of the page when integrated.  What 
am I doing wrong?
Examples of implementation:

CSS at http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/template-public-6.css

and http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/template-10.htm
CSS at http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/template-10.css



css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Drop down (p7) menu hidden behind other CSS elements?

2006-09-25 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
Thank you so much :)  Last night a kind man from P7 emailed me and 
apparently I had put in some extra definitions in my main ul tag that 
broke the code.  So largely it works.  HOWEVER there is the problem in 
IE where the form (Choose a sector) falls in front of the drop down, 
whereas it shoudl fall in front. 

I read somewhere that one needs to set the form value to invisible but I'm 
not really sure where and how to do that.  DOes anyone have ideas or 
references of fixes they can send me to?

- Original Message - 
From: Rahul Gonsalves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Anne E. Shroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [css-d] Drop down (p7) menu hidden behind other CSS elements?

 Anne E. Shroeder wrote:
 CSS at http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/template-public-6.css

 and http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/template-10.htm
 CSS at http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/template-10.css



 Hi Anne,

 Menu works well for me in IE6, and FF 1.5.x. Tell me if you'd like
 screenshots, can test in IE7 too if you'd like.

 I have used this menu before, on another site, and have had no problems
 whatsoever. YMMV. Note that the private page has some problems by the
 time the text was large enough for my comfort.

  - Rahul.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Drop down (p7) menu hidden behind other CSS elements?

2006-09-25 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
Unfortunately my client is pretty set on the design -- literally to the 
pixel.  Do you have a reference for the hiding script?  I will suggest to 
them that this is a real problem, but I am not hopeful to have flexibility 
in moving this form.

Thanks for all your GREAT help.

- Original Message - 
From: Al Sparber [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sorry - you do seem to have fixed the issues we looked at yesterday -
 though David raises a good point about using pixels for your
 font-sizes. I see you have a new page that has select lists below the
 menu. IE5.x -6.x has issues with absolutely positioned elements and
 select menus. The buggers, as you now know, want to rise above. The
 good news is that this issue is fixed in IE7. The bad news is that
 there are no easy fixes for older versions. Most people compromise and
 move one thing or another out of the way. You could use script to hide
 the select menu when the CSS sub-menu is showing, but it's really not
 a good solution.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] 2 spacing questions in IE

2006-09-19 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
This is the URL in question: 

I've been fiddling with numbers all night and am stymied by the following 
spacing problems:
(1) I'm trying to eliminate the white space between the masthead graphic and 
the blue drop down menu bar under it.  The top nav is 93px high, and I start 
the blue nav bar at 94

(2) I'm wondering why the leading is not consistent in the quote from the 
WSJ - the first line squishes the lines together more. I played with a 
different sized quote mark and different line-height defs, and got the 
result that the leading between lines 2 and 3 now were inconsistent 
http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/template-public-4a.htm  weird! Line 
height is defined at 34px and the quote graphic is 24px high.

Any thoughts most appreciated.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] 2 spacing questions in IE

2006-09-19 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I'm sorry, I neglected to note that the CSS is located at 

- Original Message - 
From: Anne E. Shroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 2:36 AM
Subject: [css-d] 2 spacing questions in IE

 This is the URL in question:

 I've been fiddling with numbers all night and am stymied by the following
 spacing problems:
 (1) I'm trying to eliminate the white space between the masthead graphic 
 the blue drop down menu bar under it.  The top nav is 93px high, and I 
 the blue nav bar at 94

 (2) I'm wondering why the leading is not consistent in the quote from the
 WSJ - the first line squishes the lines together more. I played with a
 different sized quote mark and different line-height defs, and got the
 result that the leading between lines 2 and 3 now were inconsistent
 http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/template-public-4a.htm  weird! 
 height is defined at 34px and the quote graphic is 24px high.

 Any thoughts most appreciated.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] Dropdown menu

2006-09-19 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
Hi Maria,
Take a look here:  http://www.webbedenvironments.com/dhtml/

I used the dropdown menu code 
- it is pretty stable, but I've had a few issues with it because it uses 
onclick instead of onmouseout.  You can see it in action here: 
http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/template-8.htm  I was able to 
configure the code to mouseover (instead of requiring a click) to drop down, 
but I'm still working on how to get the drop down to disappear when I move 
the mouse off of it (should be easy but)


- Original Message - 
From: Maria Falconer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all
Can anyone tell me how ­ (or point me in the right direction) I can make a
link like this

a href=photography_music.htmlmusic/a

Have a dropdown list of options to choose from, each taking the user to a
different page.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Disappearing table in IE

2006-09-15 Thread Anne E. Shroeder

Source code tells me it's there; I can print out text before and after the 
two div's in the middle of the page (#mainleft and #mainright) but nothing 
shows up inside those divs! Page and CSS both validate.  


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Table vs. CSS when decorative graphic required?

2006-09-12 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I'm scratching my head over this one.  I've got two different versions, one 
using a table and one using CSS to layout the bars, but in neither case can 
I achieve a consistent underline across the screen as required.  See 
http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/no-tables.htm  for the two 
versions, plus the graphic mockup which I'm trying to imitate!  I greatly 
appreciate any insights.  Can this even be done?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Underlining across varied elements?

2006-09-11 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I've had some terrific help from people on this list with regard to rounded 
tabbing effects and I'm very grateful!  I'm now at the next stage of trying 
to get an underline to go across from label, under tabs, and all the way to 
the right hand side of the container. This is the current version, which 
uses a table for layout:

I figured that with the table I would have difficulty in getting the line to 
work unbroken across the cells -- so I did an updated version, which uses 
CSS for layout:
 http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/no-tables.htm (I can't seem to get 
the drop down to move over to the left!!)  -- along with a screen cap of 
what it's supposed to look like.  I've tried implementing a class to handle 
the whole area
 border-bottom: 1px solid #163A66;

But no cigar. Part of the trouble is that I'm using a BR to get the second 
row of tabs down below the first row of tabs.  Any ideas at all?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Navbar disappearing in IE and spacing questions

2006-09-07 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I'm having a great weirdness in IE - my dark blue navigation bar is simply 
disappearing.  It works fine in Firefox, and I'm really puzzled as to what 
is causing it to simply not display at all in IE.  There are two examples of 
this phenomenon:

I have two other questions :)
(1) On this page: 
http://www.language-works.com/swimdesign/template-public-1.htm the grey box 
on the right is not flush with the margin - is it possible to get it over 
there?  I've checked the margin definition and it is 0, so I'm not sure how 
else to accomplish that.

(2) I need a grey line to go over the footer navigation - right now I'm just 
using an HR tag and specifying a width, but really the grey bar needs to 
expand or contract along with the text under it.  Any ideas how to 
accomplish that?

I apologize if these are naive questions - i'm still struggling through the 
maze of CSS-dom.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Simple floating thumbnails with captions

2006-09-02 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
Fascinating -- I'm not seeing what prevents the images from going out 
horizontally - what makes them wrap to the next line?
- Original Message - 
From: Gunlaug Sørtun [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In a fluid layout I think this will work better...

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[css-d] Rounded tabs - top line not working?

2006-08-30 Thread Anne E. Shroeder

I'm trying to get a straight line to appear over the tabs (but not over the 
rounded part) -- in Mozilla the line is overlapping the graphic, but in IE 
it's not appearing at all.  Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Newbie seeking layout examples to study

2006-08-23 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I've been working for about 2 days straight trying to get a fairly 
straightforward alignment set up
(left navigation
top header that runs the width of the page starting after left nav
middle part of page (under header)
right side of page (narrow margin)
and footer)

I've learned a great deal and perused many sites and bought 2 books - but 
still can't get it right.  I would like to know if someone can point me to 
some sites that have a basic 3 column layout with header and footers where I 
can study the code?  Thank you!


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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