Re: [css-d] css link targets [was][Fwd: Re: (no subject)]

2006-02-22 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
Hi there - just to say that I had to change my doctype from XHMTL strict to
transitional as the target=_blank did not validate.

If you check an XHML Strict document with the following code, the W3C
Validator shows this error message: 

Error  Line 5 column 26: there is no attribute target.
a href=index.php target=_blankindex/a
You have used the attribute named above in your document, but the document
type you are using does not support that attribute for this element. This
error is often caused by incorrect use of the Strict document type with a
document that uses frames (e.g. you must use the Transitional document
type to get the target attribute), or by using vendor proprietary
extensions such as marginheight (this is usually fixed by using CSS to
achieve the desired effect instead).

Summary - if you want to use the target function, you need to go for XHMTL
Transitional (or Frameset) for it to validate. Hope this helps to explain!
regards, Edith 

PS: hope this isn't off-topic! 

Jochem Maas wrote: 
'target' is an attribute of an anchor tag; you can still use it
though all attribute values should be quoted i.e.:
a href=#test target=_blankclick/a
not strictly anything to do with CSS (I trying to think
if it's possible to define that certain [classes of] link
should open in a new window using CSS - but I can't)

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[css-d] HTML/PHP form - button problem in IE

2006-02-06 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
Dear list,

I usually can solve most issues by reading this list, but with this problem
I've reached a dead end.

I've created an HTML form and in IE the reset button appears towards the
middle of the page, rather than being floated left as I'd like it to (in FF
it all looks okay).

Form page here:
For test purposes I have included the CSS inline.

Any advice on how to position the button to the left in IE would be greatly

PS: form not yet completed - pressing buttons will redirect to homepage. I'm
using IE6 on WinXP and FF on WinXP. For some reasons, other forms
I've created float as expected ... so something is wrong, but as I said -
dead end, just can't find the error. 

many thanks!
Edith Karnitsch 

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Re: [css-d] HTML/PHP form - button problem in IE

2006-02-06 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
Ron - thanks for checking! No, it's not fixed (wish it were!). 

The button should line up with the left edge of the box above. I realize it
doesn't actually create an error but I just don't understand why it's not
over on the left as in FF. I'm still learning CSS so I guess every problem
is an opportunity :) Would just love to know why and what I can do to


Pringle, Ron wrote:
Did you fix this issue? It looks ok to me in IE6/Win2K. The Reset button
is left of the Request Quote button, but not so far left that it lines
up with the left border above it. It looks ok to me. Is this not where
its supposed to be?

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Re: [css-d] HTML/PHP form - button problem in IE

2006-02-06 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
Ron - big thank you! The problem is exactly as described in the links below
and that gave me an idea ...

Previously I had the input buttons outside a fieldset - I've now included
the input buttons in the fieldset and the buttons now float correctly! Looks
like it does have to do with the structure of form / fieldset / div / input
which triggers the incorrect inheritance of the left-margin from a
containing element and by positioning the button input element outside the
fieldset it all got wonky. 

To explain:
form/fieldset/div/input - all okay
form/div/input - wonky in IE (left-margin inherited from form)

many thanks for your help! edith 
(now I just got to write a PHP script to go with the form :) 

Pringle, Ron wrote:  

It appears that this is a bug in IE [0]. Your input#reset is inheriting
the 100px left margin from the #enquiry form container.

[0] after googling for IE css input bug, I came across this post:

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Re: [css-d] HTML/PHP form - button problem in IE

2006-02-06 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
Ingo - sorry, had solved issue locally and not posted onto server. To


The grey border of the fieldset is only in the test code -my final design is
differently styled. But the buttons now behave as desired!

I'm actually not sure why I had the input buttons outside the fieldset in
the first place. For now I'm happy to place the input buttons inside the
fieldset - seems least worrying with regards to hacks / browsers but good to
know the other options for future reference - you'll never know with IE when
you need them :)

many thanks  to everybody!

Ingo Chao wrote: 
as IE7b2 still shows this bug

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RE: [css-d] Content appearing incorrectly in IE6

2005-10-18 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
Luke - I think it might be a simple calc issue. Grabbing my trusted
calculator and DOM Inspector, I found this:

#innerbox height 360px

 this contains
a) #innerright height 360px
b) #innerleft no height specified
c) text test content 1 no height specified

... my guess is that the text is bursting the div as it doesn't have enough
height to position itself as the #innerright uses up all available height. 

In Firefox the text test content 1 appears therefore outside the
containing div #innerbox and in IE it all goes a bit funny. Although you
want it to look like in Firefox, it appears actually broken in Firefox as
well, IE just shows the error in a more obvious way.

test content 2 which resides within #main_outline has enough space and
displays. correctly. 

My suggestion: reposition test content 1 to give it enough height, either
by moving it within #mambobox or altering the layout in some other way. 

Hope this works! Edith 

PS: just had a look in Opera 8.5 - not pretty!! the inner box with the lemon
has gone over to the left window edge, left content not visible at all.
Something wrong with the positioning commands I think.

In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro -
Thomas a Kempis  (Everywhere I have searched for peace and nowhere found
it, except in a corner with a book)

Luke wrote: 
I'd be grateful if somebody could look at the following problem. test
content 1 should appear as it does in firefox on the following page:
in IE, the div above does not appear to be closing correctly

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RE: [css-d] Problem With Moving Text to the Right

2005-10-18 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
I actually got gray hair from trying to align text :)

text-align only works on block level elements (e.g. p), table cells td
and inline blocks. It won't work on span or a. 

The only workaround I know does involve floated divs: create two divs (which
reside within div#footer), float one to the left, one to the right. 

If anybody has a better solution for this on the list, I'd also love to hear

In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro -
Thomas a Kempis  (Everywhere I have searched for peace and nowhere found
it, except in a corner with a book)

Hello and thanks very much in advance.

I'm having a problem with the footer on this web page

The text on the bottom, that says, Learn More About Youthtopia should be
aligned against the right margin, while the other text (to the left of that
phrase) on that line should stay precisely where it is.

I've tried

text-align: right;

that has no effect.

I tried to make a separate div for this phrase, but created more problems
-- other things jolted out of place.

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RE: [css-d] IE wierdness + sitecheck

2005-10-10 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
Rick - I've checked in Firefox 1.0.6 and IE 6 (both Win). Problems I've

* Update Details page - Width of container in IE much smaller (only uses
around 2/3 of width), which results in e.g. the phone number and eScrip ID
entry box being wrapped into second line 

* Update Details page - FF and IE - last box (recovery question etc.) ...
lines closer together than in other boxes - would be easier to view with
more linespacing 

* Update Details page - Header  Footer image have white gap to right

* My Reports page - inner and outer box borders merging at top  bottom

Wish I also had the solution. Gut feeling is that I'd try to stick just with
pixels for width settings (instead of % and px) and apply fixed widths to
the form elements and see if that forces IE to apply correct width. 


In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro -
Thomas a Kempis   (Everywhere I have searched for peace and nowhere found
it, except in a corner with a book)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick Flower
Sent: 08 October 2005 07:21
To: Css-D list
Subject: Re: [css-d] IE wierdness + sitecheck

Rick F. wrote:

[ ... ]
 Anyway, the site is :

 When you get to the login screen select olg for the selector box and 
 use test and test for the login name/password.  From there you can
 around using the menus at the top.
Ok.. I really messed up on this.. I totally apologize to those of you 
that were trying to visit the above
site only to find it was really screwed up.. I made the bad mistake of 
changing my html header line
that PHP spits out (in order to make the W3 validator happy) and it 
completely ruined my ampersand
handling for URLs which pretty much did in the site.  Anyway, I've fixed 
the problem and it is back
and working again.  Sorry about that..  Feel free to try it again if you 
wish.  Again, I'm really sorry..

-- Rick
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RE: [css-d] link behaviour in IE

2005-10-04 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
Sorry - my experience with Mambo is zero, my personal battle is with
osCommerce (all tables grr).

However - just had a containing div issue on my own site development 
realised that the solution is simple: apply float: left; to the content
wrapper and hey presto it stretches to include all the other floated divs.
If not float is applied, it shrinks to zero and is in effect hidden. 

My own personal bughunt usually involves applying lurid backgrounds or
borders to all elements so I can see exactly what's gone wrong (and how much
coffee I will need :)  

PS: the image will float right with float: right (no other positioning) and
the total width of all divs (inc. width / padding / margin) can't be wider
than the width of the containing element, which gives 188px max for the
image container (I think - best to re-calculate yourself).


Schalk Neethling wrote: 
If anyone has any tips or pointers in 
getting a complete CSS design into Mambo, I would appreciate that a lot.

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RE: [css-d] link behaviour in IE

2005-10-03 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
The problem is in the CSS:
#mainlevel li a:link, a:visited 
needs to be #mainlevel li a:link; #mainlevel li a:visited { ... }
or the CSS is applied to all a:visited

[same goes for #mainlevel li a:hover, a:visited:hover]

PS: I've had a look at your other query earlier on, and the containing
wrapper does not show in Firefox (white background instead on left  right
hand side). Bit stumped why. Maybe the nested tables  divs are throwing a
spanner in the works? Would try removing some of the tables as the divs you
put in place should suffice.


Please have a look at the links in the body of this page:
For some reason these standard a links are taking on the hover and 
visited states of the side navigation.

You can view the CSS here:

I do have seperate style rules for general a links as well as a 
marked with the class=category residing within a ul.
Can anyone see why these links shows this behavior. So far I have only 
experienced it in IE but also to some extent in Firefox especially on 
the page that links from the Article Review link.

Schalk Neethling

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RE:[css-d] strange quirk with width on UL (IE 5.5 only)

2005-09-28 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork

Win/IE6 - bullets in ul#setwidth don't show at all :(

Win/IE5.5 - bullets/list in ul#setwidth  are moved to right (seems to apply
list-style-position: inside for some reason) as in screenshot :(

When I removed the width command, the lists worked fine. Applying a 90%
width seems to push the bullets out of the page on IE6, effectively hiding

I'd try either using a wrapper div with the width or the ignoring the
default bullets and working with background images instead - more info here:
and here:
and of course on our own wiki:

Personally, I go with background images - keeps me sane and also produces
less grey hair :) Getting Firefox  IE to agree on lists seems to be a real


Marc wrote:  Hey folks, I'm experiencing an unexpected result when applying
a width to a  UL element with CSS in IE 5.5 (on Win2k).

I've put up a simple test page here to demonstrate the issue:

Essentially, when a width is applied to the element, instead of the entire 
block of text in the LI being indented, only the first line is.

Note, I checked this in IE 5.5, Opera 7.5 and Firefox 1.0.2 and it only 
occurs in IE. Does it also occur in IE 6+? (The screencap is from IE5.5.)

Anyone encountered this before? Have ideas on why it's happening and/or how 
to prevent it?


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Re: [css-d] DIV margins

2005-09-27 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
Just to check - did you already solve the problem? Looks exactly the same on
my Win/Firefox and Win/IE, plus the div#csflogo does not have margin in the
CSS. If problem still persists, please let me know  I'll take another look!

PS: good chance to test my Italian again and very much like the site design!


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[css-d] Re: Headers and footers

2005-09-19 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
Joseph L. Hodge wrote Is there any way to put the code for the header into
a single file and the code for the footer into a single file? Then, rather
than each page having a copy of the header and footer, it has a line (or
more) to call the code in from the file.
I don't think CSS can help here but a server-side includes (like mentioned
by Tim Reader) will help. I'm using PHP to achieve exactly the same - one
file for header, one for footer, all called into the main document via a PHP
command. If unfamiliar with PHP it might be best to start with a Beginner's
Guide to PHP. Alternatively, try googling for PHP and include (which is
the command you'd need to use). 
Edith Karnitsch


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[css-d] RE: Table Column Background Problem in Mac/Safari

2005-09-19 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ Terranetwork
Call off the search - I think I found the solution via Google (and via a
German website, just as well I'm Austrian). Apparently, Mac/Safari  only
recognises the colgroup if it's placed DIRECTLY after the table tag ... and
I had a caption in-between. Once I removed the caption, the colgroup command
was recognized and styling applied. 

Link to German site which rescued me:

New table mark-up:
 col id=description / etc.
and like magic it works ... one browser bug down, and probably more round
the corner. 


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[css-d] Re: css-d] IE list problem

2005-09-07 Thread Edith Karnitsch @ TerraNetwork
Jon Stephenson wrote: 
I am working on a site where I have to build 2 copies one in html using
tables for layout and one using divs for layout. The only common element is
the let nav that is built using an unordered list but I am having trouble
with it in IE. My test build is at it
looks great but in IE it seems to have some extra space at the bottom of the
list items.

Jon - when I checked it out in IE6, on hover the links jumped which seems to
be due to borders not showing correctly. Try changing the  border: XXpx to
border-width: XXpx (both in your a and a:hover). This will render your
border correctly. I'm guessing that as you also defined border-top-color /
border-style etc. the shorthand border command isn't working in IE.

Hope it helps, Edith Karnitsch
(Newbie to the list  just trying to keep my sanity whilst re-designing a
site in CSS which works in IE and Firefox :)

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