> A few days ago, while testing for coherence in a webpage, IE7 
> crashed on me.
> I've isolated the "offending" code here:
> http://www.mundoplus.tv/atnbueno/ie7crash.html
> After a few tests (actually, a lot of them) I've found it's 
> simply more of IE lack of support for the <button> tag. No 
> CSS applied to button[value] is shown, and any value for 
> "value" crashes (closes down) the current IE window. So 
> remember, don't style with the button[value] selector.

Yes, the code effectively crashes my IE7 immediately. 
I don't think the problem is the button tag, which I have
used extensively for many years.

The problem in the code on that page is the lack of a space
between the two parts of the selector. Add a space and no

Still, you are right. Pretty pathetic.

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