Re: [css-d] Print Stylesheet issues (Repost)

2005-07-14 Thread Robert Neville
-- Robert Neville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I just began developing the print style sheet for my
> web page listed below and have encountered several
> difficulties. Apparently, the scenario is more
> complex
> than originally thought. This  sheet scenario has
> had
> me perplexed for several days.  I simplified the
> html
> and removed the JavaScript, which did not bring much
> insight. 
> Now, the page only has the paragraph and heading
> elements. If the text occupies a page or less,
> Firefox
> renders the print version as expected. If the text
> spans a page or more, then Firefox render the
> #header;
> then a page break; then the text in question; and
> cut
> the text off after a page of so.

Let me follow-up my post in case anybody else
encounters these situations with print style sheets.
The scenario was attributed to the media type in the
html header. The style sheet that preceded the print
sheet needed media="screen." Then the previous styles
do not interfere with the print stylesheet. Now,
everything seems in working order.



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[css-d] Print Stylesheet issues (Repost)

2005-07-14 Thread Robert Neville
Partially repost

I just began developing the print style sheet for my
web page listed below and have encountered several
difficulties. Apparently, the scenario is more complex
than originally thought. This  sheet scenario has had
me perplexed for several days.  I simplified the html
and removed the JavaScript, which did not bring much

Now, the page only has the paragraph and heading
elements. If the text occupies a page or less, Firefox
renders the print version as expected. If the text
spans a page or more, then Firefox render the #header;
then a page break; then the text in question; and cut
the text off after a page of so. 

Indeed browser's print engines are not keen on floats,
yet my last print stylesheet did not remove all the
floats. The overflow attributes may contribute to the
scenario as well.  The CSS is extensive (and based off
the link below to test all styles), yet this html does
not have any floats or elements with overflow
attributes. So the problem may lie elsewhere.  

Please let me know if you have ideas for solving the
problem. Here’s a link with most attributes applied.

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[css-d] Print stylesheet - cut pages off

2005-07-11 Thread Robert Neville
I just began developing the print stylesheet for the
site listed below and have encountered several
difficulties. These scenarios seem simple, yet my mind
has not resolved them. Damm mind blocks! So the page
remains fairly complex as far as the CSS.

My header div created a page break between it and the
content div.  The content does not break between page
break and only render a little more than a page. The
situation seems odd. 

Indeed browser's print engines are not keen on floats,
yet my last print stylesheet did not remove all the
floats. Changing all position fixed, absolute, float
to position static may help (yet I less familiar with
this attribute). In addition, the overflow attribute
may contribute to the scenario as well.  Let me know
if you have any ideas about these scenarios. Please
let your thoughts point to specific solutions rather
than focus on general rhetoric. As you all know, time
is a precious commodity and the information is vast. 

Could the JavaScript affect the print stylesheet?

Check out #ArticleID which has an additional border on
the left and right side.

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[css-d] IE issue - Max-width

2005-07-06 Thread Robert Neville
Internet Explorer always presents me with challenge.
The current issue involves emulating max-width in IE
using the technique described by Svend Tofte.

The CSS code uses javascript expressions and feeds the
browser's width to the style. The CSS code follows.

* html #Content {   
height: 1%;
   document.body.clientWidth > (500/12) * 
"auto" );

My implementation does resize and display the fluid
width. The hang up in this scenario involves a
definition list, which does not extend the full width
of the #Content container. The dd tag extends to the
adjacent float (#ArticleID) and no further. The second
issues relates to how the container expands beyond the
parent when the width become minuscule. Ideally, a
min-width would solve this problem; unfortunately IE
has not included min-width in the club either.

Please load and shrink you browser window to around
288 pixels. Notice the round corner following the
fluid width. The id, #bgWh, with content expands the
beyond #container. I need to discover how to
constraint this expansion. If you remove the content,
the problem goes away. Overflow: hidden has worked for
me in the past, but did not provide the magic bullet
this time around. Let me know if you have good ideas
on dealing with these scenarios. Firefox does not have
these issues.

(Long version)

Elements in the equation:

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[css-d] Font degradation and flicker

2005-07-03 Thread Robert Neville
My layout is experiencing typical IE bugs. The layout
renders as expect in Firefox; IE has issues with it. I
am not sure about how to classify this bug; my guess
is that it relates to IE "has layout" behavior. IE
renders anchor text within a definition list with a
serif font even though my style sheet has no serif
declarations anywhere. When you highlight the text
with the cursor, IE flips to the style attributes as
declared in the style sheet. In my other layout, the
h2 appears sometimes and is not rendered other times
until you highlight it. The behavior is not

I have tried the holly hack and various other hacks to
force IE to return "has layout." Yet the solution has
eluded me. Now, I have tunnel vision from reviewing
the code so much. A fresh pair of eyes would help me. 
I have simplified my page a good deal for dissecting
this issue as well. 

Please let me know if you have ideas for resolving
this scenario.

(Complicated version

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Re: [css-d] Descendant Selectors

2005-06-14 Thread Robert Neville

> a selector of "p" 
> would be sufficient to uniquely identify the needed
> element.  But let's 
> say there's another paragraph elsewhere on the page;
> in that case, 
> "#header p" would be sufficient because #header has
> to be unique if 
> you're using valid markup.

Great explanation! I pretty much have this wrapped up
with the last explanation. I wanted to expound on my
situation and ask for additional feedback.

My experimental exercise relates to creating HTML
newsletter and how webmail script render HTML and CSS.
My interests do not fall into HTML vs plain text email
discussion. This exercise is valid and educational in

Even after reading about StyleinEmail, the topic is
still allusive especially in Gmail. I began a trial
and error process in styling approaches. Then I
captured the webmail client’s rendition. The HTML
documents reaffirm several points in StyleinEmail; yet
open additional discrepancies. Webmail clients have
better support for CSS then the StyleinEmail alludes.
Their shortcomings relate to how their scripts rewrite
HTML newsletters.  Their stylesheets often over-ride
your inline stylesheet. In other scenarios, it just
strips your font-family declarations. Each webmail
client handles it in a different manner. 

My question about descendant selector relates to
styles that do not become overridden by the webmail.
As mentioned StyleinEmail, you may need verbose
attributes in your html for maximum compatibility.

Gmail strips IDs and classes from HTML emails;
font-family from inline styles. However, it keeps
font-size in inline style; and  tag. 

Hotmail and Yahoo fair better with CSS merging inline
stylesheets with its own style sheet. So my questions
relate to descendant selectors in a vast complicated

Would #myheader p suffice as original situation

> #myContainer table tr td p
Or do I need verbose style declaration?

Could you simplify to #myContainer p { }; or #myheader
td { }?

Would these styles override #message p { } created
(#message would wrap #myContainer) 

This topic is not for the faint hearted. Please add
whatever insight you feel relevant.

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[css-d] Descendant Selectors

2005-06-13 Thread Robert Neville
I have a quick question about descendant selectors.
Even though the following site
( has given
me considerable insight, this question relates to
additional clarification when nesting selectors. 

Can you add descendant ID selectors to an ID selector?

#container #header, #container #footer

Would a better approach be the ID selector with the
class selector?

#container .header, #container .footer

In my scenario, the header div is not a direct
descendant of the container div. My HTML uses a table
structure for lowest common denominator render
engines.  The whole project is experimental. A code
snippet follows below. Let me know if you could
confirm various methods for declaring descendant

I am trying to avoid doing the following and get
beyond the basics.

#container table tr td div#header p, #container table
tr td div#footer p

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[css-d] Form Element disappear in IE

2005-05-05 Thread Robert Neville
The form element presents a major challenge in IE.
Apparently, IE renders the legend element in odd way.
In IE, the legend falls in the middle of the fieldset
border; the background falls outside the border.  When
one set position: relative, IE chokes and does not
always displays the legend element; or pushes it off
the page. Negative margins do not help either since
the background falls outside the border. 

In addition, the behavior propagates to my
fieldset.Radio legend style. I place a purple border
around to illustrate the behavior. Again, this
occurrence does not allow me to line up the legend
labels (like FIrefox does). 

After rereading the form article on the following
site, the author mentioned that this technique has
this apparent limitation. Even though he states this
point, I need to understand this behavior and
summarize it. Obviously, I could include additional
markup to get around the problem, yet this solution
become less attractive. Hopefully, somebody has found
a solution and could explain the situation.

Search for Block fieldset

I simplified my page. This page still emulates the
position fixed.

This page removes the OuterWrapper; and assigns
{position: relative;} to the legend element. Bam, the
legend element falls in place; yet push off the

The Fieldset.Radio group has unusually behavior as
well. First, the Fieldset has some phantom padding;
thus pushing the legend element 4px to the right;
Second, the legend element pushes the labels to the
next line. Third the radio labels have larger line
heights than in Firefox. What’s going on here? Can we
have more control in IE anywhere along these

Full page

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[css-d] Multiple Hacks and Form woes

2005-05-01 Thread Robert Neville
I am still having major issues in IE. This web
development exercise involves learning why certain
hacks work and other don't. My web page render ok in

Again, the main problem in my web page relates to
complexity. If I simplify the page, the issues
subside, which does not help me learn about web
development idiosyncrasies.

What happen to my labels on the  element? They
have vanished after applying a few hacks!

The height %1 hack did not alleviate the situation
either. Look at the CSS, simple.css, for details.

Do I have to apply this height hack or dimension hack
(hasLayout) to every element on the web page including
 elements? These hacks are growing in number and
managing them scares me.

Removing position: relative does bring back the
labels. But this solution introduces another gotcha
into the layout. The  elements lines up on the
border instead inside (compare the web page in
Firefox). In addition, the fixed position
functionality may brought these form issue into place
since it contains its own hacks.

I am also trying to address the three pixel jog. The
information at PIE was helpful, yet did not help me
resolve the situation. Again, the main inquiry refers
to managing multiple hacks and pinpointing issues
within IE (the page is fine in Firefox). The DOM
inspector in Firefox helps, yet I have not found its
equivalent in IE.

The following pages are pared down examples for those
purists, who prefer a simplified page. They are also
incomplete in terms of information.

Summaries of various issues 

For the three pixel jog 

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