Hi list,

I was hoping someone could help me with what appears to be (I think)  
an instance of the IE6 float/margin bug.

The page is here:

CSS here:

  As you can see, I've been experimenting with the YUI GridBuilder.
(Weirdness #1: The YUI CSS doesn't seem to validate. The page  
validates, however.)

Page renders properly in Firefox2 (Mac/Win), Safari, and IE7 (with a  
few tweaks) in IE6, the right column gets pushed underneath the  
center content area.

My questions:

1. Is this an instance of the IE6 float/margin bug? Is there some  
sort of tell-tale indication I should be looking for?

2. What is the recommended toolset for ironing this out? Firebug?  
Firefox web-dev extension? Others?

I've looked-up and attempted the float/margin fix, but I have yet to  
get it working. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something. There is a  
bit of cleanup to be done as well...there are some inline styles and  
<br /> abuse in there, but I don't think that's the issue.

thanks in advance...

/* scott Johnson
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