[css-d] Firefox strangeness with link and title attribute

2005-06-28 Thread Viascape List
I noticed a strange problem this morning with firefox regarding how it
loads external stylesheets that are specified using the html link
element when the title attribute is given a value.  I like to use the
title attribute to give descriptive names to my stylesheets so that I
can find the correct link quickly when running through my markup. 
Anyway, Firefox (I'm using 1.0.4) will load only the first stylesheet
listed if the title is given any value other than the string
Default.  If all are given the Default value, all of them will
load, but if any of the links in the list are given another value,
Firefox will not load any more stylesheets after that link. IE6 does
note exhibit this same behavior, but loads all of the stylesheets
regardless of the title value. Is there a reason for this, or is it
just a parsing bug?
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[css-d] Absolute positioning containers

2005-06-27 Thread Viascape List
I have a page that is generating an order confirmation that is broken
down into a whole bunch of small tables. I have redone pretty much
everything with css, but I am leaving the tables for now because the
html table code is generated on the fly by PHP script that I inherited
with the code-base.  On one of the pages I was able to use absolute
positioning to position the tables absolutely with respect to the
form element that contained them.  For that application it worked
beautifully.  However, on the next page which has the same table but
without the form or input elements (we go from an order page to an
order confirmation page, where it re-lists everything you just typed
in), the absolute positioning renders with respect to the page instead
of the containing div.  My favorite reference, Core CSS 2nd Ed. by
Schengili-Roberts, claims that absolute positioning renders with
respect to the page always.  This is obviously not true (at least
anymore).  I am testing with Firefox 1.0.4 and IE6, which display the
same behavior in this regard.  Does anyone know the details of
container elements for absolute positioning: what will and will not
render abs contained elements properly?  Any help is greatly
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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