[css-d] Floating content contained in Header

2007-12-31 Thread trystano
Hi all,

I have a header section of my website which will have the logo on the left side 
and then on the right side will be some text and other bits and bobs. To? 
accomplish this I have done a float left on the div id=headercontent1 
containing the image on the left and then a float: right on the div 
id=headercontent2 to the right that will contain some text. I have set 
widths to both of these so that they meet up correctly. Is this the best way to 
accomplish this? I feel that this approach can easily be broken because if div 
to the right expands it breaks the layout (i guess this is standard CSS).

The HTML markup and CSS is as follows...


div id=header
??? div id=headercontent1
??? ??? asp:Image ID=imgCreditSafeLogo CssClass=creditsafelogo 
ImageUrl=~/images/creditsafelogo.gif runat=Server /
??? /div
??? div id=headercontent2
??? ??? div
??? ??? ??? language select:
??? ??? ??? asp:ImageButton ID=ImageButton8 runat=server 
??? ??? ??? asp:ImageButton ID=ImageButton9 runat=server 
ImageUrl=~/Images/fr.gif /
??? ??? /div
??? /div
??? div class=clear/div


??? background:#ddd;

??? float: left;
??? width: 200px;
??? background-color: #FFF;

??? float: right;
??? width: 536px;
??? height: 90px;
??? padding: 5px;
??? text-align: center;

??? clear: both;

Thanks and a happy new year to you all.


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Re: [css-d] Overspill images outside of content area

2007-09-27 Thread trystano

 Hi, and thanks for the reply.

The issue with this the solution is that when I increase the width of' 
#section1 div div' (and #section2) then the rose image starts to hide behind 
the widened DIV. It seems to have it the way I want, which is to have the 
stalk of the rose to go behind some of the text then I will need to have the 
rose image as part of the same DIV, and the best way seems to have it as a 
background image, and then apply some padding, much like what Walter previously 

I have taken what you showed me as an example and uploaded it to the following 
location. It now has the BG image as part of the DIV and has the appropriate 


It works ok in IE 7.0 so far, bit do I need to add additional protection to it 
against IE 6.0 browsers? (isnt there box model issues, or something?)

Also, I'd like to know if the approach I am taking is the right one. :)

Thanks in advance.




-Original Message-
From: Gunlaug Sørtun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Sent: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 1.31am
Subject: Re: [css-d] Overspill images outside of content area



 image of what I want to achieve... 

Background images can't spill out of their own container, so you'll have 

to offset the entire container(s) if you want a stable spill-over effect. 

Example: http://www.gunlaug.no/tos/alien/try/test_07_0926.html 

Such an offset will make the page wider, but the main part will center 

nicely and stay within whatever width you give the main containers. I've 

used 'width: 720px'. 





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[css-d] Overspill images outside of content area

2007-09-26 Thread trystano
Hi all, 

I have the following website where I want to be able to have the rose flowers 
to spill outside of the content area. An example of what I want to finally 
achieve is in the image, which I have also provided the link for below. I have, 
in the content area, a couple of DIVs holding in the content, they are 
#content-wrap, #content, #main, and then the individual divs for each piece 
of content (i.e.'Wedding Info' and 'Location' etc). I think ideally I'd like to 
have an image on each content section that overflows (also like I have in the 
image). I have tried applying a negative horizontal to the 'background' style 
for the left-hand image, but that seems to cut out the image (same with the 
right-hand image when I apply a horizontal value that is greater that the 
#content DIV. Can anyone point me in the right direction as I am a relatively 
noob on this level of CSS :)

Current website...


image of what I want to achieve...

Thanks in advance to those who help.


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[css-d] Content within wrappers not centralizing in IE7

2007-09-17 Thread trystano
Hi all, I have the following webpage 
(http://www.trystandsamthewedding.com/home.htm), which is broken down into 
three sections: header, content and footer. Each section has a wrapper and then 
content, like so...

div id=header-wrap
??? div id=header-content/div

div id=content-wrap
??? div id=content/div

div id=footer-wrap
??? id=footer-content/div

Now the website shows fine in Firefox where the header and content's content 
area's are centralized, but in IE it is not. The content's content area is fine 
in IE, but the header's content starts at the far left. Can anyone see why this 
is in the following CSS 
(http://www.trystandsamthewedding.com/styles/style.css)? I have banged my head 
on this for hours but cant put my finger on it.

Would be grateful if you can identify where the problem may be.



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Re: [css-d] Content within wrappers not centralizing in IE7

2007-09-17 Thread trystano

 Hi, and thanks for the reply David.

Thanks for pointing out the basic error from me to miss the DOCTYPE. Putting 
that in seems to have fixed the problem.

When you say that the log is not in the intended container, which you probably 
say because I have borders around the main containers, doesn't it show like 
this because the logo has 'position: absolute' against it?




-Original Message-
From: David Laakso [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Sent: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 3.09pm
Subject: Re: [css-d] Content within wrappers not centralizing in IE7


 Hi all, I have the following webpage 
 (http://www.trystandsamthewedding.com/home.htm), which is broken down into 
 three sections: header, content and footer. Each section has a wrapper and 
 then content, like so...[trimmed]?







I regret it is not working fine in Firefox either-- easily broken with 
font scaling.?

The problem, among other things, is it is unnecessarily complex:  you 
have no doctype, the markup is invalid, the logo is not enclosed in the 
intended container, and more...?

You may be better off starting from scratch.?

If you do not get a better offer, write off-list and I'll try to help 
get it going.?






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[css-d] Text Wrapping

2007-06-05 Thread trystano
Text wrapping around

Have the following CSS and markup...

span.label { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 40%; border-top: solid 1px #DD; 
border-right: solid 1px #AA; text-align: right; } 
span.value { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 80%; border: 1px solid #BB;}

div class=data-block
    span class=labellabel text here/span
    span class=valueanswer text here/span

which comes out like the following...

    'Label Text' 'Answer Text'
 'lbl text' 'Another answer text'

But with this there is the possibility that the text within span.value can be 
quite long and can then fall under the span.label text, which is not what I 
want. How can I prevent this so that long text wraps under itself?



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Re: [css-d] Dropdown menu not showing in IE (6)

2006-12-06 Thread trystano
 Right, I think I have found the problem to this. Stupid stupid me :-s
 I forgot to upload the csshover.htc (which is required for the hovering of 
block elements to work in IE) file to the server - lol.

Message: 24

Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 18:45:19 -0500


Subject: [css-d] Dropdown menu not showing in IE (6)

To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 Hi all,


 I have developed a dropdown menu (the one from the 'More Eric Meyer on CSS') 

and have got it to work in Mozilla Firefox, but in IE the second level menu 

doesn't show when the first level list item containing the menu is hovered.


 Hope you can help me on this, as I really cant see what I'm missing. Below is 

the HTML markup for the menu...


 div class=linkPool

  ul class=level1

  lia href= title=Pupils homework...Homework/a/li

  li class=submenua class=submenu href= title=The main letters for 

parents of pupils...Letters to Parents/a

  ul class=level2

  lia href=Reception/a/li

  lia href=Year one/a/li

  lia href=Year two/a/li



  lia href= title=FOSSA Events...FOSSA Events/a/li

  li class=submenua class=submenu href= title= The schools current 

work...Our Work/a

  ul class=level2

  lia href=Reception/a/li

  lia href=Year one/a/li

  lia href=Year two/a/li



  lia href= title=Clubs present in the school...Clubs/a/li




 and the CSS is as follows.


 div.linkPool ul {margin: 0; padding: 0; background: white; border: 1px solid 


 div.linkPool li {position: relative; list-style: none; margin: 0; 

border-bottom: 1px solid #c2c2bc; }

 div.linkPool li a {display: block; width: 150px; }

 div.linkPoolul a {width: auto; }

 div.linkPool ul ul {position: absolute; top: 0; left: -122px; display: none; }

 div.linkPool ul.level1 li.submenu:hover ul.level2 {display: block; }

 div.linkPool ul ul li {width: 120px; background: white; }



 Alternatively, you can see it live at the following url, 


 The first level menus that should reveal second level menus are 'Letters to 

Parents' and 'Our Work', but as you'll notice, in IE they just don't display.


 Hope you can help. Thanks.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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[css-d] Dropdown menu not showing in IE (6)

2006-12-04 Thread trystano
 Hi all,
 I have developed a dropdown menu (the one from the 'More Eric Meyer on CSS') 
and have got it to work in Mozilla Firefox, but in IE the second level menu 
doesn't show when the first level list item containing the menu is hovered.
 Hope you can help me on this, as I really cant see what I'm missing. Below is 
the HTML markup for the menu...
 div class=linkPool
  ul class=level1
  lia href= title=Pupils homework...Homework/a/li
  li class=submenua class=submenu href= title=The main letters for 
parents of pupils...Letters to Parents/a
  ul class=level2
  lia href=Reception/a/li
  lia href=Year one/a/li
  lia href=Year two/a/li
  lia href= title=FOSSA Events...FOSSA Events/a/li
  li class=submenua class=submenu href= title= The schools current 
work...Our Work/a
  ul class=level2
  lia href=Reception/a/li
  lia href=Year one/a/li
  lia href=Year two/a/li
  lia href= title=Clubs present in the school...Clubs/a/li
 and the CSS is as follows.
 div.linkPool ul {margin: 0; padding: 0; background: white; border: 1px solid 
 div.linkPool li {position: relative; list-style: none; margin: 0; 
border-bottom: 1px solid #c2c2bc; }
 div.linkPool li a {display: block; width: 150px; }
 div.linkPoolul a {width: auto; }
 div.linkPool ul ul {position: absolute; top: 0; left: -122px; display: none; }
 div.linkPool ul.level1 li.submenu:hover ul.level2 {display: block; }
 div.linkPool ul ul li {width: 120px; background: white; }
 Alternatively, you can see it live at the following url, 
 The first level menus that should reveal second level menus are 'Letters to 
Parents' and 'Our Work', but as you'll notice, in IE they just don't display.
 Hope you can help. Thanks.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Footer not occupying full width of containing

2006-09-23 Thread trystano
 Thanks for that. 
 I just wanted to know if there was a more cleaner way of doing it. With the 
fixed widths and left values hard coded in there now, it will more than likely 
not scale well when it comes to adjusting/changing the sizes of the containing 
DIV's in the future.

I looked quickly and made the following changes to #footer

#footer {
height: 50px;
width: 743px;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 8px;
background-color: #ABABAB;
margin: 0;
text-align: center;
color: #00;

width:100% to width:743px;
left: 0; to left: 8px;
margin: 0 8px; to margin: 0;

Issue resolved.

Hop this helps.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Footer not occupying full width of containing DIV in IE6

2006-09-22 Thread trystano
This is very strange. I seem to have fixed the IE 6.0 issue, but now I have the 
issue in Firefox.

The footer seems to now be expanding outside of the main containing DIV.

I have put borders around the main DIVs on the page so that you can clearly 
see the footer breaking out.


(style @, http://www.oldsodbury-pri.s-gloucs.sch.uk/styles/screen-layout.css)

My footer CSS is like this...

#footer {

height: 50px;

width: 100%;

position: absolute;

bottom: 0;

left: 0;

border: 1px solid #FF;

background-color: #ABABAB;

margin: 0 8px;

text-align: center;

color: #00;


...and my main containing DIV has the following CSS...

#page-home {

position: relative;

min-height: 100%;

height: auto;

background: url(../images/bg_page2.gif) repeat-y; 

padding: 0 8px;

width: 743px !important; 

width /**/:759px;

border: 1px solid #FF;;


Hope you can help me here.


  How can I get the footer to stretch the full width that is used by the main 

outer DIV (page-home). without have to force in a width value?

  I thought if I used width 100% this would do it, but the width of the footer 

in IE falls well about 20-30 pixels short.

Do you maybe have margin or padding on body or page-home?


Steve Clason

Web Design  Development

Boulder, Colorado, USA

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[css-d] Footer not occupying full width of containing DIV in IE6

2006-09-21 Thread trystano
 Hi all,
 I managed to solve my previous footer issue by adding a clearing DIV, but 
now I have another issue, which is with the footers width.
 How can I get the footer to stretch the full width that is used by the main 
outer DIV (page-home). without have to force in a width value?
 I thought if I used width 100% this would do it, but the width of the footer 
in IE falls well about 20-30 pixels short.
 div id=page-home
 div id=header /div
 div id=container
 div id=left_col /div
 div id=main_col /div
 div id=right_col /div
 div id=footer /div
 My current CSS for the footer is as follows...
 #footer {
 width: 100%;
 position: absolute;
 bottom: 0;
 left: 0; 
 #inner_footer {
 height: 50px;
 border-top: 1px solid #00;
 background-color: #ABABAB;
 text-align: center;
 color: #00;
 margin: 0 8px 0 8px;
 See I have add to force a hack in there for the width, which I don't really 
want to do. Is there a way I can neatly fix this issue? Thanks
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[css-d] DIV with margin expands 100% with a BG color

2006-03-17 Thread trystano
Hi all,

does a DIV expand to its full possible space allowed, even if a margin is 
applied on the DIV, when a BG color is applied to the same DIV in IE?

I seemed to have this issue in IE where I had a DIV that came in because of 
Margins applied, but when I put a background color in the DIV, the DIV 
expanded to 100% of its allowed space.

Is this a known issue?


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Re: [css-d] Outer DIV not expanding to contain Floating DIV's

2006-03-16 Thread trystano
Hi, and thanks for the reply all. That has sorted my problem.

One more point, though. It was mentioned that 'Overflow: auto;' should be used, 
but this is not rendered in IE, correct? So, effectively I def need to make use 
of another DIV that is used for clearing?


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[css-d] Overlapping inner DIV that has Width: 100% (FF)

2006-03-16 Thread trystano
Hi all,

relating back to my proj about with DIVs I have another issue which seems to 
be Firefox 1.5 specific. If I have a container DIV and then an inner DIV 
with its width set to 100% it seems to break out of the container DIV on the 
right-hand side.

The styles for both the DIV's are as follows...

margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
position: relative;
width: 750px;
text-align: left;
border: solid 1px #00;

width: 100%;
height: 100px;
margin: 5px;
border: solid 1px #00;


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Website Skeleton - Restructure

2006-03-15 Thread trystano
Hi all,

I have been given the task of re-designing a website that was done in tables 
and am currently in the process of putting the Skeleton in place with DIVs. I 
have done this after going through the existing website and identifing what 
section belongs in a DIV etc. Can you please go over it for me to see if I have 
the skeleton correct? The URL is: http://www.motheratworksolutions.co.uk , and 
the mark-up is as follows...

div id=container
!-- * Header * --
div id=header
Header Image goes here!
!-- * Main Menu * --
div id=main_menu
Main Menu goes here! This will be a user control called in to each page!

!-- * Inner Container * --
div id=inner_container
div id=lefthand_menu
Left-hand menu goes here!

!-- * Content Container * --
div id=content_container
div id=contact_list
Contacts  Clients

div id=contact_reports
Contacts Reports

div id=report_upload
Upload Document Section

Hope you can help. (oh yeah, I might be missing a footer, as i'm not sure I 
will include that yet.



css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Photo Gallery's

2006-02-06 Thread trystano
Hi all,

I am soon going to implement a online Photo Gallery in CSS and was 
wondering if any of you knew of any good sites that I can use as a 
references. Basically, I'd like to make it crisp and clean, and 
obviously make use of Thumbnails.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Screwed Layout in IE - Contnet area expanded, BG repeating.

2006-02-05 Thread trystano
Hi all,

I am in the middle of finalising my website/portfolio and have been 
predominatley designing in Firefox, and then using conditional IE statements to 
include styles that make adjustments for IE based browsers. However, my 
portfolio page in IE is a little bit screwed up. The content section seems 
expanded, and its background is beginning to repeat on the right, but I don't 
see what style is causing this. The website portfolio page can be found at 
http://www.reflectivestudios.co.uk/newsite/portfolio.html. The content area's 
correct size can be viewed at http://www.reflectivestudios.co.uk/newsite/ (or 
alternatively, look at the website in Firefox).

The CSS relating to the Posrtfolio page is as follows...
#content {
width: 540px;
background: url(../images/page.png) repeat-y;
margin: 32px auto 0px auto;
#contenthelper {
padding:20px 15px 0px 15px;
margin:0 10px;
background:url(../images/top_shadow.gif) top repeat-x;
#contenthelper p {
/*margin: 10px 0;*/

/* - Portfolio Page - */
#in-progress_content {
padding: 20px;
text-align: center;

#content_wrap {
position: relative;
width: 600px;

#projects {
float: left;
width: 150px;
height: 300px;
overflow: auto;
margin: 35px 0 10px 0;
padding: 0px 0px 0 10px;

#projects ul {
font: normal 10px/14px 'Lucida Grande','LucidaGrande',Lucida,Sans-Serif;
color: #666;
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

#projects ul li {
padding: 5px 0;
margin: 0;
list-style-image: none;
display: block;
width: 149px;

#projects ul li a {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
display: block;
color: #666;

#projects ul li a:hover {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
display: block;
color: #759AC4;
background: none;

#portfolio {
float: left;
position: relative;background: url(../images/dotted_line_vert.gif) top 
left repeat-y; 
width: 300px;
top: 0;
right: 0;
padding: 0 0 0 10px;
margin: -30px 0 0 10px;

#portfolio h1 {
font: normal 18px arial, 'Times New Roman', Serif;
line-height: 22px;
color: #690101;
padding: 0px 0 0px 0;
margin: 20px 0 0 0;

#portfolio h3 {
font: bold 10px/12px georgia, serif;
color: #333;
text-transform: uppercase;
padding:10px 0 0px 0;
margin: 0;

#portfolio p {
font: normal 11px/16px 'Lucida Grande','LucidaGrande',Lucida,Sans-Serif;
color: #666;
padding: 2px 0 8px 0;
margin: 0;
/* --- End Portfolio Page --- */

The problem may lie somewhere in the actual CSS file, so feel free to download 

If anyone can help me identify the problem, so that I can eradicate it in my MS 
specific CSS file it would be great.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Screwed Layout in IE - Contnet area expanded, BG repeating.

2006-02-05 Thread trystano
Hi all, 

I managed to find the problem with this. I had the following declaration 
screwing things up :(

#content_wrap {
position: relative;
width: 600px;


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[css-d] Roll-Over DIV's

2006-01-09 Thread trystano
Hi all,

I am looking to recreate something similar to what has been created on 
ths (good) website in terms of roll-over DIVs. I have looked at the 
source of this website, but there isn't anything walking me through 
what is doing what, so does anyone one know of any similar websites 
that walk you through how to implement this feature?


what I want to do is slightly different to this in that I'll have a 
list of links in place instead of images that will provide the 


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Roll-Over DIV's

2006-01-09 Thread trystano

Hi all,

I got a change of implementation. I have two DIVs nested within an 
outer DIV. The inner DIVs are 'float: left' so are therefore side 
by side. Inside the left-hand inner DIV there is a UL element that 
contains links a with SPAN tags wrapped within the anchor tags What 
I want to do is when I rollover one of the links in the list, I want to 
display and hide certain DIV elements in the inner right-hand side 
DIV. All  DIV's in the inner right-hand side will all be sat on top 
of each other, and only one will be shown at any one time. By clicking 
on the links in the list will determine which DIV gets displayed.

Is it at all possible to do this in just CSS without having to use JS?

An example of the involving HTML is as followings:

div id=content_wrap
 img src=images/contact_details.gif alt=projects 
style=padding-bottom:5px; /
div id=projects
 ul id=projects_list
li id=preview1a href=/go/main/work/4/28/spanChurchills 
amp Stationerybr /span class=project_typeFeb, 
li id=preview2a href=/go/main/work/4/6/Wedding-Connectbr 
/span class=project_typeJune, 2005/span/a/li
li id=preview3a href=/go/main/work/4/9/Kylie Tributebr 
/span class=project_typeJan, 2005/span/a/li
li id=preview4a href=/go/main/work/4/3/Your Music Zonebr 
/span class=project_typeApril, 2005/span/a/li
li id=preview5a href=/go/main/work/4/11/Frame 24 
Productionsbr /span class=project_typeSeptember, 

div id=portfolio
div id=portfolio_churchill
The css Zen Garden invites you to relax and meditate on the 
important lessons of the masters. Begin to see with clarity. So What is 
This About?

h3The Objective/h3
pDescription about the objective/p

h3The Solution/h3
pDescription about the Solution/p

h3The Results/h3
pDescription about the results/p

div id=portfolio_wedding-connect
The css Zen Garden invites you to relax and meditate on the 
important lessons of the masters. Begin to see with clarity. So What is 
This About?

h3The Objective/h3
pDescription about the objective/p

h3The Solution/h3
pDescription about the Solution/p

h3The Results/h3
pDescription about the results/p



-Original Message-
From: David Laakso [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Sent: Mon, 09 Jan 2006 10:11:19 -0500
Subject: Re: [css-d] Roll-Over DIV's


  I am looking to recreate something similar to what has been created 
on ths (good) website in terms of roll-over DIVs. 
 Nicholls does a walk through of a slightly different version here:

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] CSS Showcases

2005-12-20 Thread trystano
Hi all,

I'm in need of some CSS driven websites as inspirations in helping my 
gather ideas for my up an coming website, and was hoping this fountain 
of knowledge will know of any website that are dedicated to showcasing 
only the finest CSS websites.

I already have some, which are as follows...

http://thesis.veracon.net/ (thought this is brilliant!)

Any others?

Thanks in advance


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Position: Fixed - Problem in IE

2005-10-05 Thread trystano
Hi all (i'm new here, well, not new new, as I have been read alot the 
posts - but this is my first post),

My problem: I want to replicate the feature that is used on 
Sitepoint.com where they have a fixed DIV element always at the 
bottom of the screen. Now to do it in Firefox it works fine, but in IE 
it doesn't work (suprise). Anyway, I was directed to a website which 
had a hack for this, but having (attempted) to implement this, it 
doesn't seem to work - I believe I have used the correct styles, but in 
the wrong places. My CSS and HTML to recreate this simple feature is as 

body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;

#fixed {
width: 100%;
height: 50px;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
background: pink;

pContent here... /p
div id=fixedpFixed Content in this box will be stuck to the 
bottom of the page. /p/div


Now I have gonna through this walkthrough 
(http://tagsoup.com/-dev/null-/css/fixed/) to help try and work out the 
hack to get it to work in IE, but I am not sure what I need to do. In 
the walkthrough it has a DIV with the following style 
declarations...height: 100%; overflow: auto;... but are these meant to 
go in my 'fixed' Class? If so, it doesn't work.

I know the solution is starring me right in the face, but can someone 
help me out on this simple solution :)


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Position: Fixed - Problem in IE

2005-10-05 Thread trystano
Yeah, I'm not worried about the Javascript aspect of it such as the closing of 
the DIV, and its animation.

I just need a DIV to sit permanantly at the bottom of the screen/browser.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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