Re: [css-d] ADMIN: CSS linear gradient in Android tablet not extending to bottom of page

2013-01-29 Thread Eric A. Meyer
   Oops.  That was supposed to be sent in private, not to the list. 
Sorry about that, everyone.  Let this stand as a testament to the 
universal truth: that eventually, no matter how long you have been 
online or how careful you try to be, you will eventually fall victim 
to one of the classic blunders: the inappropriate "Reply All".
   Please don't perpetuate this fraying side of the thread any 
further, as I did.  In penance, I will now go add my own email 
address to the "approve before posting" list filter, so that the next 
few times I reply I will be reminded of my error and (with luck) 
learn from it.

Eric A. Meyer (
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Re: [css-d] ADMIN: CSS linear gradient in Android tablet not extending to bottom of page

2013-01-29 Thread Eric A. Meyer

At 10:36 -0500 1/29/13, Kim Fernandez wrote:

EricYou obviously are a rude individual with no respect.

   Perhaps so, but I'm also the person in charge of the list and 
enforcing its rules on those who rudely disrespect them.  If you wish 
to act in accordance with the list's policies, then you are welcome 
to rejoin.  If not, then please feel free to assign all the blame to 
me and abstain from further subjecting yourself to the indignity of 
dealing with me.  Thank you.

Eric A. Meyer (
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Re: [css-d] ADMIN: CSS linear gradient in Android tablet not extending to bottom of page

2013-01-29 Thread Eric A. Meyer

At 10:05 -0500 1/29/13, Kim Fernandez wrote:

My Manager is looking for a graphic designer for a 2 week job...please
respond to this email if interested.

   To everyone besides Kim:  if you do, please make sure to do so off 
list, but also consider whether you want to work on such a short-term 
basis for a nameless firm that apparently doesn't see fit to respect 
the rules of conduct of a public forum.  (See, a URL found in the footer of 
every message sent via the list.)
   In the meantime, the original poster Debbie's question about 
gradients is interesting, and I hope it gets an informative answer. 
I'd investigate it myself if I had an Android tablet handy.

Eric A. Meyer (, List Chaperone
"CSS is much too interesting and elegant to be not taken seriously."
  -- Martina Kosloff (
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