On 28 Apr 2014, at 20:05, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:

I just got that email everyone was talking about with the girl pics in it.

This is the email that sent it to me.. Clara Anne <claram...@hotmail.com>

Might as well start a list and start removing them huh?

The problem with these messages is the sending addresses aren't list members. I've looked through the headers of messages sent to me by affected members, and none of the addresses or servers listed in the headers match up with the membership list. The messages are being sent directly, not through the list, so I don't think there's anything I can do block them at the server level. It's most likely that someone on the list has a machine that has botnet malware sitting on it, replying to incoming mail by sending forged-sender messages through third-party servers. Or else someone subscribed to the list for the sole purpose of doing this intentionally, which comes to much the same thing. So, this is a good time for everyone to update their anti-virus software and otherwise make sure that their machines are free of malware. Short of that, I'm not sure what can be done. I'm certainly happy to look at any evidence people can glean regarding the source of the messages, because I'd like to stop them too.

Eric A. Meyer - http://meyerweb.com/
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