Re: [css-d] ADMIN: Ticket troubles (followup)

2010-05-11 Thread Reese
On 11-May-10 16:02, Eric A. Meyer wrote:


Thank you, Eric, for the very detailed explanation of all of that.

It's likely more detail than most of us needed, but some of us do
appreciate the excess. So, thank you, for all of that.  ;)


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Re: [css-d] ADMIN: Ticket troubles (followup)

2010-05-11 Thread Eric A. Meyer
Hello again,

I believe the support ticket problem has been resolved, so anyone 
posting to the list should NOT receive a note from Midphase.  I can't 
be 100% sure about this, but I'm probably at least 99% sure.
Earlier today, I contacted the administrators of several lists 
that were similarly affected and proposed that we share information 
about who'd recently signed up for our lists so that we could 
identify the culprit.  Joanmarie at mono-list shared what she'd 
found, and it squared exactly with my suspicions from my own 
investigation.  As a result, I was able to take action on this end 
and I believe I've booted and perma-banned the offending account. 
Hopefully the same will happen on the other affected lists.
Of course, this or something like it could happen again.  If it 
does, then let me know at and I'll 
do what I can.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding!  I sincerely 
hope I won't need any more of it for a while.

Eric A. Meyer (, List Chaperone
"CSS is much too interesting and elegant to be not taken seriously."
   -- Martina Kosloff (
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Re: [css-d] ADMIN: Ticket troubles

2010-05-11 Thread Eric A. Meyer
Greetings all,

It seems we're having some trouble.  It appears that someone 
joined the list and then redirected all their list messages into the 
customer-support system for Midphase, a hosting outfit in Utah.  As a 
result, anyone who posts to the list may well get a support ticket 
from ''.  Several people have reported this to me 
off-list, although it hasn't happened to me when I've posted.  (It's 
possible my spam filters are catching them.)
This is not affecting just our list.  I've found via Google[1] 
that this is happening to at least five other lists, and are quite 
likely more that Google can't reach because they don't have public 
web archives.  My guess is that someone disgruntled with Midphase has 
decided to launch a DoS-type attack against their support system.
I'm in contact with the support staff at Midphase and, as you 
might guess, they're at least as interested in having this end as are 
we.  Hopefully they'll be able to work out the offending address and 
report back so I can ban it, they can block it, and we can all put 
this distasteful incident behind us.
In the meantime, if you post to the list and do get a support 
ticket message from Midphase, just ignore/delete it.  Basically, 
treat it as though it's spam that managed to beat your 
countermeasures.  With luck we won't have to deal with it for more 
than a day or three.


Eric A. Meyer (, List Chaperone
"CSS is much too interesting and elegant to be not taken seriously."
   -- Martina Kosloff (
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