Hi everyone,

Just a note that I added three things to the Policies page (http://www.css-discuss.org/policies.html). In case you want to spare yourself a click, here's a summarized version of what I added:

* No matter how potentially embarrassing they may be, posted messages are never, ever deleted from the list archives.
* If you suddenly stop receiving list mail, do not post a "test" message.
* If it's taking a long time for your post to show up, wait.

There's more detail on the Policies page, but that's the essence of each one. The first of the three is an unwritten but long-standing policy. The second two are, I suppose, new, but only in the sense that it's become necessary to write them down. I may also add one about the reply-to policy as well, in case anyone's thinking of suggesting it, but the question comes up fairly rarely. The added three, sadly, are not so rare. If you're an old hand with the Policies page, the new three are near the bottom of the list. If you were previously unaware of the Policies page, then hie thee hence and read it. Thank you.

Eric A. Meyer  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Principal, Complex Spiral Consulting   http://complexspiral.com/
"CSS: The Definitive Guide," "CSS2.0 Programmer's Reference,"
"Eric Meyer on CSS," and more    http://meyerweb.com/eric/books/
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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