At 1:21 PM +1300 2/11/11, Stephen Kestle wrote:

Please make your wiki a wiki, or at least open the talk pages (to anonymous people even!)

This reminded me that I need to update the list on the state of the wiki. Thanks, Stephen. The unfortunate truth is that wikis, particularly wikis as widely linked as ours, are targets for spammers. In the past month or two, we've been hammered really, really hard by spam-scripts that would register an account and then start spamming. Eventually it got bad enough that we had to disable open account creation. Yes, MediaWiki makes it fairly easy to roll back any given page and block an account from further editing, but when you have to do those things forty or fifty times a day it ceases to be easy. So while we try to figure out ways to make it easier for legitimate actors to edit while keeping out the jerks, we've had to lock down the wiki pretty hard. I hate this, but unfortunately it's the least awful choice right now. That said, the wiki administrators can still create accounts, so if anyone needs an account in order to update or correct a page, please let me know off-list. All I need is your preferred username (give an alternate just in case), an initial password, and the e-mail address you want associated with the account. Yes, it's clumsy, but it's a lot less clumsy than spam cleanup. We're hoping to figure out a better strategy than this over the long term, so I hope that one day we'll look back at all this and laugh. At least until the sedatives kick in. Thanks for bearing with us.

Eric A. Meyer (, List Chaperone
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