I have a page that is generating an order confirmation that is broken
down into a whole bunch of small tables. I have redone pretty much
everything with css, but I am leaving the tables for now because the
html table code is generated on the fly by PHP script that I inherited
with the code-base.  On one of the pages I was able to use absolute
positioning to position the tables absolutely with respect to the
<form> element that contained them.  For that application it worked
beautifully.  However, on the next page which has the same table but
without the <form> or <input> elements (we go from an order page to an
order confirmation page, where it re-lists everything you just typed
in), the absolute positioning renders with respect to the page instead
of the containing <div>.  My favorite reference, Core CSS 2nd Ed. by
Schengili-Roberts, claims that absolute positioning renders with
respect to the page always.  This is obviously not true (at least
anymore).  I am testing with Firefox 1.0.4 and IE6, which display the
same behavior in this regard.  Does anyone know the details of
container elements for absolute positioning: what will and will not
render abs contained elements "properly"?  Any help is greatly
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