
I am experiencing a very frustrating problem with my new website that I need some help with.

I've posted what I have so far at http://www.twnty1.com/MBP4/

The site seems to work fine in all of the Mac OS browsers, at least in Safari, IE Mac, and Firefox, and the css and xhtml both validate. When I look at the site on my friends' PCs, running IE6 (and possibly other browsers as well, I'm not sure) it looks all wrong.

There are three iframes on the site, the leftmost one for news/folio/info, the center one for the images, and the rightmost one for the image specific information. In IE6 the left and right frames are misaligned, appearing offset about 100(?) pixels or so to the right, and layered in front of the rest of the site.

Since I don't have a PC, I've had no real means of testing in an attempt to determine what the problem is. For the past couple of weeks I've been trying everything I can think of while I'm at home, then seeing if there's any difference at my friends' places. I haven't had much luck so far though, so any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any advice you might have,

-matt booth

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